CONTAINER_ENGINE := docker GO := go PREFIX ?= $(DESTDIR)/usr/local BINDIR := $(PREFIX)/sbin MANDIR := $(PREFIX)/share/man GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN := $(shell echo $(GIT_BRANCH) | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g") RUNC_IMAGE := runc_dev$(if $(GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN),:$(GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN)) PROJECT := BUILDTAGS ?= seccomp selinux apparmor COMMIT_NO := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true) COMMIT ?= $(if $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no),"$(COMMIT_NO)-dirty","$(COMMIT_NO)") VERSION := $(shell cat ./VERSION) # TODO: rm -mod=vendor once go 1.13 is unsupported ifneq ($(GO111MODULE),off) MOD_VENDOR := "-mod=vendor" endif ifeq ($(shell $(GO) env GOOS),linux) ifeq (,$(filter $(shell $(GO) env GOARCH),mips mipsle mips64 mips64le ppc64)) GO_BUILDMODE := "-buildmode=pie" endif endif GO_BUILD := $(GO) build $(MOD_VENDOR) $(GO_BUILDMODE) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" \ -ldflags "-X main.gitCommit=$(COMMIT) -X main.version=$(VERSION) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)" GO_BUILD_STATIC := CGO_ENABLED=1 $(GO) build $(MOD_VENDOR) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) netgo osusergo" \ -ldflags "-w -extldflags -static -X main.gitCommit=$(COMMIT) -X main.version=$(VERSION) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)" .DEFAULT: runc runc: $(GO_BUILD) -o runc . all: runc recvtty recvtty: $(GO_BUILD) -o contrib/cmd/recvtty/recvtty ./contrib/cmd/recvtty static: $(GO_BUILD_STATIC) -o runc . $(GO_BUILD_STATIC) -o contrib/cmd/recvtty/recvtty ./contrib/cmd/recvtty release: script/ -r release/$(VERSION) -v $(VERSION) dbuild: runcimage $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_RUN_FLAGS) \ --privileged --rm \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/$(PROJECT) \ $(RUNC_IMAGE) make clean all lint: $(GO) vet $(MOD_VENDOR) ./... $(GO) fmt $(MOD_VENDOR) ./... man: man/ runcimage: $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) build $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_BUILD_FLAGS) -t $(RUNC_IMAGE) . test: unittest integration rootlessintegration localtest: localunittest localintegration localrootlessintegration unittest: runcimage $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_RUN_FLAGS) \ -t --privileged --rm \ -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/$(PROJECT) \ $(RUNC_IMAGE) make localunittest TESTFLAGS=$(TESTFLAGS) localunittest: all $(GO) test $(MOD_VENDOR) -timeout 3m -tags "$(BUILDTAGS)" $(TESTFLAGS) -v ./... integration: runcimage $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_RUN_FLAGS) \ -t --privileged --rm \ -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/$(PROJECT) \ $(RUNC_IMAGE) make localintegration TESTPATH=$(TESTPATH) localintegration: all bats -t tests/integration$(TESTPATH) rootlessintegration: runcimage $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_RUN_FLAGS) \ -t --privileged --rm \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/$(PROJECT) \ -e ROOTLESS_TESTPATH \ $(RUNC_IMAGE) make localrootlessintegration localrootlessintegration: all tests/ shell: runcimage $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_RUN_FLAGS) \ -ti --privileged --rm \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/$(PROJECT) \ $(RUNC_IMAGE) bash install: install -D -m0755 runc $(BINDIR)/runc install-bash: install -D -m0644 contrib/completions/bash/runc $(PREFIX)/share/bash-completion/completions/runc install-man: man install -d -m 755 $(MANDIR)/man8 install -D -m 644 man/man8/*.8 $(MANDIR)/man8 clean: rm -f runc runc-* rm -f contrib/cmd/recvtty/recvtty rm -rf release rm -rf man/man8 validate: script/validate-gofmt script/validate-c $(GO) vet $(MOD_VENDOR) ./... shellcheck tests/integration/*.bats ci: validate test release vendor: export GO111MODULE=on \ $(GO) mod tidy && \ $(GO) mod vendor && \ $(GO) mod verify verify-dependencies: vendor @test -z "$$(git status --porcelain -- go.mod go.sum vendor/)" \ || (echo -e "git status:\n $$(git status -- go.mod go.sum vendor/)\nerror: vendor/, go.mod and/or go.sum not up to date. Run \"make vendor\" to update"; exit 1) \ && echo "all vendor files are up to date." cross: runcimage $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run $(CONTAINER_ENGINE_RUN_FLAGS) \ -e BUILDTAGS="$(BUILDTAGS)" --rm \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/$(PROJECT) \ $(RUNC_IMAGE) make localcross localcross: CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc $(GO_BUILD) -o runc-armel . CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc $(GO_BUILD) -o runc-armhf . CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=arm64 CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc $(GO_BUILD) -o runc-arm64 . CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=ppc64le CC=powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc $(GO_BUILD) -o runc-ppc64le . .PHONY: runc all recvtty static release dbuild lint man runcimage \ test localtest unittest localunittest integration localintegration \ rootlessintegration localrootlessintegration shell install install-bash \ install-man clean validate ci \ vendor verify-dependencies cross localcross