Translate linux_basics: intro and command_line_basics
@ -1,64 +1,53 @@
# Command Line Basics
# コマンドラインの基礎
## Lab Environment Setup
## ラボ環境のセットアップ
One can use an online bash interpreter to run all the commands that are provided as examples in this course. This will also help you in getting a hands-on experience of various linux commands.
[REPL]( is one of the popular online bash interpreters for running linux commands. We will be using it for running all the commands mentioned in this course.
## What is a Command
## コマンドとは
A command is a program that tells the operating system to perform
specific work. Programs are stored as files in linux. Therefore, a
command is also a file which is stored somewhere on the disk.
Commands may also take additional arguments as input from the user.
These arguments are called command line arguments. Knowing how to use
the commands is important and there are many ways to get help in Linux,
especially for commands. Almost every command will have some form of
documentation, most commands will have a command-line argument -h or
\--help that will display a reasonable amount of documentation. But the
most popular documentation system in Linux is called man pages - short
for manual pages.
Using \--help to show the documentation for ls command.

## File System Organization
## ファイルシステムの構成
The linux file system has a hierarchical (or tree-like) structure with
its highest level directory called root ( denoted by / ). Directories
present inside the root directory stores file related to the system.
These directories in turn can either store system files or application
files or user related files.

bin | The executable program of most commonly used commands reside in bin directory
sbin | This directory contains programs used for system administration.
home | This directory contains user related files and directories.
lib | This directory contains all the library files
etc | This directory contains all the system configuration files
proc | This directory contains files related to the running processes on the system
dev | This directory contains files related to devices on the system
mnt | This directory contains files related to mounted devices on the system
tmp | This directory is used to store temporary files on the system
usr | This directory is used to store application programs on the system
## Commands for Navigating the File System
## ファイルシステムを操作するためのコマンド
There are three basic commands which are used frequently to navigate the
file system:
- ls
@ -66,52 +55,40 @@ file system:
- cd
We will now try to understand what each command does and how to use
these commands. You should also practice the given examples on the
online bash shell.
### pwd (print working directory)
### pwd (作業ディレクトリの表示)
At any given moment of time, we will be standing in a certain directory.
To get the name of the directory in which we are standing, we can use
the pwd command in linux.

We will now use the cd command to move to a different directory and then
print the working directory.

### cd (change directory)
### cd (ディレクトリの変更)
The cd command can be used to change the working directory. Using the
command, you can move from one directory to another.
In the below example, we are initially in the root directory. we have
then used the cd command to change the directory.

### ls (list files and directories)**
### ls(ファイルとディレクトリの一覧)
The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory. It will list
down all the files and folders present in the given directory.
If we just type ls in the shell, it will list all the files and
directories present in the current directory.

We can also provide the directory name as argument to ls command. It
will then list all the files and directories inside the given directory.

## Commands for Manipulating Files
## ファイルを操作するためのコマンド
There are five basic commands which are used frequently to manipulate
- touch
@ -123,130 +100,96 @@ files:
- rm
We will now try to understand what each command does and how to use
these commands. You should also practice the given examples on the
online bash shell.
### touch (create new file)
### touch (新規ファイルの作成)
The touch command can be used to create an empty new file.
This command is very useful for many other purposes but we will discuss
the simplest use case of creating a new file.
General syntax of using touch command
touch <file_name>
touch <ファイル名>

### mkdir (create new directories)
### mkdir (新しいディレクトリの作成)
The mkdir command is used to create directories.You can use ls command
to verify that the new directory is created.
General syntax of using mkdir command
mkdir <directory_name>
mkdir <ディレクトリ名>

### rm (delete files and directories)
### rm (ファイルとディレクトリの削除)
The rm command can be used to delete files and directories. It is very
important to note that this command permanently deletes the files and
directories. It's almost impossible to recover these files and
directories once you have executed rm command on them successfully. Do
run this command with care.
General syntax of using rm command:
rm <file_name>
rm <ファイル名>
Let's try to understand the rm command with an example. We will try to
delete the file and directory we created using touch and mkdir command

### cp (copy files and directories)
### cp (ファイルやディレクトリのコピー)
The cp command is used to copy files and directories from one location
to another. Do note that the cp command doesn't do any change to the
original files or directories. The original files or directories and
their copy both co-exist after running cp command successfully.
cp コマンドは、ファイルやディレクトリをある場所から別の場所にコピーするために使用します。元のファイルやディレクトリには一切変更を加えません。cpコマンドが正常に実行されると、元のファイルやディレクトリとそのコピーが共存します。
General syntax of using cp command:
cp <source_path> <destination_path>
cp <コピー元のパス> <コピー先のパス>
We are currently in the '/home/runner' directory. We will use the mkdir
command to create a new directory named "test_directory". We will now
try to copy the "\" file to the directory we created just

Do note that nothing happened to the original "\" file.
It's still there in the current directory. A new copy of it got created
inside the "test_directory".

We can also use the cp command to copy the whole directory from one
location to another. Let's try to understand this with an example.

We again used the mkdir command to create a new directory called
"another_directory". We then used the cp command along with an
additional argument '-r' to copy the "test_directory".
**mv (move files and directories)**
The mv command can either be used to move files or directories from one
location to another or it can be used to rename files or directories. Do
note that moving files and copying them are very different. When you
move the files or directories, the original copy is lost.
General syntax of using mv command:
mv <source_path> <destination_path>
mv <移動元のパス> <移動先のパス>
In this example, we will use the mv command to move the
"\" file to "test_directory". In this case, this file
already exists in "test_directory". The mv command will just replace it.
**Do note that the original file doesn't exist in the current directory
after mv command ran successfully.**

We can also use the mv command to move a directory from one location to
another. In this case, we do not need to use the '-r' flag that we did
while using the cp command. Do note that the original directory will not
exist if we use mv command.
One of the important uses of the mv command is to rename files and
directories. Let's see how we can use this command for renaming.
We have first changed our location to "test_directory". We then use the
mv command to rename the ""\" file to "".
まず、場所を「test_directory」に変更します。次に、mvコマンドを使って、「\」のファイル名を 「」に変更します。

## Commands for Viewing Files
## ファイルを閲覧するためのコマンド
There are five basic commands which are used frequently to view the
- cat
@ -258,108 +201,79 @@ files:
- less
We will now try to understand what each command does and how to use
these commands. You should also practice the given examples on the
online bash shell.
We will create a new file called "numbers.txt" and insert numbers from 1
to 100 in this file. Each number will be in a separate line.

Do not worry about the above command now. It's an advanced command which
is used to generate numbers. We have then used a redirection operator to
push these numbers to the file. We will be discussing I/O redirection in the
later sections.
### cat
The most simplest use of cat command is to print the contents of the file on
your output screen. This command is very useful and can be used for many
other purposes. We will study about other use cases later.
cat コマンドの最も簡単な使い方は、ファイルの内容を出力画面に表示することです。このコマンドは非常に便利で、他にもさまざまな用途に使用できます。他の使用例については後で勉強します。

You can try to run the above command and you will see numbers being
printed from 1 to 100 on your screen. You will need to scroll up to view
all the numbers.
### head
The head command displays the first 10 lines of the file by default. We
can include additional arguments to display as many lines as we want
from the top.
head コマンドは、デフォルトではファイルの最初の 10 行を表示します。また追加の引数を指定して、必要な行数を先頭から表示することができます。
In this example, we are only able to see the first 10 lines from the
file when we use the head command.

By default, head command will only display the first 10 lines. If we
want to specify the number of lines we want to see from start, use the
'-n' argument to provide the input.

### tail
The tail command displays the last 10 lines of the file by default. We
can include additional arguments to display as many lines as we want
from the end of the file.

By default, the tail command will only display the last 10 lines. If we
want to specify the number of lines we want to see from the end, use '-n'
argument to provide the input.

In this example, we are only able to see the last 5 lines from the file
when we use the tail command with explicit -n option.
### more
More command displays the contents of a file or a command output,
displaying one screen at a time in case the file is large (Eg: log files).
It also allows forward navigation and limited backward navigation in the file.
moreコマンドは、ファイルの内容やコマンドの出力を表示します。ファイルのサイズが大きい場合 (例: ログファイル)、一画面分を表示します。また、ファイルの前方への移動と限定的な後方への移動が可能です。

More command displays as much as can fit on the current screen and waits for user input to advance. Forward navigation can be done by pressing Enter, which advances the output by one line and Space, which advances the output by one screen.
### less
Less command is an improved version of more. It displays the contents of a file or a command output, one page at a time.
It allows backward navigation as well as forward navigation in the file and also has search options. We can use arrow keys for advancing backward or forward by one line. For moving forward by one page, press Enter and for moving backward by one page, press b on your keyboard.
You can go to the beginning and the end of a file instantly.
less コマンドは、more の改良版です。ファイルやコマンド出力の内容を 1 ページずつ表示し、ファイル内を前方だけでなく後方にも移動でき、検索オプションも備えています。矢印キーを使って、1行ずつ後ろに進んだり、前に進んだりすることができます。1ページ進むにはキーボードのスペースキーを、1ページ戻るにはbキーを押します。
## Linuxのechoコマンド
## Echo Command in Linux
The echo command is one of the simplest commands that is used in the
shell. This command is equivalent to what we have <print> in other
programming languages.
The echo command prints the given input string on the screen.

## Text Processing Commands
## テキスト処理コマンド
In the previous section, we learned how to view the content of a file.
In many cases, we will be interested in performing the below operations:
- Print only the lines which contain a particular word(s)
- 特定の単語を含む行だけを表示する
- Replace a particular word with another word in a file
- ファイル内の特定の単語を別の単語で置き換える
- Sort the lines in a particular order
- 行を特定の順序でソートする
There are three basic commands which are used frequently to process
- grep
@ -367,109 +281,85 @@ texts:
- sort
We will now try to understand what each command does and how to use
these commands. You should also practice the given examples on the
online bash shell.
We will create a new file called "numbers.txt" and insert numbers from 1
to 10 in this file. Each number will be in a separate line.

### grep
The grep command in its simplest form can be used to search particular
words in a text file. It will display all the lines in a file that
contains a particular input. The word we want to search is provided as
an input to the grep command.
grep コマンドは、テキストファイル内の特定の単語を検索するための最も単純なコマンドです。ファイル内の特定の入力を含む行をすべて表示します。検索したい単語はgrepコマンドの入力として与えられます。
General syntax of using grep command:
grep <word_to_search> <file_name>
grep <検索したい単語> <ファイル名>
In this example, we are trying to search for a string "1" in this file.
The grep command outputs the lines where it found this string.

### sed
The sed command in its simplest form can be used to replace a text in a
General syntax of using the sed command for replacement:
sed 's/<text_to_replace>/<replacement_text>/' <file_name>
sed 's/<置換したい文字列>/<置換文字列>/' <ファイル名>
Let's try to replace each occurrence of "1" in the file with "3" using
sed command.

The content of the file will not change in the above
example. To do so, we have to use an extra argument '-i' so that the
changes are reflected back in the file.
### sort
The sort command can be used to sort the input provided to it as an
argument. By default, it will sort in increasing order.
sort コマンドは、引数として与えられた入力を並べ替えるコマンドです。デフォルトでは、昇順でソートされます。
Let's first see the content of the file before trying to sort it.

Now, we will try to sort the file using the sort command. The sort
command sorts the content in lexicographical order.

The content of the file will not change in the above
## I/O Redirection
## I/Oリダイレクション
Each open file gets assigned a file descriptor. A file descriptor is an
unique identifier for open files in the system. There are always three
default files open, stdin (the keyboard), stdout (the screen), and
stderr (error messages output to the screen). These files can be
Everything is a file in linux -
Till now, we have displayed all the output on the screen which is the
standard output. We can use some special operators to redirect the
output of the command to files or even to the input of other commands.
I/O redirection is a very powerful feature.
In the below example, we have used the '>' operator to redirect the
output of ls command to output.txt file.
以下の例では、>演算子を使って、lsコマンドの出力を output.txtにリダイレクトしています。

In the below example, we have redirected the output from echo command to
a file.

We can also redirect the output of a command as an input to another
command. This is possible with the help of pipes.
In the below example, we have passed the output of cat command as an
input to grep command using pipe(\|) operator.

In the below example, we have passed the output of sort command as an
input to uniq command using pipe(\|) operator. The uniq command only
prints the unique numbers from the input.

I/O redirection -
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 59 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 45 KiB |
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@ -1,103 +1,81 @@
# Linux Basics
# Linuxの基礎知識
## Introduction
### Prerequisites
## はじめに
### 前提条件
- Should be comfortable in using any operating systems like Windows, Linux or Mac
- Expected to have fundamental knowledge of operating systems
- Windows、Linux、Macなどのオペレーティングシステムを使い慣れていること
- オペレーティングシステムの基礎知識を持っていること
## What to expect from this course
## このコースに期待すること
This course is divided into three parts. In the first part, we cover the
fundamentals of Linux operating systems. We will talk about Linux architecture,
Linux distributions and uses of Linux operating systems. We will also talk about the
difference between GUI and CLI.
本コースは3つのパートに分かれています。第1部では、Linuxオペレーティングシステムの基礎をカバーします。Linux アーキテクチャ、Linux ディストリビューション、Linuxオペレーティングシステムの用途について説明します。また、GUIとCLIの違いについても説明します。
In the second part, we cover some basic commands used in Linux.
We will focus on commands used for navigating the file system, viewing and manipulating files,
I/O redirection etc.
In the third part, we cover Linux system administration. This includes day to day tasks
performed by Linux admins, like managing users/groups, managing file permissions,
monitoring system performance, log files etc.
In the second and third part, we will be taking examples to understand the concepts.
## What is not covered under this course
## このコースで扱わないこと
We are not covering advanced Linux commands and bash scripting in this
course. We will also not be covering Linux internals.
## Course Contents
## コース内容
The following topics has been covered in this course:
- [Introduction to Linux](
- [What are Linux Operating Systems](
- [What are popular Linux distributions](
- [Uses of Linux Operating Systems](
- [Linux Architecture](
- [Graphical user interface (GUI) vs Command line interface (CLI)](
- [Command Line Basics](
- [Lab Environment Setup](
- [What is a Command](
- [File System Organization](
- [Navigating File System](
- [Manipulating Files](
- [Viewing Files](
- [Echo Command](
- [Text Processing Commands](
- [I/O Redirection](
- [Linux system administration](
- [Lab Environment Setup](
- [User/Groups management](
- [Becoming a Superuser](
- [File Permissions](
- [SSH Command](
- [Package Management](
- [Process Management](
- [Memory Management](
- [Daemons and Systemd](
- [Logs](
- [Conclusion](
- [Applications in SRE Role](
- [Useful Courses and tutorials](
- [Linux入門](
- [Linuxオペレーティングシステムとは](
- [人気のLinuxディストリビューション](
- [Linuxオペレーティングシステムの用途](
- [Linux のアーキテクチャ](
- [グラフィカルユーザーインターフェース(GUI) vs コマンドラインインターフェース(CLI)](
- [コマンドラインの基本](
- [実験室の環境設定](
- [コマンドとは](
- [ファイルシステムの構成](
- [ファイルシステムの操作](
- [ファイルの操作](
- [ファイルの閲覧](
- [echoコマンド](
- [テキスト処理コマンド](
- [I/Oリダイレクト](
- [Linuxシステム管理](
- [実験環境の設定](
- [ユーザー/グループ管理](
- [スーパーユーザー](
- [ファイルのパーミッション](
- [SSHコマンド](
- [パッケージ管理](
- [プロセス管理](
- [メモリ管理](
- [デーモンとSystemd](
- [ログ](
- [まとめ](
- [SREの役割におけるアプリケーション](
- [有用なコースとチュートリアル](
## What are Linux operating systems
## Linuxオペレーティングシステムとは
Most of us are familiar with the Windows operating system used in more than
75% of the personal computers. The Windows operating systems
are based on Windows NT kernel.
Windowsオペレーティングシステムは、Windows NTカーネルをベースにしています。
A kernel is the most important part of
an operating system - it performs important functions like process
management, memory management, filesystem management etc.
Linux operating systems are based on the Linux kernel. A Linux based
operating system will consist of Linux kernel, GUI/CLI, system libraries
and system utilities. The Linux kernel was independently developed and
released by Linus Torvalds. The Linux kernel is free and open-source -
Linuxオペレーティングシステムは、Linuxカーネルをベースにしています。Linuxベースのオペレーティングシステムは、Linuxカーネル、GUI/CLI、システム・ライブラリーおよびシステムユーティリティで構成されています。Linuxカーネルは、Linus Torvalds氏が独自に開発・公開しました。Linuxカーネルは無料でオープンソースです。[](
Linux is a kernel and and not a complete operating system. Linux kernel is combined with GNU system to make a complete operating system. Therefore, linux based operating systems are also called as GNU/Linux systems. GNU is an extensive collection of free softwares like compiler, debugger, C library etc.
[Linux and the GNU System](
Linuxはカーネルであり、完全なオペレーティングシステムではありません。LinuxカーネルはGNUシステムと組み合わされ、完全なオペレーティングシステムとなります。したがって、Linuxベースのオペレーティングシステムは、GNU/Linuxシステムとも呼ばれています。GNUは、コンパイラ、デバッガ、Cライブラリなどのフリーソフトウェアの集合体です。[Linux and the GNU System](
History of Linux -
Linuxの歴史 [](
## What are popular Linux distributions
## 人気のLinuxディストリビューション
A Linux distribution(distro) is an operating system based on
the Linux kernel and a package management system. A package management
system consists of tools that help in installing, upgrading,
configuring and removing softwares on the operating system.
Software are usually adopted to a distribution and are packaged in a
distro specific format. These packages are available through a distro
specific repository. Packages are installed and managed in the operating
system by a package manager.
**List of popular Linux distributions:**
- Fedora
@ -105,7 +83,7 @@ system by a package manager.
- Debian
- Centos
- CentOS
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
@ -114,67 +92,51 @@ system by a package manager.
- Arch Linux
| Packaging systems | Distributions | Package manager
| パッケージングシステム | ディストリビューション | パッケージマネージャ
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | -----------------
| Debian style (.deb) | Debian, Ubuntu | APT
| Red Hat style (.rpm) | Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux | YUM
| Debian スタイル (.deb) | Debian, Ubuntu | APT
| Red Hat style (.rpm) | Fedora, Centオペレーティングシステム, Red Hat Enterprise Linux | YUM
## Linux Architecture
## Linuxアーキテクチャ

- The Linux kernel is monolithic in nature.
- Linuxカーネルはモノリシックな構造になっています。
- System calls are used to interact with the Linux kernel space.
- システムコールは、Linuxカーネル空間と対話するために使用されます。
- Kernel code can only be executed in the kernel mode. Non-kernel code is executed in the user mode.
- カーネルコードは、カーネルモードでのみ実行できます。カーネル以外のコードはユーザーモードで実行されます。
- Device drivers are used to communicate with the hardware devices.
- デバイスドライバは、ハードウェアデバイスとの通信に使用されます。
## Uses of Linux Operating Systems
## Linuxオペレーティングシステムの用途
Operating system based on Linux kernel are widely used in:
- Personal computers
- パーソナルコンピューター
- Servers
- サーバー
- Mobile phones - Android is based on Linux operating system
- 携帯電話 - AndroidはLinuxオペレーティングシステムをベースにしています。
- Embedded devices - watches, televisions, traffic lights etc
- 組み込み機器 - 時計、テレビ、信号機など
- Satellites
- 人工衛星
- Network devices - routers, switches etc.
- ネットワーク機器 - ルーター、スイッチなど
## Graphical user interface (GUI) vs Command line interface (CLI)
## グラフィカルユーザーインターフェース(GUI) vs コマンドラインインターフェース(CLI)
A user interacts with a computer with the help of user interfaces. The
user interface can be either GUI or CLI.
Graphical user interface allows a user to interact with the computer
using graphics such as icons and images. When a user clicks on an icon
to open an application on a computer, he or she is actually using the
GUI. It's easy to perform tasks using GUI.
Command line interface allows a user to interact with the computer using
commands. A user types the command in a terminal and the system helps in
executing these commands. A new user with experience on GUI may find it
difficult to interact with CLI as he/she needs to be aware of the commands
to perform a particular operation.
## Shell vs Terminal
## シェルとターミナル
Shell is a program that takes commands from the
users and gives them to the operating system for processing. Shell is an
example of a CLI (command line interface). Bash is one of the most popular shell
programs available on Linux servers. Other popular shell programs are
zsh, ksh and tcsh.
Terminal is a program that opens a window and lets you interact with the
shell. Some popular examples of terminals are gnome-terminal, xterm,
konsole etc.
Linux users do use the terms shell, terminal, prompt, console etc.
interchangeably. In simple terms, these all refer to a way of taking
commands from the user.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ nav:
- MySQL: databases_sql/
- InnoDB: databases_sql/
- 運用上の概念: databases_sql/
- 実験: databases_sql/
- ラボ: databases_sql/
- まとめ: databases_sql/
- NoSQL:
- はじめに: databases_nosql/