# The run the complete tests requires you to have built all of simdjson.
# Building all of simdjson takes a long time. Instead, you can build just one target:
# docker run -it -v $(pwd):/project:Z simdjson sh -c "[ -d dockerbuild ] || mkdir dockerbuild && cd dockerbuild && cmake .. && cmake --build . --target parse"
# Note that it is safe to remove dockerbuild before call the previous command, as the repository gets rebuild. It is also possible, by changing the command, to use a different directory name.
# You can run performance tests:
# docker run -it --privileged -v $(pwd):/project:Z simdjson sh -c "cd dockerbuild && for i in ../jsonexamples/*.json; do echo \$i; ./benchmark/parse \$i; done"
# The "--privileged" is recommended so you can get performance counters under Linux.
# You can also grab a fresh copy of simdjson and rebuild it, to make comparisons:
# docker run -it -v $(pwd):/project:Z simdjson sh -c "git clone https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson.git && cd simdjson && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . --target parse "
# Then you can run comparisons:
# docker run -it --privileged -v $(pwd):/project:Z simdjson sh -c "for i in jsonexamples/*.json; do echo \$i; dockerbuild/benchmark/parse \$i| grep GB| head -n 1; simdjson/build/benchmark/parse \$i | grep GB |head -n 1; done"
FROM ubuntu:20.10
# We would prefer to use the conan io images but they do not support 64-bit ARM? The small gcc images appear to
# be broken on ARM.
# Furthermore, we would not expect users to frequently rebuild the container, so using ubuntu is probably fine.