2020-03-03 06:23:19 +08:00
#ifndef SIMDJSON_H
#define SIMDJSON_H
2020-03-30 07:57:14 +08:00
* @mainpage
* Check the [README.md](https://github.com/lemire/simdjson/blob/master/README.md#simdjson--parsing-gigabytes-of-json-per-second).
2020-10-28 06:43:39 +08:00
2020-08-03 21:48:41 +08:00
* Sample code. See https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson/blob/master/doc/basics.md for more examples.
2020-07-25 18:17:26 +08:00
2020-08-03 21:48:41 +08:00
#include "simdjson.h"
2020-07-25 18:17:26 +08:00
2020-08-03 21:48:41 +08:00
int main(void) {
// load from `twitter.json` file:
simdjson::dom::parser parser;
simdjson::dom::element tweets = parser.load("twitter.json");
std::cout << tweets["search_metadata"]["count"] << " results." << std::endl;
2020-07-25 18:17:26 +08:00
2020-08-03 21:48:41 +08:00
// Parse and iterate through an array of objects
auto abstract_json = R"( [
{ "12345" : {"a":12.34, "b":56.78, "c": 9998877} },
{ "12545" : {"a":11.44, "b":12.78, "c": 11111111} }
] )"_padded;
2020-10-28 06:43:39 +08:00
2020-08-03 21:48:41 +08:00
for (simdjson::dom::object obj : parser.parse(abstract_json)) {
2021-02-02 01:30:36 +08:00
for(const auto key_value : obj) {
2020-08-03 21:48:41 +08:00
cout << "key: " << key_value.key << " : ";
simdjson::dom::object innerobj = key_value.value;
cout << "a: " << double(innerobj["a"]) << ", ";
cout << "b: " << double(innerobj["b"]) << ", ";
cout << "c: " << int64_t(innerobj["c"]) << endl;
2020-07-25 18:17:26 +08:00
2020-03-30 07:57:14 +08:00
2021-03-03 01:53:28 +08:00
#include "simdjson/dom.h"
2021-03-06 03:59:48 +08:00
#include "simdjson/builtin.h"
2020-09-09 21:48:17 +08:00
2020-03-03 06:23:19 +08:00
#endif // SIMDJSON_H