Simplify operator classification lookup on Intel

This commit is contained in:
John Keiser 2020-09-01 06:14:12 -07:00
parent 4c11652808
commit 0925f71987
2 changed files with 66 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -14,25 +14,54 @@ using namespace simd;
struct json_character_block {
static simdjson_really_inline json_character_block classify(const simd::simd8x64<uint8_t>& in);
// ASCII white-space ('\r','\n','\t',' ')
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t whitespace() const { return _whitespace; }
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t whitespace() const;
// non-quote structural characters (comma, colon, braces, brackets)
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t op() const { return _op; }
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t op() const;
// neither a structural character nor a white-space, so letters, numbers and quotes
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t scalar() { return ~(op() | whitespace()); }
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t scalar() const;
uint64_t _whitespace; // ASCII white-space ('\r','\n','\t',' ')
uint64_t _op; // structural characters (comma, colon, braces, brackets but not quotes)
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t json_character_block::whitespace() const { return _whitespace; }
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t json_character_block::op() const { return _op; }
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t json_character_block::scalar() const { return ~(op() | whitespace()); }
// This identifies structural characters (comma, colon, braces, brackets),
// and ASCII white-space ('\r','\n','\t',' ').
simdjson_really_inline json_character_block json_character_block::classify(const simd::simd8x64<uint8_t>& in) {
// These lookups rely on the fact that anything < 127 will match the lower 4 bits, which is why
// we can't use the generic lookup_16.
auto whitespace_table = simd8<uint8_t>::repeat_16(' ', 100, 100, 100, 17, 100, 113, 2, 100, '\t', '\n', 112, 100, '\r', 100, 100);
auto op_table = simd8<uint8_t>::repeat_16(',', '}', 0, 0, 0xc0u, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ':', '{');
// We compute whitespace and op separately. If the code later only use one or the
// The 6 operators (:,[]{}) have these values:
// , 2C
// : 3A
// [ 5B
// { 7B
// ] 5D
// } 7D
// If you use | 0x20 to turn [ and ] into { and }, the lower 4 bits of each character is unique.
// We exploit this, using a simd 4-bit lookup to tell us which character match against, and then
// match it (against | 0x20).
// To prevent recognizing other characters, everything else gets compared with 0, which cannot
// match due to the | 0x20.
// NOTE: Due to the | 0x20, this ALSO treats <FF> and <SUB> (control characters 0C and 1A) like ,
// and :. This gets caught in stage 2, which checks the actual character to ensure the right
// operators are in the right places.
auto op_table = simd8<uint8_t>::repeat_16(
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, ':', '{', // : = 3A, [ = 5B, { = 7B
',', '}', 0, 0 // , = 2C, ] = 5D, } = 7D
// We compute whitespace and op separately. If later code only uses one or the
// other, given the fact that all functions are aggressively inlined, we can
// hope that useless computations will be omitted. This is namely case when
// minifying (we only need whitespace).
@ -43,8 +72,8 @@ simdjson_really_inline json_character_block json_character_block::classify(const
uint64_t op = simd8x64<bool>(
(in.chunks[0] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[0]-',')),
(in.chunks[1] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[1]-','))
(in.chunks[0] | 0x20) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[0])),
(in.chunks[1] | 0x20) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm256_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[1]))
return { whitespace, op };

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@ -26,7 +26,32 @@ simdjson_really_inline json_character_block json_character_block::classify(const
// These lookups rely on the fact that anything < 127 will match the lower 4 bits, which is why
// we can't use the generic lookup_16.
auto whitespace_table = simd8<uint8_t>::repeat_16(' ', 100, 100, 100, 17, 100, 113, 2, 100, '\t', '\n', 112, 100, '\r', 100, 100);
auto op_table = simd8<uint8_t>::repeat_16(',', '}', 0, 0, 0xc0u, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ':', '{');
// The 6 operators (:,[]{}) have these values:
// , 2C
// : 3A
// [ 5B
// { 7B
// ] 5D
// } 7D
// If you use | 0x20 to turn [ and ] into { and }, the lower 4 bits of each character is unique.
// We exploit this, using a simd 4-bit lookup to tell us which character match against, and then
// match it (against | 0x20).
// To prevent recognizing other characters, everything else gets compared with 0, which cannot
// match due to the | 0x20.
// NOTE: Due to the | 0x20, this ALSO treats <FF> and <SUB> (control characters 0C and 1A) like ,
// and :. This gets caught in stage 2, which checks the actual character to ensure the right
// operators are in the right places.
const auto op_table = simd8<uint8_t>::repeat_16(
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, ':', '{', // : = 3A, [ = 5B, { = 7B
',', '}', 0, 0 // , = 2C, ] = 5D, } = 7D
// We compute whitespace and op separately. If the code later only use one or the
// other, given the fact that all functions are aggressively inlined, we can
@ -42,10 +67,10 @@ simdjson_really_inline json_character_block json_character_block::classify(const
// | 32 handles the fact that { } and [ ] are exactly 32 bytes apart
uint64_t op = simd8x64<bool>(
(in.chunks[0] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[0]-',')),
(in.chunks[1] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[1]-',')),
(in.chunks[2] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[2]-',')),
(in.chunks[3] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[3]-','))
(in.chunks[0] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[0])),
(in.chunks[1] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[1])),
(in.chunks[2] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[2])),
(in.chunks[3] | 32) == simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_shuffle_epi8(op_table, in.chunks[3]))
return { whitespace, op };