Ok, the new code seems quite fast.
This commit is contained in:
@ -121,5 +121,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
BEST_TIME("memcpy ", (memcpy(buffer, p.first, p.second) == buffer), true, , repeat, volume, true);
@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ public:
size_t bytecapacity; // indicates how many bits are meant to be supported by
// structurals
size_t depthcapacity; // how deep we can go
size_t tapecapacity;
size_t stringcapacity;
u32 current_loc;
u8 *structurals;
u32 n_structural_indexes;
@ -77,19 +78,15 @@ public:
u8 *string_buf; // should be at least bytecapacity
u8 *current_string_buf_loc;
u8 *number_buf; // holds either doubles or longs, really // should be at least
// 4 * bytecapacity
u8 *current_number_buf_loc;
// this should be called when parsing (right before writing the tapes)
void init() {
current_string_buf_loc = string_buf;
current_number_buf_loc = number_buf;
current_loc = 0;
// print the json to stdout (should be valid)
void printjson() {
// return false if the tape is likely wrong (e.g., you did not parse a valid JSON).
bool printjson() {
size_t tapeidx = 0;
u64 tape_val = tape[tapeidx];
u8 type = (tape_val >> 56);
@ -98,15 +95,17 @@ public:
howmany = tape_val & JSONVALUEMASK;
} else {
printf("Error: no starting root node?");
return false;
if(howmany > tapecapacity) {
printf("We may be exceeding the tape capacity. Is this a valid document?\n");
return false;
bool *inobject = new bool[depthcapacity];
size_t *inobjectidx = new size_t[depthcapacity];
int depth = 1; // only root at level 0
inobjectidx[depth] = 0;
int64_t intval;
double doubleval;
for (; tapeidx < howmany; tapeidx++) {
tape_val = tape[tapeidx];
u64 payload = tape_val & JSONVALUEMASK;
@ -130,12 +129,12 @@ public:
case 'l': // we have a long int
memcpy(&intval, number_buf + payload, sizeof(intval));
printf("%" PRId64, intval);
if(tapeidx + 1 >= howmany) return false;
printf("%" PRId64, (int64_t) tape[tapeidx++]);
case 'd': // we have a double
memcpy(&doubleval, number_buf + payload, sizeof(doubleval));
printf("%f", doubleval);
if(tapeidx + 1 >= howmany) return false;
printf("%f", *((double * )& tape[tapeidx++]));
case 'n': // we have a null
@ -170,11 +169,13 @@ public:
case 'r': // we start and end with the root node
printf("should we be hitting the root node?\n");
return false;
printf("bug %c\n", type);
return false;
return true;
// all elements are stored on the tape using a 64-bit word.
@ -197,15 +198,13 @@ public:
really_inline void write_tape_s64(s64 i) {
write_tape(current_number_buf_loc - number_buf, 'l');
memcpy(current_number_buf_loc, &i, sizeof(s64));
current_number_buf_loc += sizeof(s64);
write_tape(0, 'l');
tape[current_loc++] =*( (u64*) &i);
really_inline void write_tape_double(double d) {
write_tape(current_number_buf_loc - number_buf, 'd');
memcpy(current_number_buf_loc, &d, sizeof(double));
current_number_buf_loc += sizeof(double);
write_tape(0, 'd');
tape[current_loc++] =*( (u64*) &d);
really_inline u32 get_current_loc() { return current_loc; }
@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ ParsedJson *allocate_ParsedJson(size_t len, size_t maxdepth) {
delete pj_ptr;
return NULL;
pj.string_buf = new u8[ROUNDUP_N(len, 64)];
pj.number_buf = new u8[4 * ROUNDUP_N(len, 64)];
pj.tape = new u64[ROUNDUP_N(len, 64)];
size_t tapecapacity = ROUNDUP_N(len, 64);
size_t stringcapacity = ROUNDUP_N(len, 64);
pj.string_buf = new u8[stringcapacity];
pj.tape = new u64[tapecapacity];
pj.containing_scope_offset = new u32[maxdepth];
pj.ret_address = new void*[maxdepth];
if ((pj.string_buf == NULL) || (pj.number_buf == NULL) || (pj.tape == NULL)
if ((pj.string_buf == NULL) || (pj.tape == NULL)
|| (pj.containing_scope_offset == NULL) || (pj.ret_address == NULL) ) {
std::cerr << "Could not allocate memory"
<< std::endl;
delete[] pj.ret_address;
delete[] pj.containing_scope_offset;
delete[] pj.tape;
delete[] pj.number_buf;
delete[] pj.string_buf;
delete[] pj.structural_indexes;
delete[] pj.structurals;
@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ ParsedJson *allocate_ParsedJson(size_t len, size_t maxdepth) {
pj.bytecapacity = len;
pj.depthcapacity = maxdepth;
pj.tapecapacity = tapecapacity;
pj.stringcapacity = stringcapacity;
return pj_ptr;
@ -65,7 +67,6 @@ void deallocate_ParsedJson(ParsedJson *pj_ptr) {
delete[] pj_ptr->ret_address;
delete[] pj_ptr->containing_scope_offset;
delete[] pj_ptr->tape;
delete[] pj_ptr->number_buf;
delete[] pj_ptr->string_buf;
delete[] pj_ptr->structural_indexes;
Reference in New Issue