Add object iteration error tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ simdjson_really_inline bool array_iterator<T>::operator!=(const array_iterator<T
template<typename T>
simdjson_really_inline array_iterator<T> &array_iterator<T>::operator++() noexcept {
// TODO this is a safety rail ... users should exit loops as soon as they receive an error.
// Nonetheless, let's see if performance is OK with this if statement--the compiler may give it to us for free.
if (!iter->is_iterator_alive()) { return *this; } // Iterator will be released if there is an error
bool has_value;
error_code error = iter->get_iterator().has_next_element().get(has_value); // If there's an error, has_next stays true.
if (!(error || has_value)) { iter->iteration_finished(); }
@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ namespace ondemand {
simdjson_really_inline object_iterator::object_iterator(json_iterator_ref &_iter) noexcept : iter{&_iter} {}
simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<field> object_iterator::operator*() noexcept {
if ((*iter)->error()) { iter->release(); return (*iter)->error(); }
return field::start(iter->borrow());
error_code error = (*iter)->error();
if (error) { iter->release(); return error; }
auto result = field::start(iter->borrow());
// TODO this is a safety rail ... users should exit loops as soon as they receive an error.
// Nonetheless, let's see if performance is OK with this if statement--the compiler may give it to us for free.
if (result.error()) { iter->release(); }
return result;
simdjson_really_inline bool object_iterator::operator==(const object_iterator &other) noexcept {
return !(*this != other);
@ -19,10 +24,12 @@ simdjson_really_inline bool object_iterator::operator!=(const object_iterator &)
return iter->is_alive();
simdjson_really_inline object_iterator &object_iterator::operator++() noexcept {
if ((*iter)->error()) { return *this; }
// TODO this is a safety rail ... users should exit loops as soon as they receive an error.
// Nonetheless, let's see if performance is OK with this if statement--the compiler may give it to us for free.
if (!iter->is_alive()) { return *this; } // Iterator will be released if there is an error
bool has_value;
error_code error = (*iter)->has_next_field().get(has_value);
if (!(error || has_value)) { iter->release(); }
if (!(error || has_value)) { std::cout << std::endl; iter->release(); }
return *this;
@ -33,6 +33,20 @@ SIMDJSON_UNUSED simdjson_really_inline bool operator!=(std::string_view a, const
return !(a == b);
SIMDJSON_UNUSED simdjson_really_inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const raw_json_string &str) noexcept {
bool in_escape = false;
const char *s = str.raw();
while (true) {
switch (*s) {
case '\\': in_escape = !in_escape; break;
case '"': if (in_escape) { in_escape = false; } else { return out; } break;
default: if (in_escape) { in_escape = false; }
out << *s;
} // namespace ondemand
} // namespace simdjson
@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ SIMDJSON_UNUSED simdjson_really_inline bool operator==(std::string_view a, const
SIMDJSON_UNUSED simdjson_really_inline bool operator!=(const raw_json_string &a, std::string_view b) noexcept;
SIMDJSON_UNUSED simdjson_really_inline bool operator!=(std::string_view a, const raw_json_string &b) noexcept;
SIMDJSON_UNUSED simdjson_really_inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const raw_json_string &) noexcept;
} // namespace ondemand
} // namespace simdjson
@ -936,8 +936,8 @@ namespace error_tests {
V actual;
auto actual_error = elem.get(actual);
if (count >= N) {
ASSERT(count < (N+N2), "Extra error reported")
ASSERT_ERROR(actual_error, expected_error[count - N]);
ASSERT(count < (N+N2), "Extra error reported");
} else {
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected[count]);
@ -963,16 +963,82 @@ namespace error_tests {
return assert_iterate<V, T>(array, expected, N, nullptr, 0);
bool array_iterate_error() {
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("missing comma ", "[1 1]", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("extra comma ", "[1,,1]", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("extra comma ", "[,", assert_iterate(doc, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed array", "[1 ", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("missing comma", "[1 1]", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("extra comma ", "[1,,1]", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("extra comma ", "[,", assert_iterate(doc, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", "[1 ", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
// TODO These pass the user values that may run past the end of the buffer if they aren't careful
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed array", "[1,", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed array", "[1", assert_iterate(doc, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed array", "[", assert_iterate(doc, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
// In particular, if the padding is decorated with the wrong values, we could cause overrun!
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", "[1,", assert_iterate(doc, { int64_t(1) }, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", "[1", assert_iterate(doc, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", "[", assert_iterate(doc, { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
template<typename V, typename T>
bool assert_iterate_object(T &&object, const char **expected_key, V *expected, size_t N, simdjson::error_code *expected_error, size_t N2) {
size_t count = 0;
for (auto field : object) {
V actual;
auto actual_error = field.value().get(actual);
if (count >= N) {
ASSERT((count - N) < N2, "Extra error reported");
ASSERT_ERROR(actual_error, expected_error[count - N]);
} else {
ASSERT_EQUAL(field.key().first, expected_key[count]);
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected[count]);
ASSERT_EQUAL(count, N+N2);
return true;
template<typename V, size_t N, size_t N2, typename T>
bool assert_iterate_object(T &&object, const char *(&&expected_key)[N], V (&&expected)[N], simdjson::error_code (&&expected_error)[N2]) {
return assert_iterate_object<V, T>(std::forward<T>(object), expected_key, expected, N, expected_error, N2);
template<size_t N2, typename T>
bool assert_iterate_object(T &&object, simdjson::error_code (&&expected_error)[N2]) {
return assert_iterate_object<int64_t, T>(std::forward<T>(object), nullptr, nullptr, 0, expected_error, N2);
template<typename V, size_t N, typename T>
bool assert_iterate_object(T &&object, const char *(&&expected_key)[N], V (&&expected)[N]) {
return assert_iterate_object<V, T>(std::forward<T>(object), expected_key, expected, N, nullptr, 0);
bool object_iterate_error() {
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("missing semicolon", R"({ "a" 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("missing key ", R"({ : 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("missing value ", R"({ "a": , "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("missing comma ", R"({ "a": 1 "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { "a" }, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("wrong key type ", R"({ 1: 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("wrong key type ", R"({ true: 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("wrong key type ", R"({ false: 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("wrong key type ", R"({ null: 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("wrong key type ", R"({ []: 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("wrong key type ", R"({ {}: 1, "b": 2 })", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", R"({ "a": 1, )", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { "a" }, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
// TODO These next two pass the user a value that may run past the end of the buffer if they aren't careful.
// In particular, if the padding is decorated with the wrong values, we could cause overrun!
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", R"({ "a": 1 )", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { "a" }, { int64_t(1) }, { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", R"({ "a": )", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { NUMBER_ERROR, TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", R"({ "a" )", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
ONDEMAND_SUBTEST("unclosed ", R"({ )", assert_iterate_object(doc.get_object(), { TAPE_ERROR }));
@ -981,6 +1047,7 @@ namespace error_tests {
empty_document_error() &&
wrong_type() &&
array_iterate_error() &&
object_iterate_error() &&
@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ template<>
simdjson_really_inline bool equals_expected<const char *, const char *>(const char *actual, const char *expected) {
return !strcmp(actual, expected);
simdjson_really_inline bool equals_expected<simdjson::builtin::ondemand::raw_json_string, const char *>(simdjson::builtin::ondemand::raw_json_string actual, const char *expected) {
return actual == expected;
simdjson_really_inline simdjson::error_code to_error_code(simdjson::error_code error) {
return error;
Reference in New Issue