Show miss rate, make it more accurate

This commit is contained in:
John Keiser 2019-12-18 12:38:05 -08:00
parent d7c83397e4
commit 60916318f7
2 changed files with 178 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ LIBFILES=src/jsonioutil.cpp src/jsonparser.cpp src/jsonstream.cpp src/simdjson.c
FEATURE_JSON_FILES=jsonexamples/generated/0-structurals-full.json jsonexamples/generated/15-structurals-miss.json jsonexamples/generated/7-structurals.json jsonexamples/generated/0-structurals.json jsonexamples/generated/23-structurals-full.json jsonexamples/generated/7-structurals-miss.json jsonexamples/generated/0-structurals-miss.json jsonexamples/generated/23-structurals.json jsonexamples/generated/utf-8-full.json jsonexamples/generated/15-structurals-full.json jsonexamples/generated/23-structurals-miss.json jsonexamples/generated/utf-8.json jsonexamples/generated/15-structurals.json jsonexamples/generated/7-structurals-full.json jsonexamples/generated/utf-8-miss.json
@ -131,10 +132,10 @@ run_issue150_sh: allparserscheckfile
run_testjson2json_sh: minify json2json
$(FEATURE_JSON_FILES): benchmark/genfeaturejson.rb
ruby ./benchmark/genfeaturejson.rb
run_benchfeatures: benchfeatures generate_featurejson
run_benchfeatures: benchfeatures $(FEATURE_JSON_FILES)
./benchfeatures -n 1000
test: run_basictests run_jsoncheck run_numberparsingcheck run_integer_tests run_stringparsingcheck run_jsonstream_test run_pointercheck run_testjson2json_sh run_issue150_sh run_jsoncheck_noavx

View File

@ -134,21 +134,6 @@ struct option_struct {
double actual(const benchmarker& feature) {
return / feature.stats->blocks;
double diff(const benchmarker& feature, const benchmarker& struct7) {
if (feature.stats->blocks == struct7.stats->blocks) {
return ( - / struct7.stats->blocks;
} else {
return ( / feature.stats->blocks) - ( / struct7.stats->blocks);
double diff_miss(const benchmarker& feature, const benchmarker& struct7) {
// There are roughly 2650 branch mispredicts, so we have to scale it so it represents a per block amount
return diff(feature, struct7) * 10000.0 / 2650.0;
struct feature_benchmarker {
benchmarker utf8;
benchmarker utf8_miss;
@ -192,87 +177,182 @@ struct feature_benchmarker {
struct23_miss.run_iterations(iterations, stage1_only);
void print() {
printf("base (ns/block)");
printf(",struct 1-7");
printf(",struct 1-7 miss");
printf(",utf-8 miss");
printf(",struct 8-15");
printf(",struct 8-15 miss");
printf(",struct 16+");
printf(",struct 16+ miss");
printf("%g", actual(empty));
printf(",%+g", diff(struct7, empty));
printf(",%+g", diff(struct7_miss, struct7));
printf(",%+g", diff(utf8, struct7));
printf(",%+g", diff(utf8_miss, utf8));
printf(",%+g", diff(struct15, struct7));
printf(",%+g", diff(struct15_miss, struct15));
printf(",%+g", diff(struct23, struct15));
printf(",%+g", diff(struct23_miss, struct23));
double cost_per_block(benchmarker& feature, size_t feature_blocks, benchmarker& base) {
double cost_per_block(const benchmarker& feature, size_t feature_blocks, const benchmarker& base) const {
return ( - / feature_blocks;
// Whether we're recording cache miss and branch miss events
bool has_events() const {
return empty.collector.has_events();
// Base cost of any block (including empty ones)
double base_cost() {
double base_cost() const {
return ( / empty.stats->blocks);
// Extra cost of a 1-7 structural block over an empty block
double struct1_7_cost() {
double struct1_7_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(struct7, struct7.stats->blocks_with_1_structural, empty);
// Extra cost of an 1-7-structural miss
double struct1_7_miss_cost() {
double struct1_7_miss_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(struct7_miss, struct7_miss.stats->blocks_with_1_structural, struct7);
// Rate of 1-7-structural misses per 8-structural flip
double struct1_7_miss_rate() const {
if (!has_events()) { return 1; }
return double( - / struct7_miss.stats->blocks_with_1_structural_flipped;
// Extra cost of an 8-15 structural block over a 1-7 structural block
double struct8_15_cost() {
double struct8_15_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(struct15, struct15.stats->blocks_with_8_structurals, struct7);
// Extra cost of an 8-15-structural miss over a 1-7 miss
double struct8_15_miss_cost() {
double struct8_15_miss_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(struct15_miss, struct15_miss.stats->blocks_with_8_structurals_flipped, struct15);
// Rate of 8-15-structural misses per 8-structural flip
double struct8_15_miss_rate() const {
if (!has_events()) { return 1; }
return double( - / struct15_miss.stats->blocks_with_8_structurals_flipped;
// Extra cost of a 16+-structural block over an 8-15 structural block (actual varies based on # of structurals!)
double struct16_cost() {
double struct16_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(struct23, struct23.stats->blocks_with_16_structurals, struct15);
// Extra cost of a 16-structural miss over an 8-15 miss
double struct16_miss_cost() {
double struct16_miss_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(struct23_miss, struct23_miss.stats->blocks_with_16_structurals_flipped, struct23);
// Rate of 16-structural misses per 16-structural flip
double struct16_miss_rate() const {
if (!has_events()) { return 1; }
return double( - / struct23_miss.stats->blocks_with_16_structurals_flipped;
// Extra cost of having UTF-8 in a block
double utf8_cost() {
double utf8_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(utf8, utf8.stats->blocks_with_utf8, struct7_full);
// Extra cost of a UTF-8 miss
double utf8_miss_cost() {
double utf8_miss_cost() const {
return cost_per_block(utf8_miss, utf8_miss.stats->blocks_with_utf8_flipped, utf8);
// Rate of UTF-8 misses per UTF-8 flip
double utf8_miss_rate() const {
if (!has_events()) { return 1; }
return double( - / utf8_miss.stats->blocks_with_utf8_flipped;
double calc_expected(benchmarker& file) {
double calc_expected_feature_cost(const benchmarker& file) const {
// Expected base ns/block (empty)
json_stats& stats = *file.stats;
double expected = base_cost() * stats.blocks;
expected += struct1_7_cost() * stats.blocks_with_1_structural;
expected += struct1_7_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_1_structural_flipped;
expected += utf8_cost() * stats.blocks_with_utf8;
expected += utf8_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_utf8_flipped;
expected += struct8_15_cost() * stats.blocks_with_8_structurals;
expected += struct8_15_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_8_structurals_flipped;
expected += struct16_cost() * stats.blocks_with_16_structurals;
expected += struct16_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_16_structurals_flipped;
return expected / stats.blocks;
double calc_expected_miss_cost(const benchmarker& file) const {
// Expected base ns/block (empty)
json_stats& stats = *file.stats;
double expected = struct1_7_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_1_structural_flipped * struct1_7_miss_rate();
expected += utf8_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_utf8_flipped * utf8_miss_rate();
expected += struct8_15_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_8_structurals_flipped * struct8_15_miss_rate();
expected += struct16_miss_cost() * stats.blocks_with_16_structurals_flipped * struct16_miss_rate();
return expected / stats.blocks;
double calc_expected_misses(const benchmarker& file) const {
json_stats& stats = *file.stats;
double expected = stats.blocks_with_1_structural_flipped * struct1_7_miss_rate();
expected += stats.blocks_with_utf8_flipped * utf8_miss_rate();
expected += stats.blocks_with_8_structurals_flipped * struct8_15_miss_rate();
expected += stats.blocks_with_16_structurals_flipped * struct16_miss_rate();
return expected;
double calc_expected(const benchmarker& file) const {
return calc_expected_feature_cost(file) + calc_expected_miss_cost(file);
void print() {
printf("Features in ns/block (64 bytes):\n");
printf("| %-8s ", "Stage");
printf("| %8s ", "Base");
printf("| %8s ", "7 Struct");
printf("| %8s ", "UTF-8");
printf("| %8s ", "15 Str.");
printf("| %8s ", "16+ Str.");
printf("| %15s ", "7 Struct Miss");
printf("| %15s ", "UTF-8 Miss");
printf("| %15s ", "15 Str. Miss");
printf("| %15s ", "16+ Str. Miss");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.17s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.17s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.17s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.17s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("| %-8s ", "Stage 1");
printf("| %8.3g ", base_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", struct1_7_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", utf8_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", struct8_15_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", struct16_cost());
if (has_events()) {
printf("| %8.3g (%3d%%) ", struct1_7_miss_cost(), int(struct1_7_miss_rate()*100));
printf("| %8.3g (%3d%%) ", utf8_miss_cost(), int(utf8_miss_rate()*100));
printf("| %8.3g (%3d%%) ", struct8_15_miss_cost(), int(struct8_15_miss_rate()*100));
printf("| %8.3g (%3d%%) ", struct16_miss_cost(), int(struct16_miss_rate()*100));
} else {
printf("| %8.3g ", struct1_7_miss_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", utf8_miss_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", struct8_15_miss_cost());
printf("| %8.3g ", struct16_miss_cost());
void print_file_effectiveness(const char* filename, const benchmarker& results, const feature_benchmarker& features) {
double actual = / results.stats->blocks;
double calc = features.calc_expected(results);
uint64_t actual_misses =;
uint64_t calc_misses = uint64_t(features.calc_expected_misses(results));
double calc_miss_cost = features.calc_expected_miss_cost(results);
printf("| %-15s ", filename);
printf("| %8.3g ", features.calc_expected_feature_cost(results));
printf("| %8.3g ", calc_miss_cost);
printf("| %8.3g ", calc);
printf("| %8.3g ", actual);
printf("| %+8.3g ", actual - calc);
printf("| %13lu ", calc_misses);
if (features.has_events()) {
printf("| %13lu ", actual_misses);
printf("| %+13ld ", int64_t(actual_misses - calc_misses));
double miss_adjustment = calc_miss_cost * (double(int64_t(actual_misses - calc_misses)) / calc_misses);
printf("| %8.3g ", calc_miss_cost + miss_adjustment);
printf("| %+8.3g ", actual - (calc + miss_adjustment));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Read options
exe_name = argv[0];
@ -317,10 +397,42 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Gauge effectiveness
printf("gsoc-2018.json expected/actual: %g/%g\n", features.calc_expected(gsoc_2018), actual(gsoc_2018));
printf("twitter.json expected/actual: %g/%g\n", features.calc_expected(twitter), actual(twitter));
printf("random.json expected/actual: %g/%g\n", features.calc_expected(random), actual(random));
// Gauge effectiveness
printf("Estimated vs. Actual ns/block for real files:\n");
printf("| %-15s ", "File");
printf("| %11s ", "Est. (Base)");
printf("| %11s ", "Est. (Miss)");
printf("| %8s ", "Est.");
printf("| %8s ", "Actual");
printf("| %8s ", "Diff");
printf("| %13s ", "Est. Misses");
if (features.has_events()) {
printf("| %13s ", "Actual Misses");
printf("| %13s ", "Diff (Misses)");
printf("| %13s ", "Adjusted Miss");
printf("| %13s ", "Adjusted Diff");
printf("|%.17s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.13s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.13s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.10s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.15s", "---------------------------------------");
if (features.has_events()) {
printf("|%.15s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.15s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.15s", "---------------------------------------");
printf("|%.15s", "---------------------------------------");
print_file_effectiveness("gsoc-2018.json", gsoc_2018, features);
print_file_effectiveness("twitter.json", twitter, features);
print_file_effectiveness("random.json", random, features);