@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# docker build -t simdjson .
# docker run --privileged -t simdjson
FROM gcc:8.3
COPY . /usr/src/
WORKDIR /usr/src/
RUN make clean
RUN make
RUN make test
RUN make parsingcompetition
CMD ["bash", "scripts/"]
@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ is_not_structural_or_whitespace_or_exponent_or_decimal(unsigned char c) {
return structural_or_whitespace_or_exponent_or_decimal_negated[c];
#if defined (__AVX2__) || defined (__SSE4_2__)
// #if defined (__AVX2__) || defined (__SSE4_2__)
@ -138,22 +139,7 @@ static inline bool is_made_of_eight_digits_fast(const char *chars) {
// clang-format off
Should parse_eight_digits_unrolled be out of the question, one could
use a standard approach like the following:
static inline uint32_t newparse_eight_digits_unrolled(const char *chars) {
uint64_t val;
memcpy(&val, chars, sizeof(uint64_t));
val = (val & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) * 2561 >> 8;
val = (val & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF) * 6553601 >> 16;
return (val & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF) * 42949672960001 >> 32;
// clang-format on
#if defined (__AVX2__) || defined (__SSE4_2__)
static inline uint32_t parse_eight_digits_unrolled(const char *chars) {
// this actually computes *16* values so we are being wasteful.
@ -171,7 +157,19 @@ static inline uint32_t parse_eight_digits_unrolled(const char *chars) {
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(
t4); // only captures the sum of the first 8 digits, drop the rest
// we don't have SSE, so let us use a scalar function
// credit:
static inline uint32_t parse_eight_digits_unrolled(const char *chars) {
uint64_t val;
memcpy(&val, chars, sizeof(uint64_t));
val = (val & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) * 2561 >> 8;
val = (val & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF) * 6553601 >> 16;
return (val & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF) * 42949672960001 >> 32;
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
// From
// Adapted from
#ifdef __aarch64__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <arm_neon.h>
* legal utf-8 byte sequence
* - page 94
* Code Points 1st 2s 3s 4s
* U+0000..U+007F 00..7F
* U+0080..U+07FF C2..DF 80..BF
* U+0800..U+0FFF E0 A0..BF 80..BF
* U+1000..U+CFFF E1..EC 80..BF 80..BF
* U+D000..U+D7FF ED 80..9F 80..BF
* U+E000..U+FFFF EE..EF 80..BF 80..BF
* U+10000..U+3FFFF F0 90..BF 80..BF 80..BF
* U+40000..U+FFFFF F1..F3 80..BF 80..BF 80..BF
* U+100000..U+10FFFF F4 80..8F 80..BF 80..BF
#if 0
static void print128(const char *s, const int8x16_t *v128)
int8_t v8[16];
vst1q_s8(v8, *v128);
if (s)
printf("%s:\t", s);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
printf("%02x ", (unsigned char)v8[i]);
// all byte values must be no larger than 0xF4
static inline void checkSmallerThan0xF4(int8x16_t current_bytes,
int8x16_t *has_error) {
// unsigned, saturates to 0 below max
*has_error = vorrq_s8(*has_error,
vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vqsubq_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s8(current_bytes), vdupq_n_u8(0xF4))));
static const int8_t _nibbles[] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // 0xxx (ASCII)
0, 0, 0, 0, // 10xx (continuation)
2, 2, // 110x
3, // 1110
4, // 1111, next should be 0 (not checked here)
static inline int8x16_t continuationLengths(int8x16_t high_nibbles) {
return vqtbl1q_s8(vld1q_s8(_nibbles), vreinterpretq_u8_s8(high_nibbles));
static inline int8x16_t carryContinuations(int8x16_t initial_lengths,
int8x16_t previous_carries) {
int8x16_t right1 =
vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vqsubq_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s8(vextq_s8(previous_carries, initial_lengths, 16 - 1)),
int8x16_t sum = vaddq_s8(initial_lengths, right1);
int8x16_t right2 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vqsubq_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s8(vextq_s8(previous_carries, sum, 16 - 2)),
return vaddq_s8(sum, right2);
static inline void checkContinuations(int8x16_t initial_lengths, int8x16_t carries,
int8x16_t *has_error) {
// overlap || underlap
// carry > length && length > 0 || !(carry > length) && !(length > 0)
// (carries > length) == (lengths > 0)
uint8x16_t overunder =
vceqq_u8(vcgtq_s8(carries, initial_lengths),
vcgtq_s8(initial_lengths, vdupq_n_s8(0)));
*has_error = vorrq_s8(*has_error, vreinterpretq_s8_u8(overunder));
// when 0xED is found, next byte must be no larger than 0x9F
// when 0xF4 is found, next byte must be no larger than 0x8F
// next byte must be continuation, ie sign bit is set, so signed < is ok
static inline void checkFirstContinuationMax(int8x16_t current_bytes,
int8x16_t off1_current_bytes,
int8x16_t *has_error) {
uint8x16_t maskED = vceqq_s8(off1_current_bytes, vdupq_n_s8(0xED));
uint8x16_t maskF4 = vceqq_s8(off1_current_bytes, vdupq_n_s8(0xF4));
uint8x16_t badfollowED =
vandq_u8(vcgtq_s8(current_bytes, vdupq_n_s8(0x9F)), maskED);
uint8x16_t badfollowF4 =
vandq_u8(vcgtq_s8(current_bytes, vdupq_n_s8(0x8F)), maskF4);
*has_error = vorrq_s8(*has_error, vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vorrq_u8(badfollowED, badfollowF4)));
static const int8_t _initial_mins[] = {
-128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128,
-128, -128, // 10xx => false
(int8_t) 0xC2, -128, // 110x
(int8_t) 0xE1, // 1110
(int8_t) 0xF1,
static const int8_t _second_mins[] = {
-128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128, -128,
-128, -128, // 10xx => false
127, 127, // 110x => true
(int8_t) 0xA0, // 1110
(int8_t) 0x90,
// map off1_hibits => error condition
// hibits off1 cur
// C => < C2 && true
// E => < E1 && < A0
// F => < F1 && < 90
// else false && false
static inline void checkOverlong(int8x16_t current_bytes,
int8x16_t off1_current_bytes, int8x16_t hibits,
int8x16_t previous_hibits, int8x16_t *has_error) {
int8x16_t off1_hibits = vextq_s8(previous_hibits, hibits, 16 - 1);
int8x16_t initial_mins = vqtbl1q_s8(vld1q_s8(_initial_mins), vreinterpretq_u8_s8(off1_hibits));
uint8x16_t initial_under = vcgtq_s8(initial_mins, off1_current_bytes);
int8x16_t second_mins = vqtbl1q_s8(vld1q_s8(_second_mins), vreinterpretq_u8_s8(off1_hibits));
uint8x16_t second_under = vcgtq_s8(second_mins, current_bytes);
*has_error =
vorrq_s8(*has_error, vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(initial_under, second_under)));
struct processed_utf_bytes {
int8x16_t rawbytes;
int8x16_t high_nibbles;
int8x16_t carried_continuations;
static inline void count_nibbles(int8x16_t bytes,
struct processed_utf_bytes *answer) {
answer->rawbytes = bytes;
answer->high_nibbles =
vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vshrq_n_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s8(bytes), 4));
// check whether the current bytes are valid UTF-8
// at the end of the function, previous gets updated
static inline struct processed_utf_bytes
checkUTF8Bytes(int8x16_t current_bytes, struct processed_utf_bytes *previous,
int8x16_t *has_error) {
struct processed_utf_bytes pb;
count_nibbles(current_bytes, &pb);
checkSmallerThan0xF4(current_bytes, has_error);
int8x16_t initial_lengths = continuationLengths(pb.high_nibbles);
pb.carried_continuations =
carryContinuations(initial_lengths, previous->carried_continuations);
checkContinuations(initial_lengths, pb.carried_continuations, has_error);
int8x16_t off1_current_bytes =
vextq_s8(previous->rawbytes, pb.rawbytes, 16 - 1);
checkFirstContinuationMax(current_bytes, off1_current_bytes, has_error);
checkOverlong(current_bytes, off1_current_bytes, pb.high_nibbles,
previous->high_nibbles, has_error);
return pb;
#if 0
static const int8_t _verror[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1};
/* Return 0 on success, -1 on error */
int utf8_lemire(const unsigned char *src, int len) {
int i = 0;
int8x16_t has_error = vdupq_n_s8(0);
struct processed_utf_bytes previous = {.rawbytes = vdupq_n_s8(0),
.high_nibbles = vdupq_n_s8(0),
.carried_continuations =
if (len >= 16) {
for (; i <= len - 16; i += 16) {
int8x16_t current_bytes = vld1q_s8((int8_t*)(src + i));
previous = checkUTF8Bytes(current_bytes, &previous, &has_error);
// last part
if (i < len) {
char buffer[16];
memset(buffer, 0, 16);
memcpy(buffer, src + i, len - i);
int8x16_t current_bytes = vld1q_s8((int8_t *)buffer);
previous = checkUTF8Bytes(current_bytes, &previous, &has_error);
} else {
has_error =
return vmaxvq_u8(vreinterpretq_u8_s8(has_error)) == 0 ? 0 : -1;
@ -6,30 +6,32 @@
#include "simdjson/parsedjson.h"
#include "simdjson/portability.h"
#if defined (__AVX2__) || defined (__SSE4_2__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64))
#if defined (__AVX2__)
#elif defined (__SSE4_2__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64))
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
#include <arm_neon.h>
#warning It appears that neither ARM NEON nor AVX2 nor SSE are detected.
#endif // (__AVX2__)
// currently we don't UTF8 validate for ARM
// also we assume that if you're not __AVX2__
// you're ARM, which is a bit dumb. TODO: Fix...
#if defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
#include <arm_neon.h>
#warning It appears that neither ARM NEON nor AVX2 are detected.
#endif // __ARM_NEON
#endif // (__AVX2__) || (__SSE4_2__)
// It seems that many parsers do UTF-8 validation.
// RapidJSON does not do it by default, but a flag
// allows it.
#if defined (__AVX2__)
#include "simdjson/simdutf8check.h"
#elif defined (__SSE4_2__) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64))
#include "simdjson/simdutf8check.h"
#elif defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
#include "simdjson/simdutf8check_neon.h"
#endif // (__AVX2__)
//#define TRANSPOSE
namespace simdjson {
@ -221,6 +223,32 @@ struct utf8_checking_state<instruction_set::sse4_2>
#if defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
struct utf8_checking_state<instruction_set::neon>
int8x16_t has_error {};
processed_utf_bytes previous {};
#if defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
// Checks that all bytes are ascii
bool check_ascii_neon(simd_input<instruction_set::neon> in) {
// checking if the most significant bit is always equal to 0.
uint8x16_t highbit = vdupq_n_u8(0x80);
uint8x16_t t0 = vorrq_u8(in.i0, in.i1);
uint8x16_t t1 = vorrq_u8(in.i2, in.i3);
uint8x16_t t3 = vorrq_u8(t0, t1);
uint8x16_t t4 = vandq_u8(t3, highbit);
uint64x2_t v64 = vreinterpretq_u64_u8(t4);
uint32x2_t v32 = vqmovn_u64(v64);
uint64x1_t result = vreinterpret_u64_u32(v32);
return vget_lane_u64(result, 0) == 0;
template<instruction_set T>
void check_utf8(simd_input<T> in, utf8_checking_state<T>& state);
@ -278,6 +306,28 @@ void check_utf8<instruction_set::sse4_2>(simd_input<instruction_set::sse4_2> in,
#endif // __SSE4_2
#if defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
template<> really_inline
void check_utf8<instruction_set::neon>(simd_input<instruction_set::neon> in,
utf8_checking_state<instruction_set::neon>& state) {
if (check_ascii_neon(in)) {
// All bytes are ascii. Therefore the byte that was just before must be ascii too.
// We only check the byte that was just before simd_input. Nines are arbitrary values.
int8_t _verror[] = {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1};
state.has_error =
} else {
// it is not ascii so we have to do heavy work
state.previous = checkUTF8Bytes(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(in.i0), &(state.previous), &(state.has_error));
state.previous = checkUTF8Bytes(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(in.i1), &(state.previous), &(state.has_error));
state.previous = checkUTF8Bytes(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(in.i2), &(state.previous), &(state.has_error));
state.previous = checkUTF8Bytes(vreinterpretq_s8_u8(in.i3), &(state.previous), &(state.has_error));
#endif // __ARM_NEON
// Checks if the utf8 validation has found any error.
template<instruction_set T>
errorValues check_utf8_errors(utf8_checking_state<T>& state);
@ -295,6 +345,16 @@ errorValues check_utf8_errors<instruction_set::sse4_2>(utf8_checking_state<instr
return _mm_testz_si128(state.has_error, state.has_error) == 0 ? simdjson::UTF8_ERROR : simdjson::SUCCESS;
#if defined(__ARM_NEON) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_ARM64))
template<> really_inline
errorValues check_utf8_errors<instruction_set::neon>(utf8_checking_state<instruction_set::neon>& state) {
uint64x2_t v64 = vreinterpretq_u64_s8(state.has_error);
uint32x2_t v32 = vqmovn_u64(v64);
uint64x1_t result = vreinterpret_u64_u32(v32);
return vget_lane_u64(result, 0) != 0 ? simdjson::UTF8_ERROR : simdjson::SUCCESS;
template<instruction_set T>
@ -375,10 +435,10 @@ uint64_t cmp_mask_against_input<instruction_set::sse4_2>(simd_input<instruction_
template<> really_inline
uint64_t cmp_mask_against_input<instruction_set::neon>(simd_input<instruction_set::neon> in, uint8_t m) {
const uint8x16_t mask = vmovq_n_u8(m);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_0 = vceqq_u8(in.i.val[0], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_1 = vceqq_u8(in.i.val[1], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_2 = vceqq_u8(in.i.val[2], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_3 = vceqq_u8(in.i.val[3], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_0 = vceqq_u8(in.i0, mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_1 = vceqq_u8(in.i1, mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_2 = vceqq_u8(in.i2, mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_3 = vceqq_u8(in.i3, mask);
return neonmovemask_bulk(cmp_res_0, cmp_res_1, cmp_res_2, cmp_res_3);
@ -419,10 +479,10 @@ uint64_t unsigned_lteq_against_input<instruction_set::sse4_2>(simd_input<instruc
template<> really_inline
uint64_t unsigned_lteq_against_input<instruction_set::neon>(simd_input<instruction_set::neon> in, uint8_t m) {
const uint8x16_t mask = vmovq_n_u8(m);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_0 = vcleq_u8(in.i.val[0], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_1 = vcleq_u8(in.i.val[1], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_2 = vcleq_u8(in.i.val[2], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_3 = vcleq_u8(in.i.val[3], mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_0 = vcleq_u8(in.i0, mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_1 = vcleq_u8(in.i1, mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_2 = vcleq_u8(in.i2, mask);
uint8x16_t cmp_res_3 = vcleq_u8(in.i3, mask);
return neonmovemask_bulk(cmp_res_0, cmp_res_1, cmp_res_2, cmp_res_3);
@ -693,26 +753,26 @@ void find_whitespace_and_structurals<instruction_set::neon>(
const uint8x16_t whitespace_shufti_mask = vmovq_n_u8(0x18);
const uint8x16_t low_nib_and_mask = vmovq_n_u8(0xf);
uint8x16_t nib_0_lo = vandq_u8(in.i.val[0], low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_0_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[0], 4);
uint8x16_t nib_0_lo = vandq_u8(in.i0, low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_0_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i0, 4);
uint8x16_t shuf_0_lo = vqtbl1q_u8(low_nibble_mask, nib_0_lo);
uint8x16_t shuf_0_hi = vqtbl1q_u8(high_nibble_mask, nib_0_hi);
uint8x16_t v_0 = vandq_u8(shuf_0_lo, shuf_0_hi);
uint8x16_t nib_1_lo = vandq_u8(in.i.val[1], low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_1_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[1], 4);
uint8x16_t nib_1_lo = vandq_u8(in.i1, low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_1_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i1, 4);
uint8x16_t shuf_1_lo = vqtbl1q_u8(low_nibble_mask, nib_1_lo);
uint8x16_t shuf_1_hi = vqtbl1q_u8(high_nibble_mask, nib_1_hi);
uint8x16_t v_1 = vandq_u8(shuf_1_lo, shuf_1_hi);
uint8x16_t nib_2_lo = vandq_u8(in.i.val[2], low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_2_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[2], 4);
uint8x16_t nib_2_lo = vandq_u8(in.i2, low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_2_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i2, 4);
uint8x16_t shuf_2_lo = vqtbl1q_u8(low_nibble_mask, nib_2_lo);
uint8x16_t shuf_2_hi = vqtbl1q_u8(high_nibble_mask, nib_2_hi);
uint8x16_t v_2 = vandq_u8(shuf_2_lo, shuf_2_hi);
uint8x16_t nib_3_lo = vandq_u8(in.i.val[3], low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_3_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[3], 4);
uint8x16_t nib_3_lo = vandq_u8(in.i3, low_nib_and_mask);
uint8x16_t nib_3_hi = vshrq_n_u8(in.i3, 4);
uint8x16_t shuf_3_lo = vqtbl1q_u8(low_nibble_mask, nib_3_lo);
uint8x16_t shuf_3_hi = vqtbl1q_u8(high_nibble_mask, nib_3_hi);
uint8x16_t v_3 = vandq_u8(shuf_3_lo, shuf_3_hi);
@ -768,29 +828,29 @@ void find_whitespace_and_structurals<instruction_set::neon>(
const uint8x16_t low_3bits_and_mask = vmovq_n_u8(0x7);
const uint8x16_t high_1bit_tst_mask = vmovq_n_u8(0x80);
int8x16_t low_3bits_0 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i.val[0], low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_0 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[0], 3);
int8x16_t low_3bits_0 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i0, low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_0 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i0, 3);
uint8x16_t shuffle_structural_0 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(structural_bitvec, high_5bits_0), low_3bits_0);
uint8x16_t shuffle_ws_0 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(whitespace_bitvec, high_5bits_0), low_3bits_0);
uint8x16_t tmp_0 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_structural_0, high_1bit_tst_mask);
uint8x16_t tmp_ws_0 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_ws_0, high_1bit_tst_mask);
int8x16_t low_3bits_1 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i.val[1], low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_1 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[1], 3);
int8x16_t low_3bits_1 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i1, low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_1 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i1, 3);
uint8x16_t shuffle_structural_1 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(structural_bitvec, high_5bits_1), low_3bits_1);
uint8x16_t shuffle_ws_1 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(whitespace_bitvec, high_5bits_1), low_3bits_1);
uint8x16_t tmp_1 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_structural_1, high_1bit_tst_mask);
uint8x16_t tmp_ws_1 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_ws_1, high_1bit_tst_mask);
int8x16_t low_3bits_2 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i.val[2], low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_2 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[2], 3);
int8x16_t low_3bits_2 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i2, low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_2 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i2, 3);
uint8x16_t shuffle_structural_2 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(structural_bitvec, high_5bits_2), low_3bits_2);
uint8x16_t shuffle_ws_2 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(whitespace_bitvec, high_5bits_2), low_3bits_2);
uint8x16_t tmp_2 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_structural_2, high_1bit_tst_mask);
uint8x16_t tmp_ws_2 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_ws_2, high_1bit_tst_mask);
int8x16_t low_3bits_3 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i.val[3], low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_3 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i.val[3], 3);
int8x16_t low_3bits_3 = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vandq_u8(in.i3, low_3bits_and_mask));
uint8x16_t high_5bits_3 = vshrq_n_u8(in.i3, 3);
uint8x16_t shuffle_structural_3 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(structural_bitvec, high_5bits_3), low_3bits_3);
uint8x16_t shuffle_ws_3 = vshlq_u8(vqtbl1q_u8(whitespace_bitvec, high_5bits_3), low_3bits_3);
uint8x16_t tmp_3 = vtstq_u8(shuffle_structural_3, high_1bit_tst_mask);
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
#include "simdjson/stringparsing.h"
#include "simdjson/simdjson.h"
#define PATH_SEP '/'
namespace simdjson {
void init_state_machine();
@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ really_inline bool handle_unicode_codepoint(const uint8_t **src_ptr, uint8_t **d
return offset > 0;
#ifdef __ARM_NEON
#include <arm_neon.h>
// Holds backslashes and quotes locations.
struct parse_string_helper {
uint32_t bs_bits;
Reference in New Issue