@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ public:
* The parser will allocate capacity as needed.
document() noexcept=default;
~document() noexcept=default;
document() noexcept = default;
~document() noexcept = default;
* Take another document's buffers.
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ public:
* @param other The document to take. Its capacity is zeroed and it is invalidated.
document(document &&other) noexcept = default;
/** @private */
document(const document &) = delete; // Disallow copying
* Take another document's buffers.
@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ public:
* @param other The document to take. Its capacity is zeroed.
document &operator=(document &&other) noexcept = default;
/** @private */
document &operator=(const document &) = delete; // Disallow copying
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ public:
element root() const noexcept;
* Dump the raw tape for debugging.
* @private Dump the raw tape for debugging.
* @param os the stream to output to.
* @return false if the tape is likely wrong (e.g., you did not parse a valid JSON).
@ -129,7 +131,11 @@ public:
bool dump_raw_tape(std::ostream &os) const noexcept;
std::unique_ptr<uint64_t[]> tape;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> string_buf;// should be at least byte_capacity
/** @private String values.
* Should be at least byte_capacity.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> string_buf;
inline error_code set_capacity(size_t len) noexcept;
@ -592,6 +598,7 @@ public:
really_inline parser(size_t max_capacity = SIMDJSON_MAXSIZE_BYTES, size_t max_depth = DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH) noexcept;
/** Deallocate the JSON parser. */
@ -600,14 +607,14 @@ public:
* @param other The parser to take. Its capacity is zeroed.
parser(parser &&other) = default;
parser(const parser &) = delete; // Disallow copying
parser(const parser &) = delete; ///< @private Disallow copying
* Take another parser's buffers and state.
* @param other The parser to take. Its capacity is zeroed.
parser &operator=(parser &&other) = default;
parser &operator=(const parser &) = delete; // Disallow copying
parser &operator=(const parser &) = delete; ///< @private Disallow copying
* Load a JSON document from a file and return a reference to it.
@ -1147,34 +1154,35 @@ public:
/** @deprecated Use simdjson_error instead */
using InvalidJSON = simdjson_error;
// Next location to write to in the tape
/** @private Next location to write to in the tape */
uint32_t current_loc{0};
// structural indices passed from stage 1 to stage 2
/** @private Number of structural indices passed from stage 1 to stage 2 */
uint32_t n_structural_indexes{0};
/** @private Structural indices passed from stage 1 to stage 2 */
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> structural_indexes;
// location and return address of each open { or [
/** @private Tape location of each open { or [ */
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> containing_scope_offset;
/** @private Return address of each open { or [ */
std::unique_ptr<void*[]> ret_address;
/** @private Return address of each open { or [ */
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ret_address;
// Next place to write a string
/** @private Next write location in the string buf for stage 2 parsing */
uint8_t *current_string_buf_loc;
/** @deprecated Use `if (parser.parse(...).error)` instead */
bool valid{false};
/** @deprecated Use `parser.parse(...).error` instead */
error_code error{UNINITIALIZED};
// Document we're writing to
/** @deprecated Use `parser.parse(...).doc` instead */
document doc;
// TODO these are deprecated; use the results of parse instead.
// returns true if the document parsed was valid
[[deprecated("Use the result of parser.parse() instead")]]
inline bool is_valid() const noexcept;
@ -1188,11 +1196,9 @@ public:
[[deprecated("Use error_message() on the result of parser.parse() instead, or cout << error")]]
inline std::string get_error_message() const noexcept;
// print the json to std::ostream (should be valid)
// return false if the tape is likely wrong (e.g., you did not parse a valid
// JSON).
[[deprecated("Use cout << on the result of parser.parse() instead")]]
inline bool print_json(std::ostream &os) const noexcept;
/** @private Private and deprecated: use `parser.parse(...).doc.dump_raw_tape()` instead */
inline bool dump_raw_tape(std::ostream &os) const noexcept;
@ -1201,54 +1207,54 @@ public:
// TODO find a way to do this without exposing the interface or crippling performance
// this should be called when parsing (right before writing the tapes)
/** @private this should be called when parsing (right before writing the tapes) */
inline void init_stage2() noexcept;
really_inline error_code on_error(error_code new_error_code) noexcept;
really_inline error_code on_success(error_code success_code) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_start_document(uint32_t depth) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_start_object(uint32_t depth) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_start_array(uint32_t depth) noexcept;
really_inline error_code on_error(error_code new_error_code) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline error_code on_success(error_code success_code) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_start_document(uint32_t depth) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_start_object(uint32_t depth) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_start_array(uint32_t depth) noexcept; ///< @private
// TODO we're not checking this bool
really_inline bool on_end_document(uint32_t depth) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_end_object(uint32_t depth) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_end_array(uint32_t depth) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_true_atom() noexcept;
really_inline bool on_false_atom() noexcept;
really_inline bool on_null_atom() noexcept;
really_inline uint8_t *on_start_string() noexcept;
really_inline bool on_end_string(uint8_t *dst) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_number_s64(int64_t value) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_number_u64(uint64_t value) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_number_double(double value) noexcept;
really_inline bool on_end_document(uint32_t depth) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_end_object(uint32_t depth) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_end_array(uint32_t depth) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_true_atom() noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_false_atom() noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_null_atom() noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline uint8_t *on_start_string() noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_end_string(uint8_t *dst) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_number_s64(int64_t value) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_number_u64(uint64_t value) noexcept; ///< @private
really_inline bool on_number_double(double value) noexcept; ///< @private
// The maximum document length this parser supports.
// Buffers are large enough to handle any document up to this length.
* The maximum document length this parser supports.
* Buffers are large enough to handle any document up to this length.
size_t _capacity{0};
// The maximum document length this parser will automatically support.
// The parser will not be automatically allocated above this amount.
* The maximum document length this parser will automatically support.
* The parser will not be automatically allocated above this amount.
size_t _max_capacity;
// The maximum depth (number of nested objects and arrays) supported by this parser.
// Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH.
* The maximum depth (number of nested objects and arrays) supported by this parser.
* Defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH.
size_t _max_depth;
// The loaded buffer (reused each time load() is called)
* The loaded buffer (reused each time load() is called)
std::unique_ptr<char[], decltype(&aligned_free_char)> loaded_bytes;
// Capacity of loaded_bytes buffer.
/** Capacity of loaded_bytes buffer. */
size_t _loaded_bytes_capacity{0};
// all nodes are stored on the doc.tape using a 64-bit word.
@ -1268,13 +1274,13 @@ private:
inline void write_tape(uint64_t val, internal::tape_type t) noexcept;
inline void annotate_previous_loc(uint32_t saved_loc, uint64_t val) noexcept;
// Ensure we have enough capacity to handle at least desired_capacity bytes,
// and auto-allocate if not.
* Ensure we have enough capacity to handle at least desired_capacity bytes,
* and auto-allocate if not.
inline error_code ensure_capacity(size_t desired_capacity) noexcept;
// Read the file into loaded_bytes
/** Read the file into loaded_bytes */
inline simdjson_result<size_t> read_file(const std::string &path) noexcept;
friend class parser::Iterator;