Move JsonStream inline implementation to inline .h

This commit is contained in:
John Keiser 2020-03-03 16:21:14 -08:00
parent 5525c6f729
commit a55f41a24a
5 changed files with 267 additions and 252 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ SRCHEADERS_WESTMERE=src/westmere/bitmanipulation.h src/westmere/bitmask.h src/we
SRCHEADERS_SRC=src/isadetection.h src/jsoncharutils.h src/simdprune_tables.h src/error.cpp src/jsonioutil.cpp src/implementation.cpp src/stage1_find_marks.cpp src/stage2_build_tape.cpp src/inline/document_parser_callbacks.h
INCLUDEHEADERS=include/simdjson.h include/simdjson/common_defs.h include/simdjson/internal/jsonformatutils.h include/simdjson/jsonioutil.h include/simdjson/jsonminifier.h include/simdjson/jsonparser.h include/simdjson/padded_string.h include/simdjson/document.h include/simdjson/inline/document.h include/simdjson/document_iterator.h include/simdjson/inline/document_iterator.h include/simdjson/implementation.h include/simdjson/parsedjson.h include/simdjson/jsonstream.h include/simdjson/portability.h include/simdjson/error.h include/simdjson/simdjson.h include/simdjson/simdjson_version.h
INCLUDEHEADERS=include/simdjson.h include/simdjson/common_defs.h include/simdjson/internal/jsonformatutils.h include/simdjson/jsonioutil.h include/simdjson/jsonminifier.h include/simdjson/jsonparser.h include/simdjson/padded_string.h include/simdjson/document.h include/simdjson/inline/document.h include/simdjson/document_iterator.h include/simdjson/inline/document_iterator.h include/simdjson/implementation.h include/simdjson/parsedjson.h include/simdjson/jsonstream.h include/simdjson/inline/jsonstream.h include/simdjson/portability.h include/simdjson/error.h include/simdjson/simdjson.h include/simdjson/simdjson_version.h

View File

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@

View File

@ -21,5 +21,6 @@
// Inline functions
#include "simdjson/inline/document.h"
#include "simdjson/inline/document_iterator.h"
#include "simdjson/inline/jsonstream.h"
#endif // SIMDJSON_H

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
#include "simdjson/jsonstream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
namespace simdjson::internal {
/* This algorithm is used to quickly identify the buffer position of
* the last JSON document inside the current batch.
* It does its work by finding the last pair of structural characters
* that represent the end followed by the start of a document.
* Simply put, we iterate over the structural characters, starting from
* the end. We consider that we found the end of a JSON document when the
* first element of the pair is NOT one of these characters: '{' '[' ';' ','
* and when the second element is NOT one of these characters: '}' '}' ';' ','.
* This simple comparison works most of the time, but it does not cover cases
* where the batch's structural indexes contain a perfect amount of documents.
* In such a case, we do not have access to the structural index which follows
* the last document, therefore, we do not have access to the second element in
* the pair, and means that we cannot identify the last document. To fix this
* issue, we keep a count of the open and closed curly/square braces we found
* while searching for the pair. When we find a pair AND the count of open and
* closed curly/square braces is the same, we know that we just passed a
* complete
* document, therefore the last json buffer location is the end of the batch
* */
inline size_t find_last_json_buf_idx(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, const document::parser &parser) {
// this function can be generally useful
if (parser.n_structural_indexes == 0)
return 0;
auto last_i = parser.n_structural_indexes - 1;
if (parser.structural_indexes[last_i] == size) {
if (last_i == 0)
return 0;
last_i = parser.n_structural_indexes - 2;
auto arr_cnt = 0;
auto obj_cnt = 0;
for (auto i = last_i; i > 0; i--) {
auto idxb = parser.structural_indexes[i];
switch (buf[idxb]) {
case ':':
case ',':
case '}':
case ']':
case '{':
case '[':
auto idxa = parser.structural_indexes[i - 1];
switch (buf[idxa]) {
case '{':
case '[':
case ':':
case ',':
if (!arr_cnt && !obj_cnt) {
return last_i + 1;
return i;
return 0;
// returns true if the provided byte value is an ASCII character
static inline bool is_ascii(char c) {
return ((unsigned char)c) <= 127;
// if the string ends with UTF-8 values, backtrack
// up to the first ASCII character. May return 0.
static inline size_t trimmed_length_safe_utf8(const char * c, size_t len) {
while ((len > 0) and (not is_ascii(c[len - 1]))) {
return len;
} // namespace simdjson::internal
namespace simdjson {
template <class string_container>
JsonStream<string_container>::JsonStream(const string_container &s,
size_t batchSize)
: str(s), _batch_size(batchSize) {
template <class string_container> JsonStream<string_container>::~JsonStream() {
if (stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
// threaded version of json_parse
// todo: simplify this code further
template <class string_container>
int JsonStream<string_container>::json_parse(document::parser &parser) {
if (unlikely(parser.capacity() == 0)) {
const bool allocok = parser.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok) {
return parser.error = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
} else if (unlikely(parser.capacity() < _batch_size)) {
return parser.error = simdjson::CAPACITY;
if (unlikely(parser_thread.capacity() < _batch_size)) {
const bool allocok_thread = parser_thread.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok_thread) {
return parser.error = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
if (unlikely(load_next_batch)) {
// First time loading
if (!stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
_batch_size = (std::min)(_batch_size, remaining());
_batch_size = internal::trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char *)buf(), _batch_size);
if (_batch_size == 0) {
return parser.error = simdjson::UTF8_ERROR;
auto stage1_is_ok = error_code(simdjson::active_implementation->stage1(buf(), _batch_size, parser, true));
if (stage1_is_ok != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
return parser.error = stage1_is_ok;
size_t last_index = internal::find_last_json_buf_idx(buf(), _batch_size, parser);
if (last_index == 0) {
if (parser.n_structural_indexes == 0) {
return parser.error = simdjson::EMPTY;
} else {
parser.n_structural_indexes = last_index + 1;
// the second thread is running or done.
else {
if (stage1_is_ok_thread != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
return parser.error = stage1_is_ok_thread;
std::swap(parser.structural_indexes, parser_thread.structural_indexes);
parser.n_structural_indexes = parser_thread.n_structural_indexes;
n_bytes_parsed += last_json_buffer_loc;
// let us decide whether we will start a new thread
if (remaining() - _batch_size > 0) {
last_json_buffer_loc =
parser.structural_indexes[internal::find_last_json_buf_idx(buf(), _batch_size, parser)];
_batch_size = (std::min)(_batch_size, remaining() - last_json_buffer_loc);
if (_batch_size > 0) {
_batch_size = internal::trimmed_length_safe_utf8(
(const char *)(buf() + last_json_buffer_loc), _batch_size);
if (_batch_size == 0) {
return parser.error = simdjson::UTF8_ERROR;
// let us capture read-only variables
const uint8_t *const b = buf() + last_json_buffer_loc;
const size_t bs = _batch_size;
// we call the thread on a lambda that will update
// this->stage1_is_ok_thread
// there is only one thread that may write to this value
stage_1_thread = std::thread([this, b, bs] {
this->stage1_is_ok_thread = error_code(simdjson::active_implementation->stage1(b, bs, this->parser_thread, true));
next_json = 0;
load_next_batch = false;
} // load_next_batch
int res = simdjson::active_implementation->stage2(buf(), remaining(), parser, next_json);
if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json];
load_next_batch = (current_buffer_loc == last_json_buffer_loc);
} else if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS) {
if (remaining() > _batch_size) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json - 1];
load_next_batch = true;
res = simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE;
return res;
// single-threaded version of json_parse
template <class string_container>
int JsonStream<string_container>::json_parse(document::parser &parser) {
if (unlikely(parser.capacity() == 0)) {
const bool allocok = parser.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok) {
return parser.on_error(MEMALLOC);
} else if (unlikely(parser.capacity() < _batch_size)) {
return parser.on_error(CAPACITY);
if (unlikely(load_next_batch)) {
n_bytes_parsed += current_buffer_loc;
_batch_size = (std::min)(_batch_size, remaining());
_batch_size = internal::trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char *)buf(), _batch_size);
auto stage1_is_ok = (error_code)simdjson::active_implementation->stage1(buf(), _batch_size, parser, true);
if (stage1_is_ok != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
return parser.on_error(stage1_is_ok);
size_t last_index = internal::find_last_json_buf_idx(buf(), _batch_size, parser);
if (last_index == 0) {
if (parser.n_structural_indexes == 0) {
return parser.on_error(EMPTY);
} else {
parser.n_structural_indexes = last_index + 1;
load_next_batch = false;
} // load_next_batch
int res = simdjson::active_implementation->stage2(buf(), remaining(), parser, next_json);
if (likely(res == simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE)) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json];
} else if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS) {
if (remaining() > _batch_size) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json - 1];
next_json = 1;
load_next_batch = true;
res = simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE;
} else {
return res;
} // end of namespace simdjson

View File

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
#include "simdjson/padded_string.h"
#include "simdjson/simdjson.h"
namespace simdjson {
* The main motivation for this piece of software is to achieve maximum speed
*and offer
@ -148,249 +145,5 @@ private:
}; // end of class JsonStream
/* This algorithm is used to quickly identify the buffer position of
* the last JSON document inside the current batch.
* It does its work by finding the last pair of structural characters
* that represent the end followed by the start of a document.
* Simply put, we iterate over the structural characters, starting from
* the end. We consider that we found the end of a JSON document when the
* first element of the pair is NOT one of these characters: '{' '[' ';' ','
* and when the second element is NOT one of these characters: '}' '}' ';' ','.
* This simple comparison works most of the time, but it does not cover cases
* where the batch's structural indexes contain a perfect amount of documents.
* In such a case, we do not have access to the structural index which follows
* the last document, therefore, we do not have access to the second element in
* the pair, and means that we cannot identify the last document. To fix this
* issue, we keep a count of the open and closed curly/square braces we found
* while searching for the pair. When we find a pair AND the count of open and
* closed curly/square braces is the same, we know that we just passed a
* complete
* document, therefore the last json buffer location is the end of the batch
* */
inline size_t find_last_json_buf_idx(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size,
const document::parser &parser) {
// this function can be generally useful
if (parser.n_structural_indexes == 0)
return 0;
auto last_i = parser.n_structural_indexes - 1;
if (parser.structural_indexes[last_i] == size) {
if (last_i == 0)
return 0;
last_i = parser.n_structural_indexes - 2;
auto arr_cnt = 0;
auto obj_cnt = 0;
for (auto i = last_i; i > 0; i--) {
auto idxb = parser.structural_indexes[i];
switch (buf[idxb]) {
case ':':
case ',':
case '}':
case ']':
case '{':
case '[':
auto idxa = parser.structural_indexes[i - 1];
switch (buf[idxa]) {
case '{':
case '[':
case ':':
case ',':
if (!arr_cnt && !obj_cnt) {
return last_i + 1;
return i;
return 0;
template <class string_container>
JsonStream<string_container>::JsonStream(const string_container &s,
size_t batchSize)
: str(s), _batch_size(batchSize) {
template <class string_container> JsonStream<string_container>::~JsonStream() {
if (stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
namespace internal {
// returns true if the provided byte value is an ASCII character
static inline bool is_ascii(char c) {
return ((unsigned char)c) <= 127;
// if the string ends with UTF-8 values, backtrack
// up to the first ASCII character. May return 0.
static inline size_t trimmed_length_safe_utf8(const char * c, size_t len) {
while ((len > 0) and (not is_ascii(c[len - 1]))) {
return len;
// threaded version of json_parse
// todo: simplify this code further
template <class string_container>
int JsonStream<string_container>::json_parse(document::parser &parser) {
if (unlikely(parser.capacity() == 0)) {
const bool allocok = parser.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok) {
return parser.error = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
} else if (unlikely(parser.capacity() < _batch_size)) {
return parser.error = simdjson::CAPACITY;
if (unlikely(parser_thread.capacity() < _batch_size)) {
const bool allocok_thread = parser_thread.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok_thread) {
return parser.error = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
if (unlikely(load_next_batch)) {
// First time loading
if (!stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
_batch_size = (std::min)(_batch_size, remaining());
_batch_size = internal::trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char *)buf(), _batch_size);
if (_batch_size == 0) {
return parser.error = simdjson::UTF8_ERROR;
auto stage1_is_ok = error_code(simdjson::active_implementation->stage1(buf(), _batch_size, parser, true));
if (stage1_is_ok != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
return parser.error = stage1_is_ok;
size_t last_index = find_last_json_buf_idx(buf(), _batch_size, parser);
if (last_index == 0) {
if (parser.n_structural_indexes == 0) {
return parser.error = simdjson::EMPTY;
} else {
parser.n_structural_indexes = last_index + 1;
// the second thread is running or done.
else {
if (stage1_is_ok_thread != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
return parser.error = stage1_is_ok_thread;
std::swap(parser.structural_indexes, parser_thread.structural_indexes);
parser.n_structural_indexes = parser_thread.n_structural_indexes;
n_bytes_parsed += last_json_buffer_loc;
// let us decide whether we will start a new thread
if (remaining() - _batch_size > 0) {
last_json_buffer_loc =
parser.structural_indexes[find_last_json_buf_idx(buf(), _batch_size, parser)];
_batch_size = (std::min)(_batch_size, remaining() - last_json_buffer_loc);
if (_batch_size > 0) {
_batch_size = internal::trimmed_length_safe_utf8(
(const char *)(buf() + last_json_buffer_loc), _batch_size);
if (_batch_size == 0) {
return parser.error = simdjson::UTF8_ERROR;
// let us capture read-only variables
const uint8_t *const b = buf() + last_json_buffer_loc;
const size_t bs = _batch_size;
// we call the thread on a lambda that will update
// this->stage1_is_ok_thread
// there is only one thread that may write to this value
stage_1_thread = std::thread([this, b, bs] {
this->stage1_is_ok_thread = error_code(simdjson::active_implementation->stage1(b, bs, this->parser_thread, true));
next_json = 0;
load_next_batch = false;
} // load_next_batch
int res = simdjson::active_implementation->stage2(buf(), remaining(), parser, next_json);
if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json];
load_next_batch = (current_buffer_loc == last_json_buffer_loc);
} else if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS) {
if (remaining() > _batch_size) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json - 1];
load_next_batch = true;
res = simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE;
return res;
// single-threaded version of json_parse
template <class string_container>
int JsonStream<string_container>::json_parse(document::parser &parser) {
if (unlikely(parser.capacity() == 0)) {
const bool allocok = parser.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok) {
return parser.on_error(MEMALLOC);
} else if (unlikely(parser.capacity() < _batch_size)) {
return parser.on_error(CAPACITY);
if (unlikely(load_next_batch)) {
n_bytes_parsed += current_buffer_loc;
_batch_size = (std::min)(_batch_size, remaining());
_batch_size = internal::trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char *)buf(), _batch_size);
auto stage1_is_ok = (error_code)simdjson::active_implementation->stage1(buf(), _batch_size, parser, true);
if (stage1_is_ok != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
return parser.on_error(stage1_is_ok);
size_t last_index = find_last_json_buf_idx(buf(), _batch_size, parser);
if (last_index == 0) {
if (parser.n_structural_indexes == 0) {
return parser.on_error(EMPTY);
} else {
parser.n_structural_indexes = last_index + 1;
load_next_batch = false;
} // load_next_batch
int res = simdjson::active_implementation->stage2(buf(), remaining(), parser, next_json);
if (likely(res == simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE)) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json];
} else if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS) {
if (remaining() > _batch_size) {
current_buffer_loc = parser.structural_indexes[next_json - 1];
next_json = 1;
load_next_batch = true;
res = simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE;
} else {
return res;
} // end of namespace simdjson