Add RapidJSON and nlohmann_json SAX to partial_tweets benchmark (#1597)
* Add first working version of rapidjson_sax for partial tweets. * Add cleaner and faster rapidjson_sax * Add nlohmann_json_sax. * Replace array of bool by bitsets. * Replace strdup to copy string in rapidjson_sax. * Change std::string_view assignment in rapidjson_sax.
This commit is contained in:
#include "partial_tweets/yyjson.h"
#include "partial_tweets/sajson.h"
#include "partial_tweets/rapidjson.h"
#include "partial_tweets/rapidjson_sax.h"
#include "partial_tweets/nlohmann_json.h"
#include "partial_tweets/nlohmann_json_sax.h"
#include "large_random/simdjson_dom.h"
#include "large_random/simdjson_ondemand.h"
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#pragma once
#include "partial_tweets.h"
namespace partial_tweets {
using json = nlohmann::json;
struct nlohmann_json_sax {
using StringType=std::string;
struct Handler : json::json_sax_t
// 8 keys to parse for each tweet (in order of appearance): "created_at", "id", "text", "in_reply_status_id", "id"(user),
// "screen_name"(user), "retweet_count" and "favorite_count".
// Assume that the first valid key encountered will be the correct key to parse.
// Assume that each tweet/retweet start with a key "metadata" and has a key "retweeted" towards the end
// The previous assumption will be used to check for the beginning of a new tweet and the end of a retweet
enum state { // Bitset to store state of search
key_date = (1<<0),
key_id = (1<<1),
key_text = (1<<2),
key_reply = (1<<3),
key_userid = (1<<4),
key_screenname = (1<<5),
key_rt = (1<<6),
key_fav = (1<<7),
found_date = (1<<8),
found_id = (1<<9),
found_text = (1<<10),
found_reply = (1<<11),
found_userid = (1<<12),
found_screenname = (1<<13),
found_rt = (1<<14),
found_fav = (1<<15)
int values = state::key_date;
bool userobject_id = false; // If in a user object (to find
bool userobject_screen_name = false; // If in a user object (to find user.screen_name)
bool inretweet = false; // If in a retweet (all keys irrelevant in retweet object)
// Fields to store partial tweet info
uint64_t user_id;
uint64_t id;
uint64_t rt;
uint64_t fav;
uint64_t reply_status;
string_t screen_name;
string_t date;
string_t text;
std::vector<tweet<std::string>>& result;
Handler(std::vector<tweet<std::string>> &r) : result(r) { }
bool key(string_t& val) override {
if (!inretweet) { // If not in a retweet object, find relevant keys
if ("retweeted_status") == 0) { inretweet = true; } // Check if entering retweet
else if ("metadata") == 0) { values = 0; } // Reset
// Check if key has been found and if key matches a valid key
else if (!(values & found_date) && ("created_at") == 0)) { values |= (key_date); }
// Must also check if not in a user object
else if (!(values & found_id) && !userobject_id && ("id") == 0)) { values |= (key_id); }
else if (!(values & found_text) && ("text") == 0)) { values |= (key_text); }
else if (!(values & found_reply) && ("in_reply_to_status_id") == 0)) { values |= (key_reply); }
// Check if entering user object
else if (("user") == 0)) { userobject_id = userobject_screen_name = true; }
// Must also check if in a user object
else if (!(values & found_userid) && userobject_id && ("id") == 0)) { values |= (key_userid); }
// Must also check if in a user object
else if (!(values & found_screenname) && userobject_screen_name && ("screen_name") == 0)) { values |= (key_screenname); }
else if (!(values & found_rt) && ("retweet_count") == 0)) { values |= (key_rt); }
else if (!(values & found_fav) && ("favorite_count") == 0)) { values |= (key_fav); }
else if ("retweeted") == 0) { inretweet = false; } // Check if end of retweet
return true;
bool number_unsigned(number_unsigned_t val) override {
if (values & key_id && !(values & found_id)) { // id
id = val;
values &= ~(key_id);
values |= (found_id);
else if (values & key_reply && !(values & found_reply)) { // in_reply_status_id
reply_status = val;
values &= ~(key_reply);
values |= (found_reply);
else if (values & key_userid && !(values & found_userid)) { //
user_id = val;
userobject_id = false;
values &= ~(key_userid);
values |= (found_userid);
else if (values & key_rt && !(values & found_rt)) { // retweet_count
rt = val;
values &= ~(key_rt);
values |= (found_rt);
else if (values & key_fav && !(values & found_fav)) { // favorite_count
fav = val;
values &= ~(key_fav);
values |= (found_fav);
// Assume that this is last key required, so add the partial_tweet to result
return true;
bool string(string_t& val) override {
if (values & key_date && !(values & found_date)) { // created_at
date = val;
values &= ~(key_date);
values |= (found_date);
else if (values & key_text && !(values & found_text)) { // text
text = val;
values &= ~(key_text);
values |= (found_text);
else if (values & key_screenname && !(values & found_screenname)) { // user.screen_name
screen_name = val;
userobject_screen_name = false;
values &= ~(key_screenname);
values |= (found_screenname);
return true;
bool null() override {
if (values & key_reply && !(values & found_reply)) { // in_reply_status (null case)
reply_status = 0;
values &= ~(key_reply);
values |= (found_reply);
return true;
// Irrelevant events
bool boolean(bool val) override { return true; }
bool number_float(number_float_t val, const string_t& s) override { return true; }
bool number_integer(number_integer_t val) override { return true; }
bool start_object(std::size_t elements) override { return true; }
bool end_object() override { return true; }
bool start_array(std::size_t elements) override { return true; }
bool end_array() override { return true; }
bool binary(json::binary_t& val) override { return true; }
bool parse_error(std::size_t position, const std::string& last_token, const json::exception& ex) override { return false; }
}; // Handler
bool run(simdjson::padded_string &json, std::vector<tweet<std::string>> &result) {
Handler handler(result);
json::sax_parse(, &handler);
return true;
}; // nlohmann_json_sax
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(partial_tweets, nlohmann_json_sax)->UseManualTime();
} // namespace partial_tweets
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#pragma once
#include "partial_tweets.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
namespace partial_tweets {
using namespace rapidjson;
struct rapidjson_sax {
using StringType=std::string_view;
// 8 keys to parse for each tweet (in order of appearance): "created_at", "id", "text", "in_reply_status_id", "id"(user),
// "screen_name"(user), "retweet_count" and "favorite_count".
// Assume that the first valid key encountered will be the correct key to parse.
// Assume that each tweet/retweet start with a key "metadata" and has a key "retweeted" towards the end
// The previous assumption will be used to check for the beginning of a new tweet and the end of a retweet
struct Handler {
enum state { // Bitset to store state of search
key_date = (1<<0),
key_id = (1<<1),
key_text = (1<<2),
key_reply = (1<<3),
key_userid = (1<<4),
key_screenname = (1<<5),
key_rt = (1<<6),
key_fav = (1<<7),
found_date = (1<<8),
found_id = (1<<9),
found_text = (1<<10),
found_reply = (1<<11),
found_userid = (1<<12),
found_screenname = (1<<13),
found_rt = (1<<14),
found_fav = (1<<15)
int values = state::key_date;
bool userobject_id = false; // If in a user object (to find
bool userobject_screen_name = false; // If in a user object (to find user.screen_name)
bool inretweet = false; // If in a retweet (all keys irrelevant in retweet object)
// Fields to store partial tweet info
uint64_t user_id;
uint64_t id;
uint64_t rt;
uint64_t fav;
uint64_t reply_status;
std::string_view screen_name;
std::string_view date;
std::string_view text;
std::vector<tweet<std::string_view>>& result;
Handler(std::vector<tweet<std::string_view>> &r) : result(r) { }
bool Key(const char* key, SizeType length, bool copy) {
if (!inretweet) { // If not in a retweet object, find relevant keys
if ((length == 16) && (memcmp(key,"retweeted_status",16) == 0)) { inretweet = true; } // Check if entering retweet
else if ((length == 8) && (memcmp(key,"metadata",8) == 0)) { values = 0; } // Reset
// Check if key has been found and if key matches a valid key
else if (!(values & found_date) && (length == 10) && (memcmp(key,"created_at",10) == 0)) { values |= (key_date); }
// Must also check if not in a user object
else if (!(values & found_id) && !userobject_id && (length == 2) && (memcmp(key,"id",2) == 0)) { values |= (key_id); }
else if (!(values & found_text) && (length == 4) && (memcmp(key,"text",4) == 0)) { values |= (key_text); }
else if (!(values & found_reply) && (length == 21) && (memcmp(key,"in_reply_to_status_id",21) == 0)) { values |= (key_reply); }
// Check if entering user object
else if ((length == 4) && (memcmp(key,"user",4) == 0)) { userobject_id = userobject_screen_name = true; }
// Must also check if in a user object
else if (!(values & found_userid) && userobject_id && (length == 2) && (memcmp(key,"id",2) == 0)) { values |= (key_userid); }
// Must also check if in a user object
else if (!(values & found_screenname) && userobject_screen_name && (length == 11) && (memcmp(key,"screen_name",11) == 0)) { values |= (key_screenname); }
else if (!(values & found_rt) && (length == 13) && (memcmp(key,"retweet_count",13) == 0)) { values |= (key_rt); }
else if (!(values & found_fav) && (length == 14) && (memcmp(key,"favorite_count",14) == 0)) { values |= (key_fav); }
else if ((length == 9) && (memcmp(key,"retweeted",9) == 0)) { inretweet = false; } // Check if end of retweet
return true;
bool Uint(unsigned i) {
if (values & key_userid && !(values & found_userid)) { //
user_id = i;
userobject_id = false;
values &= ~(key_userid);
values |= (found_userid);
else if (values & key_rt && !(values & found_rt)) { // retweet_count
rt = i;
values &= ~(key_rt);
values |= (found_rt);
else if (values & key_fav && !(values & found_fav)) { // favorite_count
fav = i;
values &= ~(key_fav);
values |= (found_fav);
// Assume that this is last key required, so add the partial_tweet to result
return true;
bool Uint64(uint64_t i) {
if (values & key_id && !(values & found_id)) { // id
id = i;
values &= ~(key_id);
values |= (found_id);
else if (values & key_reply && !(values & found_reply)) { // in_reply_status_id
reply_status = i;
values &= ~(key_reply);
values |= (found_reply);
return true;
bool String(const char* str, SizeType length, bool copy) {
if (values & key_date && !(values & found_date)) { // created_at
date = {str,length};
values &= ~(key_date);
values |= (found_date);
else if (values & key_text && !(values & found_text)) { // text
text = {str,length};
values &= ~(key_text);
values |= (found_text);
else if (values & key_screenname && !(values & found_screenname)) { // user.screen_name
screen_name = {str,length};
userobject_screen_name = false;
values &= ~(key_screenname);
values |= (found_screenname);
return true;
bool Null() {
if (values & key_reply && !(values & found_reply)) { // in_reply_status (null case)
reply_status = 0;
values &= ~(key_reply);
values |= (found_reply);
return true;
// Irrelevant events
bool Bool(bool b) { return true; }
bool Double(double d) { return true; }
bool Int(int i) { return true; }
bool Int64(int64_t i) { return true; }
bool RawNumber(const char* str, SizeType length, bool copy) { return true; }
bool StartObject() { return true; }
bool EndObject(SizeType memberCount) { return true; }
bool StartArray() { return true; }
bool EndArray(SizeType elementCount) { return true; }
}; // handler
bool run(simdjson::padded_string &json, std::vector<tweet<std::string_view>> &result) {
Reader reader;
Handler handler(result);
InsituStringStream ss(;
reader.Parse<kParseInsituFlag | kParseValidateEncodingFlag | kParseFullPrecisionFlag>(ss,handler);
return true;
}; // rapid_jason_sax
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(partial_tweets, rapidjson_sax)->UseManualTime();
} // namespace partial_tweets
Reference in New Issue