#include "simdjson/jsonparser.h" #include #include "benchmark.h" // #define RAPIDJSON_SSE2 // bad for performance // #define RAPIDJSON_SSE42 // bad for performance #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "rapidjson/reader.h" #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h" #include "rapidjson/writer.h" #include "sajson.h" #ifdef ALLPARSER #include "fastjson.cpp" #include "fastjson_dom.cpp" #include "gason.cpp" #include "json11.cpp" extern "C" { #include "ujdecode.h" #include "ultrajsondec.c" } #endif using namespace rapidjson; using namespace std; #ifdef ALLPARSER // fastjson has a tricky interface void on_json_error(void *, const fastjson::ErrorContext &ec) { // std::cerr<<"ERROR: "<= argc) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " \n"; cerr << "Or " << argv[0] << " -v \n"; cerr << "To enable parsers that are not standard compliant, use the -a " "flag\n"; exit(1); } const char *filename = argv[optind]; if (optind + 1 < argc) { cerr << "warning: ignoring everything after " << argv[optind + 1] << endl; } std::string_view p; try { p = get_corpus(filename); } catch (const std::exception &e) { // caught by reference to base std::cout << "Could not load the file " << filename << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (verbose) { std::cout << "Input has "; if (p.size() > 1024 * 1024) std::cout << p.size() / (1024 * 1024) << " MB "; else if (p.size() > 1024) std::cout << p.size() / 1024 << " KB "; else std::cout << p.size() << " B "; std::cout << std::endl; } ParsedJson pj; bool allocok = pj.allocateCapacity(p.size(), 1024); if (!allocok) { std::cerr << "can't allocate memory" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } int repeat = 50; int volume = p.size(); if(!justdata) BEST_TIME("simdjson (dynamic mem) ", build_parsed_json(p).isValid(), true, , repeat, volume, !justdata); // (static alloc) BEST_TIME("simdjson ", json_parse(p, pj), true, , repeat, volume, !justdata); rapidjson::Document d; char *buffer = (char *)malloc(p.size() + 1); memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()); buffer[p.size()] = '\0'; if(!justdata) BEST_TIME( "RapidJSON (doc reused) ", d.Parse((const char *)buffer).HasParseError(), false, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); BEST_TIME("RapidJSON", d.ParseInsitu(buffer).HasParseError(), false, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()) && (buffer[p.size()] = '\0'), repeat, volume, !justdata); if(!justdata) BEST_TIME("sajson (dynamic mem, insitu)", sajson::parse(sajson::dynamic_allocation(), sajson::mutable_string_view(p.size(), buffer)) .is_valid(), true, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); size_t astbuffersize = p.size(); size_t *ast_buffer = (size_t *)malloc(astbuffersize * sizeof(size_t)); // (static alloc, insitu) BEST_TIME("sajson", sajson::parse(sajson::bounded_allocation(ast_buffer, astbuffersize), sajson::mutable_string_view(p.size(), buffer)) .is_valid(), true, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); #ifdef ALLPARSER std::string json11err; if (all) BEST_TIME("dropbox (json11) ", ((json11::Json::parse(buffer, json11err).is_null()) || (!json11err.empty())), false, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); if (all) BEST_TIME("fastjson ", fastjson_parse(buffer), true, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); JsonValue value; JsonAllocator allocator; char *endptr; if (all) BEST_TIME("gason ", jsonParse(buffer, &endptr, &value, allocator), JSON_OK, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); void *state; if (all) BEST_TIME("ultrajson ", (UJDecode(buffer, p.size(), NULL, &state) == NULL), false, memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()), repeat, volume, !justdata); #endif if(!justdata) BEST_TIME("memcpy ", (memcpy(buffer, p.data(), p.size()) == buffer), true, , repeat, volume, !justdata); free((void *)p.data()); free(ast_buffer); free(buffer); }