#include #if (!(_MSC_VER) && !(__MINGW32__) && !(__MINGW64__)) #include #endif #include #include "simdjson.h" SIMDJSON_PUSH_DISABLE_ALL_WARNINGS #ifndef __cpp_exceptions #define CXXOPTS_NO_EXCEPTIONS #endif #include "cxxopts.hpp" SIMDJSON_POP_DISABLE_WARNINGS cxxopts::Options options("minify", "Runs the parser against the given json files in a loop, measuring speed and other statistics."); void usage(std::string message) { std::cerr << message << std::endl; std::cerr << options.help() << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef __cpp_exceptions try { #endif std::stringstream ss; ss << "Parser implementation (by default, detects the most advanced implementation supported on the host machine)." << std::endl; ss << "Available parser implementations:" << std::endl; for (auto impl : simdjson::available_implementations) { ss << "-a " << std::left << std::setw(9) << impl->name() << " - Use the " << impl->description() << " parser implementation." << std::endl; } options.add_options() ("a,arch", ss.str(), cxxopts::value()) ("f,file", "File name.", cxxopts::value()) ("h,help", "Print usage.") ; options.parse_positional({"file"}); auto result = options.parse(argc, argv); if(result.count("help")) { usage(""); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if(!result.count("file")) { usage("No filename specified."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(result.count("arch")) { const simdjson::implementation *impl = simdjson::available_implementations[result["arch"].as().c_str()]; if(!impl) { usage("Unsupported implementation."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } simdjson::active_implementation = impl; } std::string filename = result["file"].as(); simdjson::padded_string p; auto error = simdjson::padded_string::load(filename).get(p); if (error) { std::cerr << "Could not load the file " << filename << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } simdjson::padded_string copy(p.length()); size_t copy_len; error = simdjson::active_implementation->minify((const uint8_t*)p.data(), p.length(), (uint8_t*)copy.data(), copy_len); if (error) { std::cerr << error << std::endl; return 1; } printf("%s", copy.data()); #ifdef __cpp_exceptions } catch (const cxxopts::OptionException& e) { std::cout << "error parsing options: " << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif }