set term pdfcairo fontscale 0.8 noenhanced set output name set boxwidth 0.8 set style fill solid set ylabel "cycles per input byte" set style line 80 lt rgb "#000000" # Line style for grid set style line 81 lt 0 # dashed set style line 81 lt rgb "#808080" # grey set grid back linestyle 81 set border 3 back linestyle 80 # Remove border on top and right. These # borders are useless and make it harder # to see plotted lines near the border. # Also, put it in grey; no need for so much emphasis on a border. set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set yrange [0:] #set key right top; set key samplen 1 spacing 1 #font ",10" set key width -4 set key height -0.3 #set key horizontal invert set key maxrows 8 set key noenhanced set key Left opaque at 5.4,5.2 #at 5.5,4 #set key right top #set key outside set style data histograms set style histogram rowstacked set xtic rotate by 300 scale 1 set style line 1 lt rgb "#A00000" lw 2 ps 0 set style line 2 lt rgb "#00A000" lw 2 set style line 3 lt rgb "orange" lw 2 set style line 4 lt rgb "#5060D0" lw 2 set style line 5 lt rgb "#0099FB" lw 2# "#00008B" set style line 6 lt rgb "black" lw 2 set style line 7 lt rgb "blue" lw 1 pt 1 ps 1 set style line 8 lt rgb "#5060D0" lw 1 pt 1 ps 1 clamp(a) = (a < 0) ? 0 : a # plot filename using 3 t "stage 1" ls 2, '' using 4 t "stage 2" ls 3, '' using 5:xtic(1) t "stage 3" ls 1 plot filename using 9 t " 1: no utf8" ls 1,\ '' using (clamp($3-$8)) t " 1: just utf8" ls 2,\ '' using (clamp($14 + $19 - $4)) t " 2: core" ls 4,\ '' using (clamp($4 - $19)) t " 2: strings" ls 5,\ '' using (clamp($4 - $14)):xtic(1) t " 2: numbers" ls 6 # 1, 2 mem, 3 st1, 4 st2, 5 total # 6, 7 mem, 8 st1, 9 st2,10 total // noutf8 # 11, 12 mem, 13 st1, 14 st2, 15 total // nonumber # 16, 17 mem, 18 st1, 19 st2, 20 total // nostring