cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14) project( simdjson # The version number is modified by tools/ VERSION 0.9.1 DESCRIPTION "Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second" HOMEPAGE_URL "" LANGUAGES CXX C ) set(SIMDJSON_GITHUB_REPOSITORY "") string( COMPARE EQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" is_top_project ) # ---- Options, variables ---- # These version numbers are modified by tools/ set(SIMDJSON_LIB_VERSION "8.0.0" CACHE STRING "simdjson library version") set(SIMDJSON_LIB_SOVERSION "8" CACHE STRING "simdjson library soversion") option(SIMDJSON_ENABLE_THREADS "Link with thread support" ON) include(cmake/simdjson-props.cmake) include(cmake/implementation-flags.cmake) include(cmake/exception-flags.cmake) option(SIMDJSON_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_API "Disables deprecated APIs" OFF) if(SIMDJSON_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_API) simdjson_add_props( target_compile_definitions PUBLIC SIMDJSON_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_API=1 ) endif() option(SIMDJSON_DEVELOPMENT_CHECKS "Enable development-time aids, such as \ checks for incorrect API usage. Enabled by default in DEBUG." OFF) if(SIMDJSON_DEVELOPMENT_CHECKS) simdjson_add_props( target_compile_definitions PUBLIC SIMDJSON_DEVELOPMENT_CHECKS ) endif() if(is_top_project) option(SIMDJSON_DEVELOPER_MODE "Enable targets for developing simdjson" OFF) option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build simdjson as a shared library" OFF) if("$ENV{CI}") set(SIMDJSON_DEVELOPER_MODE ON CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() endif() include(cmake/handle-deprecations.cmake) if(SIMDJSON_DEVELOPER_MODE) include(cmake/developer-options.cmake) else() message(STATUS "Building only the library. Advanced users may want to turn SIMDJSON_DEVELOPER_MODE to ON, e.g., via -D SIMDJSON_DEVELOPER_MODE=ON.") endif() # ---- simdjson library ---- add_library(simdjson src/simdjson.cpp) add_library(simdjson::simdjson ALIAS simdjson) set_target_properties( simdjson PROPERTIES VERSION "${SIMDJSON_LIB_VERSION}" SOVERSION "${SIMDJSON_LIB_SOVERSION}" # FIXME: symbols should be hidden by default WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS YES ) # FIXME: Use proper CMake integration for exports if(MSVC AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) target_compile_definitions( simdjson PRIVATE SIMDJSON_BUILDING_WINDOWS_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY=1 INTERFACE SIMDJSON_USING_WINDOWS_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY=1 ) endif() simdjson_add_props( target_include_directories PUBLIC "$" PRIVATE "$" ) simdjson_add_props(target_compile_features PUBLIC cxx_std_11) # workaround for GNU GCC poor AVX load/store code generation if( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "^(i.86|x86(_64)?)$" ) simdjson_add_props( target_compile_options PRIVATE -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-load -mno-avx256-split-unaligned-store ) endif() if(SIMDJSON_ENABLE_THREADS) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) simdjson_add_props(target_link_libraries PUBLIC Threads::Threads) simdjson_add_props(target_compile_definitions PUBLIC SIMDJSON_THREADS_ENABLED=1) endif() simdjson_apply_props(simdjson) # ---- Install rules ---- include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(GNUInstallDirs) install( FILES singleheader/simdjson.h DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" COMPONENT simdjson_Development ) install( TARGETS simdjson EXPORT simdjsonTargets RUNTIME COMPONENT simdjson_Runtime LIBRARY COMPONENT simdjson_Runtime NAMELINK_COMPONENT simdjson_Development ARCHIVE COMPONENT simdjson_Development INCLUDES DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" ) configure_file(cmake/ simdjson-config.cmake @ONLY) write_basic_package_version_file( simdjson-config-version.cmake COMPATIBILITY SameMinorVersion ) set( SIMDJSON_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/simdjson" CACHE STRING "CMake package config location relative to the install prefix" ) mark_as_advanced(SIMDJSON_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR) install( FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/simdjson-config.cmake" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/simdjson-config-version.cmake" DESTINATION "${SIMDJSON_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" COMPONENT simdjson_Development ) install( EXPORT simdjsonTargets NAMESPACE simdjson:: DESTINATION "${SIMDJSON_INSTALL_CMAKEDIR}" COMPONENT example_Development ) # # CPack # if(is_top_project) set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Daniel Lemire") set(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "") set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE") set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_README "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/") set(CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_LICENSE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE") set(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ;ZIP") include(CPack) endif() # ---- Developer mode extras ---- if(NOT SIMDJSON_DEVELOPER_MODE) return() elseif(NOT is_top_project) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Developer mode is intended for developers of simdjson") endif() simdjson_apply_props(simdjson-internal-flags) set( SIMDJSON_USER_CMAKECACHE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/.simdjson-user-CMakeCache.txt" ) add_custom_target( simdjson-user-cmakecache COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -D "BINARY_DIR=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" -D "USER_CMAKECACHE=${SIMDJSON_USER_CMAKECACHE}" -P "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/simdjson-user-cmakecache.cmake" VERBATIM ) # Setup tests enable_testing() # So we can build just tests with "make all_tests" add_custom_target(all_tests) add_subdirectory(windows) add_subdirectory(dependencies) ## This needs to be before tools because of cxxopts add_subdirectory(tools) ## This needs to be before tests because of cxxopts # Data: jsonexamples is left with only the bare essential. # most of the data has been moved to add_subdirectory(jsonexamples) add_subdirectory(singleheader) # # Compile tools / tests / benchmarks # add_subdirectory(tests) add_subdirectory(examples) add_subdirectory(benchmark) add_subdirectory(fuzz) # # Source files should be just ASCII # find_program(FIND find) find_program(FILE file) find_program(GREP grep) if(FIND AND FILE AND GREP) add_test( NAME just_ascii COMMAND sh -c "\ ${FIND} include src windows tools singleheader tests examples benchmark \ -path benchmark/checkperf-reference -prune -name '*.h' -o -name '*.cpp' \ -type f -exec ${FILE} '{}' \; | ${GREP} -qv ASCII || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" ) endif() ## ## In systems like R, libraries must not use stderr or abort to be acceptable. ## Thus we make it a hard rule that one is not allowed to call abort or stderr. ## The sanitized builds are allowed to abort. ## if(NOT SIMDJSON_SANITIZE) find_program(GREP grep) find_program(NM nm) if((NOT GREP) OR (NOT NM)) message("grep and nm are unavailable on this system.") else() add_test( NAME "avoid_abort" # Under FreeBSD, the __cxa_guard_abort symbol may appear but it is fine. # So we want to look for abort as a test. COMMAND sh -c "${NM} $ | ${GREP} ' _*abort' || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) add_test( NAME "avoid_cout" COMMAND sh -c "${NM} $ | ${GREP} ' _*cout' || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) add_test( NAME "avoid_cerr" COMMAND sh -c "${NM} $ | ${GREP} ' _*cerr' || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) add_test( NAME "avoid_printf" COMMAND sh -c "${NM} $ | ${GREP} ' _*printf' || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) add_test( NAME "avoid_stdout" COMMAND sh -c "${NM} $ | ${GREP} stdout || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) add_test( NAME "avoid_stderr" COMMAND sh -c "${NM} $ | ${GREP} stderr || exit 0 && exit 1" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ) endif() endif()