.vscode/ .idea/ /VS/ /build/ /benchbranch/ /submodules/ # Build outputs (TODO build to a subdir so we can exclude that instead) /allparserscheckfile /basictests /benchmark/parse /benchmark/perfdiff /benchmark/statisticalmodel /json2json /jsoncheck /jsoncheck_noavx /jsonstream_test /jsonpointer /jsonstats /integer_tests /libsimdjson.so* /minify /numberparsingcheck /parse /perfdiff /pointercheck /statisticalmodel /stringparsingcheck /submodules /ujdecode.o /amalgamation_demo.cpp /simdjson.cpp /simdjson.h /singleheader/amalgamation_demo /singleheader/demo /tests/basictests /tests/jsoncheck /tests/pointercheck /tests/integer_tests /tools/json2json /tools/jsonstats /tools/minify # C++ ignore from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/C%2B%2B.gitignore # Prerequisites *.d # Compiled Object files *.slo *.lo *.o *.obj # Precompiled Headers *.gch *.pch # Compiled Dynamic libraries *.so *.dylib *.dll # Fortran module files *.mod *.smod # Compiled Static libraries *.lai *.la *.a *.lib # Executables *.exe *.out *.app ### https://raw.github.com/github/gitignore/e92f8db7a027af8cc25da2dc0758317e39697684/CMake.gitignore CMakeLists.txt.user CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles CMakeScripts Testing Makefile cmake_install.cmake install_manifest.txt compile_commands.json CTestTestfile.cmake _deps # CMake files that may be specific to our installation /CPackConfig.cmake /CPackSourceConfig.cmake # We check in a custom version of root Makefile that is not generated by CMake !/Makefile