9.7 KiB
simdjson : Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
A C++ library to see how fast we can parse JSON with complete validation.
Goal: Speed up the parsing of JSON per se.
Code example
#include "simdjson/jsonparser.h"
const char * filename = ... //
std::string_view p = get_corpus(filename);
ParsedJson pj;
pj.allocateCapacity(p.size()); // allocate memory for parsing up to p.size() bytes
bool is_ok = json_parse(p, pj); // do the parsing, return false on error
// parsing is done!
// js can be reused with other json_parse calls.
It is also possible to use a simply API if you do not mind having the overhead of memory allocation with each new JSON document:
#include "simdjson/jsonparser.h"
const char * filename = ... //
std::string_view p = get_corpus(filename);
ParsedJson pj = build_parsed_json(p); // do the parsing
if( ! pj.isValid() ) {
// something went wrong
Requirements: clang or gcc and make. A system like Linux or macOS is expected.
To test:
make test
To run benchmarks:
make parse
./parse jsonexamples/twitter.json
To run comparative benchmarks (with other parsers):
make parsingcompetition
./parsingcompetition jsonexamples/twitter.json
To simplify the engineering, we make some assumptions.
- We support UTF-8 (and thus ASCII), nothing else (no Latin, no UTF-16). We do not believe that this is a genuine limitation in the sense that we do not think that there is any serious application that needs to process JSON data without an ASCII or UTF-8 encoding.
- We assume AVX2 support which is available in all recent mainstream x86 processors produced by AMD and Intel. No support for non-x86 processors is included though it can be done. We plan to support ARM processors (help is invited).
- We only support GNU GCC and LLVM Clang at this time. There is no support for Microsoft Visual Studio, though it should not be difficult (help is invited).
- In cases of failure, we just report a failure without any indication as to the nature of the problem. (This can be easily improved without affecting performance.)
- The input string is unmodified. (Parsers like sajson and RapidJSON use the input string as a buffer.)
- We parse integers and floating-point numbers as separate types which allows us to support large 64-bit integers.
- We do full UTF-8 validation as part of the parsing. (Parsers like fastjson, gason and dropbox json11 do not do UTF-8 validation.)
- We fully validate the numbers. (Parsers like gason and ultranjson will accept
as valid JSON.) - We validate string content for unescaped characters. (Parsers like fastjson and ultrajson accept unescaped line breaks and tags in strings.)
The parser works in three stages:
- Stage 1. Identifies quickly structure elements, strings, and so forth. We validate UTF-8 encoding at that stage.
- Stage 2. Involves the "flattening" of the data from stage 1, that is, convert bitsets into arrays of indexes.
- Stage 3. (Structure building) Involves constructing a "tree" of sort to navigate through the data. Strings and numbers are parsed at this stage.
Various References
- Google double-conv
- How to implement atoi using SIMD?
- Parsing JSON is a Minefield 💣
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159
- The Mison implementation in rust https://github.com/pikkr/pikkr
- http://rapidjson.org/md_doc_sax.html
- https://github.com/Geal/parser_benchmarks/tree/master/json
- Gron: A command line tool that makes JSON greppable https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16727665
- GoogleGson https://github.com/google/gson
- Jackson https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
- https://www.yelp.com/dataset_challenge
- RapidJSON. http://rapidjson.org/
Inspiring links:
- https://auth0.com/blog/beating-json-performance-with-protobuf/
- https://gist.github.com/shijuvar/25ad7de9505232c87034b8359543404a
- https://github.com/frankmcsherry/blog/blob/master/posts/2018-02-11.md
Validating UTF-8 takes no more than 0.7 cycles per byte:
- https://github.com/lemire/fastvalidate-utf-8 https://lemire.me/blog/2018/05/16/validating-utf-8-strings-using-as-little-as-0-7-cycles-per-byte/
Remarks on JSON parsing
- The JSON spec defines what a JSON parser is:
A JSON parser transforms a JSON text into another representation. A JSON parser MUST accept all texts that conform to the JSON grammar. A JSON parser MAY accept non-JSON forms or extensions. An implementation may set limits on the size of texts that it accepts. An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting. An implementation may set limits on the range and precision of numbers. An implementation may set limits on the length and character contents of strings."
- JSON is not JavaScript:
All JSON is Javascript but NOT all Javascript is JSON. So {property:1} is invalid because property does not have double quotes around it. {'property':1} is also invalid, because it's single quoted while the only thing that can placate the JSON specification is double quoting. JSON is even fussy enough that {"property":.1} is invalid too, because you should have of course written {"property":0.1}. Also, don't even think about having comments or semicolons, you guessed it: they're invalid. (credit:https://github.com/elzr/vim-json)
The structural characters are:
begin-array = [ left square bracket begin-object = { left curly bracket end-array = ] right square bracket end-object = } right curly bracket name-separator = : colon value-separator = , comma
Pseudo-structural elements
A character is pseudo-structural if and only if:
- Not enclosed in quotes, AND
- Is a non-whitespace character, AND
- It's preceding chararacter is either: (a) a structural character, OR (b) whitespace.
This helps as we redefine some new characters as pseudo-structural such as the characters 1, 1, G, n in the following:
{ "foo" : 1.5, "bar" : 1.5 GEOFF_IS_A_DUMMY bla bla , "baz", null }
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