
239 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File

#include <map>
#include "simdjson/jsonstream.h"
#include "simdjson/isadetection.h"
#include "jsoncharutils.h"
using namespace simdjson;
void find_the_best_supported_implementation();
typedef int (*stage1_functype)(const char *buf, size_t len, ParsedJson &pj, bool streaming);
typedef int (*stage2_functype)(const char *buf, size_t len, ParsedJson &pj, size_t &next_json);
stage1_functype best_stage1;
stage2_functype best_stage2;
JsonStream::JsonStream(const char *buf, size_t len, size_t batchSize)
: _buf(buf), _len(len), _batch_size(batchSize) {
JsonStream::~JsonStream() {
if(stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
/* // this implementation is untested and unlikely to work
void JsonStream::set_new_buffer(const char *buf, size_t len) {
if(stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
this->_buf = buf;
this->_len = len;
_batch_size = 0; // why zero?
_batch_size = 0; // waat??
next_json = 0;
current_buffer_loc = 0;
n_parsed_docs = 0;
load_next_batch = true;
// threaded version of json_parse
// todo: simplify this code further
int JsonStream::json_parse(ParsedJson &pj) {
if (unlikely(pj.byte_capacity == 0)) {
const bool allocok = pj.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
return pj.error_code;
} else if (unlikely(pj.byte_capacity < _batch_size)) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::CAPACITY;
return pj.error_code;
if(unlikely(pj_thread.byte_capacity < _batch_size)) {
const bool allocok_thread = pj_thread.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok_thread) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
return pj.error_code;
if (unlikely(load_next_batch)) {
//First time loading
if(!stage_1_thread.joinable()) {
_batch_size = std::min(_batch_size, _len);
_batch_size = trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char*)_buf, _batch_size);
if(_batch_size == 0) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::UTF8_ERROR;
return pj.error_code;
int stage1_is_ok = best_stage1(_buf, _batch_size, pj, true);
if (stage1_is_ok != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
pj.error_code = stage1_is_ok;
return pj.error_code;
size_t last_index = find_last_json_buf_idx(_buf, _batch_size, pj);
if(last_index == 0) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::EMPTY;
return pj.error_code;
pj.n_structural_indexes = last_index + 1;
// the second thread is running or done.
else {
if (stage1_is_ok_thread != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
pj.error_code = stage1_is_ok_thread;
return pj.error_code;
std::swap(pj.structural_indexes, pj_thread.structural_indexes);
pj.n_structural_indexes = pj_thread.n_structural_indexes;
_buf = _buf + last_json_buffer_loc;
_len -= last_json_buffer_loc;
n_bytes_parsed += last_json_buffer_loc;
// let us decide whether we will start a new thread
if(_len - _batch_size > 0) {
last_json_buffer_loc = pj.structural_indexes[find_last_json_buf_idx(_buf,_batch_size,pj)];
_batch_size = std::min(_batch_size, _len - last_json_buffer_loc);
if(_batch_size > 0) {
_batch_size = trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char*)(_buf + last_json_buffer_loc), _batch_size);
if(_batch_size == 0) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::UTF8_ERROR;
return pj.error_code;
// let us capture read-only variables
const char * const b = _buf + last_json_buffer_loc;
const size_t bs = _batch_size;
// we call the thread on a lambda that will update this->stage1_is_ok_thread
// there is only one thread that may write to this value
stage_1_thread = std::thread(
[this, b, bs] {
this->stage1_is_ok_thread = best_stage1(b, bs, this->pj_thread, true);
next_json = 0;
load_next_batch = false;
} // load_next_batch
int res = best_stage2(_buf, _len, pj, next_json);
if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE) {
current_buffer_loc = pj.structural_indexes[next_json];
load_next_batch = (current_buffer_loc == last_json_buffer_loc);
} else if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS) {
if(_len > _batch_size) {
current_buffer_loc = pj.structural_indexes[next_json - 1];
load_next_batch = true;
res = simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE;
return res;
// single-threaded version of json_parse
int JsonStream::json_parse(ParsedJson &pj) {
if (unlikely(pj.byte_capacity == 0)) {
const bool allocok = pj.allocate_capacity(_batch_size);
if (!allocok) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::MEMALLOC;
return pj.error_code;
} else if (unlikely(pj.byte_capacity < _batch_size)) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::CAPACITY;
return pj.error_code;
if (unlikely(load_next_batch)) {
_buf = _buf + current_buffer_loc;
_len -= current_buffer_loc;
n_bytes_parsed += current_buffer_loc;
_batch_size = std::min(_batch_size, _len);
_batch_size = trimmed_length_safe_utf8((const char*)_buf, _batch_size);
int stage1_is_ok = best_stage1(_buf, _batch_size, pj, true);
if (stage1_is_ok != simdjson::SUCCESS) {
pj.error_code = stage1_is_ok;
return pj.error_code;
size_t last_index = find_last_json_buf_idx(_buf, _batch_size, pj);
if(last_index == 0) {
pj.error_code = simdjson::EMPTY;
return pj.error_code;
pj.n_structural_indexes = last_index + 1;
load_next_batch = false;
} // load_next_batch
int res = best_stage2(_buf, _len, pj, next_json);
if (likely(res == simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE)) {
current_buffer_loc = pj.structural_indexes[next_json];
} else if (res == simdjson::SUCCESS) {
if(_len > _batch_size) {
current_buffer_loc = pj.structural_indexes[next_json - 1];
next_json = 1;
load_next_batch = true;
res = simdjson::SUCCESS_AND_HAS_MORE;
return res;
size_t JsonStream::get_current_buffer_loc() const {
return current_buffer_loc;
size_t JsonStream::get_n_parsed_docs() const {
return n_parsed_docs;
size_t JsonStream::get_n_bytes_parsed() const {
return n_bytes_parsed;
//// TODO: generalize this set of functions. We don't want to have a copy in jsonparser.cpp
void find_the_best_supported_implementation() {
uint32_t supports = detect_supported_architectures();
// Order from best to worst (within architecture)
#ifdef IS_X86_64
constexpr uint32_t haswell_flags =
instruction_set::AVX2 | instruction_set::PCLMULQDQ |
instruction_set::BMI1 | instruction_set::BMI2;
constexpr uint32_t westmere_flags =
instruction_set::SSE42 | instruction_set::PCLMULQDQ;
if ((haswell_flags & supports) == haswell_flags) {
best_stage1 = simdjson::find_structural_bits<Architecture ::HASWELL>;
best_stage2 = simdjson::unified_machine<Architecture ::HASWELL>;
if ((westmere_flags & supports) == westmere_flags) {
best_stage1 = simdjson::find_structural_bits<Architecture ::WESTMERE>;
best_stage2 = simdjson::unified_machine<Architecture ::WESTMERE>;
#ifdef IS_ARM64
if (supports & instruction_set::NEON) {
best_stage1 = simdjson::find_structural_bits<Architecture ::ARM64>;
best_stage2 = simdjson::unified_machine<Architecture ::ARM64>;
std::cerr << "The processor is not supported by simdjson." << std::endl;
// we throw an exception since this should not be recoverable
throw new std::runtime_error("unsupported architecture");