
332 lines
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namespace simdjson {
namespace ondemand {
class document;
class object;
class array;
class value;
class raw_json_string;
class parser;
* Iterates through a single JSON value at a particular depth.
* Does not keep track of the type of value: provides methods for objects, arrays and scalars and expects
* the caller to call the right ones.
* @private This is not intended for external use.
class value_iterator {
/** The underlying JSON iterator */
json_iterator *_json_iter{};
/** The depth of this value */
depth_t _depth{};
* The starting token index for this value
* PERF NOTE: this is a safety check; we expect this to be elided in release builds.
token_position _start_position{};
simdjson_really_inline value_iterator() noexcept = default;
* Denote that we're starting a document.
simdjson_really_inline void start_document() noexcept;
* Skips a non-iterated or partially-iterated JSON value, whether it is a scalar, array or object.
* Optimized for scalars.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline error_code skip_child() noexcept;
* Tell whether the iterator is at the EOF mark
simdjson_really_inline bool at_eof() const noexcept;
* Tell whether the iterator is at the start of the value
simdjson_really_inline bool at_start() const noexcept;
* Tell whether the value is open--if the value has not been used, or the array/object is still open.
simdjson_really_inline bool is_open() const noexcept;
* Tell whether the value is at an object's first field (just after the {).
simdjson_really_inline bool at_first_field() const noexcept;
* Abandon all iteration.
simdjson_really_inline void abandon() noexcept;
* Get the child value as a value_iterator.
simdjson_really_inline value_iterator child_value() const noexcept;
* Get the depth of this value.
simdjson_really_inline depth_t depth() const noexcept;
* Get the JSON type of this value.
* @error TAPE_ERROR when the JSON value is a bad token like "}" "," or "alse".
simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<json_type> type() noexcept;
* @addtogroup object Object iteration
* Methods to iterate and find object fields. These methods generally *assume* the value is
* actually an object; the caller is responsible for keeping track of that fact.
* @{
* Start an object iteration.
* @returns Whether the object had any fields (returns false for empty).
* @error INCORRECT_TYPE if there is no opening {
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> start_object() noexcept;
* Start an object iteration from the root.
* @returns Whether the object had any fields (returns false for empty).
* @error INCORRECT_TYPE if there is no opening {
* @error TAPE_ERROR if there is no matching } at end of document
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> start_root_object() noexcept;
* Start an object iteration after the user has already checked and moved past the {.
* Does not move the iterator.
* @returns Whether the object had any fields (returns false for empty).
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline bool started_object() noexcept;
* Moves to the next field in an object.
* Looks for , and }. If } is found, the object is finished and the iterator advances past it.
* Otherwise, it advances to the next value.
* @return whether there is another field in the object.
* @error TAPE_ERROR If there is a comma missing between fields.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> has_next_field() noexcept;
* Get the current field's key.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<raw_json_string> field_key() noexcept;
* Pass the : in the field and move to its value.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline error_code field_value() noexcept;
* Find the next field with the given key.
* Assumes you have called next_field() or otherwise matched the previous value.
* This means the iterator must be sitting at the next key:
* ```
* { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
* ^
* ```
* Key is *raw JSON,* meaning it will be matched against the verbatim JSON without attempting to
* unescape it. This works well for typical ASCII and UTF-8 keys (almost all of them), but may
* fail to match some keys with escapes (\u, \n, etc.).
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline error_code find_field(const std::string_view key) noexcept;
* Find the next field with the given key, *without* unescaping. This assumes object order: it
* will not find the field if it was already passed when looking for some *other* field.
* Assumes you have called next_field() or otherwise matched the previous value.
* This means the iterator must be sitting at the next key:
* ```
* { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
* ^
* ```
* Key is *raw JSON,* meaning it will be matched against the verbatim JSON without attempting to
* unescape it. This works well for typical ASCII and UTF-8 keys (almost all of them), but may
* fail to match some keys with escapes (\u, \n, etc.).
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> find_field_raw(const std::string_view key) noexcept;
* Find the field with the given key without regard to order, and *without* unescaping.
* This is an unordered object lookup: if the field is not found initially, it will cycle around and scan from the beginning.
* Assumes you have called next_field() or otherwise matched the previous value.
* This means the iterator must be sitting at the next key:
* ```
* { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
* ^
* ```
* Key is *raw JSON,* meaning it will be matched against the verbatim JSON without attempting to
* unescape it. This works well for typical ASCII and UTF-8 keys (almost all of them), but may
* fail to match some keys with escapes (\u, \n, etc.).
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> find_field_unordered_raw(const std::string_view key) noexcept;
/** @} */
* @addtogroup array Array iteration
* Methods to iterate over array elements. These methods generally *assume* the value is actually
* an object; the caller is responsible for keeping track of that fact.
* @{
* Check for an opening [ and start an array iteration.
* @returns Whether the array had any elements (returns false for empty).
* @error INCORRECT_TYPE If there is no [.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> start_array() noexcept;
* Check for an opening [ and start an array iteration while at the root.
* @returns Whether the array had any elements (returns false for empty).
* @error INCORRECT_TYPE If there is no [.
* @error TAPE_ERROR if there is no matching ] at end of document
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> start_root_array() noexcept;
* Start an array iteration after the user has already checked and moved past the [.
* Does not move the iterator.
* @returns Whether the array had any elements (returns false for empty).
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline bool started_array() noexcept;
* Moves to the next element in an array.
* Looks for , and ]. If ] is found, the array is finished and the iterator advances past it.
* Otherwise, it advances to the next value.
* @return Whether there is another element in the array.
* @error TAPE_ERROR If there is a comma missing between elements.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> has_next_element() noexcept;
* Get a child value iterator.
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline value_iterator child() const noexcept;
/** @} */
* @defgroup scalar Scalar values
* @addtogroup scalar
* @{
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<std::string_view> get_string() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<raw_json_string> get_raw_json_string() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<uint64_t> get_uint64() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<int64_t> get_int64() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<double> get_double() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> get_bool() noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool is_null() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<std::string_view> get_root_string() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<raw_json_string> get_root_raw_json_string() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<uint64_t> get_root_uint64() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<int64_t> get_root_int64() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<double> get_root_double() noexcept;
simdjson_warn_unused simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> get_root_bool() noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool is_root_null() noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline error_code error() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline uint8_t *&string_buf_loc() noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline const json_iterator &json_iter() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline json_iterator &json_iter() noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_is_valid() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool is_valid() const noexcept;
/** @} */
simdjson_really_inline value_iterator(json_iterator *json_iter, depth_t depth, token_position start_index) noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool parse_null(const uint8_t *json) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result<bool> parse_bool(const uint8_t *json) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline const uint8_t *peek_start() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline uint32_t peek_start_length() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline const uint8_t *advance_start(const char *type) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline error_code advance_container_start(const char *type, const uint8_t *&json) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline const uint8_t *advance_root_scalar(const char *type) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline const uint8_t *advance_non_root_scalar(const char *type) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline error_code incorrect_type_error(const char *message) const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool is_at_start() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool is_at_container_start() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline bool is_at_iterator_start() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_at_start() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_at_container_start() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_at_root() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_at_child() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_at_next() const noexcept;
simdjson_really_inline void assert_at_non_root_start() const noexcept;
friend class document;
friend class object;
friend class array;
friend class value;
}; // value_iterator
} // namespace ondemand
} // namespace simdjson
namespace simdjson {
struct simdjson_result<SIMDJSON_IMPLEMENTATION::ondemand::value_iterator> : public SIMDJSON_IMPLEMENTATION::implementation_simdjson_result_base<SIMDJSON_IMPLEMENTATION::ondemand::value_iterator> {
simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result(SIMDJSON_IMPLEMENTATION::ondemand::value_iterator &&value) noexcept; ///< @private
simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result(error_code error) noexcept; ///< @private
simdjson_really_inline simdjson_result() noexcept = default;
} // namespace simdjson