
309 lines
12 KiB

#include "simdjson.h"
#include "test_ondemand.h"
using namespace simdjson;
namespace scalar_tests {
using namespace std;
template<typename T> json_type expected_json_type();
template<> json_type expected_json_type<std::string_view>() { return json_type::string; }
template<> json_type expected_json_type<double>() { return json_type::number; }
template<> json_type expected_json_type<uint64_t>() { return json_type::number; }
template<> json_type expected_json_type<int64_t>() { return json_type::number; }
template<> json_type expected_json_type<bool>() { return json_type::boolean; }
template<typename T>
bool test_scalar_value(const padded_string &json, const T &expected, bool test_twice=true) {
std::cout << "- JSON: " << json << endl;
SUBTEST( "simdjson_result<document>", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( doc_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
ASSERT_RESULT( doc_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
return true;
SUBTEST( "document", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
ondemand::document doc;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( std::move(doc_result).get(doc) );
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( doc.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
ASSERT_RESULT( doc.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
return true;
padded_string whitespace_json = std::string(json) + " ";
std::cout << "- JSON: " << whitespace_json << endl;
SUBTEST( "simdjson_result<document>", test_ondemand_doc(whitespace_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( doc_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
ASSERT_RESULT( doc_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
return true;
SUBTEST( "document", test_ondemand_doc(whitespace_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
ondemand::document doc;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( std::move(doc_result).get(doc) );
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( doc.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( doc.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
ASSERT_RESULT( doc.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
return true;
padded_string array_json = std::string("[") + std::string(json) + "]";
std::cout << "- JSON: " << array_json << endl;
SUBTEST( "simdjson_result<value>", test_ondemand_doc(array_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (simdjson_result<ondemand::value> val_result : doc_result) {
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( val_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
ASSERT_RESULT( val_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1);
return true;
SUBTEST( "value", test_ondemand_doc(array_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (simdjson_result<ondemand::value> val_result : doc_result) {
ondemand::value val;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val_result.get(val) );
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( val.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
ASSERT_RESULT( val.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1);
return true;
padded_string whitespace_array_json = std::string("[") + std::string(json) + " ]";
std::cout << "- JSON: " << whitespace_array_json << endl;
SUBTEST( "simdjson_result<value>", test_ondemand_doc(whitespace_array_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (simdjson_result<ondemand::value> val_result : doc_result) {
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( val_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val_result.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
ASSERT_RESULT( val_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1);
return true;
SUBTEST( "value", test_ondemand_doc(whitespace_array_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (simdjson_result<ondemand::value> val_result : doc_result) {
ondemand::value val;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val_result.get(val) );
T actual;
ASSERT_RESULT( val.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
// Test it twice (scalars can be retrieved more than once)
if (test_twice) {
ASSERT_SUCCESS( val.get(actual) );
ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected);
ASSERT_RESULT( val_result.type(), expected_json_type<T>() );
ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1);
return true;
bool string_value() {
// We can't retrieve a small string twice because it will blow out the string buffer
if (!test_scalar_value(R"("hi")"_padded, std::string_view("hi"), false)) { return false; }
// ... unless the document is big enough to have a big string buffer :)
if (!test_scalar_value(R"("hi" )"_padded, std::string_view("hi"))) { return false; }
bool numeric_values() {
if (!test_scalar_value<int64_t> ("0"_padded, 0)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<uint64_t>("0"_padded, 0)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<double> ("0"_padded, 0)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<int64_t> ("1"_padded, 1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<uint64_t>("1"_padded, 1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<double> ("1"_padded, 1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<int64_t> ("-1"_padded, -1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<double> ("-1"_padded, -1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<double> ("1.1"_padded, 1.1)) { return false; }
bool boolean_values() {
if (!test_scalar_value<bool> ("true"_padded, true)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value<bool> ("false"_padded, false)) { return false; }
bool null_value() {
auto json = "null"_padded;
SUBTEST("ondemand::document", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
ondemand::document doc;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( std::move(doc_result).get(doc) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( doc.is_null(), true );
return true;
SUBTEST("simdjson_result<ondemand::document>", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
ASSERT_EQUAL( doc_result.is_null(), true );
return true;
json = "[null]"_padded;
SUBTEST("ondemand::value", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (auto value_result : doc_result) {
ondemand::value value;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( value_result.get(value) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( value.is_null(), true );
ASSERT_EQUAL( count, 1 );
return true;
SUBTEST("simdjson_result<ondemand::value>", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (auto value_result : doc_result) {
ASSERT_EQUAL( value_result.is_null(), true );
ASSERT_EQUAL( count, 1 );
return true;
return true;
template<typename T>
bool test_scalar_value_exception(const padded_string &json, const T &expected) {
std::cout << "- JSON: " << json << endl;
SUBTEST( "document", test_ondemand_doc(json, [&](auto doc_result) {
ondemand::document doc;
ASSERT_SUCCESS( std::move(doc_result).get(doc) );
ASSERT_EQUAL( expected, T(doc) );
return true;
padded_string array_json = std::string("[") + std::string(json) + "]";
std::cout << "- JSON: " << array_json << endl;
SUBTEST( "value", test_ondemand_doc(array_json, [&](auto doc_result) {
int count = 0;
for (T actual : doc_result) {
ASSERT_EQUAL( actual, expected );
ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 1);
return true;
bool string_value_exception() {
return test_scalar_value_exception(R"("hi")"_padded, std::string_view("hi"));
bool numeric_values_exception() {
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<int64_t> ("0"_padded, 0)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<uint64_t>("0"_padded, 0)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<double> ("0"_padded, 0)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<int64_t> ("1"_padded, 1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<uint64_t>("1"_padded, 1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<double> ("1"_padded, 1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<int64_t> ("-1"_padded, -1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<double> ("-1"_padded, -1)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<double> ("1.1"_padded, 1.1)) { return false; }
bool boolean_values_exception() {
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<bool> ("true"_padded, true)) { return false; }
if (!test_scalar_value_exception<bool> ("false"_padded, false)) { return false; }
bool run() {
string_value() &&
numeric_values() &&
boolean_values() &&
null_value() &&
string_value_exception() &&
numeric_values_exception() &&
boolean_values_exception() &&
} // namespace scalar_tests
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return test_main(argc, argv, scalar_tests::run);