81 lines
3.1 KiB
81 lines
3.1 KiB
#pragma once
#include "partial_tweets.h"
namespace partial_tweets {
struct yyjson_base {
using StringType=std::string_view;
simdjson_really_inline std::string_view get_string_view(yyjson_val *obj, std::string_view key) {
auto val = yyjson_obj_getn(obj, key.data(), key.length());
if (!yyjson_is_str(val)) { throw "field is not uint64 or null!"; }
return { yyjson_get_str(val), yyjson_get_len(val) };
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t get_uint64(yyjson_val *obj, std::string_view key) {
auto val = yyjson_obj_getn(obj, key.data(), key.length());
if (!yyjson_is_uint(val)) { throw "field is not uint64 or null!"; }
return yyjson_get_uint(val);
simdjson_really_inline uint64_t get_nullable_uint64(yyjson_val *obj, std::string_view key) {
auto val = yyjson_obj_getn(obj, key.data(), key.length());
if (!yyjson_is_uint(val)) { }
auto type = yyjson_get_type(val);
if (type != YYJSON_TYPE_NUM && type != YYJSON_TYPE_NULL ) { throw "field is not uint64 or null!"; }
return yyjson_get_uint(val);
simdjson_really_inline partial_tweets::twitter_user<std::string_view> get_user(yyjson_val *obj, std::string_view key) {
auto user = yyjson_obj_getn(obj, key.data(), key.length());
if (!yyjson_is_obj(user)) { throw "missing twitter user field!"; }
return { get_uint64(user, "id"), get_string_view(user, "screen_name") };
bool run(yyjson_doc *doc, std::vector<tweet<std::string_view>> &result) {
if (!doc) { return false; }
yyjson_val *root = yyjson_doc_get_root(doc);
if (!yyjson_is_obj(root)) { return false; }
yyjson_val *statuses = yyjson_obj_get(root, "statuses");
if (!yyjson_is_arr(statuses)) { return "Statuses is not an array!"; }
// Walk the document, parsing the tweets as we go
size_t tweet_idx, tweets_max;
yyjson_val *tweet;
yyjson_arr_foreach(statuses, tweet_idx, tweets_max, tweet) {
if (!yyjson_is_obj(tweet)) { return false; }
// TODO these can't actually handle errors
get_string_view(tweet, "created_at"),
get_uint64 (tweet, "id"),
get_string_view(tweet, "text"),
get_nullable_uint64 (tweet, "in_reply_to_status_id"),
get_user (tweet, "user"),
get_uint64 (tweet, "retweet_count"),
get_uint64 (tweet, "favorite_count")
return true;
struct yyjson : yyjson_base {
bool run(simdjson::padded_string &json, std::vector<tweet<std::string_view>> &result) {
return yyjson_base::run(yyjson_read(json.data(), json.size(), 0), result);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(partial_tweets, yyjson)->UseManualTime();
struct yyjson_insitu : yyjson_base {
bool run(simdjson::padded_string &json, std::vector<tweet<std::string_view>> &result) {
return yyjson_base::run(yyjson_read_opts(json.data(), json.size(), YYJSON_READ_INSITU, 0, 0), result);
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(partial_tweets, yyjson_insitu)->UseManualTime();
} // namespace partial_tweets