363 lines
16 KiB
363 lines
16 KiB
#include "simdjson.h"
#include "simdprune_tables.h"
#include "westmere/bitmanipulation.h"
#include "westmere/intrinsics.h"
namespace simdjson {
namespace westmere {
namespace simd {
template<typename Child>
struct base {
__m128i value;
// Zero constructor
really_inline base() : value{__m128i()} {}
// Conversion from SIMD register
really_inline base(const __m128i _value) : value(_value) {}
// Conversion to SIMD register
really_inline operator const __m128i&() const { return this->value; }
really_inline operator __m128i&() { return this->value; }
// Bit operations
really_inline Child operator|(const Child other) const { return _mm_or_si128(*this, other); }
really_inline Child operator&(const Child other) const { return _mm_and_si128(*this, other); }
really_inline Child operator^(const Child other) const { return _mm_xor_si128(*this, other); }
really_inline Child bit_andnot(const Child other) const { return _mm_andnot_si128(other, *this); }
really_inline Child& operator|=(const Child other) { auto this_cast = (Child*)this; *this_cast = *this_cast | other; return *this_cast; }
really_inline Child& operator&=(const Child other) { auto this_cast = (Child*)this; *this_cast = *this_cast & other; return *this_cast; }
really_inline Child& operator^=(const Child other) { auto this_cast = (Child*)this; *this_cast = *this_cast ^ other; return *this_cast; }
// Forward-declared so they can be used by splat and friends.
template<typename T>
struct simd8;
template<typename T, typename Mask=simd8<bool>>
struct base8: base<simd8<T>> {
typedef uint16_t bitmask_t;
typedef uint32_t bitmask2_t;
really_inline base8() : base<simd8<T>>() {}
really_inline base8(const __m128i _value) : base<simd8<T>>(_value) {}
really_inline Mask operator==(const simd8<T> other) const { return _mm_cmpeq_epi8(*this, other); }
static const int SIZE = sizeof(base<simd8<T>>::value);
template<int N=1>
really_inline simd8<T> prev(const simd8<T> prev_chunk) const {
return _mm_alignr_epi8(*this, prev_chunk, 16 - N);
// SIMD byte mask type (returned by things like eq and gt)
struct simd8<bool>: base8<bool> {
static really_inline simd8<bool> splat(bool _value) { return _mm_set1_epi8(uint8_t(-(!!_value))); }
really_inline simd8<bool>() : base8() {}
really_inline simd8<bool>(const __m128i _value) : base8<bool>(_value) {}
// Splat constructor
really_inline simd8<bool>(bool _value) : base8<bool>(splat(_value)) {}
really_inline int to_bitmask() const { return _mm_movemask_epi8(*this); }
really_inline bool any() const { return !_mm_testz_si128(*this, *this); }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator~() const { return *this ^ true; }
template<typename T>
struct base8_numeric: base8<T> {
static really_inline simd8<T> splat(T _value) { return _mm_set1_epi8(_value); }
static really_inline simd8<T> zero() { return _mm_setzero_si128(); }
static really_inline simd8<T> load(const T values[16]) {
return _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(values));
// Repeat 16 values as many times as necessary (usually for lookup tables)
static really_inline simd8<T> repeat_16(
T v0, T v1, T v2, T v3, T v4, T v5, T v6, T v7,
T v8, T v9, T v10, T v11, T v12, T v13, T v14, T v15
) {
return simd8<T>(
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7,
v8, v9, v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15
really_inline base8_numeric() : base8<T>() {}
really_inline base8_numeric(const __m128i _value) : base8<T>(_value) {}
// Store to array
really_inline void store(T dst[16]) const { return _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(dst), *this); }
// Override to distinguish from bool version
really_inline simd8<T> operator~() const { return *this ^ 0xFFu; }
// Addition/subtraction are the same for signed and unsigned
really_inline simd8<T> operator+(const simd8<T> other) const { return _mm_add_epi8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<T> operator-(const simd8<T> other) const { return _mm_sub_epi8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<T>& operator+=(const simd8<T> other) { *this = *this + other; return *(simd8<T>*)this; }
really_inline simd8<T>& operator-=(const simd8<T> other) { *this = *this - other; return *(simd8<T>*)this; }
// Perform a lookup assuming the value is between 0 and 16 (undefined behavior for out of range values)
template<typename L>
really_inline simd8<L> lookup_16(simd8<L> lookup_table) const {
return _mm_shuffle_epi8(lookup_table, *this);
// Copies to 'output" all bytes corresponding to a 0 in the mask (interpreted as a bitset).
// Passing a 0 value for mask would be equivalent to writing out every byte to output.
// Only the first 16 - count_ones(mask) bytes of the result are significant but 16 bytes
// get written.
// Design consideration: it seems like a function with the
// signature simd8<L> compress(uint32_t mask) would be
// sensible, but the AVX ISA makes this kind of approach difficult.
template<typename L>
really_inline void compress(uint16_t mask, L * output) const {
// this particular implementation was inspired by work done by @animetosho
// we do it in two steps, first 8 bytes and then second 8 bytes
uint8_t mask1 = uint8_t(mask); // least significant 8 bits
uint8_t mask2 = uint8_t(mask >> 8); // most significant 8 bits
// next line just loads the 64-bit values thintable_epi8[mask1] and
// thintable_epi8[mask2] into a 128-bit register, using only
// two instructions on most compilers.
__m128i shufmask = _mm_set_epi64x(thintable_epi8[mask2], thintable_epi8[mask1]);
// we increment by 0x08 the second half of the mask
shufmask =
_mm_add_epi8(shufmask, _mm_set_epi32(0x08080808, 0x08080808, 0, 0));
// this is the version "nearly pruned"
__m128i pruned = _mm_shuffle_epi8(*this, shufmask);
// we still need to put the two halves together.
// we compute the popcount of the first half:
int pop1 = BitsSetTable256mul2[mask1];
// then load the corresponding mask, what it does is to write
// only the first pop1 bytes from the first 8 bytes, and then
// it fills in with the bytes from the second 8 bytes + some filling
// at the end.
__m128i compactmask =
_mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(pshufb_combine_table + pop1 * 8));
__m128i answer = _mm_shuffle_epi8(pruned, compactmask);
_mm_storeu_si128(( __m128i *)(output), answer);
template<typename L>
really_inline simd8<L> lookup_16(
L replace0, L replace1, L replace2, L replace3,
L replace4, L replace5, L replace6, L replace7,
L replace8, L replace9, L replace10, L replace11,
L replace12, L replace13, L replace14, L replace15) const {
return lookup_16(simd8<L>::repeat_16(
replace0, replace1, replace2, replace3,
replace4, replace5, replace6, replace7,
replace8, replace9, replace10, replace11,
replace12, replace13, replace14, replace15
// Signed bytes
struct simd8<int8_t> : base8_numeric<int8_t> {
really_inline simd8() : base8_numeric<int8_t>() {}
really_inline simd8(const __m128i _value) : base8_numeric<int8_t>(_value) {}
// Splat constructor
really_inline simd8(int8_t _value) : simd8(splat(_value)) {}
// Array constructor
really_inline simd8(const int8_t* values) : simd8(load(values)) {}
// Member-by-member initialization
really_inline simd8(
int8_t v0, int8_t v1, int8_t v2, int8_t v3, int8_t v4, int8_t v5, int8_t v6, int8_t v7,
int8_t v8, int8_t v9, int8_t v10, int8_t v11, int8_t v12, int8_t v13, int8_t v14, int8_t v15
) : simd8(_mm_setr_epi8(
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7,
v8, v9, v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15
)) {}
// Repeat 16 values as many times as necessary (usually for lookup tables)
really_inline static simd8<int8_t> repeat_16(
int8_t v0, int8_t v1, int8_t v2, int8_t v3, int8_t v4, int8_t v5, int8_t v6, int8_t v7,
int8_t v8, int8_t v9, int8_t v10, int8_t v11, int8_t v12, int8_t v13, int8_t v14, int8_t v15
) {
return simd8<int8_t>(
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7,
v8, v9, v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15
// Order-sensitive comparisons
really_inline simd8<int8_t> max(const simd8<int8_t> other) const { return _mm_max_epi8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<int8_t> min(const simd8<int8_t> other) const { return _mm_min_epi8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator>(const simd8<int8_t> other) const { return _mm_cmpgt_epi8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator<(const simd8<int8_t> other) const { return _mm_cmpgt_epi8(other, *this); }
// Unsigned bytes
struct simd8<uint8_t>: base8_numeric<uint8_t> {
really_inline simd8() : base8_numeric<uint8_t>() {}
really_inline simd8(const __m128i _value) : base8_numeric<uint8_t>(_value) {}
// Splat constructor
really_inline simd8(uint8_t _value) : simd8(splat(_value)) {}
// Array constructor
really_inline simd8(const uint8_t* values) : simd8(load(values)) {}
// Member-by-member initialization
really_inline simd8(
uint8_t v0, uint8_t v1, uint8_t v2, uint8_t v3, uint8_t v4, uint8_t v5, uint8_t v6, uint8_t v7,
uint8_t v8, uint8_t v9, uint8_t v10, uint8_t v11, uint8_t v12, uint8_t v13, uint8_t v14, uint8_t v15
) : simd8(_mm_setr_epi8(
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7,
v8, v9, v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15
)) {}
// Repeat 16 values as many times as necessary (usually for lookup tables)
really_inline static simd8<uint8_t> repeat_16(
uint8_t v0, uint8_t v1, uint8_t v2, uint8_t v3, uint8_t v4, uint8_t v5, uint8_t v6, uint8_t v7,
uint8_t v8, uint8_t v9, uint8_t v10, uint8_t v11, uint8_t v12, uint8_t v13, uint8_t v14, uint8_t v15
) {
return simd8<uint8_t>(
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7,
v8, v9, v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15
// Saturated math
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> saturating_add(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return _mm_adds_epu8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> saturating_sub(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return _mm_subs_epu8(*this, other); }
// Order-specific operations
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> max(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return _mm_max_epu8(*this, other); }
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> min(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return _mm_min_epu8(*this, other); }
// Same as >, but only guarantees true is nonzero (< guarantees true = -1)
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> gt_bits(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return this->saturating_sub(other); }
// Same as <, but only guarantees true is nonzero (< guarantees true = -1)
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> lt_bits(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return other.saturating_sub(*this); }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator<=(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return other.max(*this) == other; }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator>=(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return other.min(*this) == other; }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator>(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return this->gt_bits(other).any_bits_set(); }
really_inline simd8<bool> operator<(const simd8<uint8_t> other) const { return this->gt_bits(other).any_bits_set(); }
// Bit-specific operations
really_inline simd8<bool> bits_not_set() const { return *this == uint8_t(0); }
really_inline simd8<bool> bits_not_set(simd8<uint8_t> bits) const { return (*this & bits).bits_not_set(); }
really_inline simd8<bool> any_bits_set() const { return ~this->bits_not_set(); }
really_inline simd8<bool> any_bits_set(simd8<uint8_t> bits) const { return ~this->bits_not_set(bits); }
really_inline bool bits_not_set_anywhere() const { return _mm_testz_si128(*this, *this); }
really_inline bool any_bits_set_anywhere() const { return !bits_not_set_anywhere(); }
really_inline bool bits_not_set_anywhere(simd8<uint8_t> bits) const { return _mm_testz_si128(*this, bits); }
really_inline bool any_bits_set_anywhere(simd8<uint8_t> bits) const { return !bits_not_set_anywhere(bits); }
template<int N>
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> shr() const { return simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_srli_epi16(*this, N)) & uint8_t(0xFFu >> N); }
template<int N>
really_inline simd8<uint8_t> shl() const { return simd8<uint8_t>(_mm_slli_epi16(*this, N)) & uint8_t(0xFFu << N); }
// Get one of the bits and make a bitmask out of it.
// e.g. value.get_bit<7>() gets the high bit
template<int N>
really_inline int get_bit() const { return _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_slli_epi16(*this, 7-N)); }
template<typename T>
struct simd8x64 {
static const int NUM_CHUNKS = 64 / sizeof(simd8<T>);
const simd8<T> chunks[NUM_CHUNKS];
really_inline simd8x64() : chunks{simd8<T>(), simd8<T>(), simd8<T>(), simd8<T>()} {}
really_inline simd8x64(const simd8<T> chunk0, const simd8<T> chunk1, const simd8<T> chunk2, const simd8<T> chunk3) : chunks{chunk0, chunk1, chunk2, chunk3} {}
really_inline simd8x64(const T ptr[64]) : chunks{simd8<T>::load(ptr), simd8<T>::load(ptr+16), simd8<T>::load(ptr+32), simd8<T>::load(ptr+48)} {}
really_inline void store(T ptr[64]) const {
really_inline void compress(uint64_t mask, T * output) const {
this->chunks[0].compress(uint16_t(mask), output);
this->chunks[1].compress(uint16_t(mask >> 16), output + 16 - count_ones(mask & 0xFFFF));
this->chunks[2].compress(uint16_t(mask >> 32), output + 32 - count_ones(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF));
this->chunks[3].compress(uint16_t(mask >> 48), output + 48 - count_ones(mask & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF));
template <typename F>
static really_inline void each_index(F const& each) {
template <typename F>
really_inline void each(F const& each_chunk) const
template <typename F, typename R=bool>
really_inline simd8x64<R> map(F const& map_chunk) const {
return simd8x64<R>(
template <typename F, typename R=bool>
really_inline simd8x64<R> map(const simd8x64<uint8_t> b, F const& map_chunk) const {
return simd8x64<R>(
map_chunk(this->chunks[0], b.chunks[0]),
map_chunk(this->chunks[1], b.chunks[1]),
map_chunk(this->chunks[2], b.chunks[2]),
map_chunk(this->chunks[3], b.chunks[3])
template <typename F>
really_inline simd8<T> reduce(F const& reduce_pair) const {
return reduce_pair(
reduce_pair(this->chunks[0], this->chunks[1]),
reduce_pair(this->chunks[2], this->chunks[3])
really_inline uint64_t to_bitmask() const {
uint64_t r0 = uint32_t(this->chunks[0].to_bitmask());
uint64_t r1 = this->chunks[1].to_bitmask();
uint64_t r2 = this->chunks[2].to_bitmask();
uint64_t r3 = this->chunks[3].to_bitmask();
return r0 | (r1 << 16) | (r2 << 32) | (r3 << 48);
really_inline simd8x64<T> bit_or(const T m) const {
const simd8<T> mask = simd8<T>::splat(m);
return this->map( [&](simd8<T> a) { return a | mask; } );
really_inline uint64_t eq(const T m) const {
const simd8<T> mask = simd8<T>::splat(m);
return this->map( [&](simd8<T> a) { return a == mask; } ).to_bitmask();
really_inline uint64_t lteq(const T m) const {
const simd8<T> mask = simd8<T>::splat(m);
return this->map( [&](simd8<T> a) { return a <= mask; } ).to_bitmask();
}; // struct simd8x64<T>
} // namespace simd
} // namespace westmere
} // namespace simdjson