217 lines
7.6 KiB
217 lines
7.6 KiB
#pragma once
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* Microsoft C/C++-compatible compiler */
#include <intrin.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
//const u32 MAX_DEPTH = 2048;
//const u32 DEPTH_SAFETY_MARGIN = 32; // should be power-of-2 as we check this
// with a modulo in our hot stage 3 loop
//const size_t MAX_TAPE_ENTRIES = 127 * 1024;
// TODO: move this to be more like a real class
// currently, you need to create it like so...
// ParsedJson *pj_ptr = allocate_ParsedJson(numberofbytes); // allocate memory for parsing up to numberofbytes
// and we clear it like so deallocate_ParsedJson(pj_ptr);
// That's obviously not very C++-ish. It should be trivial to add a constructor and a destructor.
struct ParsedJson {
size_t bytecapacity; // indicates how many bits are meant to be supported by
// structurals
size_t depthcapacity; // how deep we can go
u32 current_loc;
u8 *structurals;
u32 n_structural_indexes;
u32 *structural_indexes;
u64 * tape;//[MAX_TAPE];
u32 * containing_scope_offset;
void * * ret_address;
u8 * string_buf;// should be at least bytecapacity
u8 *current_string_buf_loc;
u8 * number_buf;// holds either doubles or longs, really // should be at least 4 * bytecapacity
u8 *current_number_buf_loc;
void init() {
current_string_buf_loc = string_buf;
current_number_buf_loc = number_buf;
current_loc = 0;
//for (u32 i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++) {
// tape_locs[i] = i * MAX_TAPE_ENTRIES;
//tap_locs will be unitialized by design
void dump_tapes() {
/*for (u32 i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; i++) {
u32 start_loc = i * MAX_TAPE_ENTRIES;
std::cout << " tape section i " << i;
if (i == START_DEPTH) {
std::cout << " (START) ";
} else if ((i < START_DEPTH) || (i >= REDLINE_DEPTH)) {
std::cout << " (REDLINE) ";
} else {
std::cout << " (NORMAL) ";
std::cout << " from: " << start_loc << " to: " << tape_locs[i] << " "
<< " size: " << (tape_locs[i] - start_loc) << "\n";
for (u32 j = start_loc; j < tape_locs[i]; j++) {
if (tape[j]) {
std::cout << "j: " << j << " tape[j] char " << (char)(tape[j] >> 56)
<< " tape[j][0..55]: " << (tape[j] & 0xffffffffffffffULL) << "\n";
// all elements are stored on the tape using a 64-bit word.
// strings, double and ints are stored as
// a 64-bit word with a pointer to the actual value
// for objects or arrays, store [ or { at the beginning and } and ] at the end.
// For the openings ([ or {), we annotate them with a reference to the location on the tape of
// the end, and for then closings (} and ]), we annotate them with a reference to the
// location of the opening
// this should be considered a private function
void write_tape(u64 val, u8 c) {
tape[current_loc++] = val | (((u64)c) << 56);
//tape[tape_locs[depth]] = val | (((u64)c) << 56);
void write_tape_s64(s64 i) {
*((s64 *)current_number_buf_loc) = i;// safe because array will be 8-byte aligned, could use memcpy
current_number_buf_loc += sizeof(s64);
write_tape(current_number_buf_loc - number_buf, 'l');
void write_tape_double(double d) {
*((double *)current_number_buf_loc) = d;// safe because array will be 8-byte aligned, could use memcpy
current_number_buf_loc += sizeof(double);
write_tape(current_number_buf_loc - number_buf, 'd');
u32 get_current_loc() {
return current_loc;
void annotate_previousloc(u32 saved_loc,u64 val) {
tape[saved_loc] |= val;
/*void write_saved_loc(u32 saved_loc, u64 val, u8 c) {
tape[saved_loc] = val | (((u64)c) << 56);
// public interface
#if 1
struct ParsedJsonHandle {
ParsedJson & pj;
u32 depth;
u32 scope_header; // the start of our current scope that contains our current location
u32 location; // our current location on a tape
explicit ParsedJsonHandle(ParsedJson & pj_) : pj(pj_), depth(0), scope_header(0), location(0) {}
// OK with default copy constructor as the way to clone the POD structure
// some placeholder navigation. Will convert over to a more native C++-ish way of doing
// things once it's working (i.e. ++ and -- operators and get start/end iterators)
// return true if we can do the navigation, false otherwise
bool next(); // valid if we're not at the end of a scope
bool prev(); // valid if we're not at the start of a scope
bool up(); // valid if we are at depth != 0
bool down(); // valid if we're at a [ or { call site; moves us to header of that scope
//void to_start_scope(); // move us to the start of our current scope; always succeeds
//void to_end_scope(); // move us to the start of our current scope; always succeeds
// these navigation elements move us across scope if need be, so allow us to iterate over
// everything at a given depth
//bool next_flat(); // valid if we're not at the end of a tape
//bool prev_flat(); // valid if we're not at the start of a tape
void print(std::ostream & os); // print the thing we're currently pointing at
u8 get_type(); // retrieve the character code of what we're looking at: [{"sltfn are the possibilities
s64 get_s64(); // get the s64 value at this node; valid only if we're at "s"
double get_double(); // get the double value at this node; valid only if we're at "d"
char * get_string(); // get the string value at this node; valid only if we're at "
#ifdef DEBUG
inline void dump256(m256 d, const std::string msg) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
std::cout << std::setw(3) << (int)*(((u8 *)(&d)) + i);
if (!((i + 1) % 8))
std::cout << "|";
else if (!((i + 1) % 4))
std::cout << ":";
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << " " << msg << "\n";
// dump bits low to high
inline void dumpbits(u64 v, const std::string msg) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
std::cout << (((v >> (u64)i) & 0x1ULL) ? "1" : "_");
std::cout << " " << msg << "\n";
inline void dumpbits32(u32 v, const std::string msg) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
std::cout << (((v >> (u32)i) & 0x1ULL) ? "1" : "_");
std::cout << " " << msg << "\n";
#define dump256(a, b) ;
#define dumpbits(a, b) ;
#define dumpbits32(a, b) ;
// dump bits low to high
inline void dumpbits_always(u64 v, const std::string msg) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
std::cout << (((v >> (u64)i) & 0x1ULL) ? "1" : "_");
std::cout << " " << msg << "\n";
inline void dumpbits32_always(u32 v, const std::string msg) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
std::cout << (((v >> (u32)i) & 0x1ULL) ? "1" : "_");
std::cout << " " << msg << "\n";