233 lines
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233 lines
8.0 KiB
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include "simdjson/document.h"
#include "simdjson/jsonparser.h"
using namespace simdjson;
using namespace benchmark;
using namespace std;
#define JSON_TEST_PATH "jsonexamples/twitter.json"
const padded_string EMPTY_ARRAY("[]", 2);
static void twitter_count(State& state) {
// Prints the number of results in twitter.json
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
uint64_t result_count = doc["search_metadata"]["count"];
if (result_count != 100) { return; }
static void error_code_twitter_count(State& state) noexcept {
// Prints the number of results in twitter.json
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
auto [value, error] = doc["search_metadata"]["count"];
if (error) { return; }
if (uint64_t(value) != 100) { return; }
static void iterator_twitter_count(State& state) {
// Prints the number of results in twitter.json
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
document::iterator iter(doc);
// uint64_t result_count = doc["search_metadata"]["count"];
if (!iter.move_to_key("search_metadata")) { return; }
if (!iter.move_to_key("count")) { return; }
if (!iter.is_integer()) { return; }
int64_t result_count = iter.get_integer();
if (result_count != 100) { return; }
static void twitter_default_profile(State& state) {
// Count unique users with a default profile.
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
set<string_view> default_users;
for (document::object tweet : doc["statuses"].as_array()) {
document::object user = tweet["user"];
if (user["default_profile"]) {
if (default_users.size() != 86) { return; }
static void error_code_twitter_default_profile(State& state) noexcept {
// Count unique users with a default profile.
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
set<string_view> default_users;
auto [tweets, error] = doc["statuses"].as_array();
if (error) { return; }
for (document::element tweet : tweets) {
auto [user, error2] = tweet["user"].as_object();
if (error2) { return; }
auto [default_profile, error3] = user["default_profile"].as_bool();
if (error3) { return; }
if (default_profile) {
auto [screen_name, error4] = user["screen_name"].as_string();
if (error4) { return; }
if (default_users.size() != 86) { return; }
static void iterator_twitter_default_profile(State& state) {
// Count unique users with a default profile.
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
set<string_view> default_users;
document::iterator iter(doc);
// for (document::object tweet : doc["statuses"].as_array()) {
if (!(iter.move_to_key("statuses") && iter.is_array())) { return; }
if (iter.down()) { // first status
do {
// document::object user = tweet["user"];
if (!(iter.move_to_key("user") && iter.is_object())) { return; }
// if (user["default_profile"]) {
if (iter.move_to_key("default_profile")) {
if (iter.is_true()) {
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to user
// default_users.insert(user["screen_name"]);
if (!(iter.move_to_key("screen_name") && iter.is_string())) { return; }
default_users.insert(string_view(iter.get_string(), iter.get_string_length()));
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to user
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to status
} while (iter.next()); // next status
if (default_users.size() != 86) { return; }
static void twitter_image_sizes(State& state) {
// Count unique image sizes
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
set<tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t>> image_sizes;
for (document::object tweet : doc["statuses"].as_array()) {
auto [media, not_found] = tweet["entities"]["media"];
if (!not_found) {
for (document::object image : media.as_array()) {
for (auto [key, size] : image["sizes"].as_object()) {
image_sizes.insert({ size["w"], size["h"] });
if (image_sizes.size() != 15) { return; };
static void error_code_twitter_image_sizes(State& state) noexcept {
// Count unique image sizes
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
set<tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t>> image_sizes;
auto [statuses, error] = doc["statuses"].as_array();
if (error) { return; }
for (document::element tweet : statuses) {
auto [images, not_found] = tweet["entities"]["media"].as_array();
if (!not_found) {
for (document::element image : images) {
auto [sizes, error2] = image["sizes"].as_object();
if (error2) { return; }
for (auto [key, size] : sizes) {
auto [width, error3] = size["w"].as_uint64_t();
auto [height, error4] = size["h"].as_uint64_t();
if (error3 || error4) { return; }
image_sizes.insert({ width, height });
if (image_sizes.size() != 15) { return; };
static void iterator_twitter_image_sizes(State& state) {
// Count unique image sizes
document doc = document::parse(get_corpus(JSON_TEST_PATH));
for (auto _ : state) {
set<tuple<uint64_t, uint64_t>> image_sizes;
document::iterator iter(doc);
// for (document::object tweet : doc["statuses"].as_array()) {
if (!(iter.move_to_key("statuses") && iter.is_array())) { return; }
if (iter.down()) { // first status
do {
// auto [media, not_found] = tweet["entities"]["media"];
// if (!not_found) {
if (iter.move_to_key("entities")) {
if (!iter.is_object()) { return; }
if (iter.move_to_key("media")) {
if (!iter.is_array()) { return; }
// for (document::object image : media.as_array()) {
if (iter.down()) { // first media
do {
// for (auto [key, size] : image["sizes"].as_object()) {
if (!(iter.move_to_key("sizes") && iter.is_object())) { return; }
if (iter.down()) { // first size
do {
// image_sizes.insert({ size["w"], size["h"] });
if (!(iter.move_to_key("w")) && !iter.is_integer()) { return; }
uint64_t width = iter.get_integer();
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to size
if (!(iter.move_to_key("h")) && !iter.is_integer()) { return; }
uint64_t height = iter.get_integer();
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to size
image_sizes.insert({ width, height });
} while (iter.next()); // next size
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to sizes
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to image
} while (iter.next()); // next image
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to media
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to entities
if (!iter.up()) { return; } // back to status
} while (iter.next()); // next status
if (image_sizes.size() != 15) { return; };