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2010-11-02 07:53:53 +08:00
Some Issues and Questions
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
2010-11-02 07:53:53 +08:00
.. note::
This FAQ is here only mostly for historic reasons. Checkout
`pytest Q&A at Stackoverflow <http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=pytest>`_
for many questions and answers related to pytest and/or use
:ref:`contact channels` to get help.
On naming, nosetests, licensing and magic
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
How does pytest relate to nose and unittest?
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
``pytest`` and nose_ share basic philosophy when it comes
to running and writing Python tests. In fact, you can run many tests
written for nose with ``pytest``. nose_ was originally created
as a clone of ``pytest`` when ``pytest`` was in the ``0.8`` release
cycle. Note that starting with pytest-2.0 support for running unittest
test suites is majorly improved.
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
how does pytest relate to twisted's trial?
Since some time ``pytest`` has builtin support for supporting tests
written using trial. It does not itself start a reactor, however,
and does not handle Deferreds returned from a test in pytest style.
If you are using trial's unittest.TestCase chances are that you can
just run your tests even if you return Deferreds. In addition,
there also is a dedicated `pytest-twisted
<https://pypi.org/project/pytest-twisted/>`_ plugin which allows you to
return deferreds from pytest-style tests, allowing the use of
:ref:`fixtures` and other features.
how does pytest work with Django?
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
In 2012, some work is going into the `pytest-django plugin <https://pypi.org/project/pytest-django/>`_. It substitutes the usage of Django's
``manage.py test`` and allows the use of all pytest features_ most of which
are not available from Django directly.
.. _features: features.html
What's this "magic" with pytest? (historic notes)
Around 2007 (version ``0.8``) some people thought that ``pytest``
was using too much "magic". It had been part of the `pylib`_ which
contains a lot of unrelated python library code. Around 2010 there
was a major cleanup refactoring, which removed unused or deprecated code
and resulted in the new ``pytest`` PyPI package which strictly contains
only test-related code. This release also brought a complete pluginification
such that the core is around 300 lines of code and everything else is
implemented in plugins. Thus ``pytest`` today is a small, universally runnable
and customizable testing framework for Python. Note, however, that
``pytest`` uses metaprogramming techniques and reading its source is
thus likely not something for Python beginners.
A second "magic" issue was the assert statement debugging feature.
2015-11-28 14:46:45 +08:00
Nowadays, ``pytest`` explicitly rewrites assert statements in test modules
in order to provide more useful :ref:`assert feedback <assertfeedback>`.
This completely avoids previous issues of confusing assertion-reporting.
It also means, that you can use Python's ``-O`` optimization without losing
assertions in test modules.
You can also turn off all assertion interaction using the
``--assert=plain`` option.
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
.. _`py namespaces`: index.html
.. _`py/__init__.py`: http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/src/trunk/py/__init__.py
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
Why can I use both ``pytest`` and ``py.test`` commands?
pytest used to be part of the py package, which provided several developer
utilities, all starting with ``py.<TAB>``, thus providing nice TAB-completion.
If you install ``pip install pycmd`` you get these tools from a separate
package. Once ``pytest`` became a separate package, the ``py.test`` name was
retained due to avoid a naming conflict with another tool. This conflict was
eventually resolved, and the ``pytest`` command was therefore introduced. In
future versions of pytest, we may deprecate and later remove the ``py.test``
command to avoid perpetuating the confusion.
pytest fixtures, parametrized tests
.. _funcargs: funcargs.html
Is using pytest fixtures versus xUnit setup a style question?
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
For simple applications and for people experienced with nose_ or
unittest-style test setup using `xUnit style setup`_ probably
feels natural. For larger test suites, parametrized testing
2015-07-19 01:15:07 +08:00
or setup of complex test resources using fixtures_ may feel more natural.
Moreover, fixtures are ideal for writing advanced test support
code (like e.g. the monkeypatch_, the tmpdir_ or capture_ fixtures)
because the support code can register setup/teardown functions
in a managed class/module/function scope.
.. _monkeypatch: monkeypatch.html
.. _tmpdir: tmpdir.html
.. _capture: capture.html
2015-07-19 01:15:07 +08:00
.. _fixtures: fixture.html
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
.. _`why pytest_pyfuncarg__ methods?`:
.. _`Convention over Configuration`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_over_Configuration
2015-12-24 21:56:54 +08:00
Can I yield multiple values from a fixture function?
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
There are two conceptual reasons why yielding from a factory function
is not possible:
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
* If multiple factories yielded values there would
be no natural place to determine the combination
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
policy - in real-world examples some combinations
often should not run.
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
* Calling factories for obtaining test function arguments
is part of setting up and running a test. At that
point it is not possible to add new test calls to
the test collection anymore.
However, with pytest-2.3 you can use the :ref:`@pytest.fixture` decorator
and specify ``params`` so that all tests depending on the factory-created
resource will run multiple times with different parameters.
You can also use the ``pytest_generate_tests`` hook to
implement the `parametrization scheme of your choice`_. See also
:ref:`paramexamples` for more examples.
2009-08-19 01:04:57 +08:00
.. _`parametrization scheme of your choice`: http://tetamap.wordpress.com/2009/05/13/parametrizing-python-tests-generalized/
pytest interaction with other packages
Issues with pytest, multiprocess and setuptools?
On Windows the multiprocess package will instantiate sub processes
by pickling and thus implicitly re-import a lot of local modules.
Unfortunately, setuptools-0.6.11 does not ``if __name__=='__main__'``
protect its generated command line script. This leads to infinite
recursion when running a test that instantiates Processes.
As of mid-2013, there shouldn't be a problem anymore when you
use the standard setuptools (note that distribute has been merged
back into setuptools which is now shipped directly with virtualenv).
2020-03-06 10:11:24 +08:00
.. _nose: https://nose.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _pylib: https://py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _`xUnit style setup`: xunit_setup.html