Produce a warning when unknown arguments are passed to pytest.param()
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Produce a warning when unknown keywords are passed to ``pytest.param(...)``.
@ -93,3 +93,9 @@ PYTEST_WARNS_UNKNOWN_KWARGS = UnformattedWarning(
"pytest.warns() got unexpected keyword arguments: {args!r}.\n"
"This will be an error in future versions.",
"pytest.param() got unexpected keyword arguments: {args!r}.\n"
"This will be an error in future versions.",
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from ..compat import ascii_escaped
from ..compat import getfslineno
from ..compat import MappingMixin
from ..compat import NOTSET
from _pytest.deprecated import PYTEST_PARAM_UNKNOWN_KWARGS
from _pytest.outcomes import fail
EMPTY_PARAMETERSET_OPTION = "empty_parameter_set_mark"
@ -60,20 +61,25 @@ def get_empty_parameterset_mark(config, argnames, func):
class ParameterSet(namedtuple("ParameterSet", "values, marks, id")):
def param(cls, *values, **kw):
marks = kw.pop("marks", ())
def param(cls, *values, **kwargs):
marks = kwargs.pop("marks", ())
if isinstance(marks, MarkDecorator):
marks = (marks,)
assert isinstance(marks, (tuple, list, set))
id_ = kw.pop("id", None)
id_ = kwargs.pop("id", None)
if id_ is not None:
if not isinstance(id_, six.string_types):
raise TypeError(
"Expected id to be a string, got {}: {!r}".format(type(id_), id_)
id_ = ascii_escaped(id_)
if kwargs:
PYTEST_PARAM_UNKNOWN_KWARGS.format(args=sorted(kwargs)), stacklevel=3
return cls(values, marks, id_)
@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ def skip(msg="", **kwargs):
__tracebackhide__ = True
allow_module_level = kwargs.pop("allow_module_level", False)
if kwargs:
keys = [k for k in kwargs.keys()]
raise TypeError("unexpected keyword arguments: {}".format(keys))
raise TypeError("unexpected keyword arguments: {}".format(sorted(kwargs)))
raise Skipped(msg=msg, allow_module_level=allow_module_level)
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ def raises(expected_exception, *args, **kwargs):
match_expr = kwargs.pop("match")
if kwargs:
msg = "Unexpected keyword arguments passed to pytest.raises: "
msg += ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
msg += ", ".join(sorted(kwargs))
raise TypeError(msg)
return RaisesContext(expected_exception, message, match_expr)
elif isinstance(args[0], str):
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from _pytest.mark import EMPTY_PARAMETERSET_OPTION
from _pytest.mark import MarkGenerator as Mark
from _pytest.nodes import Collector
from _pytest.nodes import Node
from _pytest.warning_types import PytestDeprecationWarning
from _pytest.warnings import SHOW_PYTEST_WARNINGS_ARG
@ -991,3 +992,15 @@ def test_pytest_param_id_requires_string():
@pytest.mark.parametrize("s", (None, "hello world"))
def test_pytest_param_id_allows_none_or_string(s):
assert pytest.param(id=s)
def test_pytest_param_warning_on_unknown_kwargs():
with pytest.warns(PytestDeprecationWarning) as warninfo:
# typo, should be marks=
pytest.param(1, 2, mark=pytest.mark.xfail())
assert warninfo[0].filename == __file__
msg, = warninfo[0].message.args
assert msg == (
"pytest.param() got unexpected keyword arguments: ['mark'].\n"
"This will be an error in future versions."
Reference in New Issue