Move definition of ini options to reference

This commit is contained in:
Bruno Oliveira 2018-03-07 20:45:41 -03:00
parent c0fe4d483d
commit 8243900960
2 changed files with 225 additions and 219 deletions

View File

@ -152,222 +152,4 @@ above will show verbose output because ``-v`` overwrites ``-q``.
Builtin configuration file options Builtin configuration file options
---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Here is a list of builtin configuration options that may be written in a ``pytest.ini``, ``tox.ini`` or ``setup.cfg`` For the full list of options consult the :ref:`reference documentation <ini options ref>`.
file, usually located at the root of your repository. All options must be under a ``[pytest]`` section
(``[tool:pytest]`` for ``setup.cfg`` files).
Configuration file options may be overwritten in the command-line by using ``-o/--override``, which can also be
passed multiple times. The expected format is ``name=value``. For example::
pytest -o console_output_style=classic -o cache_dir=/tmp/mycache
.. confval:: minversion
Specifies a minimal pytest version required for running tests.
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
minversion = 3.0 # will fail if we run with pytest-2.8
.. confval:: addopts
Add the specified ``OPTS`` to the set of command line arguments as if they
had been specified by the user. Example: if you have this ini file content:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
addopts = --maxfail=2 -rf # exit after 2 failures, report fail info
issuing ``pytest`` actually means::
pytest --maxfail=2 -rf
Default is to add no options.
.. confval:: norecursedirs
Set the directory basename patterns to avoid when recursing
for test discovery. The individual (fnmatch-style) patterns are
applied to the basename of a directory to decide if to recurse into it.
Pattern matching characters::
* matches everything
? matches any single character
[seq] matches any character in seq
[!seq] matches any char not in seq
Default patterns are ``'.*', 'build', 'dist', 'CVS', '_darcs', '{arch}', '*.egg', 'venv'``.
Setting a ``norecursedirs`` replaces the default. Here is an example of
how to avoid certain directories:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
norecursedirs = .svn _build tmp*
This would tell ``pytest`` to not look into typical subversion or
sphinx-build directories or into any ``tmp`` prefixed directory.
Additionally, ``pytest`` will attempt to intelligently identify and ignore a
virtualenv by the presence of an activation script. Any directory deemed to
be the root of a virtual environment will not be considered during test
collection unless ``collectinvirtualenv`` is given. Note also that
``norecursedirs`` takes precedence over ``collectinvirtualenv``; e.g. if
you intend to run tests in a virtualenv with a base directory that matches
``'.*'`` you *must* override ``norecursedirs`` in addition to using the
``collectinvirtualenv`` flag.
.. confval:: testpaths
.. versionadded:: 2.8
Sets list of directories that should be searched for tests when
no specific directories, files or test ids are given in the command line when
executing pytest from the :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>` directory.
Useful when all project tests are in a known location to speed up
test collection and to avoid picking up undesired tests by accident.
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
testpaths = testing doc
This tells pytest to only look for tests in ``testing`` and ``doc``
directories when executing from the root directory.
.. confval:: python_files
One or more Glob-style file patterns determining which python files
are considered as test modules. By default, pytest will consider
any file matching with ``test_*.py`` and ``*`` globs as a test
.. confval:: python_classes
One or more name prefixes or glob-style patterns determining which classes
are considered for test collection. By default, pytest will consider any
class prefixed with ``Test`` as a test collection. Here is an example of how
to collect tests from classes that end in ``Suite``:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
python_classes = *Suite
Note that ``unittest.TestCase`` derived classes are always collected
regardless of this option, as ``unittest``'s own collection framework is used
to collect those tests.
.. confval:: python_functions
One or more name prefixes or glob-patterns determining which test functions
and methods are considered tests. By default, pytest will consider any
function prefixed with ``test`` as a test. Here is an example of how
to collect test functions and methods that end in ``_test``:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
python_functions = *_test
Note that this has no effect on methods that live on a ``unittest
.TestCase`` derived class, as ``unittest``'s own collection framework is used
to collect those tests.
See :ref:`change naming conventions` for more detailed examples.
.. confval:: doctest_optionflags
One or more doctest flag names from the standard ``doctest`` module.
:doc:`See how pytest handles doctests <doctest>`.
.. confval:: confcutdir
Sets a directory where search upwards for ```` files stops.
By default, pytest will stop searching for ```` files upwards
from ``pytest.ini``/``tox.ini``/``setup.cfg`` of the project if any,
or up to the file-system root.
.. confval:: filterwarnings
.. versionadded:: 3.1
Sets a list of filters and actions that should be taken for matched
warnings. By default all warnings emitted during the test session
will be displayed in a summary at the end of the test session.
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
filterwarnings =
This tells pytest to ignore deprecation warnings and turn all other warnings
into errors. For more information please refer to :ref:`warnings`.
.. confval:: cache_dir
.. versionadded:: 3.2
Sets a directory where stores content of cache plugin. Default directory is
``.cache`` which is created in :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>`. Directory may be
relative or absolute path. If setting relative path, then directory is created
relative to :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>`. Additionally path may contain environment
variables, that will be expanded. For more information about cache plugin
please refer to :ref:`cache_provider`.
.. confval:: console_output_style
.. versionadded:: 3.3
Sets the console output style while running tests:
* ``classic``: classic pytest output.
* ``progress``: like classic pytest output, but with a progress indicator.
The default is ``progress``, but you can fallback to ``classic`` if you prefer or
the new mode is causing unexpected problems:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
console_output_style = classic
.. confval:: empty_parameter_set_mark
.. versionadded:: 3.4
Allows to pick the action for empty parametersets in parameterization
* ``skip`` skips tests with a empty parameterset (default)
* ``xfail`` marks tests with a empty parameterset as xfail(run=False)
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
empty_parameter_set_mark = xfail
.. note::
The default value of this option is planned to change to ``xfail`` in future releases
as this is considered less error prone, see `#3155`_ for more details.
.. _`#3155`:

View File

@ -814,3 +814,227 @@ This is not meant to be set by users, but is set by pytest internally with the n
processes can inspect it, see :ref:`pytest current test env` for more information. processes can inspect it, see :ref:`pytest current test env` for more information.
.. _`ini options ref`:
Configuration Options
Here is a list of builtin configuration options that may be written in a ``pytest.ini``, ``tox.ini`` or ``setup.cfg``
file, usually located at the root of your repository. All options must be under a ``[pytest]`` section
(``[tool:pytest]`` for ``setup.cfg`` files).
Configuration file options may be overwritten in the command-line by using ``-o/--override``, which can also be
passed multiple times. The expected format is ``name=value``. For example::
pytest -o console_output_style=classic -o cache_dir=/tmp/mycache
.. confval:: minversion
Specifies a minimal pytest version required for running tests.
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
minversion = 3.0 # will fail if we run with pytest-2.8
.. confval:: addopts
Add the specified ``OPTS`` to the set of command line arguments as if they
had been specified by the user. Example: if you have this ini file content:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
addopts = --maxfail=2 -rf # exit after 2 failures, report fail info
issuing ``pytest`` actually means::
pytest --maxfail=2 -rf
Default is to add no options.
.. confval:: norecursedirs
Set the directory basename patterns to avoid when recursing
for test discovery. The individual (fnmatch-style) patterns are
applied to the basename of a directory to decide if to recurse into it.
Pattern matching characters::
* matches everything
? matches any single character
[seq] matches any character in seq
[!seq] matches any char not in seq
Default patterns are ``'.*', 'build', 'dist', 'CVS', '_darcs', '{arch}', '*.egg', 'venv'``.
Setting a ``norecursedirs`` replaces the default. Here is an example of
how to avoid certain directories:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
norecursedirs = .svn _build tmp*
This would tell ``pytest`` to not look into typical subversion or
sphinx-build directories or into any ``tmp`` prefixed directory.
Additionally, ``pytest`` will attempt to intelligently identify and ignore a
virtualenv by the presence of an activation script. Any directory deemed to
be the root of a virtual environment will not be considered during test
collection unless ``collectinvirtualenv`` is given. Note also that
``norecursedirs`` takes precedence over ``collectinvirtualenv``; e.g. if
you intend to run tests in a virtualenv with a base directory that matches
``'.*'`` you *must* override ``norecursedirs`` in addition to using the
``collectinvirtualenv`` flag.
.. confval:: testpaths
.. versionadded:: 2.8
Sets list of directories that should be searched for tests when
no specific directories, files or test ids are given in the command line when
executing pytest from the :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>` directory.
Useful when all project tests are in a known location to speed up
test collection and to avoid picking up undesired tests by accident.
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
testpaths = testing doc
This tells pytest to only look for tests in ``testing`` and ``doc``
directories when executing from the root directory.
.. confval:: python_files
One or more Glob-style file patterns determining which python files
are considered as test modules. By default, pytest will consider
any file matching with ``test_*.py`` and ``*`` globs as a test
.. confval:: python_classes
One or more name prefixes or glob-style patterns determining which classes
are considered for test collection. By default, pytest will consider any
class prefixed with ``Test`` as a test collection. Here is an example of how
to collect tests from classes that end in ``Suite``:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
python_classes = *Suite
Note that ``unittest.TestCase`` derived classes are always collected
regardless of this option, as ``unittest``'s own collection framework is used
to collect those tests.
.. confval:: python_functions
One or more name prefixes or glob-patterns determining which test functions
and methods are considered tests. By default, pytest will consider any
function prefixed with ``test`` as a test. Here is an example of how
to collect test functions and methods that end in ``_test``:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
python_functions = *_test
Note that this has no effect on methods that live on a ``unittest
.TestCase`` derived class, as ``unittest``'s own collection framework is used
to collect those tests.
See :ref:`change naming conventions` for more detailed examples.
.. confval:: doctest_optionflags
One or more doctest flag names from the standard ``doctest`` module.
:doc:`See how pytest handles doctests <doctest>`.
.. confval:: confcutdir
Sets a directory where search upwards for ```` files stops.
By default, pytest will stop searching for ```` files upwards
from ``pytest.ini``/``tox.ini``/``setup.cfg`` of the project if any,
or up to the file-system root.
.. confval:: filterwarnings
.. versionadded:: 3.1
Sets a list of filters and actions that should be taken for matched
warnings. By default all warnings emitted during the test session
will be displayed in a summary at the end of the test session.
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
filterwarnings =
This tells pytest to ignore deprecation warnings and turn all other warnings
into errors. For more information please refer to :ref:`warnings`.
.. confval:: cache_dir
.. versionadded:: 3.2
Sets a directory where stores content of cache plugin. Default directory is
``.cache`` which is created in :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>`. Directory may be
relative or absolute path. If setting relative path, then directory is created
relative to :ref:`rootdir <rootdir>`. Additionally path may contain environment
variables, that will be expanded. For more information about cache plugin
please refer to :ref:`cache_provider`.
.. confval:: console_output_style
.. versionadded:: 3.3
Sets the console output style while running tests:
* ``classic``: classic pytest output.
* ``progress``: like classic pytest output, but with a progress indicator.
The default is ``progress``, but you can fallback to ``classic`` if you prefer or
the new mode is causing unexpected problems:
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
console_output_style = classic
.. confval:: empty_parameter_set_mark
.. versionadded:: 3.4
Allows to pick the action for empty parametersets in parameterization
* ``skip`` skips tests with a empty parameterset (default)
* ``xfail`` marks tests with a empty parameterset as xfail(run=False)
.. code-block:: ini
# content of pytest.ini
empty_parameter_set_mark = xfail
.. note::
The default value of this option is planned to change to ``xfail`` in future releases
as this is considered less error prone, see `#3155`_ for more details.
.. _`#3155`: