diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 49c5028b1..6288f8c1b 100644
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ Ceridwen
 Charles Cloud
 Charnjit SiNGH (CCSJ)
 Chris Lamb
-Chris NeJame
 Christian Boelsen
 Christian Fetzer
 Christian Neumüller
diff --git a/changelog/6496.bugfix.rst b/changelog/6496.bugfix.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff541f52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/6496.bugfix.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Revert `#6436 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/6436>`__: unfortunately this change has caused a number of regressions in many suites,
+so the team decided to revert this change and make a new release while we continue to look for a solution.
diff --git a/src/_pytest/fixtures.py b/src/_pytest/fixtures.py
index c3cd162cc..f0a1a2ed0 100644
--- a/src/_pytest/fixtures.py
+++ b/src/_pytest/fixtures.py
@@ -886,7 +886,9 @@ class FixtureDef:
             self._finalizers = []
     def execute(self, request):
-        for argname in self._dependee_fixture_argnames(request):
+        # get required arguments and register our own finish()
+        # with their finalization
+        for argname in self.argnames:
             fixturedef = request._get_active_fixturedef(argname)
             if argname != "request":
                 fixturedef.addfinalizer(functools.partial(self.finish, request=request))
@@ -909,61 +911,6 @@ class FixtureDef:
         hook = self._fixturemanager.session.gethookproxy(request.node.fspath)
         return hook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request)
-    def _dependee_fixture_argnames(self, request):
-        """A list of argnames for fixtures that this fixture depends on.
-        Given a request, this looks at the currently known list of fixture argnames, and
-        attempts to determine what slice of the list contains fixtures that it can know
-        should execute before it. This information is necessary so that this fixture can
-        know what fixtures to register its finalizer with to make sure that if they
-        would be torn down, they would tear down this fixture before themselves. It's
-        crucial for fixtures to be torn down in the inverse order that they were set up
-        in so that they don't try to clean up something that another fixture is still
-        depending on.
-        When autouse fixtures are involved, it can be tricky to figure out when fixtures
-        should be torn down. To solve this, this method leverages the ``fixturenames``
-        list provided by the ``request`` object, as this list is at least somewhat
-        sorted (in terms of the order fixtures are set up in) by the time this method is
-        reached. It's sorted enough that the starting point of fixtures that depend on
-        this one can be found using the ``self._parent_request`` stack.
-        If a request in the ``self._parent_request`` stack has a ``:class:FixtureDef``
-        associated with it, then that fixture is dependent on this one, so any fixture
-        names that appear in the list of fixture argnames that come after it can also be
-        ruled out. The argnames of all fixtures associated with a request in the
-        ``self._parent_request`` stack are found, and the lowest index argname is
-        considered the earliest point in the list of fixture argnames where everything
-        from that point onward can be considered to execute after this fixture.
-        Everything before this point can be considered fixtures that this fixture
-        depends on, and so this fixture should register its finalizer with all of them
-        to ensure that if any of them are to be torn down, they will tear this fixture
-        down first.
-        This is the first part of the list of fixture argnames that is returned. The last
-        part of the list is everything in ``self.argnames`` as those are explicit
-        dependees of this fixture, so this fixture should definitely register its
-        finalizer with them.
-        """
-        all_fix_names = request.fixturenames
-        try:
-            current_fix_index = all_fix_names.index(self.argname)
-        except ValueError:
-            current_fix_index = len(request.fixturenames)
-        parent_fixture_indexes = set()
-        parent_request = request._parent_request
-        while hasattr(parent_request, "_parent_request"):
-            if hasattr(parent_request, "_fixturedef"):
-                parent_fix_name = parent_request._fixturedef.argname
-                if parent_fix_name in all_fix_names:
-                    parent_fixture_indexes.add(all_fix_names.index(parent_fix_name))
-            parent_request = parent_request._parent_request
-        stack_slice_index = min([current_fix_index, *parent_fixture_indexes])
-        active_fixture_argnames = all_fix_names[:stack_slice_index]
-        return {*active_fixture_argnames, *self.argnames}
     def cache_key(self, request):
         return request.param_index if not hasattr(request, "param") else request.param
diff --git a/testing/python/fixtures.py b/testing/python/fixtures.py
index 6b8565237..26374bc34 100644
--- a/testing/python/fixtures.py
+++ b/testing/python/fixtures.py
@@ -1716,138 +1716,6 @@ class TestAutouseDiscovery:
-class TestMultiLevelAutouseAndParameterization:
-    def test_setup_and_teardown_order(self, testdir):
-        """Tests that parameterized fixtures effect subsequent fixtures. (#6436)
-        If a fixture uses a parameterized fixture, or, for any other reason, is executed
-        after the parameterized fixture in the fixture stack, then it should be affected
-        by the parameterization, and as a result, should be torn down before the
-        parameterized fixture, every time the parameterized fixture is torn down. This
-        should be the case even if autouse is involved and/or the linear order of
-        fixture execution isn't deterministic. In other words, before any fixture can be
-        torn down, every fixture that was executed after it must also be torn down.
-        """
-        testdir.makepyfile(
-            test_auto="""
-            import pytest
-            def f(param):
-                return param
-            @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
-            def s_fix(request):
-                yield
-            @pytest.fixture(scope="package", params=["p1", "p2"], ids=f, autouse=True)
-            def p_fix(request):
-                yield
-            @pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["m1", "m2"], ids=f, autouse=True)
-            def m_fix(request):
-                yield
-            @pytest.fixture(scope="class", autouse=True)
-            def another_c_fix(m_fix):
-                yield
-            @pytest.fixture(scope="class")
-            def c_fix():
-                yield
-            @pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=["f1", "f2"], ids=f, autouse=True)
-            def f_fix(request):
-                yield
-            class TestFixtures:
-                def test_a(self, c_fix):
-                    pass
-                def test_b(self, c_fix):
-                    pass
-        """
-        )
-        result = testdir.runpytest("--setup-plan")
-        test_fixtures_used = (
-            "(fixtures used: another_c_fix, c_fix, f_fix, m_fix, p_fix, request, s_fix)"
-        )
-        result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(
-            """
-            SETUP    S s_fix
-              SETUP    P p_fix[p1]
-                SETUP    M m_fix[m1]
-                  SETUP    C another_c_fix (fixtures used: m_fix)
-                  SETUP    C c_fix
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p1-m1-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p1-m1-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p1-m1-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p1-m1-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                  TEARDOWN C c_fix
-                  TEARDOWN C another_c_fix
-                TEARDOWN M m_fix[m1]
-                SETUP    M m_fix[m2]
-                  SETUP    C another_c_fix (fixtures used: m_fix)
-                  SETUP    C c_fix
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p1-m2-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p1-m2-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p1-m2-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p1-m2-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                  TEARDOWN C c_fix
-                  TEARDOWN C another_c_fix
-                TEARDOWN M m_fix[m2]
-              TEARDOWN P p_fix[p1]
-              SETUP    P p_fix[p2]
-                SETUP    M m_fix[m1]
-                  SETUP    C another_c_fix (fixtures used: m_fix)
-                  SETUP    C c_fix
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p2-m1-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p2-m1-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p2-m1-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p2-m1-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                  TEARDOWN C c_fix
-                  TEARDOWN C another_c_fix
-                TEARDOWN M m_fix[m1]
-                SETUP    M m_fix[m2]
-                  SETUP    C another_c_fix (fixtures used: m_fix)
-                  SETUP    C c_fix
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p2-m2-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_a[p2-m2-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f1]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p2-m2-f1] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f1]
-                    SETUP    F f_fix[f2]
-                    test_auto.py::TestFixtures::test_b[p2-m2-f2] {0}
-                    TEARDOWN F f_fix[f2]
-                  TEARDOWN C c_fix
-                  TEARDOWN C another_c_fix
-                TEARDOWN M m_fix[m2]
-              TEARDOWN P p_fix[p2]
-            TEARDOWN S s_fix
-        """.format(
-                test_fixtures_used
-            )
-        )
 class TestAutouseManagement:
     def test_autouse_conftest_mid_directory(self, testdir):
         pkgdir = testdir.mkpydir("xyz123")