[svn r38077] Script to run "py.test --apigen" on the py lib (well, can be used on other
projects too) and rsync the results to some remote host/path (by default codespeak.net, currently to some dir in my home directory, when it's tested better in practice files will go to the website directory). --HG-- branch : trunk
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" run py.test with the --apigen option and rsync the results to a host
rsyncs the whole package (with all the ReST docs converted to HTML) as well
as the apigen docs to a given remote host and path
import py
import sys
def rsync(pkgpath, apidocspath, gateway, remotepath):
""" copy the code and docs to the remote host """
# copy to a temp dir first, even though both paths (normally) share the
# same parent dir, that may contain other stuff that we don't want to
# copy...
tempdir = py.test.ensuretemp('update_website_rsync_temp')
pkgpath.copy(tempdir.ensure(pkgpath.basename, dir=True))
apidocspath.copy(tempdir.ensure(apidocspath.basename, dir=True))
rs = py.execnet.RSync(delete=True)
rs.add_target(gateway, remotepath)
def run_tests(pkgpath, args=''):
""" run the unit tests and build the docs """
pypath = py.__package__.getpath()
pytestpath = pypath.join('bin/py.test')
# XXX this would need a Windows specific version if we want to allow
# running this script on that platform, but currently --apigen doesn't
# work there anyway...
apigenpath = pkgpath.join('apigen/apigen.py') # XXX be more general here?
if not apigenpath.check(file=True):
apigenpath = pypath.join('apigen/apigen.py')
cmd = 'PYTHONPATH="%s:%s" "%s" --apigen="%s" "%s" %s' % (pypath.dirpath(),
status = py.std.os.system(cmd)
return status
def main(pkgpath, apidocspath, rhost, rpath, args=''):
print 'running tests'
errors = run_tests(pkgpath, args)
if errors:
print >>sys.stderr, \
'Errors while running the unit tests: %s' % (errors,)
print 'rsyncing'
gateway = py.execnet.SshGateway(rhost)
errors = rsync(pkgpath, apidocspath, gateway, rpath)
if errors:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Errors while rsyncing: %s'
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
pkgpath = py.__package__.getpath()
apidocspath = pkgpath.dirpath().join('apigen')
main(pkgpath, apidocspath, 'codespeak.net',
'/home/guido/rsynctests', args)
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import py
here = py.magic.autopath().dirpath()
update_website = here.join('../../bin/_update_website.py').pyimport()
def test_rsync():
temp = py.test.ensuretemp('update_website_rsync')
pkgpath = temp.join('pkg')
apipath = temp.join('apigen')
pkgpath.ensure('foo/bar.txt', file=True).write('baz')
pkgpath.ensure('spam/eggs.txt', file=True).write('spam')
apipath.ensure('api/foo.html', file=True).write('<html />')
apipath.ensure('source/spam.html', file=True).write('<html />')
rsyncpath = temp.join('rsync')
assert not rsyncpath.check()
gateway = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
update_website.rsync(pkgpath, apipath, gateway, rsyncpath.strpath)
assert rsyncpath.check(dir=True)
assert rsyncpath.join('pkg').check(dir=True)
assert rsyncpath.join('pkg/spam/eggs.txt').read() == 'spam'
assert rsyncpath.join('apigen').check(dir=True)
assert rsyncpath.join('apigen/api/foo.html').read() == '<html />'
def setup_pkg(testname):
temp = py.test.ensuretemp(testname)
pkgpath = temp.ensure('pkg', dir=True)
pyfile = pkgpath.ensure('mod.py').write(py.code.Source("""
def foo(x):
return x + 1
testfile = pkgpath.ensure('test/test_mod.py').write(py.code.Source("""
from pkg.sub import foo
def test_foo():
assert foo(1) == 2
initfile = pkgpath.ensure('__init__.py').write(py.code.Source("""\
import py
from py.__.initpkg import initpkg
initpkg(__name__, exportdefs={
'sub.foo': ('./mod.py', 'foo'),
return pkgpath
def test_run_tests():
pkgpath = setup_pkg('update_website_run_tests')
errors = update_website.run_tests(pkgpath)
assert not errors
assert pkgpath.join('../apigen').check(dir=True)
assert pkgpath.join('../apigen/api/sub.foo.html').check(file=True)
def test_run_tests_failure():
pkgpath = setup_pkg('update_website_run_tests_failure')
assert not pkgpath.join('../apigen').check(dir=True)
pkgpath.ensure('../apigen', file=True)
errors = update_website.run_tests(pkgpath)
assert errors # some error message
Reference in New Issue