logging: Improve formatting of multiline message

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Thomas Hisch 2019-05-24 04:32:22 +02:00
parent 84569ca4da
commit ea3ebec117
3 changed files with 64 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Improved formatting of multiline log messages in python3.

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@ -77,6 +77,36 @@ class ColoredLevelFormatter(logging.Formatter):
return super(ColoredLevelFormatter, self).format(record)
if not six.PY2:
# Formatter classes don't support format styles in PY2
class PercentStyleMultiline(logging.PercentStyle):
"""A logging style with special support for multiline messages.
If the message of a record consists of multiple lines, this style
formats the message as if each line were logged separately.
def _update_message(record_dict, message):
tmp = record_dict.copy()
tmp["message"] = message
return tmp
def format(self, record):
if "\n" in record.message:
lines = record.message.splitlines()
formatted = self._fmt % self._update_message(record.__dict__, lines[0])
# TODO optimize this by introducing an option that tells the
# logging framework that the indentation doesn't
# change. This allows to compute the indentation only once.
indentation = _remove_ansi_escape_sequences(formatted).find(lines[0])
lines[0] = formatted
return ("\n" + " " * indentation).join(lines)
return self._fmt % record.__dict__
def get_option_ini(config, *names):
for name in names:
ret = config.getoption(name) # 'default' arg won't work as expected
@ -444,6 +474,9 @@ class LoggingPlugin(object):
formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format, log_date_format)
if not six.PY2:
formatter._style = PercentStyleMultiline(formatter._style._fmt)
return formatter
def _setup_cli_logging(self):

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@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
import logging
import py.io
import six
import pytest
from _pytest.logging import ColoredLevelFormatter
@ -35,3 +37,31 @@ def test_coloredlogformatter():
formatter = ColoredLevelFormatter(tw, logfmt)
output = formatter.format(record)
assert output == ("dummypath 10 INFO Test Message")
six.PY2, reason="Formatter classes don't support format styles in PY2"
def test_multiline_message():
from _pytest.logging import PercentStyleMultiline
logfmt = "%(filename)-25s %(lineno)4d %(levelname)-8s %(message)s"
record = logging.LogRecord(
msg="Test Message line1\nline2",
# this is called by logging.Formatter.format
record.message = record.getMessage()
style = PercentStyleMultiline(logfmt)
output = style.format(record)
assert output == (
"dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\n"
" line2"