pytest.fixture() can be used either as
def func(): ...
or as
def func(): ...
or (while maybe not intended)
func = pytest.fixture(func)
so it needs to inspect internally whether it got a function in the first
positional argument or not.
Previously, there were was oddity. In the following,
func = pytest.fixture(func, autouse=True)
# OR
func = pytest.fixture(func, parms=['a', 'b'])
The result is as if `func` wasn't passed.
There isn't any reason for this special that I can understand, so remove
This is already done in pytest_runtest_logstart, so the fspath is
already guaranteed to have been printed (for xdist, it is disabled
write_fspath_result is mildly expensive so it is worth avoiding calling
it twice.
The `FDCapture`/`FDCaptureBinary` classes, used by `capfd`/`capfdbinary`
fixtures and the `--capture=fd` option (set by default), redirect FDs
1/2 (stdout/stderr) to a temporary file. To do this, they need to save
the old file by duplicating the FD before redirecting it, to be restored
once finished.
Previously, if this duplicating (`os.dup()`) failed, most likely due to
that FD being invalid, the FD redirection would silently not be done. The
FD capturing also performs python-level redirection (monkeypatching
`sys.stdout`/`sys.stderr`) which would still be done, but direct writes
to the FDs would fail.
This is not great. If pytest is run with `--capture=fd`, or a test is
using `capfd`, it expects writes to the FD to work and be captured,
regardless of external circumstances.
So, instead of disabling FD capturing, keep the redirection to a
temporary file, just don't restore it after closing, because there is
nothing to restore to.
This makes a difference for e.g. pytest-xdist:
--dist=distmode set mode for distributing tests to exec environments. each: …
available environment. loadscope: …
grouped by file to any available environment. (default) no: …
--dist=distmode set mode for distributing tests to exec environments.
each: send each test to all available environments.
load: load balance by sending any pending test to any available environment.
(default) no: run tests inprocess, don't distribute.
This might also result in unexpected changes (hard wrapping), when line
endings where used unintentionally, e.g. with:
some long
help text
But the benefits from that are worth it, and it is easy to fix, as will
be done for the internal `assertmode` option.
Currently, a bad logging call, e.g.'oops', 'first', 2)
triggers the default logging handling, which is printing an error to
stderr but otherwise continuing.
For regular programs this behavior makes sense, a bad log message
shouldn't take down the program. But during tests, it is better not to
skip over such mistakes, but propagate them to the user.
Previously, a LoggingCaptureHandler was instantiated for each test's
setup/call/teardown which turns out to be expensive.
Instead, only keep one instance and reset it between runs.
The tests came via c629f6b18 and c61ff31ffa.
The fixes from there are kind of obsoleted by 4cd08f9 (moving to importlib),
but it makes sense to keep them as integration tests in general.