Python types have reference cycles to themselves when they are created. This is
partially caused by descriptors which get / set values from the __dict__
attribute for getattr / setattr on classes.
This is not normally an issue since types tend to remain referenced for the
lifetime of the Python process (and thus never become garbage).
However, in the case of PseudoFixtureDef, the class is generated in
_get_active_fixturedef and later discarded when pytest_fixture_setup returns.
As a result, the generated PseudoFixtureDef type becomes garbage.
This is not really a performance issue but it can lead to some problems when
making tests and assertions about garbage when using pytest.
This garbage creation problem can be rectified by returning a namedtuple
instance which is functionally the same. In the modified code, the namedtuple
is allocated / deallocated using reference counting rather than having to use
the garbage collector.
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When a test with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='foo') doesn't raise, the
following error is printed:
Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'ValueError'> matching 'foo'
This error message is confusing as it implies a ValueError was raised, but the
message wasn't matching 'foo'.
I first considered rewording it somehow to preserve the match pattern in it, but
I don't think that's worthwhile as the pattern should usually be apparent from
the stacktrace anyways (hard-coded, as parametrization, or with --showlocals for
more sophisticated cases).