import os import platform from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import cast from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union from xml.dom import minidom import xmlschema import pytest from _pytest.config import Config from _pytest.junitxml import bin_xml_escape from _pytest.junitxml import LogXML from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from _pytest.pytester import Pytester from _pytest.pytester import RunResult from _pytest.reports import BaseReport from _pytest.reports import TestReport from import Store T = TypeVar("T") @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def schema() -> xmlschema.XMLSchema: """Return an xmlschema.XMLSchema object for the junit-10.xsd file.""" fn = Path(__file__).parent / "example_scripts/junit-10.xsd" with as f: return xmlschema.XMLSchema(f) @pytest.fixture def run_and_parse(pytester: Pytester, schema: xmlschema.XMLSchema) -> T: """Fixture that returns a function that can be used to execute pytest and return the parsed ``DomNode`` of the root xml node. The ``family`` parameter is used to configure the ``junit_family`` of the written report. "xunit2" is also automatically validated against the schema. """ def run( *args: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], family: Optional[str] = "xunit1", ) -> Tuple[RunResult, "DomNode"]: if family: args = ("-o", "junit_family=" + family) + args xml_path = pytester.path.joinpath("junit.xml") result = pytester.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xml_path, *args) if family == "xunit2": with as f: schema.validate(f) xmldoc = minidom.parse(str(xml_path)) return result, DomNode(xmldoc) return cast(T, run) def assert_attr(node, **kwargs): __tracebackhide__ = True def nodeval(node, name): anode = node.getAttributeNode(name) if anode is not None: return anode.value expected = {name: str(value) for name, value in kwargs.items()} on_node = {name: nodeval(node, name) for name in expected} assert on_node == expected class DomNode: def __init__(self, dom): self.__node = dom def __repr__(self): return self.__node.toxml() def find_first_by_tag(self, tag): return self.find_nth_by_tag(tag, 0) def _by_tag(self, tag): return self.__node.getElementsByTagName(tag) @property def children(self): return [type(self)(x) for x in self.__node.childNodes] @property def get_unique_child(self): children = self.children assert len(children) == 1 return children[0] def find_nth_by_tag(self, tag, n): items = self._by_tag(tag) try: nth = items[n] except IndexError: pass else: return type(self)(nth) def find_by_tag(self, tag): t = type(self) return [t(x) for x in self.__node.getElementsByTagName(tag)] def __getitem__(self, key): node = self.__node.getAttributeNode(key) if node is not None: return node.value def assert_attr(self, **kwargs): __tracebackhide__ = True return assert_attr(self.__node, **kwargs) def toxml(self): return self.__node.toxml() @property def text(self): return self.__node.childNodes[0].wholeText @property def tag(self): return self.__node.tagName @property def next_sibling(self): return type(self)(self.__node.nextSibling) parametrize_families = pytest.mark.parametrize("xunit_family", ["xunit1", "xunit2"]) class TestPython: @parametrize_families def test_summing_simple( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_pass(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 def test_skip(): pytest.skip("") @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xfail(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xpass(): assert 1 """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(name="pytest", errors=0, failures=1, skipped=2, tests=5) @parametrize_families def test_summing_simple_with_errors( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def fixture(): raise Exception() def test_pass(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 def test_error(fixture): pass @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xfail(): assert False @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True) def test_xpass(): assert True """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(name="pytest", errors=1, failures=2, skipped=1, tests=5) @parametrize_families def test_hostname_in_xml( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(hostname=platform.node()) @parametrize_families def test_timestamp_in_xml( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) start_time = result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") timestamp = datetime.strptime(node["timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") assert start_time <= timestamp < def test_timing_function( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, mock_timing ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ from _pytest import timing def setup_module(): timing.sleep(1) def teardown_module(): timing.sleep(2) def test_sleep(): timing.sleep(4) """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") val = tnode["time"] assert float(val) == 7.0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("duration_report", ["call", "total"]) def test_junit_duration_report( self, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, duration_report, run_and_parse, ) -> None: # mock LogXML.node_reporter so it always sets a known duration to each test report object original_node_reporter = LogXML.node_reporter def node_reporter_wrapper(s, report): report.duration = 1.0 reporter = original_node_reporter(s, report) return reporter monkeypatch.setattr(LogXML, "node_reporter", node_reporter_wrapper) pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", f"junit_duration_report={duration_report}") node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") val = float(tnode["time"]) if duration_report == "total": assert val == 3.0 else: assert duration_report == "call" assert val == 1.0 @parametrize_families def test_setup_error(self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): raise ValueError("Error reason") def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_setup_error", name="test_function") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message='failed on setup with "ValueError: Error reason"') assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml() @parametrize_families def test_teardown_error( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(): yield raise ValueError('Error reason') def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_teardown_error", name="test_function") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message='failed on teardown with "ValueError: Error reason"') assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml() @parametrize_families def test_call_failure_teardown_error( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(): yield raise Exception("Teardown Exception") def test_function(arg): raise Exception("Call Exception") """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, failures=1, tests=1) first, second = dom.find_by_tag("testcase") assert first assert second assert first != second fnode = first.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="Exception: Call Exception") snode = second.find_first_by_tag("error") snode.assert_attr( message='failed on teardown with "Exception: Teardown Exception"' ) @parametrize_families def test_skip_contains_name_reason( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_skip(): pytest.skip("hello23") """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_skip_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip") snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello23") @parametrize_families def test_mark_skip_contains_name_reason( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason="hello24") def test_skip(): assert True """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_mark_skip_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip" ) snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello24") @parametrize_families def test_mark_skipif_contains_name_reason( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest GLOBAL_CONDITION = True @pytest.mark.skipif(GLOBAL_CONDITION, reason="hello25") def test_skip(): assert True """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_mark_skipif_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip" ) snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello25") @parametrize_families def test_mark_skip_doesnt_capture_output( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason="foo") def test_skip(): print("bar!") """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node_xml = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite").toxml() assert "bar!" not in node_xml @parametrize_families def test_classname_instance( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ class TestClass(object): def test_method(self): assert 0 """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_classname_instance.TestClass", name="test_method" ) @parametrize_families def test_classname_nested_dir( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: p = pytester.mkdir("sub").joinpath("") p.write_text("def test_func(): 0/0") result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="sub.test_hello", name="test_func") @parametrize_families def test_internal_error( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makeconftest("def pytest_runtest_protocol(): 0 / 0") pytester.makepyfile("def test_function(): pass") result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="pytest", name="internal") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message="internal error") assert "Division" in fnode.toxml() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "junit_logging", ["no", "log", "system-out", "system-err", "out-err", "all"] ) @parametrize_families def test_failure_function( self, pytester: Pytester, junit_logging, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import logging import sys def test_fail(): print("hello-stdout") sys.stderr.write("hello-stderr\\n")'info msg') logging.warning('warning msg') raise ValueError(42) """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse( "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging, family=xunit_family ) assert result.ret, "Expected ret > 0" node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_failure_function", name="test_fail") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="ValueError: 42") assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml(), "ValueError not included" if junit_logging in ["log", "all"]: logdata = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") log_xml = logdata.toxml() assert logdata.tag == "system-out", "Expected tag: system-out" assert "info msg" not in log_xml, "Unexpected INFO message" assert "warning msg" in log_xml, "Missing WARN message" if junit_logging in ["system-out", "out-err", "all"]: systemout = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") systemout_xml = systemout.toxml() assert systemout.tag == "system-out", "Expected tag: system-out" assert "info msg" not in systemout_xml, "INFO message found in system-out" assert ( "hello-stdout" in systemout_xml ), "Missing 'hello-stdout' in system-out" if junit_logging in ["system-err", "out-err", "all"]: systemerr = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err") systemerr_xml = systemerr.toxml() assert systemerr.tag == "system-err", "Expected tag: system-err" assert "info msg" not in systemerr_xml, "INFO message found in system-err" assert ( "hello-stderr" in systemerr_xml ), "Missing 'hello-stderr' in system-err" assert ( "warning msg" not in systemerr_xml ), "WARN message found in system-err" if junit_logging == "no": assert not tnode.find_by_tag("log"), "Found unexpected content: log" assert not tnode.find_by_tag( "system-out" ), "Found unexpected content: system-out" assert not tnode.find_by_tag( "system-err" ), "Found unexpected content: system-err" @parametrize_families def test_failure_verbose_message( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_fail(): assert 0, "An error" """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="AssertionError: An error\nassert 0") @parametrize_families def test_failure_escape( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('arg1', "<&'", ids="<&'") def test_func(arg1): print(arg1) assert 0 """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse( "-o", "junit_logging=system-out", family=xunit_family ) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=3, tests=3) for index, char in enumerate("<&'"): tnode = node.find_nth_by_tag("testcase", index) tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_failure_escape", name="test_func[%s]" % char ) sysout = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") text = sysout.text assert "%s\n" % char in text @parametrize_families def test_junit_prefixing( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func(): assert 0 class TestHello(object): def test_hello(self): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("--junitprefix=xyz", family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1, tests=2) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="xyz.test_junit_prefixing", name="test_func") tnode = node.find_nth_by_tag("testcase", 1) tnode.assert_attr( classname="xyz.test_junit_prefixing.TestHello", name="test_hello" ) @parametrize_families def test_xfailure_function( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_xfail(): pytest.xfail("42") """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert not result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_function", name="test_xfail") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") fnode.assert_attr(type="pytest.xfail", message="42") @parametrize_families def test_xfailure_marker( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="42") def test_xfail(): assert False """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert not result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_marker", name="test_xfail") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") fnode.assert_attr(type="pytest.xfail", message="42") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "junit_logging", ["no", "log", "system-out", "system-err", "out-err", "all"] ) def test_xfail_captures_output_once( self, pytester: Pytester, junit_logging, run_and_parse ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail() def test_fail(): sys.stdout.write('XFAIL This is stdout') sys.stderr.write('XFAIL This is stderr') assert 0 """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging in ["system-err", "out-err", "all"]: assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 1 else: assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0 if junit_logging in ["log", "system-out", "out-err", "all"]: assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 1 else: assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0 @parametrize_families def test_xfailure_xpass( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xpass(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) # assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=0, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_xpass", name="test_xpass") @parametrize_families def test_xfailure_xpass_strict( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True, reason="This needs to fail!") def test_xpass(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) # assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=0, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_xpass_strict", name="test_xpass") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="[XPASS(strict)] This needs to fail!") @parametrize_families def test_collect_error( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("syntax error") result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message="collection failure") assert "SyntaxError" in fnode.toxml() def test_unicode(self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: value = "hx\xc4\x85\xc4\x87\n" pytester.makepyfile( """\ # coding: latin1 def test_hello(): print(%r) assert 0 """ % value ) result, dom = run_and_parse() assert result.ret == 1 tnode = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") assert "hx" in fnode.toxml() def test_assertion_binchars(self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: """This test did fail when the escaping wasn't strict.""" pytester.makepyfile( """ M1 = '\x01\x02\x03\x04' M2 = '\x01\x02\x03\x05' def test_str_compare(): assert M1 == M2 """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() print(dom.toxml()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"]) def test_pass_captures_stdout( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, junit_logging ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): print('hello-stdout') """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging == "no": assert not node.find_by_tag( "system-out" ), "system-out should not be generated" if junit_logging == "system-out": systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") assert ( "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml() ), "'hello-stdout' should be in system-out" @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-err"]) def test_pass_captures_stderr( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, junit_logging ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_pass(): sys.stderr.write('hello-stderr') """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging == "no": assert not node.find_by_tag( "system-err" ), "system-err should not be generated" if junit_logging == "system-err": systemerr = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err") assert ( "hello-stderr" in systemerr.toxml() ), "'hello-stderr' should be in system-err" @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"]) def test_setup_error_captures_stdout( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, junit_logging ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): print('hello-stdout') raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging == "no": assert not node.find_by_tag( "system-out" ), "system-out should not be generated" if junit_logging == "system-out": systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") assert ( "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml() ), "'hello-stdout' should be in system-out" @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-err"]) def test_setup_error_captures_stderr( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, junit_logging ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): sys.stderr.write('hello-stderr') raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging == "no": assert not node.find_by_tag( "system-err" ), "system-err should not be generated" if junit_logging == "system-err": systemerr = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err") assert ( "hello-stderr" in systemerr.toxml() ), "'hello-stderr' should be in system-err" @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"]) def test_avoid_double_stdout( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, junit_logging ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): yield sys.stdout.write('hello-stdout teardown') raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): sys.stdout.write('hello-stdout call') """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging == "no": assert not node.find_by_tag( "system-out" ), "system-out should not be generated" if junit_logging == "system-out": systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") assert "hello-stdout call" in systemout.toxml() assert "hello-stdout teardown" in systemout.toxml() def test_mangle_test_address() -> None: from _pytest.junitxml import mangle_test_address address = "::".join(["a/", "Class", "()", "method", "[a-1-::]"]) newnames = mangle_test_address(address) assert newnames == ["", "Class", "method", "[a-1-::]"] def test_dont_configure_on_workers(tmp_path: Path) -> None: gotten: List[object] = [] class FakeConfig: if TYPE_CHECKING: workerinput = None def __init__(self): self.pluginmanager = self self.option = self self._store = Store() def getini(self, name): return "pytest" junitprefix = None # XXX: shouldn't need tmp_path ? xmlpath = str(tmp_path.joinpath("junix.xml")) register = gotten.append fake_config = cast(Config, FakeConfig()) from _pytest import junitxml junitxml.pytest_configure(fake_config) assert len(gotten) == 1 FakeConfig.workerinput = None junitxml.pytest_configure(fake_config) assert len(gotten) == 1 class TestNonPython: @parametrize_families def test_summing_simple( self, pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ import pytest def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): if path.ext == ".xyz": return MyItem.from_parent(name=path.basename, parent=parent) class MyItem(pytest.Item): def runtest(self): raise ValueError(42) def repr_failure(self, excinfo): return "custom item runtest failed" """ ) pytester.path.joinpath("").write_text("hello") result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=0, failures=1, skipped=0, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(name="") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="custom item runtest failed") assert "custom item runtest failed" in fnode.toxml() @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"]) def test_nullbyte(pytester: Pytester, junit_logging) -> None: # A null byte can not occur in XML (see section 2.2 of the spec) pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_print_nullbyte(): sys.stdout.write('Here the null -->' + chr(0) + '<--') sys.stdout.write('In repr form -->' + repr(chr(0)) + '<--') assert False """ ) xmlf = pytester.path.joinpath("junit.xml") pytester.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xmlf, "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) text = xmlf.read_text() assert "\x00" not in text if junit_logging == "system-out": assert "#x00" in text if junit_logging == "no": assert "#x00" not in text @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"]) def test_nullbyte_replace(pytester: Pytester, junit_logging) -> None: # Check if the null byte gets replaced pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_print_nullbyte(): sys.stdout.write('Here the null -->' + chr(0) + '<--') sys.stdout.write('In repr form -->' + repr(chr(0)) + '<--') assert False """ ) xmlf = pytester.path.joinpath("junit.xml") pytester.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xmlf, "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) text = xmlf.read_text() if junit_logging == "system-out": assert "#x0" in text if junit_logging == "no": assert "#x0" not in text def test_invalid_xml_escape() -> None: # Test some more invalid xml chars, the full range should be # tested really but let's just test the edges of the ranges # instead. # XXX This only tests low unicode character points for now as # there are some issues with the testing infrastructure for # the higher ones. # XXX Testing 0xD (\r) is tricky as it overwrites the just written # line in the output, so we skip it too. invalid = ( 0x00, 0x1, 0xB, 0xC, 0xE, 0x19, 27, # issue #126 0xD800, 0xDFFF, 0xFFFE, 0x0FFFF, ) # , 0x110000) valid = (0x9, 0xA, 0x20) # 0xD, 0xD7FF, 0xE000, 0xFFFD, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF) for i in invalid: got = bin_xml_escape(chr(i)) if i <= 0xFF: expected = "#x%02X" % i else: expected = "#x%04X" % i assert got == expected for i in valid: assert chr(i) == bin_xml_escape(chr(i)) def test_logxml_path_expansion(tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: home_tilde = Path(os.path.expanduser("~")).joinpath("test.xml") xml_tilde = LogXML(Path("~", "test.xml"), None) assert xml_tilde.logfile == str(home_tilde) monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", str(tmp_path)) home_var = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/test.xml")) xml_var = LogXML(Path("$HOME", "test.xml"), None) assert xml_var.logfile == str(home_var) def test_logxml_changingdir(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func(): import os os.chdir("a") """ ) pytester.mkdir("a") result = pytester.runpytest("--junitxml=a/x.xml") assert result.ret == 0 assert pytester.path.joinpath("a/x.xml").exists() def test_logxml_makedir(pytester: Pytester) -> None: """--junitxml should automatically create directories for the xml file""" pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--junitxml=path/to/results.xml") assert result.ret == 0 assert pytester.path.joinpath("path/to/results.xml").exists() def test_logxml_check_isdir(pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Give an error if --junit-xml is a directory (#2089)""" result = pytester.runpytest("--junit-xml=.") result.stderr.fnmatch_lines(["*--junitxml must be a filename*"]) def test_escaped_parametrized_names_xml(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """\ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('char', ["\\x00"]) def test_func(char): assert char """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") node.assert_attr(name="test_func[\\x00]") def test_double_colon_split_function_issue469( pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ["double::colon"]) def test_func(param): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") node.assert_attr(classname="test_double_colon_split_function_issue469") node.assert_attr(name="test_func[double::colon]") def test_double_colon_split_method_issue469(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest class TestClass(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ["double::colon"]) def test_func(self, param): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") node.assert_attr(classname="test_double_colon_split_method_issue469.TestClass") node.assert_attr(name="test_func[double::colon]") def test_unicode_issue368(pytester: Pytester) -> None: path = pytester.path.joinpath("test.xml") log = LogXML(str(path), None) ustr = "ВНИ!" class Report(BaseReport): longrepr = ustr sections: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] nodeid = "something" location = "tests/", 42, "TestClass.method" when = "teardown" test_report = cast(TestReport, Report()) # hopefully this is not too brittle ... log.pytest_sessionstart() node_reporter = log._opentestcase(test_report) node_reporter.append_failure(test_report) node_reporter.append_collect_error(test_report) node_reporter.append_collect_skipped(test_report) node_reporter.append_error(test_report) test_report.longrepr = "filename", 1, ustr node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report) test_report.longrepr = "filename", 1, "Skipped: 卡嘣嘣" node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report) test_report.wasxfail = ustr # type: ignore[attr-defined] node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report) log.pytest_sessionfinish() def test_record_property(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def other(record_property): record_property("bar", 1) def test_record(record_property, other): record_property("foo", "<1"); """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") psnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("properties") pnodes = psnode.find_by_tag("property") pnodes[0].assert_attr(name="bar", value="1") pnodes[1].assert_attr(name="foo", value="<1") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 1 passed in *"]) def test_record_property_same_name(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_record_with_same_name(record_property): record_property("foo", "bar") record_property("foo", "baz") """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") psnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("properties") pnodes = psnode.find_by_tag("property") pnodes[0].assert_attr(name="foo", value="bar") pnodes[1].assert_attr(name="foo", value="baz") @pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["record_property", "record_xml_attribute"]) def test_record_fixtures_without_junitxml(pytester: Pytester, fixture_name) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_record({fixture_name}): {fixture_name}("foo", "bar") """.format( fixture_name=fixture_name ) ) result = pytester.runpytest() assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default") def test_record_attribute(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_family = xunit1 """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def other(record_xml_attribute): record_xml_attribute("bar", 1) def test_record(record_xml_attribute, other): record_xml_attribute("foo", "<1"); """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(bar="1") tnode.assert_attr(foo="<1") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["**record_xml_attribute is an experimental feature"] ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default") @pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["record_xml_attribute", "record_property"]) def test_record_fixtures_xunit2( pytester: Pytester, fixture_name, run_and_parse ) -> None: """Ensure record_xml_attribute and record_property drop values when outside of legacy family.""" pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_family = xunit2 """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def other({fixture_name}): {fixture_name}("bar", 1) def test_record({fixture_name}, other): {fixture_name}("foo", "<1"); """.format( fixture_name=fixture_name ) ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=None) expected_lines = [] if fixture_name == "record_xml_attribute": expected_lines.append( "**record_xml_attribute is an experimental feature" ) expected_lines = [ "**{fixture_name} is incompatible " "with junit_family 'xunit2' (use 'legacy' or 'xunit1')".format( fixture_name=fixture_name ) ] result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(expected_lines) def test_random_report_log_xdist( pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, run_and_parse ) -> None: """`xdist` calls pytest_runtest_logreport as they are executed by the workers, with nodes from several nodes overlapping, so junitxml must cope with that to produce correct reports (#1064).""" pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False) pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest, time @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', list(range(30))) def test_x(i): assert i != 22 """ ) _, dom = run_and_parse("-n2") suite_node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") failed = [] for case_node in suite_node.find_by_tag("testcase"): if case_node.find_first_by_tag("failure"): failed.append(case_node["name"]) assert failed == ["test_x[22]"] @parametrize_families def test_root_testsuites_tag(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_x(): pass """ ) _, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) root = dom.get_unique_child assert root.tag == "testsuites" suite_node = root.get_unique_child assert suite_node.tag == "testsuite" def test_runs_twice(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: f = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(f, f) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*INTERNALERROR*") first, second = [x["classname"] for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")] assert first == second def test_runs_twice_xdist( pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, run_and_parse ) -> None: pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD") f = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(f, "--dist", "each", "--tx", "2*popen") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*INTERNALERROR*") first, second = [x["classname"] for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")] assert first == second def test_fancy_items_regression(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: # issue 1259 pytester.makeconftest( """ import pytest class FunItem(pytest.Item): def runtest(self): pass class NoFunItem(pytest.Item): def runtest(self): pass class FunCollector(pytest.File): def collect(self): return [ FunItem.from_parent(name='a', parent=self), NoFunItem.from_parent(name='a', parent=self), NoFunItem.from_parent(name='b', parent=self), ] def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): if path.check(ext='.py'): return FunCollector.from_parent(fspath=path, parent=parent) """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse() result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*INTERNALERROR*") items = sorted("%(classname)s %(name)s" % x for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")) import pprint pprint.pprint(items) assert items == [ "conftest a", "conftest a", "conftest b", "test_fancy_items_regression a", "test_fancy_items_regression a", "test_fancy_items_regression b", "test_fancy_items_regression test_pass", ] @parametrize_families def test_global_properties(pytester: Pytester, xunit_family) -> None: path = pytester.path.joinpath("test_global_properties.xml") log = LogXML(str(path), None, family=xunit_family) class Report(BaseReport): sections: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] nodeid = "test_node_id" log.pytest_sessionstart() log.add_global_property("foo", "1") log.add_global_property("bar", "2") log.pytest_sessionfinish() dom = minidom.parse(str(path)) properties = dom.getElementsByTagName("properties") assert properties.length == 1, "There must be one node" property_list = dom.getElementsByTagName("property") assert property_list.length == 2, "There most be only 2 property nodes" expected = {"foo": "1", "bar": "2"} actual = {} for p in property_list: k = str(p.getAttribute("name")) v = str(p.getAttribute("value")) actual[k] = v assert actual == expected def test_url_property(pytester: Pytester) -> None: test_url = "" path = pytester.path.joinpath("test_url_property.xml") log = LogXML(str(path), None) class Report(BaseReport): longrepr = "FooBarBaz" sections: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] nodeid = "something" location = "tests/", 42, "TestClass.method" url = test_url test_report = cast(TestReport, Report()) log.pytest_sessionstart() node_reporter = log._opentestcase(test_report) node_reporter.append_failure(test_report) log.pytest_sessionfinish() test_case = minidom.parse(str(path)).getElementsByTagName("testcase")[0] assert ( test_case.getAttribute("url") == test_url ), "The URL did not get written to the xml" @parametrize_families def test_record_testsuite_property( pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property("stats", "all good") def test_func2(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property("stats", 10) """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") properties_node = node.find_first_by_tag("properties") p1_node = properties_node.find_nth_by_tag("property", 0) p2_node = properties_node.find_nth_by_tag("property", 1) p1_node.assert_attr(name="stats", value="all good") p2_node.assert_attr(name="stats", value="10") def test_record_testsuite_property_junit_disabled(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property("stats", "all good") """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit", [True, False]) def test_record_testsuite_property_type_checking(pytester: Pytester, junit) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property(1, 2) """ ) args = ("--junitxml=tests.xml",) if junit else () result = pytester.runpytest(*args) assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*TypeError: name parameter needs to be a string, but int given"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("suite_name", ["my_suite", ""]) @parametrize_families def test_set_suite_name( pytester: Pytester, suite_name, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: if suite_name: pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_suite_name={suite_name} junit_family={family} """.format( suite_name=suite_name, family=xunit_family ) ) expected = suite_name else: expected = "pytest" pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_func(): pass """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(name=expected) def test_escaped_skipreason_issue3533(pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason='1 <> 2') def test_skip(): pass """ ) _, dom = run_and_parse() node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") snode = node.find_first_by_tag("skipped") assert "1 <> 2" in snode.text snode.assert_attr(message="1 <> 2") @parametrize_families def test_logging_passing_tests_disabled_does_not_log_test_output( pytester: Pytester, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_log_passing_tests=False junit_logging=system-out junit_family={family} """.format( family=xunit_family ) ) pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest import logging import sys def test_func(): sys.stdout.write('This is stdout') sys.stderr.write('This is stderr') logging.warning('hello') """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0 assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0 @parametrize_families @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out", "system-err"]) def test_logging_passing_tests_disabled_logs_output_for_failing_test_issue5430( pytester: Pytester, junit_logging, run_and_parse, xunit_family ) -> None: pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_log_passing_tests=False junit_family={family} """.format( family=xunit_family ) ) pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest import logging import sys def test_func(): logging.warning('hello') assert 0 """ ) result, dom = run_and_parse( "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging, family=xunit_family ) assert result.ret == 1 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") if junit_logging == "system-out": assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0 assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 1 elif junit_logging == "system-err": assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 1 assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0 else: assert junit_logging == "no" assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0 assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0