# mypy: allow-untyped-defs import errno import os.path from pathlib import Path import pickle import shutil import sys from textwrap import dedent from types import ModuleType from typing import Any from typing import Generator from typing import Iterator from typing import Tuple import unittest.mock from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from _pytest.pathlib import bestrelpath from _pytest.pathlib import commonpath from _pytest.pathlib import CouldNotResolvePathError from _pytest.pathlib import ensure_deletable from _pytest.pathlib import fnmatch_ex from _pytest.pathlib import get_extended_length_path_str from _pytest.pathlib import get_lock_path from _pytest.pathlib import import_path from _pytest.pathlib import ImportMode from _pytest.pathlib import ImportPathMismatchError from _pytest.pathlib import insert_missing_modules from _pytest.pathlib import maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir from _pytest.pathlib import module_name_from_path from _pytest.pathlib import resolve_package_path from _pytest.pathlib import resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name from _pytest.pathlib import safe_exists from _pytest.pathlib import symlink_or_skip from _pytest.pathlib import visit from _pytest.pytester import Pytester from _pytest.tmpdir import TempPathFactory import pytest @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def autouse_pytester(pytester: Pytester) -> None: """ Fixture to make pytester() being autouse for all tests in this module. pytester makes sure to restore sys.path to its previous state, and many tests in this module import modules and change sys.path because of that, so common module names such as "test" or "test.conftest" end up leaking to tests in other modules. Note: we might consider extracting the sys.path restoration aspect into its own fixture, and apply it to the entire test suite always. """ class TestFNMatcherPort: """Test our port of py.common.FNMatcher (fnmatch_ex).""" if sys.platform == "win32": drv1 = "c:" drv2 = "d:" else: drv1 = "/c" drv2 = "/d" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pattern, path", [ ("*.py", "foo.py"), ("*.py", "bar/foo.py"), ("test_*.py", "foo/test_foo.py"), ("tests/*.py", "tests/foo.py"), (f"{drv1}/*.py", f"{drv1}/foo.py"), (f"{drv1}/foo/*.py", f"{drv1}/foo/foo.py"), ("tests/**/test*.py", "tests/foo/test_foo.py"), ("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/doc/test_foo.py"), ("tests/**/doc/**/test*.py", "tests/foo/doc/bar/test_foo.py"), ], ) def test_matching(self, pattern: str, path: str) -> None: assert fnmatch_ex(pattern, path) def test_matching_abspath(self) -> None: abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("tests/foo.py")) assert fnmatch_ex("tests/foo.py", abspath) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pattern, path", [ ("*.py", "foo.pyc"), ("*.py", "foo/foo.pyc"), ("tests/*.py", "foo/foo.py"), (f"{drv1}/*.py", f"{drv2}/foo.py"), (f"{drv1}/foo/*.py", f"{drv2}/foo/foo.py"), ("tests/**/test*.py", "tests/foo.py"), ("tests/**/test*.py", "foo/test_foo.py"), ("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/doc/foo.py"), ("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/test_foo.py"), ], ) def test_not_matching(self, pattern: str, path: str) -> None: assert not fnmatch_ex(pattern, path) @pytest.fixture(params=[True, False]) def ns_param(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> bool: """ Simple parametrized fixture for tests which call import_path() with consider_namespace_packages using True and False. """ return bool(request.param) class TestImportPath: """ Most of the tests here were copied from py lib's tests for "py.local.path.pyimport". Having our own pyimport-like function is inline with removing py.path dependency in the future. """ @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def path1(self, tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("path") self.setuptestfs(path) yield path assert path.joinpath("samplefile").exists() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def preserve_sys(self): with unittest.mock.patch.dict(sys.modules): with unittest.mock.patch.object(sys, "path", list(sys.path)): yield def setuptestfs(self, path: Path) -> None: # print "setting up test fs for", repr(path) samplefile = path / "samplefile" samplefile.write_text("samplefile\n", encoding="utf-8") execfile = path / "execfile" execfile.write_text("x=42", encoding="utf-8") execfilepy = path / "execfile.py" execfilepy.write_text("x=42", encoding="utf-8") d = {1: 2, "hello": "world", "answer": 42} path.joinpath("samplepickle").write_bytes(pickle.dumps(d, 1)) sampledir = path / "sampledir" sampledir.mkdir() sampledir.joinpath("otherfile").touch() otherdir = path / "otherdir" otherdir.mkdir() otherdir.joinpath("__init__.py").touch() module_a = otherdir / "a.py" module_a.write_text("from .b import stuff as result\n", encoding="utf-8") module_b = otherdir / "b.py" module_b.write_text('stuff="got it"\n', encoding="utf-8") module_c = otherdir / "c.py" module_c.write_text( dedent( """ import pluggy; import otherdir.a value = otherdir.a.result """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) module_d = otherdir / "d.py" module_d.write_text( dedent( """ import pluggy; from otherdir import a value2 = a.result """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) def test_smoke_test(self, path1: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: obj = import_path( path1 / "execfile.py", root=path1, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert obj.x == 42 # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert obj.__name__ == "execfile" def test_import_path_missing_file(self, path1: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError): import_path( path1 / "sampledir", root=path1, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) def test_renamed_dir_creates_mismatch( self, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, ns_param: bool ) -> None: tmp_path.joinpath("a").mkdir() p = tmp_path.joinpath("a", "test_x123.py") p.touch() import_path(p, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param) tmp_path.joinpath("a").rename(tmp_path.joinpath("b")) with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError): import_path( tmp_path.joinpath("b", "test_x123.py"), root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) # Errors can be ignored. monkeypatch.setenv("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "1") import_path( tmp_path.joinpath("b", "test_x123.py"), root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) # PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH=0 does not ignore error. monkeypatch.setenv("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "0") with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError): import_path( tmp_path.joinpath("b", "test_x123.py"), root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) def test_messy_name(self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: # https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/129 path = tmp_path / "foo__init__.py" path.touch() module = import_path(path, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param) assert module.__name__ == "foo__init__" def test_dir(self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: p = tmp_path / "hello_123" p.mkdir() p_init = p / "__init__.py" p_init.touch() m = import_path(p, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param) assert m.__name__ == "hello_123" m = import_path(p_init, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param) assert m.__name__ == "hello_123" def test_a(self, path1: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: otherdir = path1 / "otherdir" mod = import_path( otherdir / "a.py", root=path1, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert mod.result == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert mod.__name__ == "otherdir.a" def test_b(self, path1: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: otherdir = path1 / "otherdir" mod = import_path( otherdir / "b.py", root=path1, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert mod.stuff == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert mod.__name__ == "otherdir.b" def test_c(self, path1: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: otherdir = path1 / "otherdir" mod = import_path( otherdir / "c.py", root=path1, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert mod.value == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined] def test_d(self, path1: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: otherdir = path1 / "otherdir" mod = import_path( otherdir / "d.py", root=path1, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert mod.value2 == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined] def test_import_after(self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: tmp_path.joinpath("xxxpackage").mkdir() tmp_path.joinpath("xxxpackage", "__init__.py").touch() mod1path = tmp_path.joinpath("xxxpackage", "module1.py") mod1path.touch() mod1 = import_path( mod1path, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert mod1.__name__ == "xxxpackage.module1" from xxxpackage import module1 assert module1 is mod1 def test_check_filepath_consistency( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool ) -> None: name = "pointsback123" p = tmp_path.joinpath(name + ".py") p.touch() with monkeypatch.context() as mp: for ending in (".pyc", ".pyo"): mod = ModuleType(name) pseudopath = tmp_path.joinpath(name + ending) pseudopath.touch() mod.__file__ = str(pseudopath) mp.setitem(sys.modules, name, mod) newmod = import_path( p, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert mod == newmod mod = ModuleType(name) pseudopath = tmp_path.joinpath(name + "123.py") pseudopath.touch() mod.__file__ = str(pseudopath) monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, name, mod) with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError) as excinfo: import_path(p, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param) modname, modfile, orig = excinfo.value.args assert modname == name assert modfile == str(pseudopath) assert orig == p assert issubclass(ImportPathMismatchError, ImportError) def test_ensuresyspath_append(self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: root1 = tmp_path / "root1" root1.mkdir() file1 = root1 / "x123.py" file1.touch() assert str(root1) not in sys.path import_path( file1, mode="append", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) assert str(root1) == sys.path[-1] assert str(root1) not in sys.path[:-1] def test_invalid_path(self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool) -> None: with pytest.raises(ImportError): import_path( tmp_path / "invalid.py", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) @pytest.fixture def simple_module( self, tmp_path: Path, request: pytest.FixtureRequest ) -> Iterator[Path]: name = f"mymod_{request.node.name}" fn = tmp_path / f"_src/tests/{name}.py" fn.parent.mkdir(parents=True) fn.write_text("def foo(x): return 40 + x", encoding="utf-8") module_name = module_name_from_path(fn, root=tmp_path) yield fn sys.modules.pop(module_name, None) def test_importmode_importlib( self, simple_module: Path, tmp_path: Path, request: pytest.FixtureRequest, ns_param: bool, ) -> None: """`importlib` mode does not change sys.path.""" module = import_path( simple_module, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert module.foo(2) == 42 # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert str(simple_module.parent) not in sys.path assert module.__name__ in sys.modules assert module.__name__ == f"_src.tests.mymod_{request.node.name}" assert "_src" in sys.modules assert "_src.tests" in sys.modules def test_remembers_previous_imports( self, simple_module: Path, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """`importlib` mode called remembers previous module (#10341, #10811).""" module1 = import_path( simple_module, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) module2 = import_path( simple_module, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert module1 is module2 def test_no_meta_path_found( self, simple_module: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool, ) -> None: """Even without any meta_path should still import module.""" monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "meta_path", []) module = import_path( simple_module, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert module.foo(2) == 42 # type: ignore[attr-defined] # mode='importlib' fails if no spec is found to load the module import importlib.util # Force module to be re-imported. del sys.modules[module.__name__] monkeypatch.setattr( importlib.util, "spec_from_file_location", lambda *args: None ) with pytest.raises(ImportError): import_path( simple_module, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=False, ) def test_resolve_package_path(tmp_path: Path) -> None: pkg = tmp_path / "pkg1" pkg.mkdir() (pkg / "__init__.py").touch() (pkg / "subdir").mkdir() (pkg / "subdir/__init__.py").touch() assert resolve_package_path(pkg) == pkg assert resolve_package_path(pkg / "subdir/__init__.py") == pkg def test_package_unimportable(tmp_path: Path) -> None: pkg = tmp_path / "pkg1-1" pkg.mkdir() pkg.joinpath("__init__.py").touch() subdir = pkg / "subdir" subdir.mkdir() (pkg / "subdir/__init__.py").touch() assert resolve_package_path(subdir) == subdir xyz = subdir / "xyz.py" xyz.touch() assert resolve_package_path(xyz) == subdir assert not resolve_package_path(pkg) def test_access_denied_during_cleanup(tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: """Ensure that deleting a numbered dir does not fail because of OSErrors (#4262).""" path = tmp_path / "temp-1" path.mkdir() def renamed_failed(*args): raise OSError("access denied") monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "rename", renamed_failed) lock_path = get_lock_path(path) maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir(path) assert not lock_path.is_file() def test_long_path_during_cleanup(tmp_path: Path) -> None: """Ensure that deleting long path works (particularly on Windows (#6775)).""" path = (tmp_path / ("a" * 250)).resolve() if sys.platform == "win32": # make sure that the full path is > 260 characters without any # component being over 260 characters assert len(str(path)) > 260 extended_path = "\\\\?\\" + str(path) else: extended_path = str(path) os.mkdir(extended_path) assert os.path.isdir(extended_path) maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir(path) assert not os.path.isdir(extended_path) def test_get_extended_length_path_str() -> None: assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"c:\foo") == r"\\?\c:\foo" assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"\\share\foo") == r"\\?\UNC\share\foo" assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"\\?\UNC\share\foo") == r"\\?\UNC\share\foo" assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"\\?\c:\foo") == r"\\?\c:\foo" def test_suppress_error_removing_lock(tmp_path: Path) -> None: """ensure_deletable should be resilient if lock file cannot be removed (#5456, #7491)""" path = tmp_path / "dir" path.mkdir() lock = get_lock_path(path) lock.touch() mtime = lock.stat().st_mtime with unittest.mock.patch.object(Path, "unlink", side_effect=OSError) as m: assert not ensure_deletable( path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before=mtime + 30 ) assert m.call_count == 1 assert lock.is_file() with unittest.mock.patch.object(Path, "is_file", side_effect=OSError) as m: assert not ensure_deletable( path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before=mtime + 30 ) assert m.call_count == 1 assert lock.is_file() # check now that we can remove the lock file in normal circumstances assert ensure_deletable(path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before=mtime + 30) assert not lock.is_file() def test_bestrelpath() -> None: curdir = Path("/foo/bar/baz/path") assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir) == "." assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir / "hello" / "world") == "hello" + os.sep + "world" assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir.parent / "sister") == ".." + os.sep + "sister" assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir.parent) == ".." assert bestrelpath(curdir, Path("hello")) == "hello" def test_commonpath() -> None: path = Path("/foo/bar/baz/path") subpath = path / "sampledir" assert commonpath(path, subpath) == path assert commonpath(subpath, path) == path assert commonpath(Path(str(path) + "suffix"), path) == path.parent assert commonpath(path, path.parent.parent) == path.parent.parent def test_visit_ignores_errors(tmp_path: Path) -> None: symlink_or_skip("recursive", tmp_path / "recursive") tmp_path.joinpath("foo").write_bytes(b"") tmp_path.joinpath("bar").write_bytes(b"") assert [ entry.name for entry in visit(str(tmp_path), recurse=lambda entry: False) ] == ["bar", "foo"] @pytest.mark.skipif(not sys.platform.startswith("win"), reason="Windows only") def test_samefile_false_negatives(tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: """ import_file() should not raise ImportPathMismatchError if the paths are exactly equal on Windows. It seems directories mounted as UNC paths make os.path.samefile return False, even when they are clearly equal. """ module_path = tmp_path.joinpath("my_module.py") module_path.write_text("def foo(): return 42", encoding="utf-8") monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmp_path) with monkeypatch.context() as mp: # Forcibly make os.path.samefile() return False here to ensure we are comparing # the paths too. Using a context to narrow the patch as much as possible given # this is an important system function. mp.setattr(os.path, "samefile", lambda x, y: False) module = import_path( module_path, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=False ) assert getattr(module, "foo")() == 42 class TestImportLibMode: def test_importmode_importlib_with_dataclass( self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """Ensure that importlib mode works with a module containing dataclasses (#7856).""" fn = tmp_path.joinpath("_src/tests/test_dataclass.py") fn.parent.mkdir(parents=True) fn.write_text( dedent( """ from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Data: value: str """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) module = import_path( fn, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) Data: Any = getattr(module, "Data") data = Data(value="foo") assert data.value == "foo" assert data.__module__ == "_src.tests.test_dataclass" def test_importmode_importlib_with_pickle( self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """Ensure that importlib mode works with pickle (#7859).""" fn = tmp_path.joinpath("_src/tests/test_pickle.py") fn.parent.mkdir(parents=True) fn.write_text( dedent( """ import pickle def _action(): return 42 def round_trip(): s = pickle.dumps(_action) return pickle.loads(s) """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) module = import_path( fn, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) round_trip = getattr(module, "round_trip") action = round_trip() assert action() == 42 def test_importmode_importlib_with_pickle_separate_modules( self, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """ Ensure that importlib mode works can load pickles that look similar but are defined in separate modules. """ fn1 = tmp_path.joinpath("_src/m1/tests/test.py") fn1.parent.mkdir(parents=True) fn1.write_text( dedent( """ import dataclasses import pickle @dataclasses.dataclass class Data: x: int = 42 """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) fn2 = tmp_path.joinpath("_src/m2/tests/test.py") fn2.parent.mkdir(parents=True) fn2.write_text( dedent( """ import dataclasses import pickle @dataclasses.dataclass class Data: x: str = "" """ ), encoding="utf-8", ) import pickle def round_trip(obj): s = pickle.dumps(obj) return pickle.loads(s) module = import_path( fn1, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) Data1 = getattr(module, "Data") module = import_path( fn2, mode="importlib", root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param ) Data2 = getattr(module, "Data") assert round_trip(Data1(20)) == Data1(20) assert round_trip(Data2("hello")) == Data2("hello") assert Data1.__module__ == "_src.m1.tests.test" assert Data2.__module__ == "_src.m2.tests.test" def test_module_name_from_path(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None: result = module_name_from_path(tmp_path / "src/tests/test_foo.py", tmp_path) assert result == "src.tests.test_foo" # Path is not relative to root dir: use the full path to obtain the module name. result = module_name_from_path(Path("/home/foo/test_foo.py"), Path("/bar")) assert result == "home.foo.test_foo" # Importing __init__.py files should return the package as module name. result = module_name_from_path(tmp_path / "src/app/__init__.py", tmp_path) assert result == "src.app" # Unless __init__.py file is at the root, in which case we cannot have an empty module name. result = module_name_from_path(tmp_path / "__init__.py", tmp_path) assert result == "__init__" # Modules which start with "." are considered relative and will not be imported # unless part of a package, so we replace it with a "_" when generating the fake module name. result = module_name_from_path(tmp_path / ".env/tests/test_foo.py", tmp_path) assert result == "_env.tests.test_foo" # We want to avoid generating extra intermediate modules if some directory just happens # to contain a "." in the name. result = module_name_from_path( tmp_path / ".env.310/tests/test_foo.py", tmp_path ) assert result == "_env_310.tests.test_foo" def test_resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( self, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> None: # Create a directory structure first without __init__.py files. (tmp_path / "src/app/core").mkdir(parents=True) models_py = tmp_path / "src/app/core/models.py" models_py.touch() with pytest.raises(CouldNotResolvePathError): _ = resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name(models_py) # Create the __init__.py files, it should now resolve to a proper module name. (tmp_path / "src/app/__init__.py").touch() (tmp_path / "src/app/core/__init__.py").touch() assert resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( models_py, consider_namespace_packages=True ) == ( tmp_path / "src", "app.core.models", ) # If we add tmp_path to sys.path, src becomes a namespace package. monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmp_path) assert resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( models_py, consider_namespace_packages=True ) == ( tmp_path, "src.app.core.models", ) assert resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( models_py, consider_namespace_packages=False ) == ( tmp_path / "src", "app.core.models", ) def test_insert_missing_modules( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path ) -> None: monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) # Use 'xxx' and 'xxy' as parent names as they are unlikely to exist and # don't end up being imported. modules = {"xxx.tests.foo": ModuleType("xxx.tests.foo")} insert_missing_modules(modules, "xxx.tests.foo") assert sorted(modules) == ["xxx", "xxx.tests", "xxx.tests.foo"] mod = ModuleType("mod", doc="My Module") modules = {"xxy": mod} insert_missing_modules(modules, "xxy") assert modules == {"xxy": mod} modules = {} insert_missing_modules(modules, "") assert modules == {} def test_parent_contains_child_module_attribute( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path ): monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) # Use 'xxx' and 'xxy' as parent names as they are unlikely to exist and # don't end up being imported. modules = {"xxx.tests.foo": ModuleType("xxx.tests.foo")} insert_missing_modules(modules, "xxx.tests.foo") assert sorted(modules) == ["xxx", "xxx.tests", "xxx.tests.foo"] assert modules["xxx"].tests is modules["xxx.tests"] assert modules["xxx.tests"].foo is modules["xxx.tests.foo"] def test_importlib_package( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path, ns_param: bool ): """ Importing a package using --importmode=importlib should not import the package's __init__.py file more than once (#11306). """ monkeypatch.chdir(tmp_path) monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmp_path) package_name = "importlib_import_package" tmp_path.joinpath(package_name).mkdir() init = tmp_path.joinpath(f"{package_name}/__init__.py") init.write_text( dedent( """ from .singleton import Singleton instance = Singleton() """ ), encoding="ascii", ) singleton = tmp_path.joinpath(f"{package_name}/singleton.py") singleton.write_text( dedent( """ class Singleton: INSTANCES = [] def __init__(self) -> None: self.INSTANCES.append(self) if len(self.INSTANCES) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Already initialized") """ ), encoding="ascii", ) mod = import_path( init, root=tmp_path, mode=ImportMode.importlib, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert len(mod.instance.INSTANCES) == 1 def test_importlib_root_is_package(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """ Regression for importing a `__init__`.py file that is at the root (#11417). """ pytester.makepyfile(__init__="") pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_my_test(): assert True """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--import-mode=importlib") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("* 1 passed *") def create_installed_doctests_and_tests_dir( self, path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> Tuple[Path, Path, Path]: """ Create a directory structure where the application code is installed in a virtual environment, and the tests are in an outside ".tests" directory. Return the paths to the core module (installed in the virtualenv), and the test modules. """ app = path / "src/app" app.mkdir(parents=True) (app / "__init__.py").touch() core_py = app / "core.py" core_py.write_text( dedent( """ def foo(): ''' >>> 1 + 1 2 ''' """ ), encoding="ascii", ) # Install it into a site-packages directory, and add it to sys.path, mimicking what # happens when installing into a virtualenv. site_packages = path / ".env/lib/site-packages" site_packages.mkdir(parents=True) shutil.copytree(app, site_packages / "app") assert (site_packages / "app/core.py").is_file() monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(site_packages) # Create the tests files, outside 'src' and the virtualenv. # We use the same test name on purpose, but in different directories, to ensure # this works as advertised. conftest_path1 = path / ".tests/a/conftest.py" conftest_path1.parent.mkdir(parents=True) conftest_path1.write_text( dedent( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def a_fix(): return "a" """ ), encoding="ascii", ) test_path1 = path / ".tests/a/test_core.py" test_path1.write_text( dedent( """ import app.core def test(a_fix): assert a_fix == "a" """, ), encoding="ascii", ) conftest_path2 = path / ".tests/b/conftest.py" conftest_path2.parent.mkdir(parents=True) conftest_path2.write_text( dedent( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def b_fix(): return "b" """ ), encoding="ascii", ) test_path2 = path / ".tests/b/test_core.py" test_path2.write_text( dedent( """ import app.core def test(b_fix): assert b_fix == "b" """, ), encoding="ascii", ) return (site_packages / "app/core.py"), test_path1, test_path2 def test_import_using_normal_mechanism_first( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """ Test import_path imports from the canonical location when possible first, only falling back to its normal flow when the module being imported is not reachable via sys.path (#11475). """ core_py, test_path1, test_path2 = self.create_installed_doctests_and_tests_dir( pytester.path, monkeypatch ) # core_py is reached from sys.path, so should be imported normally. mod = import_path( core_py, mode="importlib", root=pytester.path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert mod.__name__ == "app.core" assert mod.__file__ and Path(mod.__file__) == core_py # tests are not reachable from sys.path, so they are imported as a standalone modules. # Instead of '.tests.a.test_core', we import as "_tests.a.test_core" because # importlib considers module names starting with '.' to be local imports. mod = import_path( test_path1, mode="importlib", root=pytester.path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert mod.__name__ == "_tests.a.test_core" mod = import_path( test_path2, mode="importlib", root=pytester.path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert mod.__name__ == "_tests.b.test_core" def test_import_using_normal_mechanism_first_integration( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """ Same test as above, but verify the behavior calling pytest. We should not make this call in the same test as above, as the modules have already been imported by separate import_path() calls. """ core_py, test_path1, test_path2 = self.create_installed_doctests_and_tests_dir( pytester.path, monkeypatch ) result = pytester.runpytest( "--import-mode=importlib", "-o", f"consider_namespace_packages={ns_param}", "--doctest-modules", "--pyargs", "app", "./.tests", ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ f"{core_py.relative_to(pytester.path)} . *", f"{test_path1.relative_to(pytester.path)} . *", f"{test_path2.relative_to(pytester.path)} . *", "* 3 passed*", ] ) def test_import_path_imports_correct_file( self, pytester: Pytester, ns_param: bool ) -> None: """ Import the module by the given path, even if other module with the same name is reachable from sys.path. """ pytester.syspathinsert() # Create a 'x.py' module reachable from sys.path that raises AssertionError # if imported. x_at_root = pytester.path / "x.py" x_at_root.write_text("raise AssertionError('x at root')", encoding="ascii") # Create another x.py module, but in some subdirectories to ensure it is not # accessible from sys.path. x_in_sub_folder = pytester.path / "a/b/x.py" x_in_sub_folder.parent.mkdir(parents=True) x_in_sub_folder.write_text("X = 'a/b/x'", encoding="ascii") # Import our x.py module from the subdirectories. # The 'x.py' module from sys.path was not imported for sure because # otherwise we would get an AssertionError. mod = import_path( x_in_sub_folder, mode=ImportMode.importlib, root=pytester.path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) assert mod.__file__ and Path(mod.__file__) == x_in_sub_folder assert mod.X == "a/b/x" # Attempt to import root 'x.py'. with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match="x at root"): _ = import_path( x_at_root, mode=ImportMode.importlib, root=pytester.path, consider_namespace_packages=ns_param, ) def test_safe_exists(tmp_path: Path) -> None: d = tmp_path.joinpath("some_dir") d.mkdir() assert safe_exists(d) is True f = tmp_path.joinpath("some_file") f.touch() assert safe_exists(f) is True # Use unittest.mock() as a context manager to have a very narrow # patch lifetime. p = tmp_path.joinpath("some long filename" * 100) with unittest.mock.patch.object( Path, "exists", autospec=True, side_effect=OSError(errno.ENAMETOOLONG, "name too long"), ): assert safe_exists(p) is False with unittest.mock.patch.object( Path, "exists", autospec=True, side_effect=ValueError("name too long"), ): assert safe_exists(p) is False class TestNamespacePackages: """Test import_path support when importing from properly namespace packages.""" def setup_directories( self, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester ) -> Tuple[Path, Path]: # Set up a namespace package "com.company", containing # two subpackages, "app" and "calc". (tmp_path / "src/dist1/com/company/app/core").mkdir(parents=True) (tmp_path / "src/dist1/com/company/app/__init__.py").touch() (tmp_path / "src/dist1/com/company/app/core/__init__.py").touch() models_py = tmp_path / "src/dist1/com/company/app/core/models.py" models_py.touch() (tmp_path / "src/dist2/com/company/calc/algo").mkdir(parents=True) (tmp_path / "src/dist2/com/company/calc/__init__.py").touch() (tmp_path / "src/dist2/com/company/calc/algo/__init__.py").touch() algorithms_py = tmp_path / "src/dist2/com/company/calc/algo/algorithms.py" algorithms_py.touch() # Validate the namespace package by importing it in a Python subprocess. r = pytester.runpython_c( dedent( f""" import sys sys.path.append(r{str(tmp_path / "src/dist1")!r}) sys.path.append(r{str(tmp_path / "src/dist2")!r}) import com.company.app.core.models import com.company.calc.algo.algorithms """ ) ) assert r.ret == 0 monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmp_path / "src/dist1") monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(tmp_path / "src/dist2") return models_py, algorithms_py @pytest.mark.parametrize("import_mode", ["prepend", "append", "importlib"]) def test_resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name_ns_multiple_levels( self, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, import_mode: str, ) -> None: models_py, algorithms_py = self.setup_directories( tmp_path, monkeypatch, pytester ) pkg_root, module_name = resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( models_py, consider_namespace_packages=True ) assert (pkg_root, module_name) == ( tmp_path / "src/dist1", "com.company.app.core.models", ) mod = import_path( models_py, mode=import_mode, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=True ) assert mod.__name__ == "com.company.app.core.models" assert mod.__file__ == str(models_py) pkg_root, module_name = resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( algorithms_py, consider_namespace_packages=True ) assert (pkg_root, module_name) == ( tmp_path / "src/dist2", "com.company.calc.algo.algorithms", ) mod = import_path( algorithms_py, mode=import_mode, root=tmp_path, consider_namespace_packages=True, ) assert mod.__name__ == "com.company.calc.algo.algorithms" assert mod.__file__ == str(algorithms_py) @pytest.mark.parametrize("import_mode", ["prepend", "append", "importlib"]) def test_incorrect_namespace_package( self, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, import_mode: str, ) -> None: models_py, algorithms_py = self.setup_directories( tmp_path, monkeypatch, pytester ) # Namespace packages must not have an __init__.py at any of its # directories; if it does, we then fall back to importing just the # part of the package containing the __init__.py files. (tmp_path / "src/dist1/com/__init__.py").touch() pkg_root, module_name = resolve_pkg_root_and_module_name( models_py, consider_namespace_packages=True ) assert (pkg_root, module_name) == ( tmp_path / "src/dist1/com/company", "app.core.models", )