import py, pytest import _pytest._code from _pytest.config import getcfg, get_common_ancestor, determine_setup from _pytest.main import EXIT_NOTESTSCOLLECTED class TestParseIni: @pytest.mark.parametrize('section, filename', [('pytest', 'pytest.ini'), ('tool:pytest', 'setup.cfg')]) def test_getcfg_and_config(self, testdir, tmpdir, section, filename): sub = tmpdir.mkdir("sub") sub.chdir() tmpdir.join(filename).write(_pytest._code.Source(""" [{section}] name = value """.format(section=section))) rootdir, inifile, cfg = getcfg([sub]) assert cfg['name'] == "value" config = testdir.parseconfigure(sub) assert config.inicfg['name'] == 'value' def test_getcfg_empty_path(self): """correctly handle zero length arguments (a la pytest '')""" getcfg(['']) def test_append_parse_args(self, testdir, tmpdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv('PYTEST_ADDOPTS', '--color no -rs --tb="short"') tmpdir.join("pytest.ini").write(_pytest._code.Source(""" [pytest] addopts = --verbose """)) config = testdir.parseconfig(tmpdir) assert config.option.color == 'no' assert config.option.reportchars == 's' assert config.option.tbstyle == 'short' assert config.option.verbose def test_tox_ini_wrong_version(self, testdir): testdir.makefile('.ini', tox=""" [pytest] minversion=9.0 """) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret != 0 result.stderr.fnmatch_lines([ "*tox.ini:2*requires*9.0*actual*" ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("section, name", [ ('tool:pytest', 'setup.cfg'), ('pytest', 'tox.ini'), ('pytest', 'pytest.ini')], ) def test_ini_names(self, testdir, name, section): testdir.tmpdir.join(name).write(py.std.textwrap.dedent(""" [{section}] minversion = 1.0 """.format(section=section))) config = testdir.parseconfig() assert config.getini("minversion") == "1.0" def test_toxini_before_lower_pytestini(self, testdir): sub = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("sub") sub.join("tox.ini").write(py.std.textwrap.dedent(""" [pytest] minversion = 2.0 """)) testdir.tmpdir.join("pytest.ini").write(py.std.textwrap.dedent(""" [pytest] minversion = 1.5 """)) config = testdir.parseconfigure(sub) assert config.getini("minversion") == "2.0" @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="probably not needed") def test_confcutdir(self, testdir): sub = testdir.mkdir("sub") sub.chdir() testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] addopts = --qwe """) result = testdir.inline_run("--confcutdir=.") assert result.ret == 0 class TestConfigCmdlineParsing: def test_parsing_again_fails(self, testdir): config = testdir.parseconfig() pytest.raises(AssertionError, lambda: config.parse([])) def test_explicitly_specified_config_file_is_loaded(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("custom", "") """) testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] custom = 0 """) testdir.makefile(".cfg", custom = """ [pytest] custom = 1 """) config = testdir.parseconfig("-c", "custom.cfg") assert config.getini("custom") == "1" def test_absolute_win32_path(self, testdir): temp_cfg_file = testdir.makefile(".cfg", custom=""" [pytest] addopts = --version """) from os.path import normpath temp_cfg_file = normpath(str(temp_cfg_file)) ret = pytest.main("-c " + temp_cfg_file) assert ret == _pytest.main.EXIT_OK class TestConfigAPI: def test_config_trace(self, testdir): config = testdir.parseconfig() l = [] config.trace.root.setwriter(l.append) config.trace("hello") assert len(l) == 1 assert l[0] == "hello [config]\n" def test_config_getoption(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--hello", "-X", dest="hello") """) config = testdir.parseconfig("--hello=this") for x in ("hello", "--hello", "-X"): assert config.getoption(x) == "this" pytest.raises(ValueError, "config.getoption('qweqwe')") @pytest.mark.skipif('sys.version_info[:2] not in [(2, 6), (2, 7)]') def test_config_getoption_unicode(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" from __future__ import unicode_literals def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption('--hello', type='string') """) config = testdir.parseconfig('--hello=this') assert config.getoption('hello') == 'this' def test_config_getvalueorskip(self, testdir): config = testdir.parseconfig() pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception, "config.getvalueorskip('hello')") verbose = config.getvalueorskip("verbose") assert verbose == config.option.verbose def test_config_getvalueorskip_None(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--hello") """) config = testdir.parseconfig() with pytest.raises(pytest.skip.Exception): config.getvalueorskip('hello') def test_getoption(self, testdir): config = testdir.parseconfig() with pytest.raises(ValueError): config.getvalue('x') assert config.getoption("x", 1) == 1 def test_getconftest_pathlist(self, testdir, tmpdir): somepath = tmpdir.join("x", "y", "z") p = tmpdir.join("") p.write("pathlist = ['.', %r]" % str(somepath)) config = testdir.parseconfigure(p) assert config._getconftest_pathlist('notexist', path=tmpdir) is None pl = config._getconftest_pathlist('pathlist', path=tmpdir) print(pl) assert len(pl) == 2 assert pl[0] == tmpdir assert pl[1] == somepath def test_addini(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("myname", "my new ini value") """) testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] myname=hello """) config = testdir.parseconfig() val = config.getini("myname") assert val == "hello" pytest.raises(ValueError, config.getini, 'other') def test_addini_pathlist(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("paths", "my new ini value", type="pathlist") parser.addini("abc", "abc value") """) p = testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] paths=hello world/ """) config = testdir.parseconfig() l = config.getini("paths") assert len(l) == 2 assert l[0] == p.dirpath('hello') assert l[1] == p.dirpath('world/') pytest.raises(ValueError, config.getini, 'other') def test_addini_args(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("args", "new args", type="args") parser.addini("a2", "", "args", default="1 2 3".split()) """) testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] args=123 "123 hello" "this" """) config = testdir.parseconfig() l = config.getini("args") assert len(l) == 3 assert l == ["123", "123 hello", "this"] l = config.getini("a2") assert l == list("123") def test_addini_linelist(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("xy", "", type="linelist") parser.addini("a2", "", "linelist") """) testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] xy= 123 345 second line """) config = testdir.parseconfig() l = config.getini("xy") assert len(l) == 2 assert l == ["123 345", "second line"] l = config.getini("a2") assert l == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize('str_val, bool_val', [('True', True), ('no', False), ('no-ini', True)]) def test_addini_bool(self, testdir, str_val, bool_val): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("strip", "", type="bool", default=True) """) if str_val != 'no-ini': testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] strip=%s """ % str_val) config = testdir.parseconfig() assert config.getini("strip") is bool_val def test_addinivalue_line_existing(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("xy", "", type="linelist") """) testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] xy= 123 """) config = testdir.parseconfig() l = config.getini("xy") assert len(l) == 1 assert l == ["123"] config.addinivalue_line("xy", "456") l = config.getini("xy") assert len(l) == 2 assert l == ["123", "456"] def test_addinivalue_line_new(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("xy", "", type="linelist") """) config = testdir.parseconfig() assert not config.getini("xy") config.addinivalue_line("xy", "456") l = config.getini("xy") assert len(l) == 1 assert l == ["456"] config.addinivalue_line("xy", "123") l = config.getini("xy") assert len(l) == 2 assert l == ["456", "123"] def test_confcutdir_check_isdir(self, testdir): """Give an error if --confcutdir is not a valid directory (#2078)""" with pytest.raises(pytest.UsageError): testdir.parseconfig('--confcutdir', testdir.tmpdir.join('file').ensure(file=1)) with pytest.raises(pytest.UsageError): testdir.parseconfig('--confcutdir', testdir.tmpdir.join('inexistant')) config = testdir.parseconfig('--confcutdir', testdir.tmpdir.join('dir').ensure(dir=1)) assert config.getoption('confcutdir') == str(testdir.tmpdir.join('dir')) class TestConfigFromdictargs: def test_basic_behavior(self): from _pytest.config import Config option_dict = { 'verbose': 444, 'foo': 'bar', 'capture': 'no', } args = ['a', 'b'] config = Config.fromdictargs(option_dict, args) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): config.parse(['should refuse to parse again']) assert config.option.verbose == 444 assert == 'bar' assert config.option.capture == 'no' assert config.args == args def test_origargs(self): """Show that fromdictargs can handle args in their "orig" format""" from _pytest.config import Config option_dict = {} args = ['-vvvv', '-s', 'a', 'b'] config = Config.fromdictargs(option_dict, args) assert config.args == ['a', 'b'] assert config._origargs == args assert config.option.verbose == 4 assert config.option.capture == 'no' def test_inifilename(self, tmpdir): tmpdir.join("foo/bar.ini").ensure().write(_pytest._code.Source(""" [pytest] name = value """)) from _pytest.config import Config inifile = '../../foo/bar.ini' option_dict = { 'inifilename': inifile, 'capture': 'no', } cwd = tmpdir.join('a/b') cwd.join('pytest.ini').ensure().write(_pytest._code.Source(""" [pytest] name = wrong-value should_not_be_set = true """)) with cwd.ensure(dir=True).as_cwd(): config = Config.fromdictargs(option_dict, ()) assert config.args == [str(cwd)] assert config.option.inifilename == inifile assert config.option.capture == 'no' # this indicates this is the file used for getting configuration values assert config.inifile == inifile assert config.inicfg.get('name') == 'value' assert config.inicfg.get('should_not_be_set') is None def test_options_on_small_file_do_not_blow_up(testdir): def runfiletest(opts): reprec = testdir.inline_run(*opts) passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes() assert failed == 2 assert skipped == passed == 0 path = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_f1(): assert 0 def test_f2(): assert 0 """) for opts in ([], ['-l'], ['-s'], ['--tb=no'], ['--tb=short'], ['--tb=long'], ['--fulltrace'], ['--traceconfig'], ['-v'], ['-v', '-v']): runfiletest(opts + [path]) def test_preparse_ordering_with_setuptools(testdir, monkeypatch): pkg_resources = pytest.importorskip("pkg_resources") def my_iter(name): assert name == "pytest11" class Dist: project_name = 'spam' version = '1.0' def _get_metadata(self, name): return ['foo.txt,sha256=abc,123'] class EntryPoint: name = "mytestplugin" dist = Dist() def load(self): class PseudoPlugin: x = 42 return PseudoPlugin() return iter([EntryPoint()]) monkeypatch.setattr(pkg_resources, 'iter_entry_points', my_iter) testdir.makeconftest(""" pytest_plugins = "mytestplugin", """) monkeypatch.setenv("PYTEST_PLUGINS", "mytestplugin") config = testdir.parseconfig() plugin = config.pluginmanager.getplugin("mytestplugin") assert plugin.x == 42 def test_setuptools_importerror_issue1479(testdir, monkeypatch): pkg_resources = pytest.importorskip("pkg_resources") def my_iter(name): assert name == "pytest11" class Dist: project_name = 'spam' version = '1.0' def _get_metadata(self, name): return ['foo.txt,sha256=abc,123'] class EntryPoint: name = "mytestplugin" dist = Dist() def load(self): raise ImportError("Don't hide me!") return iter([EntryPoint()]) monkeypatch.setattr(pkg_resources, 'iter_entry_points', my_iter) with pytest.raises(ImportError): testdir.parseconfig() def test_plugin_preparse_prevents_setuptools_loading(testdir, monkeypatch): pkg_resources = pytest.importorskip("pkg_resources") def my_iter(name): assert name == "pytest11" class Dist: project_name = 'spam' version = '1.0' def _get_metadata(self, name): return ['foo.txt,sha256=abc,123'] class EntryPoint: name = "mytestplugin" dist = Dist() def load(self): assert 0, "should not arrive here" return iter([EntryPoint()]) monkeypatch.setattr(pkg_resources, 'iter_entry_points', my_iter) config = testdir.parseconfig("-p", "no:mytestplugin") plugin = config.pluginmanager.getplugin("mytestplugin") assert plugin is None def test_cmdline_processargs_simple(testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_cmdline_preparse(args): args.append("-h") """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*pytest*", "*-h*", ]) def test_invalid_options_show_extra_information(testdir): """display extra information when pytest exits due to unrecognized options in the command-line""" testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] addopts = --invalid-option """) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stderr.fnmatch_lines([ "*error: unrecognized arguments: --invalid-option*", "* inifile: %s*" % testdir.tmpdir.join('tox.ini'), "* rootdir: %s*" % testdir.tmpdir, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [ ['dir1', 'dir2', '-v'], ['dir1', '-v', 'dir2'], ['dir2', '-v', 'dir1'], ['-v', 'dir2', 'dir1'], ]) def test_consider_args_after_options_for_rootdir_and_inifile(testdir, args): """ Consider all arguments in the command-line for rootdir and inifile discovery, even if they happen to occur after an option. #949 """ # replace "dir1" and "dir2" from "args" into their real directory root = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir('myroot') d1 = root.mkdir('dir1') d2 = root.mkdir('dir2') for i, arg in enumerate(args): if arg == 'dir1': args[i] = d1 elif arg == 'dir2': args[i] = d2 with root.as_cwd(): result = testdir.runpytest(*args) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*rootdir: *myroot, inifile: ']) @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_toolongargs_issue224(testdir): result = testdir.runpytest("-m", "hello" * 500) assert result.ret == EXIT_NOTESTSCOLLECTED def test_notify_exception(testdir, capfd): config = testdir.parseconfig() excinfo = pytest.raises(ValueError, "raise ValueError(1)") config.notify_exception(excinfo) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert "ValueError" in err class A: def pytest_internalerror(self, excrepr): return True config.pluginmanager.register(A()) config.notify_exception(excinfo) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert not err def test_load_initial_conftest_last_ordering(testdir): from _pytest.config import get_config pm = get_config().pluginmanager class My: def pytest_load_initial_conftests(self): pass m = My() pm.register(m) hc = pm.hook.pytest_load_initial_conftests l = hc._nonwrappers + hc._wrappers expected = [ "_pytest.config", 'test_config', '_pytest.capture', ] assert [x.function.__module__ for x in l] == expected class TestWarning: def test_warn_config(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" l = [] def pytest_configure(config): config.warn("C1", "hello") def pytest_logwarning(code, message): if message == "hello" and code == "C1": l.append(1) """) testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_proper(pytestconfig): import conftest assert conftest.l == [1] """) reprec = testdir.inline_run() reprec.assertoutcome(passed=1) def test_warn_on_test_item_from_request(self, testdir, request): testdir.makepyfile(""" import pytest @pytest.fixture def fix(request): request.node.warn("T1", "hello") def test_hello(fix): pass """) result = testdir.runpytest("--disable-pytest-warnings") assert result.parseoutcomes()["pytest-warnings"] > 0 assert "hello" not in result.stdout.str() result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" ===*pytest-warning summary*=== *WT1*test_warn_on_test_item*:7 hello* """) class TestRootdir: def test_simple_noini(self, tmpdir): assert get_common_ancestor([tmpdir]) == tmpdir a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") assert get_common_ancestor([a, tmpdir]) == tmpdir assert get_common_ancestor([tmpdir, a]) == tmpdir with tmpdir.as_cwd(): assert get_common_ancestor([]) == tmpdir no_path = tmpdir.join('does-not-exist') assert get_common_ancestor([no_path]) == tmpdir assert get_common_ancestor([no_path.join('a')]) == tmpdir @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", "setup.cfg tox.ini pytest.ini".split()) def test_with_ini(self, tmpdir, name): inifile = tmpdir.join(name) inifile.write("[pytest]\n") a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") b = a.mkdir("b") for args in ([tmpdir], [a], [b]): rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, args) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile == inifile rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, [b,a]) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile == inifile @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", "setup.cfg tox.ini".split()) def test_pytestini_overides_empty_other(self, tmpdir, name): inifile = tmpdir.ensure("pytest.ini") a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") a.ensure(name) rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, [a]) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile == inifile def test_setuppy_fallback(self, tmpdir): a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") a.ensure("setup.cfg") tmpdir.ensure("") rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, [a]) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile is None assert inicfg == {} def test_nothing(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.chdir(str(tmpdir)) rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, [tmpdir]) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile is None assert inicfg == {} def test_with_specific_inifile(self, tmpdir): inifile = tmpdir.ensure("pytest.ini") rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(inifile, [tmpdir]) assert rootdir == tmpdir class TestOverrideIniArgs: @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", "setup.cfg tox.ini pytest.ini".split()) def test_override_ini_names(self, testdir, name): testdir.tmpdir.join(name).write(py.std.textwrap.dedent(""" [pytest] custom = 1.0""")) testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("custom", "")""") testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_pass(pytestconfig): ini_val = pytestconfig.getini("custom") print('\\ncustom_option:%s\\n' % ini_val)""") result = testdir.runpytest("--override-ini", "custom=2.0", "-s") assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["custom_option:2.0"]) result = testdir.runpytest("--override-ini", "custom=2.0", "--override-ini=custom=3.0", "-s") assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["custom_option:3.0"]) def test_override_ini_pathlist(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addini("paths", "my new ini value", type="pathlist")""") testdir.makeini(""" [pytest]""") testdir.makepyfile(""" import py.path def test_pathlist(pytestconfig): config_paths = pytestconfig.getini("paths") print(config_paths) for cpf in config_paths: print('\\nuser_path:%s' % cpf.basename)""") result = testdir.runpytest("--override-ini", 'paths=foo/ foo/', "-s") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["", ""]) def test_override_multiple_and_default(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_addoption(parser): addini = parser.addini addini("custom_option_1", "", default="o1") addini("custom_option_2", "", default="o2") addini("custom_option_3", "", default=False, type="bool") addini("custom_option_4", "", default=True, type="bool")""") testdir.makeini(""" [pytest] custom_option_1=custom_option_1 custom_option_2=custom_option_2""") testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_multiple_options(pytestconfig): prefix = "custom_option" for x in range(1, 5): ini_value=pytestconfig.getini("%s_%d" % (prefix, x)) print('\\nini%d:%s' % (x, ini_value))""") result = testdir.runpytest( "--override-ini", 'custom_option_1=fulldir=/tmp/user1', 'custom_option_2=url=/tmp/user2?a=b&d=e', "-o", 'custom_option_3=True', "-o", 'custom_option_4=no', "-s") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["ini1:fulldir=/tmp/user1", "ini2:url=/tmp/user2?a=b&d=e", "ini3:True", "ini4:False"]) def test_with_arg_outside_cwd_without_inifile(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.chdir(str(tmpdir)) a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") b = tmpdir.mkdir("b") rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, [a, b]) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile is None def test_with_arg_outside_cwd_with_inifile(self, tmpdir): a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") b = tmpdir.mkdir("b") inifile = a.ensure("pytest.ini") rootdir, parsed_inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, [a, b]) assert rootdir == a assert inifile == parsed_inifile @pytest.mark.parametrize('dirs', ([], ['does-not-exist'], ['a/does-not-exist'])) def test_with_non_dir_arg(self, dirs, tmpdir): with tmpdir.ensure(dir=True).as_cwd(): rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, dirs) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile is None def test_with_existing_file_in_subdir(self, tmpdir): a = tmpdir.mkdir("a") a.ensure("exist") with tmpdir.as_cwd(): rootdir, inifile, inicfg = determine_setup(None, ['a/exist']) assert rootdir == tmpdir assert inifile is None