# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
""" test of html generation
from py.__.apigen.source.html import prepare_line, create_html, HTMLDocument, \
from py.__.apigen.source.browser import parse_path
from py.__.apigen.source.color import Tokenizer, PythonSchema
from py.xml import html
import py
import os
def create_html_and_show(path):
mod = parse_path(path)
html = create_html(mod)
testfile = py.test.ensuretemp("htmloutput").ensure("test.html")
return testfile
def test_basic():
tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("sourcehtml")
inp = tmp.ensure("one.py")
def func_one():
def func_two(x, y):
x = 1
y = 2
return x + y
class B:
class A(B):
def meth1(self):
def meth2(self):
testfile = create_html_and_show(inp)
data = testfile.open().read()
assert data.find('source view') > -1
assert py.std.re.search('',
def test_body(self):
doc = _HTMLDocument()
body = doc.create_body()
assert unicode(body) == ''
def test_table(self):
doc = _HTMLDocument()
table, tbody = doc.create_table()
assert isinstance(table, html.table)
assert isinstance(tbody, html.tbody)
assert tbody == table[0]
def test_add_row(self):
doc = HTMLDocument('ascii')
doc.add_row(1, ['""" this is a foo implementation """'])
doc.add_row(2, [''])
doc.add_row(3, ['class ', html.a('Foo', name='Foo'), ':'])
doc.add_row(4, [' pass'])
tbody = doc.tbody
assert len(tbody) == 4
assert unicode(tbody[0][0]) == '
1 | '
assert unicode(tbody[0][1]) == (''
'""" '
'this is a foo implementation '
' | ')
assert unicode(tbody[1][1]) == ' | '
assert unicode(tbody[2][1]) == (''
' '
'Foo: | ')
assert unicode(tbody[3][1]) == (' '
' | ')
def test_unicode(self):
doc = HTMLDocument('ascii')
h = unicode(doc)
print h
assert py.std.re.match(r'\s*\s*[^<]+'
'.*\w*$', h, py.std.re.S)
def prepare_line_helper(line, tokenizer=None, encoding='ascii'):
if tokenizer is None:
tokenizer = Tokenizer(PythonSchema)
l = prepare_line(line, tokenizer, encoding)
return ''.join([unicode(i) for i in l])
def test_prepare_line_basic():
result = prepare_line_helper(['see if this works'])
assert result == 'see if this works'
result = prepare_line_helper(['see if this ',
html.a('works', name='works'),' too'])
assert result == ('see if this '
'works too')
result = prepare_line_helper(['see if something else works'])
assert result == ('see if something '
'else works')
result = prepare_line_helper(['see if something ',
html.a('else', name='else'), ' works too'])
assert result == ('see if something '
'else works too')
def test_prepare_line_strings():
result = prepare_line_helper(['foo = "bar"'])
assert result == 'foo = "bar"'
result = prepare_line_helper(['"spam"'])
assert result == '"spam"'
def test_prepare_line_multiline_strings():
# test multiline strings
t = Tokenizer(PythonSchema)
result = prepare_line_helper(['"""start of multiline'], t)
assert result == ('"""start of '
result = prepare_line_helper(['see if it doesn\'t touch this'], t)
assert result == ('see if it doesn't touch '
result = prepare_line_helper(['"""'], t)
assert result == '"""'
result = prepare_line_helper(['see if it colours this again'], t)
assert result == ('see if it colours '
'this again')
def test_prepare_line_nonascii():
result = prepare_line_helper(['"föö"'], encoding='UTF-8')
assert (result ==
unicode('"föö"', 'UTF-8'))
def test_get_encoding_ascii():
temp = py.test.ensuretemp('test_get_encoding')
fpath = temp.join('ascii.py')
def foo():
return 'foo'
# XXX I think the specs say we have to assume latin-1 here...
assert get_module_encoding(fpath.strpath) == 'ISO-8859-1'
def test_get_encoding_for_real():
temp = py.test.ensuretemp('test_get_encoding')
fpath = temp.join('utf-8.py')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
def foo():
return 'föö'
assert get_module_encoding(fpath.strpath) == 'UTF-8'
def test_get_encoding_matching_pattern_elsewhere():
temp = py.test.ensuretemp('test_get_encoding')
fpath = temp.join('matching_pattern.py')
#!/usr/bin/env python
def foo(coding=None):
assert get_module_encoding(fpath.strpath) == 'ISO-8859-1'