import py from pytest.plugin.restdoc import deindent def test_deindent(): assert deindent('foo') == 'foo' assert deindent('foo\n bar') == 'foo\n bar' assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == 'foo\nbar\n' assert deindent(' foo\n\n bar\n') == 'foo\n\nbar\n' assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == 'foo\n bar\n' assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == ' foo\nbar\n' class TestDoctest: def setup_class(cls): py.test.importorskip("docutils") def pytest_funcarg__testdir(self, request): testdir = request.getfuncargvalue("testdir") testdir.plugins.append("restdoc") assert request.module.__name__ == __name__ testdir.makepyfile(confrest= "from pytest.plugin.restdoc import Project") # we scope our confrest file so that it doesn't # conflict with another global testdir.makepyfile(__init__="") return testdir def test_doctest_extra_exec(self, testdir): xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x=""" hello:: .. >>> raise ValueError >>> None """) result = testdir.runpytest(xtxt) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(['*1 fail*']) def test_doctest_basic(self, testdir): xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x=""" .. >>> from os.path import abspath hello world >>> assert abspath >>> i=3 >>> print (i) 3 yes yes >>> i 3 end """) result = testdir.runpytest(xtxt) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*2 passed*" ]) def test_doctest_eol(self, testdir): ytxt = testdir.maketxtfile(y=".. >>> 1 + 1\r\n 2\r\n\r\n") result = testdir.runpytest(ytxt) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*2 passed*"]) def test_doctest_indentation(self, testdir): footxt = testdir.maketxtfile(foo= '..\n >>> print ("foo\\n bar")\n foo\n bar\n') result = testdir.runpytest(footxt) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*2 passed*"]) def test_js_ignore(self, testdir): xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(xtxt=""" `blah`_ .. _`blah`: javascript:some_function() """) result = testdir.runpytest(xtxt) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*3 passed*"]) def test_pytest_doctest_prepare_content(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_doctest_prepare_content(content): return content.replace("False", "True") """) xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x=""" hello: >>> 2 == 2 False """) result = testdir.runpytest(xtxt) outcomes = result.parseoutcomes() assert outcomes['passed'] >= 1 assert 'failed' not in outcomes assert 'skipped' not in outcomes