import pytest import sys pytest_plugins = "pytester", import os, py pid = os.getpid() def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption('--lsof', action="store_true", dest="lsof", default=False, help=("run FD checks if lsof is available")) def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line("markers", "multi(arg=[value1,value2, ...]): call the test function " "multiple times with arg=value1, then with arg=value2, ... " ) if config.getvalue("lsof"): try: out = py.process.cmdexec("lsof -p %d" % pid) except py.process.cmdexec.Error: pass else: config._numfiles = len(getopenfiles(out)) #def pytest_report_header(): # return "pid: %s" % os.getpid() def getopenfiles(out): def isopen(line): return ("REG" in line or "CHR" in line) and ( "deleted" not in line and 'mem' not in line and "txt" not in line) return [x for x in out.split("\n") if isopen(x)] def check_open_files(config): out2 = py.process.cmdexec("lsof -p %d" % pid) lines2 = getopenfiles(out2) if len(lines2) > config._numfiles + 1: error = [] error.append("***** %s FD leackage detected" % (len(lines2)-config._numfiles)) error.extend(lines2) error.append(error[0]) # update numfile so that the overall test run continuess config._numfiles = len(lines2) raise AssertionError("\n".join(error)) @pytest.mark.tryfirst # XXX rather do item.addfinalizer def pytest_runtest_setup(item): item._oldir = py.path.local() def pytest_runtest_teardown(item, __multicall__): item._oldir.chdir() if hasattr(item.config, '_numfiles'): x = __multicall__.execute() check_open_files(item.config) return x def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): multi = getattr(metafunc.function, 'multi', None) if multi is not None: assert len(multi.kwargs) == 1 for name, l in multi.kwargs.items(): for val in l: metafunc.addcall(funcargs={name: val}) elif 'anypython' in metafunc.fixturenames: for name in ('python2.4', 'python2.5', 'python2.6', 'python2.7', 'python3.2', "python3.3", 'pypy', 'jython'): metafunc.addcall(id=name, param=name) # XXX copied from execnet's - needs to be merged winpymap = { 'python2.7': r'C:\Python27\python.exe', 'python2.6': r'C:\Python26\python.exe', 'python2.5': r'C:\Python25\python.exe', 'python2.4': r'C:\Python24\python.exe', 'python3.1': r'C:\Python31\python.exe', } def getexecutable(name, cache={}): try: return cache[name] except KeyError: executable = py.path.local.sysfind(name) if executable: if name == "jython": import subprocess popen = subprocess.Popen([str(executable), "--version"], universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = popen.communicate() if not err or "2.5" not in err: executable = None if "2.5.2" in err: executable = None # cache[name] = executable return executable def pytest_funcarg__anypython(request): name = request.param executable = getexecutable(name) if executable is None: if sys.platform == "win32": executable = winpymap.get(name, None) if executable: executable = py.path.local(executable) if executable.check(): return executable pytest.skip("no suitable %s found" % (name,)) return executable