import py from pygreen.greenexecnet import * import pygreen def setup_module(mod): os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = "%s:%s" %( py.path.local(pygreen.__file__).dirpath().dirpath(), os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) #py.test.skip("need to fix PYTHONPATH/sys.path handling for sub processes so " # "that they find the pygreen package.") def test_simple(): gw = PopenGateway() channel = gw.remote_exec("x = channel.receive(); channel.send(x * 6)") channel.send(7) res = channel.receive() assert res == 42 def test_ssh(): py.test.skip("Bootstrapping") gw = SshGateway('') channel = gw.remote_exec(""" import socket channel.send(socket.gethostname()) """) res = channel.receive() assert res.endswith('') def test_remote_error(): gw = PopenGateway() channel = gw.remote_exec("x = channel.receive(); channel.send(x + 1)") channel.send("hello") py.test.raises(RemoteError, channel.receive) def test_invalid_object(): class X(object): pass gw = PopenGateway() channel = gw.remote_exec("x = channel.receive(); channel.send(x + 1)") channel.send(X()) py.test.raises(RemoteError, channel.receive) def test_channel_over_channel(): gw = PopenGateway() chan1 = gw.newchannel() channel = gw.remote_exec("chan1 = channel.receive(); chan1.send(42)") channel.send(chan1) res = chan1.receive() assert res == 42