.. _`setuptools installation`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools ================== Quickstart ================== .. _here: ../download.html#no-setuptools This document assumes basic python knowledge and a working `setuptools installation`_ (otherwise see here_). You can install the py lib and py.test by typing:: easy_install -U py Now open a file ``test_sample.py`` file and put the following example content into it:: # content of test_sample.py def test_answer(): assert 42 == 43 You can now run the test file like this:: py.test test_sample.py and will see an error report on the failing assert statement. For further information please refer to `features`_ or checkout the `tutorials`_ page for more introduction material. .. _`automatically collected`: features.html#autocollect .. _download: ../download.html .. _features: features.html .. _tutorials: talks.html