""" log invocations of extension hooks to a file. """ import py def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--hooklog", dest="hooklog", default=None, help="write hook calls to the given file.") def pytest_configure(config): hooklog = config.getvalue("hooklog") if hooklog: config._hooklogfile = open(hooklog, 'w') config._hooklog_oldperformcall = config.hook._performcall config.hook._performcall = (lambda name, multicall: logged_call(name=name, multicall=multicall, config=config)) def logged_call(name, multicall, config): f = config._hooklogfile f.write("%s(**%s)\n" % (name, multicall.kwargs)) try: res = config._hooklog_oldperformcall(name=name, multicall=multicall) except: f.write("-> exception") raise f.write("-> %r" % (res,)) return res def pytest_unconfigure(config): try: del config.hook.__dict__['_performcall'] except KeyError: pass else: config._hooklogfile.close()