Reference ========= This page contains the full reference to pytest's API. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: .. autofunction:: _pytest.python_api.approx You can use the following functions in your test, fixture or setup functions to force a certain test outcome. Note that most often you can rather use declarative marks, see :ref:`skipping`. .. autofunction:: .. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.skip .. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.importorskip .. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.xfail .. autofunction:: _pytest.outcomes.exit .. autofunction:: _pytest.config.main .. autofunction:: _pytest.python_api.raises Examples at :ref:`assertraises`. .. autofunction:: _pytest.recwarn.deprecated_call .. _`hook-reference`: Hooks ----- .. currentmodule:: _pytest.hookspec Reference to all hooks which can be implemented by :ref:` files ` and :ref:`plugins `. Bootstrapping hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bootstrapping hooks called for plugins registered early enough (internal and setuptools plugins). .. autofunction:: pytest_load_initial_conftests .. autofunction:: pytest_cmdline_preparse .. autofunction:: pytest_cmdline_parse .. autofunction:: pytest_cmdline_main Initialization hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Initialization hooks called for plugins and ```` files. .. autofunction:: pytest_addoption .. autofunction:: pytest_configure .. autofunction:: pytest_unconfigure Test running hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All runtest related hooks receive a :py:class:`pytest.Item <_pytest.main.Item>` object. .. autofunction:: pytest_runtestloop .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_protocol .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_logstart .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_logfinish .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_setup .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_call .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_teardown .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_makereport For deeper understanding you may look at the default implementation of these hooks in :py:mod:`_pytest.runner` and maybe also in :py:mod:`_pytest.pdb` which interacts with :py:mod:`_pytest.capture` and its input/output capturing in order to immediately drop into interactive debugging when a test failure occurs. The :py:mod:`_pytest.terminal` reported specifically uses the reporting hook to print information about a test run. Collection hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``pytest`` calls the following hooks for collecting files and directories: .. autofunction:: pytest_collection .. autofunction:: pytest_ignore_collect .. autofunction:: pytest_collect_directory .. autofunction:: pytest_collect_file For influencing the collection of objects in Python modules you can use the following hook: .. autofunction:: pytest_pycollect_makeitem .. autofunction:: pytest_generate_tests .. autofunction:: pytest_make_parametrize_id After collection is complete, you can modify the order of items, delete or otherwise amend the test items: .. autofunction:: pytest_collection_modifyitems Reporting hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Session related reporting hooks: .. autofunction:: pytest_collectstart .. autofunction:: pytest_itemcollected .. autofunction:: pytest_collectreport .. autofunction:: pytest_deselected .. autofunction:: pytest_report_header .. autofunction:: pytest_report_collectionfinish .. autofunction:: pytest_report_teststatus .. autofunction:: pytest_terminal_summary .. autofunction:: pytest_fixture_setup .. autofunction:: pytest_fixture_post_finalizer And here is the central hook for reporting about test execution: .. autofunction:: pytest_runtest_logreport You can also use this hook to customize assertion representation for some types: .. autofunction:: pytest_assertrepr_compare Debugging/Interaction hooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are few hooks which can be used for special reporting or interaction with exceptions: .. autofunction:: pytest_internalerror .. autofunction:: pytest_keyboard_interrupt .. autofunction:: pytest_exception_interact .. autofunction:: pytest_enter_pdb Objects ------- Full reference to objects accessible from :ref:`fixtures ` or hooks .. autoclass:: _pytest.config.Config() :members: .. autoclass:: _pytest.config.Parser() :members: .. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.Node() :members: .. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.Collector() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.FSCollector() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.main.Session() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.nodes.Item() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.python.Module() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.python.Class() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.python.Function() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureDef() :members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: _pytest.runner.CallInfo() :members: .. autoclass:: _pytest.runner.TestReport() :members: :inherited-members: .. autoclass:: pluggy._Result :members: .. autofunction:: _pytest.config.get_plugin_manager() .. autoclass:: _pytest.config.PytestPluginManager() :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: pluggy.PluginManager() :members: .. currentmodule:: _pytest.pytester .. autoclass:: Testdir() :members: runpytest,runpytest_subprocess,runpytest_inprocess,makeconftest,makepyfile .. autoclass:: RunResult() :members: .. autoclass:: LineMatcher() :members: .. autoclass:: _pytest.capture.CaptureFixture() :members: Fixtures -------- Fixtures are requested by test functions or other fixtures by declaring them as argument names. Example of a test requiring a fixture: .. code-block:: python def test_output(capsys): print('hello') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == 'hello\n' Example of a fixture requiring another fixture: .. code-block:: python @pytest.fixture def db_session(tmpdir): fn = tmpdir / 'db.file' return connect(str(fn)) For more details, consult the full :ref:`fixtures docs `. fixture decorator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: _pytest.fixtures .. autofunction:: fixture :decorator: .. _`cache-api`: config.cache ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``config.cache`` object allows other plugins and fixtures to store and retrieve values across test runs. To access it from fixtures request ``pytestconfig`` into your fixture and get it with ``pytestconfig.cache``. Under the hood, the cache plugin uses the simple ``dumps``/``loads`` API of the :py:mod:`json` stdlib module. .. currentmodule:: _pytest.cacheprovider .. automethod:: Cache.get .. automethod:: Cache.set .. automethod:: Cache.makedir capsys ~~~~~~ .. currentmodule:: _pytest.capture .. autofunction:: capsys() :no-auto-options: Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`. Example: .. code-block:: python def test_output(capsys): print("hello") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "hello\n" capsysbinary ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: capsysbinary() :no-auto-options: Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`. Example: .. code-block:: python def test_output(capsysbinary): print("hello") captured = capsysbinary.readouterr() assert captured.out == b"hello\n" capfd ~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: capfd() :no-auto-options: Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`. Example: .. code-block:: python def test_system_echo(capfd): os.system('echo "hello"') captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "hello\n" capfdbinary ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: capfdbinary() :no-auto-options: Returns an instance of :py:class:`CaptureFixture`. Example: .. code-block:: python def test_system_echo(capfdbinary): os.system('echo "hello"') captured = capfdbinary.readouterr() assert captured.out == b"hello\n" doctest_namespace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: _pytest.doctest.doctest_namespace() Usually this fixture is used in conjunction with another ``autouse`` fixture: .. code-block:: python @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def add_np(doctest_namespace): doctest_namespace['np'] = numpy For more details: :ref:`doctest_namespace`. request ~~~~~~~ The ``request`` fixture is a special fixture providing information of the requesting test function. .. autoclass:: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest() :members: