import os from xml.dom import minidom import py import pytest from _pytest.junitxml import LogXML from _pytest.reports import BaseReport def runandparse(testdir, *args): resultpath = testdir.tmpdir.join("junit.xml") result = testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % resultpath, *args) xmldoc = minidom.parse(str(resultpath)) return result, DomNode(xmldoc) def assert_attr(node, **kwargs): __tracebackhide__ = True def nodeval(node, name): anode = node.getAttributeNode(name) if anode is not None: return anode.value expected = {name: str(value) for name, value in kwargs.items()} on_node = {name: nodeval(node, name) for name in expected} assert on_node == expected class DomNode: def __init__(self, dom): self.__node = dom def __repr__(self): return self.__node.toxml() def find_first_by_tag(self, tag): return self.find_nth_by_tag(tag, 0) def _by_tag(self, tag): return self.__node.getElementsByTagName(tag) @property def children(self): return [type(self)(x) for x in self.__node.childNodes] @property def get_unique_child(self): children = self.children assert len(children) == 1 return children[0] def find_nth_by_tag(self, tag, n): items = self._by_tag(tag) try: nth = items[n] except IndexError: pass else: return type(self)(nth) def find_by_tag(self, tag): t = type(self) return [t(x) for x in self.__node.getElementsByTagName(tag)] def __getitem__(self, key): node = self.__node.getAttributeNode(key) if node is not None: return node.value def assert_attr(self, **kwargs): __tracebackhide__ = True return assert_attr(self.__node, **kwargs) def toxml(self): return self.__node.toxml() @property def text(self): return self.__node.childNodes[0].wholeText @property def tag(self): return self.__node.tagName @property def next_sibling(self): return type(self)(self.__node.nextSibling) class TestPython: def test_summing_simple(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_pass(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 def test_skip(): pytest.skip("") @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xfail(): assert 0 @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xpass(): assert 1 """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(name="pytest", errors=0, failures=1, skipped=2, tests=5) def test_summing_simple_with_errors(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def fixture(): raise Exception() def test_pass(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 def test_error(fixture): pass @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xfail(): assert False @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True) def test_xpass(): assert True """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(name="pytest", errors=1, failures=2, skipped=1, tests=5) def test_timing_function(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import time, pytest def setup_module(): time.sleep(0.01) def teardown_module(): time.sleep(0.01) def test_sleep(): time.sleep(0.01) """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") val = tnode["time"] assert round(float(val), 2) >= 0.03 @pytest.mark.parametrize("duration_report", ["call", "total"]) def test_junit_duration_report(self, testdir, monkeypatch, duration_report): # mock LogXML.node_reporter so it always sets a known duration to each test report object original_node_reporter = LogXML.node_reporter def node_reporter_wrapper(s, report): report.duration = 1.0 reporter = original_node_reporter(s, report) return reporter monkeypatch.setattr(LogXML, "node_reporter", node_reporter_wrapper) testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse( testdir, "-o", "junit_duration_report={}".format(duration_report) ) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") val = float(tnode["time"]) if duration_report == "total": assert val == 3.0 else: assert duration_report == "call" assert val == 1.0 def test_setup_error(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_setup_error", name="test_function") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message="test setup failure") assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml() def test_teardown_error(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(): yield raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_teardown_error", name="test_function") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message="test teardown failure") assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml() def test_call_failure_teardown_error(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(): yield raise Exception("Teardown Exception") def test_function(arg): raise Exception("Call Exception") """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, failures=1, tests=1) first, second = dom.find_by_tag("testcase") if not first or not second or first == second: assert 0 fnode = first.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="Exception: Call Exception") snode = second.find_first_by_tag("error") snode.assert_attr(message="test teardown failure") def test_skip_contains_name_reason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_skip(): pytest.skip("hello23") """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_skip_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip") snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello23") def test_mark_skip_contains_name_reason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason="hello24") def test_skip(): assert True """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_mark_skip_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip" ) snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello24") def test_mark_skipif_contains_name_reason(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest GLOBAL_CONDITION = True @pytest.mark.skipif(GLOBAL_CONDITION, reason="hello25") def test_skip(): assert True """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_mark_skipif_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip" ) snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello25") def test_mark_skip_doesnt_capture_output(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason="foo") def test_skip(): print("bar!") """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node_xml = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite").toxml() assert "bar!" not in node_xml def test_classname_instance(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ class TestClass(object): def test_method(self): assert 0 """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_classname_instance.TestClass", name="test_method" ) def test_classname_nested_dir(self, testdir): p = testdir.tmpdir.ensure("sub", "") p.write("def test_func(): 0/0") result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="sub.test_hello", name="test_func") def test_internal_error(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest("def pytest_runtest_protocol(): 0 / 0") testdir.makepyfile("def test_function(): pass") result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="pytest", name="internal") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message="internal error") assert "Division" in fnode.toxml() @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out", "system-err"]) def test_failure_function(self, testdir, junit_logging): testdir.makepyfile( """ import logging import sys def test_fail(): print("hello-stdout") sys.stderr.write("hello-stderr\\n")'info msg') logging.warning('warning msg') raise ValueError(42) """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_failure_function", name="test_fail") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="ValueError: 42") assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml() systemout = fnode.next_sibling assert systemout.tag == "system-out" assert "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml() assert "info msg" not in systemout.toxml() systemerr = systemout.next_sibling assert systemerr.tag == "system-err" assert "hello-stderr" in systemerr.toxml() assert "info msg" not in systemerr.toxml() if junit_logging == "system-out": assert "warning msg" in systemout.toxml() assert "warning msg" not in systemerr.toxml() elif junit_logging == "system-err": assert "warning msg" not in systemout.toxml() assert "warning msg" in systemerr.toxml() elif junit_logging == "no": assert "warning msg" not in systemout.toxml() assert "warning msg" not in systemerr.toxml() def test_failure_verbose_message(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_fail(): assert 0, "An error" """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="AssertionError: An error assert 0") def test_failure_escape(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('arg1', "<&'", ids="<&'") def test_func(arg1): print(arg1) assert 0 """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=3, tests=3) for index, char in enumerate("<&'"): tnode = node.find_nth_by_tag("testcase", index) tnode.assert_attr( classname="test_failure_escape", name="test_func[%s]" % char ) sysout = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") text = sysout.text assert text == "%s\n" % char def test_junit_prefixing(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_func(): assert 0 class TestHello(object): def test_hello(self): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, "--junitprefix=xyz") assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(failures=1, tests=2) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="xyz.test_junit_prefixing", name="test_func") tnode = node.find_nth_by_tag("testcase", 1) tnode.assert_attr( classname="xyz.test_junit_prefixing.TestHello", name="test_hello" ) def test_xfailure_function(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_xfail(): pytest.xfail("42") """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert not result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_function", name="test_xfail") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") fnode.assert_attr(type="pytest.xfail", message="42") # assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml() def test_xfailure_marker(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="42") def test_xfail(): assert False """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert not result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_marker", name="test_xfail") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped") fnode.assert_attr(type="pytest.xfail", message="42") def test_xfail_captures_output_once(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail() def test_fail(): sys.stdout.write('XFAIL This is stdout') sys.stderr.write('XFAIL This is stderr') assert 0 """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 1 assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 1 def test_xfailure_xpass(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_xpass(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) # assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=0, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_xpass", name="test_xpass") def test_xfailure_xpass_strict(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True, reason="This needs to fail!") def test_xpass(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) # assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(skipped=0, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_xpass_strict", name="test_xpass") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="[XPASS(strict)] This needs to fail!") def test_collect_error(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile("syntax error") result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error") fnode.assert_attr(message="collection failure") assert "SyntaxError" in fnode.toxml() def test_unicode(self, testdir): value = "hx\xc4\x85\xc4\x87\n" testdir.makepyfile( """\ # coding: latin1 def test_hello(): print(%r) assert 0 """ % value ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 1 tnode = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") assert "hx" in fnode.toxml() def test_assertion_binchars(self, testdir): """this test did fail when the escaping wasnt strict""" testdir.makepyfile( """ M1 = '\x01\x02\x03\x04' M2 = '\x01\x02\x03\x05' def test_str_compare(): assert M1 == M2 """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) print(dom.toxml()) def test_pass_captures_stdout(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): print('hello-stdout') """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") assert "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml() def test_pass_captures_stderr(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_pass(): sys.stderr.write('hello-stderr') """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err") assert "hello-stderr" in systemout.toxml() def test_setup_error_captures_stdout(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): print('hello-stdout') raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") assert "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml() def test_setup_error_captures_stderr(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): sys.stderr.write('hello-stderr') raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err") assert "hello-stderr" in systemout.toxml() def test_avoid_double_stdout(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): yield sys.stdout.write('hello-stdout teardown') raise ValueError() def test_function(arg): sys.stdout.write('hello-stdout call') """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out") assert "hello-stdout call" in systemout.toxml() assert "hello-stdout teardown" in systemout.toxml() def test_mangle_test_address(): from _pytest.junitxml import mangle_test_address address = "::".join(["a/", "Class", "()", "method", "[a-1-::]"]) newnames = mangle_test_address(address) assert newnames == ["", "Class", "method", "[a-1-::]"] def test_dont_configure_on_slaves(tmpdir): gotten = [] class FakeConfig: def __init__(self): self.pluginmanager = self self.option = self def getini(self, name): return "pytest" junitprefix = None # XXX: shouldnt need tmpdir ? xmlpath = str(tmpdir.join("junix.xml")) register = gotten.append fake_config = FakeConfig() from _pytest import junitxml junitxml.pytest_configure(fake_config) assert len(gotten) == 1 FakeConfig.slaveinput = None junitxml.pytest_configure(fake_config) assert len(gotten) == 1 class TestNonPython: def test_summing_simple(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest( """ import pytest def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): if path.ext == ".xyz": return MyItem(path, parent) class MyItem(pytest.Item): def __init__(self, path, parent): super(MyItem, self).__init__(path.basename, parent) self.fspath = path def runtest(self): raise ValueError(42) def repr_failure(self, excinfo): return "custom item runtest failed" """ ) testdir.tmpdir.join("").write("hello") result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(errors=0, failures=1, skipped=0, tests=1) tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(name="") fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure") fnode.assert_attr(message="custom item runtest failed") assert "custom item runtest failed" in fnode.toxml() def test_nullbyte(testdir): # A null byte can not occur in XML (see section 2.2 of the spec) testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_print_nullbyte(): sys.stdout.write('Here the null -->' + chr(0) + '<--') sys.stdout.write('In repr form -->' + repr(chr(0)) + '<--') assert False """ ) xmlf = testdir.tmpdir.join("junit.xml") testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xmlf) text = assert "\x00" not in text assert "#x00" in text def test_nullbyte_replace(testdir): # Check if the null byte gets replaced testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys def test_print_nullbyte(): sys.stdout.write('Here the null -->' + chr(0) + '<--') sys.stdout.write('In repr form -->' + repr(chr(0)) + '<--') assert False """ ) xmlf = testdir.tmpdir.join("junit.xml") testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xmlf) text = assert "#x0" in text def test_invalid_xml_escape(): # Test some more invalid xml chars, the full range should be # tested really but let's just thest the edges of the ranges # intead. # XXX This only tests low unicode character points for now as # there are some issues with the testing infrastructure for # the higher ones. # XXX Testing 0xD (\r) is tricky as it overwrites the just written # line in the output, so we skip it too. global unichr try: unichr(65) except NameError: unichr = chr invalid = ( 0x00, 0x1, 0xB, 0xC, 0xE, 0x19, 27, # issue #126 0xD800, 0xDFFF, 0xFFFE, 0x0FFFF, ) # , 0x110000) valid = (0x9, 0xA, 0x20) # 0xD, 0xD7FF, 0xE000, 0xFFFD, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF) from _pytest.junitxml import bin_xml_escape for i in invalid: got = bin_xml_escape(unichr(i)).uniobj if i <= 0xFF: expected = "#x%02X" % i else: expected = "#x%04X" % i assert got == expected for i in valid: assert chr(i) == bin_xml_escape(unichr(i)).uniobj def test_logxml_path_expansion(tmpdir, monkeypatch): home_tilde = py.path.local(os.path.expanduser("~")).join("test.xml") xml_tilde = LogXML("~%stest.xml" % tmpdir.sep, None) assert xml_tilde.logfile == home_tilde monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", str(tmpdir)) home_var = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/test.xml")) xml_var = LogXML("$HOME%stest.xml" % tmpdir.sep, None) assert xml_var.logfile == home_var def test_logxml_changingdir(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_func(): import os os.chdir("a") """ ) testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("a") result = testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=a/x.xml") assert result.ret == 0 assert testdir.tmpdir.join("a/x.xml").check() def test_logxml_makedir(testdir): """--junitxml should automatically create directories for the xml file""" testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result = testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=path/to/results.xml") assert result.ret == 0 assert testdir.tmpdir.join("path/to/results.xml").check() def test_logxml_check_isdir(testdir): """Give an error if --junit-xml is a directory (#2089)""" result = testdir.runpytest("--junit-xml=.") result.stderr.fnmatch_lines(["*--junitxml must be a filename*"]) def test_escaped_parametrized_names_xml(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """\ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('char', ["\\x00"]) def test_func(char): assert char """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") node.assert_attr(name="test_func[\\x00]") def test_double_colon_split_function_issue469(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ["double::colon"]) def test_func(param): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") node.assert_attr(classname="test_double_colon_split_function_issue469") node.assert_attr(name="test_func[double::colon]") def test_double_colon_split_method_issue469(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest class TestClass(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ["double::colon"]) def test_func(self, param): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") node.assert_attr(classname="test_double_colon_split_method_issue469.TestClass") node.assert_attr(name="test_func[double::colon]") def test_unicode_issue368(testdir): path = testdir.tmpdir.join("test.xml") log = LogXML(str(path), None) ustr = "ВНИ!" class Report(BaseReport): longrepr = ustr sections = [] nodeid = "something" location = "tests/", 42, "TestClass.method" test_report = Report() # hopefully this is not too brittle ... log.pytest_sessionstart() node_reporter = log._opentestcase(test_report) node_reporter.append_failure(test_report) node_reporter.append_collect_error(test_report) node_reporter.append_collect_skipped(test_report) node_reporter.append_error(test_report) test_report.longrepr = "filename", 1, ustr node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report) test_report.longrepr = "filename", 1, "Skipped: 卡嘣嘣" node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report) test_report.wasxfail = ustr node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report) log.pytest_sessionfinish() def test_record_property(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def other(record_property): record_property("bar", 1) def test_record(record_property, other): record_property("foo", "<1"); """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, "-rwv") node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") psnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("properties") pnodes = psnode.find_by_tag("property") pnodes[0].assert_attr(name="bar", value="1") pnodes[1].assert_attr(name="foo", value="<1") def test_record_property_same_name(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_record_with_same_name(record_property): record_property("foo", "bar") record_property("foo", "baz") """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, "-rw") node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") psnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("properties") pnodes = psnode.find_by_tag("property") pnodes[0].assert_attr(name="foo", value="bar") pnodes[1].assert_attr(name="foo", value="baz") @pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["record_property", "record_xml_attribute"]) def test_record_fixtures_without_junitxml(testdir, fixture_name): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_record({fixture_name}): {fixture_name}("foo", "bar") """.format( fixture_name=fixture_name ) ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default") def test_record_attribute(testdir): testdir.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_family = xunit1 """ ) testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def other(record_xml_attribute): record_xml_attribute("bar", 1) def test_record(record_xml_attribute, other): record_xml_attribute("foo", "<1"); """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, "-rw") node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase") tnode.assert_attr(bar="1") tnode.assert_attr(foo="<1") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["**record_xml_attribute is an experimental feature"] ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default") @pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["record_xml_attribute", "record_property"]) def test_record_fixtures_xunit2(testdir, fixture_name): """Ensure record_xml_attribute and record_property drop values when outside of legacy family """ testdir.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_family = xunit2 """ ) testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def other({fixture_name}): {fixture_name}("bar", 1) def test_record({fixture_name}, other): {fixture_name}("foo", "<1"); """.format( fixture_name=fixture_name ) ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, "-rw") expected_lines = [] if fixture_name == "record_xml_attribute": expected_lines.append( "**record_xml_attribute is an experimental feature" ) expected_lines = [ "**{fixture_name} is incompatible " "with junit_family 'xunit2' (use 'legacy' or 'xunit1')".format( fixture_name=fixture_name ) ] result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(expected_lines) def test_random_report_log_xdist(testdir, monkeypatch): """xdist calls pytest_runtest_logreport as they are executed by the slaves, with nodes from several nodes overlapping, so junitxml must cope with that to produce correct reports. #1064 """ pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False) testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest, time @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', list(range(30))) def test_x(i): assert i != 22 """ ) _, dom = runandparse(testdir, "-n2") suite_node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") failed = [] for case_node in suite_node.find_by_tag("testcase"): if case_node.find_first_by_tag("failure"): failed.append(case_node["name"]) assert failed == ["test_x[22]"] def test_root_testsuites_tag(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_x(): pass """ ) _, dom = runandparse(testdir) root = dom.get_unique_child assert root.tag == "testsuites" suite_node = root.get_unique_child assert suite_node.tag == "testsuite" def test_runs_twice(testdir): f = testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, f, f) assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() first, second = [x["classname"] for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")] assert first == second @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="hangs", run=False) def test_runs_twice_xdist(testdir): pytest.importorskip("xdist") f = testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir, f, "--dist", "each", "--tx", "2*popen") assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() first, second = [x["classname"] for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")] assert first == second def test_fancy_items_regression(testdir): # issue 1259 testdir.makeconftest( """ import pytest class FunItem(pytest.Item): def runtest(self): pass class NoFunItem(pytest.Item): def runtest(self): pass class FunCollector(pytest.File): def collect(self): return [ FunItem('a', self), NoFunItem('a', self), NoFunItem('b', self), ] def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): if path.check(ext='.py'): return FunCollector(path, parent) """ ) testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_pass(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert "INTERNALERROR" not in result.stdout.str() items = sorted("%(classname)s %(name)s" % x for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")) import pprint pprint.pprint(items) assert items == [ "conftest a", "conftest a", "conftest b", "test_fancy_items_regression a", "test_fancy_items_regression a", "test_fancy_items_regression b", "test_fancy_items_regression test_pass", ] def test_global_properties(testdir): path = testdir.tmpdir.join("test_global_properties.xml") log = LogXML(str(path), None) class Report(BaseReport): sections = [] nodeid = "test_node_id" log.pytest_sessionstart() log.add_global_property("foo", 1) log.add_global_property("bar", 2) log.pytest_sessionfinish() dom = minidom.parse(str(path)) properties = dom.getElementsByTagName("properties") assert properties.length == 1, "There must be one node" property_list = dom.getElementsByTagName("property") assert property_list.length == 2, "There most be only 2 property nodes" expected = {"foo": "1", "bar": "2"} actual = {} for p in property_list: k = str(p.getAttribute("name")) v = str(p.getAttribute("value")) actual[k] = v assert actual == expected def test_url_property(testdir): test_url = "" path = testdir.tmpdir.join("test_url_property.xml") log = LogXML(str(path), None) class Report(BaseReport): longrepr = "FooBarBaz" sections = [] nodeid = "something" location = "tests/", 42, "TestClass.method" url = test_url test_report = Report() log.pytest_sessionstart() node_reporter = log._opentestcase(test_report) node_reporter.append_failure(test_report) log.pytest_sessionfinish() test_case = minidom.parse(str(path)).getElementsByTagName("testcase")[0] assert ( test_case.getAttribute("url") == test_url ), "The URL did not get written to the xml" def test_record_testsuite_property(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property("stats", "all good") def test_func2(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property("stats", 10) """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") properties_node = node.find_first_by_tag("properties") p1_node = properties_node.find_nth_by_tag("property", 0) p2_node = properties_node.find_nth_by_tag("property", 1) p1_node.assert_attr(name="stats", value="all good") p2_node.assert_attr(name="stats", value="10") def test_record_testsuite_property_junit_disabled(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property("stats", "all good") """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit", [True, False]) def test_record_testsuite_property_type_checking(testdir, junit): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(record_testsuite_property): record_testsuite_property(1, 2) """ ) args = ("--junitxml=tests.xml",) if junit else () result = testdir.runpytest(*args) assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*TypeError: name parameter needs to be a string, but int given"] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("suite_name", ["my_suite", ""]) def test_set_suite_name(testdir, suite_name): if suite_name: testdir.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_suite_name={} """.format( suite_name ) ) expected = suite_name else: expected = "pytest" testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_func(): pass """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite") node.assert_attr(name=expected) def test_escaped_skipreason_issue3533(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason='1 <> 2') def test_skip(): pass """ ) _, dom = runandparse(testdir) node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") snode = node.find_first_by_tag("skipped") assert "1 <> 2" in snode.text snode.assert_attr(message="1 <> 2") def test_logging_passing_tests_disabled_does_not_log_test_output(testdir): testdir.makeini( """ [pytest] junit_log_passing_tests=False junit_logging=system-out """ ) testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest import logging import sys def test_func(): sys.stdout.write('This is stdout') sys.stderr.write('This is stderr') logging.warning('hello') """ ) result, dom = runandparse(testdir) assert result.ret == 0 node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase") assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0 assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0