#!/usr/bin/env python import py import sys, os def usage(): arg0 = sys.argv[0] print """%s [user@]remote-host:/repo/location localrepo [identity keyfile]""" % (arg0,) def main(args): remote = args[0] localrepo = py.path.local(args[1]) if not localrepo.check(dir=1): raise SystemExit("localrepo %s does not exist" %(localrepo,)) if len(args) == 3: keyfile = py.path.local(args[2]) else: keyfile = None remote_host, path = remote.split(':', 1) print "ssh-connecting to", remote_host gw = getgateway(remote_host, keyfile) local_rev = get_svn_youngest(localrepo) # local protocol # 1. client sends rev/repo -> server # 2. server checks for newer revisions and sends dumps # 3. client receives dumps, updates local repo # 4. client goes back to step 1 c = gw.remote_exec(""" import py import os remote_rev, repopath = channel.receive() while 1: rev = py.process.cmdexec('svnlook youngest "%s"' % repopath) rev = int(rev) if rev > remote_rev: revrange = (remote_rev+1, rev) dumpchannel = channel.gateway.newchannel() channel.send(revrange) channel.send(dumpchannel) f = os.popen( "svnadmin dump -q --incremental -r %s:%s %s" % (revrange[0], revrange[1], repopath), 'r') try: while 1: s = f.read(8192) if not s: raise EOFError dumpchannel.send(s) except EOFError: dumpchannel.close() remote_rev = rev else: # using svn-hook instead would be nice here py.std.time.sleep(30) """) c.send((local_rev, path)) print "checking revisions from %d in %s" %(local_rev, remote) while 1: revstart, revend = c.receive() dumpchannel = c.receive() print "receiving revisions", revstart, "-", revend, "replaying..." svn_load(localrepo, dumpchannel) print "current revision", revend def svn_load(repo, dumpchannel): f = os.popen("svnadmin load -q %s" %(repo, ), "w") for x in dumpchannel: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() f.write(x) print >>sys.stdout f.close() def get_svn_youngest(repo): rev = py.process.cmdexec('svnlook youngest "%s"' % repo) return int(rev) def getgateway(host, keyfile=None): return execnet.SshGateway(host, identity=keyfile) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: usage() raise SystemExit(1) main(sys.argv[1:])