"""Terminal reporting of the full testing process.""" import collections import os import sys import textwrap from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import cast from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Tuple import pluggy import _pytest.config import _pytest.terminal import pytest from _pytest._io.wcwidth import wcswidth from _pytest.config import Config from _pytest.config import ExitCode from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from _pytest.pytester import Pytester from _pytest.reports import BaseReport from _pytest.reports import CollectReport from _pytest.reports import TestReport from _pytest.terminal import _folded_skips from _pytest.terminal import _format_trimmed from _pytest.terminal import _get_line_with_reprcrash_message from _pytest.terminal import _get_raw_skip_reason from _pytest.terminal import _plugin_nameversions from _pytest.terminal import getreportopt from _pytest.terminal import TerminalReporter DistInfo = collections.namedtuple("DistInfo", ["project_name", "version"]) TRANS_FNMATCH = str.maketrans({"[": "[[]", "]": "[]]"}) class Option: def __init__(self, verbosity=0): self.verbosity = verbosity @property def args(self): values = [] values.append("--verbosity=%d" % self.verbosity) return values @pytest.fixture( params=[Option(verbosity=0), Option(verbosity=1), Option(verbosity=-1)], ids=["default", "verbose", "quiet"], ) def option(request): return request.param @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input,expected", [ ([DistInfo(project_name="test", version=1)], ["test-1"]), ([DistInfo(project_name="pytest-test", version=1)], ["test-1"]), ( [ DistInfo(project_name="test", version=1), DistInfo(project_name="test", version=1), ], ["test-1"], ), ], ids=["normal", "prefix-strip", "deduplicate"], ) def test_plugin_nameversion(input, expected): pluginlist = [(None, x) for x in input] result = _plugin_nameversions(pluginlist) assert result == expected class TestTerminal: def test_pass_skip_fail(self, pytester: Pytester, option) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_ok(): pass def test_skip(): pytest.skip("xx") def test_func(): assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(*option.args) if option.verbosity > 0: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*test_pass_skip_fail.py::test_ok PASS*", "*test_pass_skip_fail.py::test_skip SKIP*", "*test_pass_skip_fail.py::test_func FAIL*", ] ) elif option.verbosity == 0: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_pass_skip_fail.py .sF*"]) else: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([".sF*"]) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [" def test_func():", "> assert 0", "E assert 0"] ) def test_internalerror(self, pytester: Pytester, linecomp) -> None: modcol = pytester.getmodulecol("def test_one(): pass") rep = TerminalReporter(modcol.config, file=linecomp.stringio) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: raise ValueError("hello") rep.pytest_internalerror(excinfo.getrepr()) linecomp.assert_contains_lines(["INTERNALERROR> *ValueError*hello*"]) def test_writeline(self, pytester: Pytester, linecomp) -> None: modcol = pytester.getmodulecol("def test_one(): pass") rep = TerminalReporter(modcol.config, file=linecomp.stringio) rep.write_fspath_result(modcol.nodeid, ".") rep.write_line("hello world") lines = linecomp.stringio.getvalue().split("\n") assert not lines[0] assert lines[1].endswith(modcol.name + " .") assert lines[2] == "hello world" def test_show_runtest_logstart(self, pytester: Pytester, linecomp) -> None: item = pytester.getitem("def test_func(): pass") tr = TerminalReporter(item.config, file=linecomp.stringio) item.config.pluginmanager.register(tr) location = item.reportinfo() tr.config.hook.pytest_runtest_logstart( nodeid=item.nodeid, location=location, fspath=str(item.path) ) linecomp.assert_contains_lines(["*test_show_runtest_logstart.py*"]) def test_runtest_location_shown_before_test_starts( self, pytester: Pytester ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_1(): import time time.sleep(20) """ ) child = pytester.spawn_pytest("") child.expect(".*test_runtest_location.*py") child.sendeof() child.kill(15) def test_report_collect_after_half_a_second( self, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> None: """Test for "collecting" being updated after 0.5s""" pytester.makepyfile( **{ "test1.py": """ import _pytest.terminal _pytest.terminal.REPORT_COLLECTING_RESOLUTION = 0 def test_1(): pass """, "test2.py": "def test_2(): pass", } ) # Explicitly test colored output. monkeypatch.setenv("PY_COLORS", "1") child = pytester.spawn_pytest("-v test1.py test2.py") child.expect(r"collecting \.\.\.") child.expect(r"collecting 1 item") child.expect(r"collecting 2 items") child.expect(r"collected 2 items") rest = child.read().decode("utf8") assert "= \x1b[32m\x1b[1m2 passed\x1b[0m\x1b[32m in" in rest def test_itemreport_subclasses_show_subclassed_file( self, pytester: Pytester ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( **{ "tests/test_p1": """ class BaseTests(object): fail = False def test_p1(self): if self.fail: assert 0 """, "tests/test_p2": """ from test_p1 import BaseTests class TestMore(BaseTests): pass """, "tests/test_p3.py": """ from test_p1 import BaseTests BaseTests.fail = True class TestMore(BaseTests): pass """, } ) result = pytester.runpytest("tests/test_p2.py", "--rootdir=tests") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["tests/test_p2.py .*", "=* 1 passed in *"]) result = pytester.runpytest("-vv", "-rA", "tests/test_p2.py", "--rootdir=tests") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "tests/test_p2.py::TestMore::test_p1 <- test_p1.py PASSED *", "*= short test summary info =*", "PASSED tests/test_p2.py::TestMore::test_p1", ] ) result = pytester.runpytest("-vv", "-rA", "tests/test_p3.py", "--rootdir=tests") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "tests/test_p3.py::TestMore::test_p1 <- test_p1.py FAILED *", "*_ TestMore.test_p1 _*", " def test_p1(self):", "> if self.fail: assert 0", "E assert 0", "", "tests/test_p1.py:5: AssertionError", "*= short test summary info =*", "FAILED tests/test_p3.py::TestMore::test_p1 - assert 0", "*= 1 failed in *", ] ) def test_itemreport_directclasses_not_shown_as_subclasses( self, pytester: Pytester ) -> None: a = pytester.mkpydir("a123") a.joinpath("test_hello123.py").write_text( textwrap.dedent( """\ class TestClass(object): def test_method(self): pass """ ) ) result = pytester.runpytest("-vv") assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*a123/test_hello123.py*PASS*"]) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("* <- *") @pytest.mark.parametrize("fulltrace", ("", "--fulltrace")) def test_keyboard_interrupt(self, pytester: Pytester, fulltrace) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foobar(): assert 0 def test_spamegg(): import py; pytest.skip('skip me please!') def test_interrupt_me(): raise KeyboardInterrupt # simulating the user """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(fulltrace, no_reraise_ctrlc=True) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ " def test_foobar():", "> assert 0", "E assert 0", "*_keyboard_interrupt.py:6: KeyboardInterrupt*", ] ) if fulltrace: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*raise KeyboardInterrupt # simulating the user*"] ) else: result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["(to show a full traceback on KeyboardInterrupt use --full-trace)"] ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*KeyboardInterrupt*"]) def test_keyboard_in_sessionstart(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_sessionstart(): raise KeyboardInterrupt """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foobar(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(no_reraise_ctrlc=True) assert result.ret == 2 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*KeyboardInterrupt*"]) def test_collect_single_item(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Use singular 'item' when reporting a single test item""" pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foobar(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["collected 1 item"]) def test_rewrite(self, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch) -> None: config = pytester.parseconfig() f = StringIO() monkeypatch.setattr(f, "isatty", lambda *args: True) tr = TerminalReporter(config, f) tr._tw.fullwidth = 10 tr.write("hello") tr.rewrite("hey", erase=True) assert f.getvalue() == "hello" + "\r" + "hey" + (6 * " ") def test_report_teststatus_explicit_markup( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, color_mapping ) -> None: """Test that TerminalReporter handles markup explicitly provided by a pytest_report_teststatus hook.""" monkeypatch.setenv("PY_COLORS", "1") pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_report_teststatus(report): return 'foo', 'F', ('FOO', {'red': True}) """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foobar(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-v") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch(["*{red}FOO{reset}*"]) ) def test_verbose_skip_reason(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip(reason="123") def test_1(): pass @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="456") def test_2(): pass @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="789") def test_3(): assert False @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="") def test_4(): assert False @pytest.mark.skip def test_5(): pass @pytest.mark.xfail def test_6(): pass def test_7(): pytest.skip() def test_8(): pytest.skip("888 is great") def test_9(): pytest.xfail() def test_10(): pytest.xfail("It's 🕙 o'clock") @pytest.mark.skip( reason="cannot do foobar because baz is missing due to I don't know what" ) def test_long_skip(): pass @pytest.mark.xfail( reason="cannot do foobar because baz is missing due to I don't know what" ) def test_long_xfail(): print(1 / 0) """ ) common_output = [ "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_1 SKIPPED (123) *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_2 XPASS (456) *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_3 XFAIL (789) *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_4 XFAIL *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_5 SKIPPED (unconditional skip) *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_6 XPASS *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_7 SKIPPED *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_8 SKIPPED (888 is great) *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_9 XFAIL *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_10 XFAIL (It's 🕙 o'clock) *", ] result = pytester.runpytest("-v") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( common_output + [ "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_long_skip SKIPPED (cannot *...) *", "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_long_xfail XFAIL (cannot *...) *", ] ) result = pytester.runpytest("-vv") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( common_output + [ ( "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_long_skip SKIPPED" " (cannot do foobar because baz is missing due to I don't know what) *" ), ( "test_verbose_skip_reason.py::test_long_xfail XFAIL" " (cannot do foobar because baz is missing due to I don't know what) *" ), ] ) class TestCollectonly: def test_collectonly_basic(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["", " "] ) def test_collectonly_skipped_module(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest pytest.skip("hello") """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-rs") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*ERROR collecting*"]) def test_collectonly_displays_test_description( self, pytester: Pytester, dummy_yaml_custom_test ) -> None: """Used dummy_yaml_custom_test for an Item without ``obj``.""" pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_with_description(): ''' This test has a description. more1. more2.''' """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "--verbose") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "", " ", "", " ", " This test has a description.", " ", " more1.", " more2.", ], consecutive=True, ) def test_collectonly_failed_module(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("""raise ValueError(0)""") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*raise ValueError*", "*1 error*"]) def test_collectonly_fatal(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_collectstart(collector): assert 0, "urgs" """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*INTERNAL*args*"]) assert result.ret == 3 def test_collectonly_simple(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_func1(): pass class TestClass(object): def test_method(self): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", p) # assert stderr.startswith("inserting into sys.path") assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*", "* ", "* ", "* ", ] ) def test_collectonly_error(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p = pytester.makepyfile("import Errlkjqweqwe") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", p) assert result.ret == 2 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( textwrap.dedent( """\ *ERROR* *ImportError* *No module named *Errlk* *1 error* """ ).strip() ) def test_collectonly_missing_path(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Issue 115: failure in parseargs will cause session not to have the items attribute.""" result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "uhm_missing_path") assert result.ret == 4 result.stderr.fnmatch_lines( ["*ERROR: file or directory not found: uhm_missing_path"] ) def test_collectonly_quiet(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("def test_foo(): pass") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-q") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_foo*"]) def test_collectonly_more_quiet(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile(test_fun="def test_foo(): pass") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-qq") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test_fun.py: 1*"]) def test_collect_only_summary_status(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Custom status depending on test selection using -k or -m. #7701.""" pytester.makepyfile( test_collect_foo=""" def test_foo(): pass """, test_collect_bar=""" def test_foobar(): pass def test_bar(): pass """, ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== 3 tests collected in * ==*") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "test_collect_foo.py") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== 1 test collected in * ==*") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-k", "foo") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== 2/3 tests collected (1 deselected) in * ==*") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-k", "test_bar") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== 1/3 tests collected (2 deselected) in * ==*") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-k", "invalid") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== no tests collected (3 deselected) in * ==*") pytester.mkdir("no_tests_here") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "no_tests_here") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== no tests collected in * ==*") pytester.makepyfile( test_contains_error=""" raise RuntimeError """, ) result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines("*== 3 tests collected, 1 error in * ==*") result = pytester.runpytest("--collect-only", "-k", "foo") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( "*== 2/3 tests collected (1 deselected), 1 error in * ==*" ) class TestFixtureReporting: def test_setup_fixture_error(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def setup_function(function): print("setup func") assert 0 def test_nada(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*ERROR at setup of test_nada*", "*setup_function(function):*", "*setup func*", "*assert 0*", "*1 error*", ] ) assert result.ret != 0 def test_teardown_fixture_error(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_nada(): pass def teardown_function(function): print("teardown func") assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*ERROR at teardown*", "*teardown_function(function):*", "*assert 0*", "*Captured stdout*", "*teardown func*", "*1 passed*1 error*", ] ) def test_teardown_fixture_error_and_test_failure(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_fail(): assert 0, "failingfunc" def teardown_function(function): print("teardown func") assert False """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*ERROR at teardown of test_fail*", "*teardown_function(function):*", "*assert False*", "*Captured stdout*", "*teardown func*", "*test_fail*", "*def test_fail():", "*failingfunc*", "*1 failed*1 error*", ] ) def test_setup_teardown_output_and_test_failure(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Test for issue #442.""" pytester.makepyfile( """ def setup_function(function): print("setup func") def test_fail(): assert 0, "failingfunc" def teardown_function(function): print("teardown func") """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*test_fail*", "*def test_fail():", "*failingfunc*", "*Captured stdout setup*", "*setup func*", "*Captured stdout teardown*", "*teardown func*", "*1 failed*", ] ) class TestTerminalFunctional: def test_deselected(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: testpath = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_one(): pass def test_two(): pass def test_three(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-k", "test_t", testpath) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["collected 3 items / 1 deselected / 2 selected", "*test_deselected.py ..*"] ) assert result.ret == 0 def test_deselected_with_hookwrapper(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ import pytest @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): yield deselected = items.pop() config.hook.pytest_deselected(items=[deselected]) """ ) testpath = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_one(): pass def test_two(): pass def test_three(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(testpath) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "collected 3 items / 1 deselected / 2 selected", "*= 2 passed, 1 deselected in*", ] ) assert result.ret == 0 def test_show_deselected_items_using_markexpr_before_test_execution( self, pytester: Pytester ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( test_show_deselected=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.foo def test_foobar(): pass @pytest.mark.bar def test_bar(): pass def test_pass(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-m", "not foo") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "collected 3 items / 1 deselected / 2 selected", "*test_show_deselected.py ..*", "*= 2 passed, 1 deselected in * =*", ] ) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*= 1 deselected =*") assert result.ret == 0 def test_selected_count_with_error(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( test_selected_count_3=""" def test_one(): pass def test_two(): pass def test_three(): pass """, test_selected_count_error=""" 5/0 def test_foo(): pass def test_bar(): pass """, ) result = pytester.runpytest("-k", "test_t") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "collected 3 items / 1 error / 1 deselected / 2 selected", "* ERROR collecting test_selected_count_error.py *", ] ) assert result.ret == ExitCode.INTERRUPTED def test_no_skip_summary_if_failure(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_ok(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 def test_skip(): pytest.skip("dontshow") """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() assert result.stdout.str().find("skip test summary") == -1 assert result.ret == 1 def test_passes(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_passes(): pass class TestClass(object): def test_method(self): pass """ ) old = p1.parent pytester.chdir() try: result = pytester.runpytest() finally: os.chdir(old) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["test_passes.py ..*", "* 2 pass*"]) assert result.ret == 0 def test_header_trailer_info( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, request ) -> None: monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD") pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_passes(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() verinfo = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*===== test session starts ====*", "platform %s -- Python %s*pytest-%s**pluggy-%s" % ( sys.platform, verinfo, pytest.__version__, pluggy.__version__, ), "*test_header_trailer_info.py .*", "=* 1 passed*in *.[0-9][0-9]s *=", ] ) if request.config.pluginmanager.list_plugin_distinfo(): result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["plugins: *"]) def test_no_header_trailer_info( self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, request ) -> None: monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD") pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_passes(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--no-header") verinfo = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line( "platform %s -- Python %s*pytest-%s**pluggy-%s" % ( sys.platform, verinfo, pytest.__version__, pluggy.__version__, ) ) if request.config.pluginmanager.list_plugin_distinfo(): result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("plugins: *") def test_header(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.path.joinpath("tests").mkdir() pytester.path.joinpath("gui").mkdir() # no ini file result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["rootdir: *test_header0"]) # with configfile pytester.makeini("""[pytest]""") result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["rootdir: *test_header0, configfile: tox.ini"]) # with testpaths option, and not passing anything in the command-line pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] testpaths = tests gui """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["rootdir: *test_header0, configfile: tox.ini, testpaths: tests, gui"] ) # with testpaths option, passing directory in command-line: do not show testpaths then result = pytester.runpytest("tests") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["rootdir: *test_header0, configfile: tox.ini"]) def test_header_absolute_testpath( self, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> None: """Regresstion test for #7814.""" tests = pytester.path.joinpath("tests") tests.mkdir() pytester.makepyprojecttoml( """ [tool.pytest.ini_options] testpaths = ['{}'] """.format( tests ) ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "rootdir: *absolute_testpath0, configfile: pyproject.toml, testpaths: {}".format( tests ) ] ) def test_no_header(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.path.joinpath("tests").mkdir() pytester.path.joinpath("gui").mkdir() # with testpaths option, and not passing anything in the command-line pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] testpaths = tests gui """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--no-header") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line( "rootdir: *test_header0, inifile: tox.ini, testpaths: tests, gui" ) # with testpaths option, passing directory in command-line: do not show testpaths then result = pytester.runpytest("tests", "--no-header") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("rootdir: *test_header0, inifile: tox.ini") def test_no_summary(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_no_summary(): assert false """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(p1, "--no-summary") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*= FAILURES =*") def test_showlocals(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_showlocals(): x = 3 y = "x" * 5000 assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(p1, "-l") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ # "_ _ * Locals *", "x* = 3", "y* = 'xxxxxx*", ] ) def test_noshowlocals_addopts_override(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeini("[pytest]\naddopts=--showlocals") p1 = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_noshowlocals(): x = 3 y = "x" * 5000 assert 0 """ ) # Override global --showlocals for py.test via arg result = pytester.runpytest(p1, "--no-showlocals") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("x* = 3") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("y* = 'xxxxxx*") def test_showlocals_short(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_showlocals_short(): x = 3 y = "xxxx" assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(p1, "-l", "--tb=short") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "test_showlocals_short.py:*", " assert 0", "E assert 0", " x = 3", " y = 'xxxx'", ] ) @pytest.fixture def verbose_testfile(self, pytester: Pytester) -> Path: return pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_fail(): raise ValueError() def test_pass(): pass class TestClass(object): def test_skip(self): pytest.skip("hello") def test_gen(): def check(x): assert x == 1 yield check, 0 """ ) def test_verbose_reporting(self, verbose_testfile, pytester: Pytester) -> None: result = pytester.runpytest( verbose_testfile, "-v", "-Walways::pytest.PytestWarning" ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*test_verbose_reporting.py::test_fail *FAIL*", "*test_verbose_reporting.py::test_pass *PASS*", "*test_verbose_reporting.py::TestClass::test_skip *SKIP*", "*test_verbose_reporting.py::test_gen *XFAIL*", ] ) assert result.ret == 1 def test_verbose_reporting_xdist( self, verbose_testfile, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, pytester: Pytester, pytestconfig, ) -> None: if not pytestconfig.pluginmanager.get_plugin("xdist"): pytest.skip("xdist plugin not installed") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD") result = pytester.runpytest( verbose_testfile, "-v", "-n 1", "-Walways::pytest.PytestWarning" ) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*FAIL*test_verbose_reporting_xdist.py::test_fail*"] ) assert result.ret == 1 def test_quiet_reporting(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile("def test_pass(): pass") result = pytester.runpytest(p1, "-q") s = result.stdout.str() assert "test session starts" not in s assert p1.name not in s assert "===" not in s assert "passed" in s def test_more_quiet_reporting(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile("def test_pass(): pass") result = pytester.runpytest(p1, "-qq") s = result.stdout.str() assert "test session starts" not in s assert p1.name not in s assert "===" not in s assert "passed" not in s @pytest.mark.parametrize( "params", [(), ("--collect-only",)], ids=["no-params", "collect-only"] ) def test_report_collectionfinish_hook(self, pytester: Pytester, params) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_report_collectionfinish(config, start_path, items): return [f'hello from hook: {len(items)} items'] """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(3)) def test(i): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest(*params) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["collected 3 items", "hello from hook: 3 items"]) def test_summary_f_alias(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Test that 'f' and 'F' report chars are aliases and don't show up twice in the summary (#6334)""" pytester.makepyfile( """ def test(): assert False """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-rfF") expected = "FAILED test_summary_f_alias.py::test - assert False" result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([expected]) assert result.stdout.lines.count(expected) == 1 def test_summary_s_alias(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Test that 's' and 'S' report chars are aliases and don't show up twice in the summary""" pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.skip def test(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-rsS") expected = "SKIPPED [1] test_summary_s_alias.py:3: unconditional skip" result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([expected]) assert result.stdout.lines.count(expected) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("use_ci", "expected_message"), ( (True, f"- AssertionError: {'this_failed'*100}"), (False, "- AssertionError: this_failedt..."), ), ids=("on CI", "not on CI"), ) def test_fail_extra_reporting( pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch, use_ci: bool, expected_message: str ) -> None: if use_ci: monkeypatch.setenv("CI", "true") else: monkeypatch.delenv("CI", raising=False) monkeypatch.setenv("COLUMNS", "80") pytester.makepyfile("def test_this(): assert 0, 'this_failed' * 100") result = pytester.runpytest("-rN") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*short test summary*") result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*test summary*", f"FAILED test_fail_extra_reporting.py::test_this {expected_message}", ] ) def test_fail_reporting_on_pass(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("def test_this(): assert 1") result = pytester.runpytest("-rf") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*short test summary*") def test_pass_extra_reporting(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("def test_this(): assert 1") result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*short test summary*") result = pytester.runpytest("-rp") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*test summary*", "PASS*test_pass_extra_reporting*"]) def test_pass_reporting_on_fail(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("def test_this(): assert 0") result = pytester.runpytest("-rp") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*short test summary*") def test_pass_output_reporting(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def setup_module(): print("setup_module") def teardown_module(): print("teardown_module") def test_pass_has_output(): print("Four score and seven years ago...") def test_pass_no_output(): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() s = result.stdout.str() assert "test_pass_has_output" not in s assert "Four score and seven years ago..." not in s assert "test_pass_no_output" not in s result = pytester.runpytest("-rPp") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*= PASSES =*", "*_ test_pass_has_output _*", "*- Captured stdout setup -*", "setup_module", "*- Captured stdout call -*", "Four score and seven years ago...", "*- Captured stdout teardown -*", "teardown_module", "*= short test summary info =*", "PASSED test_pass_output_reporting.py::test_pass_has_output", "PASSED test_pass_output_reporting.py::test_pass_no_output", "*= 2 passed in *", ] ) def test_color_yes(pytester: Pytester, color_mapping) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile( """ def fail(): assert 0 def test_this(): fail() """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--color=yes", str(p1)) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch( [ "{bold}=*= test session starts =*={reset}", "collected 1 item", "", "test_color_yes.py {red}F{reset}{red} * [100%]{reset}", "", "=*= FAILURES =*=", "{red}{bold}_*_ test_this _*_{reset}", "", " {kw}def{hl-reset} {function}test_this{hl-reset}():", "> fail()", "", "{bold}{red}test_color_yes.py{reset}:5: ", "_ _ * _ _*", "", " {kw}def{hl-reset} {function}fail{hl-reset}():", "> {kw}assert{hl-reset} {number}0{hl-reset}", "{bold}{red}E assert 0{reset}", "", "{bold}{red}test_color_yes.py{reset}:2: AssertionError", "{red}=*= {red}{bold}1 failed{reset}{red} in *s{reset}{red} =*={reset}", ] ) ) result = pytester.runpytest("--color=yes", "--tb=short", str(p1)) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch( [ "{bold}=*= test session starts =*={reset}", "collected 1 item", "", "test_color_yes.py {red}F{reset}{red} * [100%]{reset}", "", "=*= FAILURES =*=", "{red}{bold}_*_ test_this _*_{reset}", "{bold}{red}test_color_yes.py{reset}:5: in test_this", " fail()", "{bold}{red}test_color_yes.py{reset}:2: in fail", " {kw}assert{hl-reset} {number}0{hl-reset}", "{bold}{red}E assert 0{reset}", "{red}=*= {red}{bold}1 failed{reset}{red} in *s{reset}{red} =*={reset}", ] ) ) def test_color_no(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("def test_this(): assert 1") result = pytester.runpytest("--color=no") assert "test session starts" in result.stdout.str() result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*\x1b[1m*") @pytest.mark.parametrize("verbose", [True, False]) def test_color_yes_collection_on_non_atty(pytester: Pytester, verbose) -> None: """#1397: Skip collect progress report when working on non-terminals.""" pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(10)) def test_this(i): assert 1 """ ) args = ["--color=yes"] if verbose: args.append("-vv") result = pytester.runpytest(*args) assert "test session starts" in result.stdout.str() assert "\x1b[1m" in result.stdout.str() result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*collecting 10 items*") if verbose: assert "collecting ..." in result.stdout.str() assert "collected 10 items" in result.stdout.str() def test_getreportopt() -> None: from _pytest.terminal import _REPORTCHARS_DEFAULT class FakeConfig: class Option: reportchars = _REPORTCHARS_DEFAULT disable_warnings = False option = Option() config = cast(Config, FakeConfig()) assert _REPORTCHARS_DEFAULT == "fE" # Default. assert getreportopt(config) == "wfE" config.option.reportchars = "sf" assert getreportopt(config) == "wsf" config.option.reportchars = "sfxw" assert getreportopt(config) == "sfxw" config.option.reportchars = "a" assert getreportopt(config) == "wsxXEf" config.option.reportchars = "N" assert getreportopt(config) == "w" config.option.reportchars = "NwfE" assert getreportopt(config) == "wfE" config.option.reportchars = "NfENx" assert getreportopt(config) == "wx" # Now with --disable-warnings. config.option.disable_warnings = True config.option.reportchars = "a" assert getreportopt(config) == "sxXEf" config.option.reportchars = "sfx" assert getreportopt(config) == "sfx" config.option.reportchars = "sfxw" assert getreportopt(config) == "sfx" config.option.reportchars = "a" assert getreportopt(config) == "sxXEf" config.option.reportchars = "A" assert getreportopt(config) == "PpsxXEf" config.option.reportchars = "AN" assert getreportopt(config) == "" config.option.reportchars = "NwfE" assert getreportopt(config) == "fE" def test_terminalreporter_reportopt_addopts(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeini("[pytest]\naddopts=-rs") pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def tr(request): tr = request.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("terminalreporter") return tr def test_opt(tr): assert tr.hasopt('skipped') assert not tr.hasopt('qwe') """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 passed*"]) def test_tbstyle_short(pytester: Pytester) -> None: p = pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def arg(request): return 42 def test_opt(arg): x = 0 assert x """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--tb=short") s = result.stdout.str() assert "arg = 42" not in s assert "x = 0" not in s result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*%s:8*" % p.name, " assert x", "E assert*"]) result = pytester.runpytest() s = result.stdout.str() assert "x = 0" in s assert "assert x" in s def test_traceconfig(pytester: Pytester) -> None: result = pytester.runpytest("--traceconfig") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*active plugins*"]) assert result.ret == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED class TestGenericReporting: """Test class which can be subclassed with a different option provider to run e.g. distributed tests.""" def test_collect_fail(self, pytester: Pytester, option) -> None: pytester.makepyfile("import xyz\n") result = pytester.runpytest(*option.args) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["ImportError while importing*", "*No module named *xyz*", "*1 error*"] ) def test_maxfailures(self, pytester: Pytester, option) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_1(): assert 0 def test_2(): assert 0 def test_3(): assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--maxfail=2", *option.args) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*def test_1():*", "*def test_2():*", "*! stopping after 2 failures !*", "*2 failed*", ] ) def test_maxfailures_with_interrupted(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test(request): request.session.shouldstop = "session_interrupted" assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--maxfail=1", "-ra") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*= short test summary info =*", "FAILED *", "*! stopping after 1 failures !*", "*! session_interrupted !*", "*= 1 failed in*", ] ) def test_tb_option(self, pytester: Pytester, option) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def g(): raise IndexError def test_func(): print(6*7) g() # --calling-- """ ) for tbopt in ["long", "short", "no"]: print("testing --tb=%s..." % tbopt) result = pytester.runpytest("-rN", "--tb=%s" % tbopt) s = result.stdout.str() if tbopt == "long": assert "print(6*7)" in s else: assert "print(6*7)" not in s if tbopt != "no": assert "--calling--" in s assert "IndexError" in s else: assert "FAILURES" not in s assert "--calling--" not in s assert "IndexError" not in s def test_tb_crashline(self, pytester: Pytester, option) -> None: p = pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest def g(): raise IndexError def test_func1(): print(6*7) g() # --calling-- def test_func2(): assert 0, "hello" """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--tb=line") bn = p.name result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*%s:3: IndexError*" % bn, "*%s:8: AssertionError: hello*" % bn] ) s = result.stdout.str() assert "def test_func2" not in s def test_pytest_report_header(self, pytester: Pytester, option) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_sessionstart(session): session.config._somevalue = 42 def pytest_report_header(config): return "hello: %s" % config._somevalue """ ) pytester.mkdir("a").joinpath("conftest.py").write_text( """ def pytest_report_header(config, start_path): return ["line1", str(start_path)] """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("a") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*hello: 42*", "line1", str(pytester.path)]) def test_show_capture(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import sys import logging def test_one(): sys.stdout.write('!This is stdout!') sys.stderr.write('!This is stderr!') logging.warning('!This is a warning log msg!') assert False, 'Something failed' """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--tb=short") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "!This is stdout!", "!This is stderr!", "*WARNING*!This is a warning log msg!", ] ) result = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=all", "--tb=short") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "!This is stdout!", "!This is stderr!", "*WARNING*!This is a warning log msg!", ] ) stdout = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=stdout", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!This is stderr!" not in stdout assert "!This is stdout!" in stdout assert "!This is a warning log msg!" not in stdout stdout = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=stderr", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!This is stdout!" not in stdout assert "!This is stderr!" in stdout assert "!This is a warning log msg!" not in stdout stdout = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=log", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!This is stdout!" not in stdout assert "!This is stderr!" not in stdout assert "!This is a warning log msg!" in stdout stdout = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=no", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!This is stdout!" not in stdout assert "!This is stderr!" not in stdout assert "!This is a warning log msg!" not in stdout def test_show_capture_with_teardown_logs(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Ensure that the capturing of teardown logs honor --show-capture setting""" pytester.makepyfile( """ import logging import sys import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse="True") def hook_each_test(request): yield sys.stdout.write("!stdout!") sys.stderr.write("!stderr!") logging.warning("!log!") def test_func(): assert False """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=stdout", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!stdout!" in result assert "!stderr!" not in result assert "!log!" not in result result = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=stderr", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!stdout!" not in result assert "!stderr!" in result assert "!log!" not in result result = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=log", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!stdout!" not in result assert "!stderr!" not in result assert "!log!" in result result = pytester.runpytest("--show-capture=no", "--tb=short").stdout.str() assert "!stdout!" not in result assert "!stderr!" not in result assert "!log!" not in result @pytest.mark.xfail("not hasattr(os, 'dup')") def test_fdopen_kept_alive_issue124(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import os, sys k = [] def test_open_file_and_keep_alive(capfd): stdout = os.fdopen(1, 'w', 1) k.append(stdout) def test_close_kept_alive_file(): stdout = k.pop() stdout.close() """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*2 passed*"]) def test_tbstyle_native_setup_error(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def setup_error_fixture(): raise Exception("error in exception") def test_error_fixture(setup_error_fixture): pass """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--tb=native") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ['*File *test_tbstyle_native_setup_error.py", line *, in setup_error_fixture*'] ) def test_terminal_summary(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, exitstatus): w = terminalreporter w.section("hello") w.line("world") w.line("exitstatus: {0}".format(exitstatus)) """ ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( """ *==== hello ====* world exitstatus: 5 """ ) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default::UserWarning") def test_terminal_summary_warnings_are_displayed(pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Test that warnings emitted during pytest_terminal_summary are displayed. (#1305). """ pytester.makeconftest( """ import warnings def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter): warnings.warn(UserWarning('internal warning')) """ ) pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_failure(): import warnings warnings.warn("warning_from_" + "test") assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-ra") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*= warnings summary =*", "*warning_from_test*", "*= short test summary info =*", "*= warnings summary (final) =*", "*conftest.py:3:*internal warning", "*== 1 failed, 2 warnings in *", ] ) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*None*") stdout = result.stdout.str() assert stdout.count("warning_from_test") == 1 assert stdout.count("=== warnings summary ") == 2 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default::UserWarning") def test_terminal_summary_warnings_header_once(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_failure(): import warnings warnings.warn("warning_from_" + "test") assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("-ra") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "*= warnings summary =*", "*warning_from_test*", "*= short test summary info =*", "*== 1 failed, 1 warning in *", ] ) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*None*") stdout = result.stdout.str() assert stdout.count("warning_from_test") == 1 assert stdout.count("=== warnings summary ") == 1 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("default") def test_terminal_no_summary_warnings_header_once(pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_failure(): import warnings warnings.warn("warning_from_" + "test") assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--no-summary") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*= warnings summary =*") result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*= short test summary info =*") @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def tr() -> TerminalReporter: config = _pytest.config._prepareconfig() return TerminalReporter(config) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "exp_color, exp_line, stats_arg", [ # The method under test only cares about the length of each # dict value, not the actual contents, so tuples of anything # suffice # Important statuses -- the highest priority of these always wins ("red", [("1 failed", {"bold": True, "red": True})], {"failed": [1]}), ( "red", [ ("1 failed", {"bold": True, "red": True}), ("1 passed", {"bold": False, "green": True}), ], {"failed": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), ("red", [("1 error", {"bold": True, "red": True})], {"error": [1]}), ("red", [("2 errors", {"bold": True, "red": True})], {"error": [1, 2]}), ( "red", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": False, "green": True}), ("1 error", {"bold": True, "red": True}), ], {"error": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), # (a status that's not known to the code) ("yellow", [("1 weird", {"bold": True, "yellow": True})], {"weird": [1]}), ( "yellow", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": False, "green": True}), ("1 weird", {"bold": True, "yellow": True}), ], {"weird": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), ("yellow", [("1 warning", {"bold": True, "yellow": True})], {"warnings": [1]}), ( "yellow", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": False, "green": True}), ("1 warning", {"bold": True, "yellow": True}), ], {"warnings": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), ( "green", [("5 passed", {"bold": True, "green": True})], {"passed": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}, ), # "Boring" statuses. These have no effect on the color of the summary # line. Thus, if *every* test has a boring status, the summary line stays # at its default color, i.e. yellow, to warn the user that the test run # produced no useful information ("yellow", [("1 skipped", {"bold": True, "yellow": True})], {"skipped": [1]}), ( "green", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": True, "green": True}), ("1 skipped", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ], {"skipped": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), ( "yellow", [("1 deselected", {"bold": True, "yellow": True})], {"deselected": [1]}, ), ( "green", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": True, "green": True}), ("1 deselected", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ], {"deselected": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), ("yellow", [("1 xfailed", {"bold": True, "yellow": True})], {"xfailed": [1]}), ( "green", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": True, "green": True}), ("1 xfailed", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ], {"xfailed": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), ("yellow", [("1 xpassed", {"bold": True, "yellow": True})], {"xpassed": [1]}), ( "yellow", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": False, "green": True}), ("1 xpassed", {"bold": True, "yellow": True}), ], {"xpassed": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), # Likewise if no tests were found at all ("yellow", [("no tests ran", {"yellow": True})], {}), # Test the empty-key special case ("yellow", [("no tests ran", {"yellow": True})], {"": [1]}), ( "green", [("1 passed", {"bold": True, "green": True})], {"": [1], "passed": [1]}, ), # A couple more complex combinations ( "red", [ ("1 failed", {"bold": True, "red": True}), ("2 passed", {"bold": False, "green": True}), ("3 xfailed", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ], {"passed": [1, 2], "failed": [1], "xfailed": [1, 2, 3]}, ), ( "green", [ ("1 passed", {"bold": True, "green": True}), ("2 skipped", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ("3 deselected", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ("2 xfailed", {"bold": False, "yellow": True}), ], { "passed": [1], "skipped": [1, 2], "deselected": [1, 2, 3], "xfailed": [1, 2], }, ), ], ) def test_summary_stats( tr: TerminalReporter, exp_line: List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, bool]]], exp_color: str, stats_arg: Dict[str, List[object]], ) -> None: tr.stats = stats_arg # Fake "_is_last_item" to be True. class fake_session: testscollected = 0 tr._session = fake_session # type: ignore[assignment] assert tr._is_last_item # Reset cache. tr._main_color = None print("Based on stats: %s" % stats_arg) print(f'Expect summary: "{exp_line}"; with color "{exp_color}"') (line, color) = tr.build_summary_stats_line() print(f'Actually got: "{line}"; with color "{color}"') assert line == exp_line assert color == exp_color def test_skip_counting_towards_summary(tr): class DummyReport(BaseReport): count_towards_summary = True r1 = DummyReport() r2 = DummyReport() tr.stats = {"failed": (r1, r2)} tr._main_color = None res = tr.build_summary_stats_line() assert res == ([("2 failed", {"bold": True, "red": True})], "red") r1.count_towards_summary = False tr.stats = {"failed": (r1, r2)} tr._main_color = None res = tr.build_summary_stats_line() assert res == ([("1 failed", {"bold": True, "red": True})], "red") class TestClassicOutputStyle: """Ensure classic output style works as expected (#3883)""" @pytest.fixture def test_files(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( **{ "test_one.py": "def test_one(): pass", "test_two.py": "def test_two(): assert 0", "sub/test_three.py": """ def test_three_1(): pass def test_three_2(): assert 0 def test_three_3(): pass """, } ) def test_normal_verbosity(self, pytester: Pytester, test_files) -> None: result = pytester.runpytest("-o", "console_output_style=classic") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "test_one.py .", "test_two.py F", f"sub{os.sep}test_three.py .F.", "*2 failed, 3 passed in*", ] ) def test_verbose(self, pytester: Pytester, test_files) -> None: result = pytester.runpytest("-o", "console_output_style=classic", "-v") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "test_one.py::test_one PASSED", "test_two.py::test_two FAILED", f"sub{os.sep}test_three.py::test_three_1 PASSED", f"sub{os.sep}test_three.py::test_three_2 FAILED", f"sub{os.sep}test_three.py::test_three_3 PASSED", "*2 failed, 3 passed in*", ] ) def test_quiet(self, pytester: Pytester, test_files) -> None: result = pytester.runpytest("-o", "console_output_style=classic", "-q") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([".F.F.", "*2 failed, 3 passed in*"]) class TestProgressOutputStyle: @pytest.fixture def many_tests_files(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( test_bar=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(10)) def test_bar(i): pass """, test_foo=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(5)) def test_foo(i): pass """, test_foobar=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(5)) def test_foobar(i): pass """, ) def test_zero_tests_collected(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: """Some plugins (testmon for example) might issue pytest_runtest_logreport without any tests being actually collected (#2971).""" pytester.makeconftest( """ def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items, config): from _pytest.runner import CollectReport for node_id in ('nodeid1', 'nodeid2'): rep = CollectReport(node_id, 'passed', None, None) rep.when = 'passed' rep.duration = 0.1 config.hook.pytest_runtest_logreport(report=rep) """ ) output = pytester.runpytest() output.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*ZeroDivisionError*") output.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["=* 2 passed in *="]) def test_normal(self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester) -> None: output = pytester.runpytest() output.stdout.re_match_lines( [ r"test_bar.py \.{10} \s+ \[ 50%\]", r"test_foo.py \.{5} \s+ \[ 75%\]", r"test_foobar.py \.{5} \s+ \[100%\]", ] ) def test_colored_progress( self, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch, color_mapping ) -> None: monkeypatch.setenv("PY_COLORS", "1") pytester.makepyfile( test_axfail=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.xfail def test_axfail(): assert 0 """, test_bar=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(10)) def test_bar(i): pass """, test_foo=""" import pytest import warnings @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(5)) def test_foo(i): warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning("collection")) pass """, test_foobar=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(5)) def test_foobar(i): raise ValueError() """, ) result = pytester.runpytest() result.stdout.re_match_lines( color_mapping.format_for_rematch( [ r"test_axfail.py {yellow}x{reset}{green} \s+ \[ 4%\]{reset}", r"test_bar.py ({green}\.{reset}){{10}}{green} \s+ \[ 52%\]{reset}", r"test_foo.py ({green}\.{reset}){{5}}{yellow} \s+ \[ 76%\]{reset}", r"test_foobar.py ({red}F{reset}){{5}}{red} \s+ \[100%\]{reset}", ] ) ) # Only xfail should have yellow progress indicator. result = pytester.runpytest("test_axfail.py") result.stdout.re_match_lines( color_mapping.format_for_rematch( [ r"test_axfail.py {yellow}x{reset}{yellow} \s+ \[100%\]{reset}", r"^{yellow}=+ ({yellow}{bold}|{bold}{yellow})1 xfailed{reset}{yellow} in ", ] ) ) def test_count(self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] console_output_style = count """ ) output = pytester.runpytest() output.stdout.re_match_lines( [ r"test_bar.py \.{10} \s+ \[10/20\]", r"test_foo.py \.{5} \s+ \[15/20\]", r"test_foobar.py \.{5} \s+ \[20/20\]", ] ) def test_verbose(self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester) -> None: output = pytester.runpytest("-v") output.stdout.re_match_lines( [ r"test_bar.py::test_bar\[0\] PASSED \s+ \[ 5%\]", r"test_foo.py::test_foo\[4\] PASSED \s+ \[ 75%\]", r"test_foobar.py::test_foobar\[4\] PASSED \s+ \[100%\]", ] ) def test_verbose_count(self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] console_output_style = count """ ) output = pytester.runpytest("-v") output.stdout.re_match_lines( [ r"test_bar.py::test_bar\[0\] PASSED \s+ \[ 1/20\]", r"test_foo.py::test_foo\[4\] PASSED \s+ \[15/20\]", r"test_foobar.py::test_foobar\[4\] PASSED \s+ \[20/20\]", ] ) def test_xdist_normal( self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch ) -> None: pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False) output = pytester.runpytest("-n2") output.stdout.re_match_lines([r"\.{20} \s+ \[100%\]"]) def test_xdist_normal_count( self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch ) -> None: pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False) pytester.makeini( """ [pytest] console_output_style = count """ ) output = pytester.runpytest("-n2") output.stdout.re_match_lines([r"\.{20} \s+ \[20/20\]"]) def test_xdist_verbose( self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch ) -> None: pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False) output = pytester.runpytest("-n2", "-v") output.stdout.re_match_lines_random( [ r"\[gw\d\] \[\s*\d+%\] PASSED test_bar.py::test_bar\[1\]", r"\[gw\d\] \[\s*\d+%\] PASSED test_foo.py::test_foo\[1\]", r"\[gw\d\] \[\s*\d+%\] PASSED test_foobar.py::test_foobar\[1\]", ] ) output.stdout.fnmatch_lines_random( [ line.translate(TRANS_FNMATCH) for line in [ "test_bar.py::test_bar[0] ", "test_foo.py::test_foo[0] ", "test_foobar.py::test_foobar[0] ", "[gw?] [ 5%] PASSED test_*[?] ", "[gw?] [ 10%] PASSED test_*[?] ", "[gw?] [ 55%] PASSED test_*[?] ", "[gw?] [ 60%] PASSED test_*[?] ", "[gw?] [ 95%] PASSED test_*[?] ", "[gw?] [100%] PASSED test_*[?] ", ] ] ) def test_capture_no(self, many_tests_files, pytester: Pytester) -> None: output = pytester.runpytest("-s") output.stdout.re_match_lines( [r"test_bar.py \.{10}", r"test_foo.py \.{5}", r"test_foobar.py \.{5}"] ) output = pytester.runpytest("--capture=no") output.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*%]*") class TestProgressWithTeardown: """Ensure we show the correct percentages for tests that fail during teardown (#3088)""" @pytest.fixture def contest_with_teardown_fixture(self, pytester: Pytester) -> None: pytester.makeconftest( """ import pytest @pytest.fixture def fail_teardown(): yield assert False """ ) @pytest.fixture def many_files(self, pytester: Pytester, contest_with_teardown_fixture) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( test_bar=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(5)) def test_bar(fail_teardown, i): pass """, test_foo=""" import pytest @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', range(15)) def test_foo(fail_teardown, i): pass """, ) def test_teardown_simple( self, pytester: Pytester, contest_with_teardown_fixture ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(fail_teardown): pass """ ) output = pytester.runpytest() output.stdout.re_match_lines([r"test_teardown_simple.py \.E\s+\[100%\]"]) def test_teardown_with_test_also_failing( self, pytester: Pytester, contest_with_teardown_fixture ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(fail_teardown): assert 0 """ ) output = pytester.runpytest("-rfE") output.stdout.re_match_lines( [ r"test_teardown_with_test_also_failing.py FE\s+\[100%\]", "FAILED test_teardown_with_test_also_failing.py::test_foo - assert 0", "ERROR test_teardown_with_test_also_failing.py::test_foo - assert False", ] ) def test_teardown_many(self, pytester: Pytester, many_files) -> None: output = pytester.runpytest() output.stdout.re_match_lines( [r"test_bar.py (\.E){5}\s+\[ 25%\]", r"test_foo.py (\.E){15}\s+\[100%\]"] ) def test_teardown_many_verbose( self, pytester: Pytester, many_files, color_mapping ) -> None: result = pytester.runpytest("-v") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch( [ "test_bar.py::test_bar[0] PASSED * [ 5%]", "test_bar.py::test_bar[0] ERROR * [ 5%]", "test_bar.py::test_bar[4] PASSED * [ 25%]", "test_foo.py::test_foo[14] PASSED * [100%]", "test_foo.py::test_foo[14] ERROR * [100%]", "=* 20 passed, 20 errors in *", ] ) ) def test_xdist_normal(self, many_files, pytester: Pytester, monkeypatch) -> None: pytest.importorskip("xdist") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False) output = pytester.runpytest("-n2") output.stdout.re_match_lines([r"[\.E]{40} \s+ \[100%\]"]) def test_skip_reasons_folding() -> None: path = "xyz" lineno = 3 message = "justso" longrepr = (path, lineno, message) class X: pass ev1 = cast(CollectReport, X()) ev1.when = "execute" ev1.skipped = True # type: ignore[misc] ev1.longrepr = longrepr ev2 = cast(CollectReport, X()) ev2.when = "execute" ev2.longrepr = longrepr ev2.skipped = True # type: ignore[misc] # ev3 might be a collection report ev3 = cast(CollectReport, X()) ev3.when = "collect" ev3.longrepr = longrepr ev3.skipped = True # type: ignore[misc] values = _folded_skips(Path.cwd(), [ev1, ev2, ev3]) assert len(values) == 1 num, fspath, lineno_, reason = values[0] assert num == 3 assert fspath == path assert lineno_ == lineno assert reason == message def test_line_with_reprcrash(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: mocked_verbose_word = "FAILED" mocked_pos = "some::nodeid" def mock_get_pos(*args): return mocked_pos monkeypatch.setattr(_pytest.terminal, "_get_node_id_with_markup", mock_get_pos) class config: pass class rep: def _get_verbose_word(self, *args): return mocked_verbose_word class longrepr: class reprcrash: pass def check(msg, width, expected): class DummyTerminalWriter: fullwidth = width def markup(self, word: str, **markup: str): return word __tracebackhide__ = True if msg: rep.longrepr.reprcrash.message = msg # type: ignore actual = _get_line_with_reprcrash_message(config, rep(), DummyTerminalWriter(), {}) # type: ignore assert actual == expected if actual != f"{mocked_verbose_word} {mocked_pos}": assert len(actual) <= width assert wcswidth(actual) <= width # AttributeError with message check(None, 80, "FAILED some::nodeid") check("msg", 80, "FAILED some::nodeid - msg") check("msg", 3, "FAILED some::nodeid") check("msg", 24, "FAILED some::nodeid") check("msg", 25, "FAILED some::nodeid - msg") check("some longer msg", 24, "FAILED some::nodeid") check("some longer msg", 25, "FAILED some::nodeid - ...") check("some longer msg", 26, "FAILED some::nodeid - s...") check("some\nmessage", 25, "FAILED some::nodeid - ...") check("some\nmessage", 26, "FAILED some::nodeid - some") check("some\nmessage", 80, "FAILED some::nodeid - some") # Test unicode safety. check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 25, "FAILED some::nodeid - ...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 26, "FAILED some::nodeid - ...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 27, "FAILED some::nodeid - 🉐...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 28, "FAILED some::nodeid - 🉐...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 29, "FAILED some::nodeid - 🉐🉐...") # NOTE: constructed, not sure if this is supported. mocked_pos = "nodeid::🉐::withunicode" check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 29, "FAILED nodeid::🉐::withunicode") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 40, "FAILED nodeid::🉐::withunicode - 🉐🉐...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 41, "FAILED nodeid::🉐::withunicode - 🉐🉐...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 42, "FAILED nodeid::🉐::withunicode - 🉐🉐🉐...") check("🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐\n2nd line", 80, "FAILED nodeid::🉐::withunicode - 🉐🉐🉐🉐🉐") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "seconds, expected", [ (10.0, "10.00s"), (10.34, "10.34s"), (59.99, "59.99s"), (60.55, "60.55s (0:01:00)"), (123.55, "123.55s (0:02:03)"), (60 * 60 + 0.5, "3600.50s (1:00:00)"), ], ) def test_format_session_duration(seconds, expected): from _pytest.terminal import format_session_duration assert format_session_duration(seconds) == expected def test_collecterror(pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile("raise SyntaxError()") result = pytester.runpytest("-ra", str(p1)) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( [ "collected 0 items / 1 error", "*= ERRORS =*", "*_ ERROR collecting test_collecterror.py _*", "E SyntaxError: *", "*= short test summary info =*", "ERROR test_collecterror.py", "*! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !*", "*= 1 error in *", ] ) def test_no_summary_collecterror(pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile("raise SyntaxError()") result = pytester.runpytest("-ra", "--no-summary", str(p1)) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*= ERRORS =*") def test_via_exec(pytester: Pytester) -> None: p1 = pytester.makepyfile("exec('def test_via_exec(): pass')") result = pytester.runpytest(str(p1), "-vv") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["test_via_exec.py::test_via_exec <- PASSED*", "*= 1 passed in *"] ) class TestCodeHighlight: def test_code_highlight_simple(self, pytester: Pytester, color_mapping) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 10 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--color=yes") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch( [ " {kw}def{hl-reset} {function}test_foo{hl-reset}():", "> {kw}assert{hl-reset} {number}1{hl-reset} == {number}10{hl-reset}", "{bold}{red}E assert 1 == 10{reset}", ] ) ) def test_code_highlight_continuation( self, pytester: Pytester, color_mapping ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): print(''' '''); assert 0 """ ) result = pytester.runpytest("--color=yes") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch( [ " {kw}def{hl-reset} {function}test_foo{hl-reset}():", " {print}print{hl-reset}({str}'''{hl-reset}{str}{hl-reset}", "> {str} {hl-reset}{str}'''{hl-reset}); {kw}assert{hl-reset} {number}0{hl-reset}", "{bold}{red}E assert 0{reset}", ] ) ) def test_code_highlight_custom_theme( self, pytester: Pytester, color_mapping, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 10 """ ) monkeypatch.setenv("PYTEST_THEME", "solarized-dark") monkeypatch.setenv("PYTEST_THEME_MODE", "dark") result = pytester.runpytest("--color=yes") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( color_mapping.format_for_fnmatch( [ " {kw}def{hl-reset} {function}test_foo{hl-reset}():", "> {kw}assert{hl-reset} {number}1{hl-reset} == {number}10{hl-reset}", "{bold}{red}E assert 1 == 10{reset}", ] ) ) def test_code_highlight_invalid_theme( self, pytester: Pytester, color_mapping, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 10 """ ) monkeypatch.setenv("PYTEST_THEME", "invalid") result = pytester.runpytest_subprocess("--color=yes") result.stderr.fnmatch_lines( "ERROR: PYTEST_THEME environment variable had an invalid value: 'invalid'. " "Only valid pygment styles are allowed." ) def test_code_highlight_invalid_theme_mode( self, pytester: Pytester, color_mapping, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch ) -> None: pytester.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 10 """ ) monkeypatch.setenv("PYTEST_THEME_MODE", "invalid") result = pytester.runpytest_subprocess("--color=yes") result.stderr.fnmatch_lines( "ERROR: PYTEST_THEME_MODE environment variable had an invalid value: 'invalid'. " "The only allowed values are 'dark' and 'light'." ) def test_raw_skip_reason_skipped() -> None: report = SimpleNamespace() report.skipped = True report.longrepr = ("xyz", 3, "Skipped: Just so") reason = _get_raw_skip_reason(cast(TestReport, report)) assert reason == "Just so" def test_raw_skip_reason_xfail() -> None: report = SimpleNamespace() report.wasxfail = "reason: To everything there is a season" reason = _get_raw_skip_reason(cast(TestReport, report)) assert reason == "To everything there is a season" def test_format_trimmed() -> None: msg = "unconditional skip" assert _format_trimmed(" ({}) ", msg, len(msg) + 4) == " (unconditional skip) " assert _format_trimmed(" ({}) ", msg, len(msg) + 3) == " (unconditional ...) "