import sys import pytest if sys.gettrace(): @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def restore_tracing(): """Restore tracing function (when run with """ orig_trace = sys.gettrace() yield if sys.gettrace() != orig_trace: sys.settrace(orig_trace) @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True, tryfirst=True) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): """Prefer faster tests. Use a hookwrapper to do this in the beginning, so e.g. --ff still works correctly. """ fast_items = [] slow_items = [] slowest_items = [] neutral_items = [] spawn_names = {"spawn_pytest", "spawn"} for item in items: try: fixtures = item.fixturenames except AttributeError: # doctest at least # ( neutral_items.append(item) else: if "testdir" in fixtures: if spawn_names.intersection(item.function.__code__.co_names): item.add_marker(pytest.mark.uses_pexpect) slowest_items.append(item) else: slow_items.append(item) item.add_marker(pytest.mark.slow) else: marker = item.get_closest_marker("slow") if marker: slowest_items.append(item) else: fast_items.append(item) items[:] = fast_items + neutral_items + slow_items + slowest_items yield