
838 lines
29 KiB

""" Python test discovery, setup and run of test functions. """
import py
import inspect
import sys
import pytest
from py._code.code import TerminalRepr
import _pytest
cutdir = py.path.local(_pytest.__file__).dirpath()
def pytest_addoption(parser):
group = parser.getgroup("general")
action="store_true", dest="showfuncargs", default=False,
help="show available function arguments, sorted by plugin")
def pytest_cmdline_main(config):
if config.option.showfuncargs:
return 0
def pytest_namespace():
raises.Exception = pytest.fail.Exception
return {
'raises' : raises,
'collect': {
'Module': Module, 'Class': Class, 'Instance': Instance,
'Function': Function, 'Generator': Generator,
'_fillfuncargs': fillfuncargs}
def pytest_funcarg__pytestconfig(request):
""" the pytest config object with access to command line opts."""
return request.config
def pytest_pyfunc_call(__multicall__, pyfuncitem):
if not __multicall__.execute():
testfunction = pyfuncitem.obj
if pyfuncitem._isyieldedfunction():
funcargs = pyfuncitem.funcargs
def pytest_collect_file(path, parent):
ext = path.ext
pb = path.purebasename
if ext == ".py" and (pb.startswith("test_") or pb.endswith("_test") or
return parent.ihook.pytest_pycollect_makemodule(
path=path, parent=parent)
def pytest_pycollect_makemodule(path, parent):
return Module(path, parent)
def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(__multicall__, collector, name, obj):
res = __multicall__.execute()
if res is not None:
return res
if collector._istestclasscandidate(name, obj):
#if hasattr(collector.obj, 'unittest'):
# return # we assume it's a mixin class for a TestCase derived one
return Class(name, parent=collector)
elif collector.funcnamefilter(name) and hasattr(obj, '__call__'):
if is_generator(obj):
return Generator(name, parent=collector)
return collector._genfunctions(name, obj)
def is_generator(func):
return py.code.getrawcode(func).co_flags & 32 # generator function
except AttributeError: # builtin functions have no bytecode
# assume them to not be generators
return False
class PyobjMixin(object):
def obj():
def fget(self):
return self._obj
except AttributeError:
self._obj = obj = self._getobj()
return obj
def fset(self, value):
self._obj = value
return property(fget, fset, None, "underlying python object")
obj = obj()
def _getobj(self):
return getattr(self.parent.obj, self.name)
def getmodpath(self, stopatmodule=True, includemodule=False):
""" return python path relative to the containing module. """
chain = self.listchain()
parts = []
for node in chain:
if isinstance(node, Instance):
name = node.name
if isinstance(node, Module):
assert name.endswith(".py")
name = name[:-3]
if stopatmodule:
if includemodule:
s = ".".join(parts)
return s.replace(".[", "[")
def _getfslineno(self):
return self._fslineno
except AttributeError:
obj = self.obj
# xxx let decorators etc specify a sane ordering
if hasattr(obj, 'place_as'):
obj = obj.place_as
self._fslineno = py.code.getfslineno(obj)
return self._fslineno
def reportinfo(self):
# XXX caching?
obj = self.obj
if hasattr(obj, 'compat_co_firstlineno'):
# nose compatibility
fspath = sys.modules[obj.__module__].__file__
if fspath.endswith(".pyc"):
fspath = fspath[:-1]
#assert 0
#fn = inspect.getsourcefile(obj) or inspect.getfile(obj)
lineno = obj.compat_co_firstlineno
modpath = obj.__module__
fspath, lineno = self._getfslineno()
modpath = self.getmodpath()
return fspath, lineno, modpath
class PyCollectorMixin(PyobjMixin, pytest.Collector):
def funcnamefilter(self, name):
return name.startswith('test')
def classnamefilter(self, name):
return name.startswith('Test')
def collect(self):
# NB. we avoid random getattrs and peek in the __dict__ instead
# (XXX originally introduced from a PyPy need, still true?)
dicts = [getattr(self.obj, '__dict__', {})]
for basecls in inspect.getmro(self.obj.__class__):
seen = {}
l = []
for dic in dicts:
for name, obj in dic.items():
if name in seen:
seen[name] = True
if name[0] != "_":
res = self.makeitem(name, obj)
if res is None:
if not isinstance(res, list):
res = [res]
l.sort(key=lambda item: item.reportinfo()[:2])
return l
def makeitem(self, name, obj):
return self.ihook.pytest_pycollect_makeitem(
collector=self, name=name, obj=obj)
def _istestclasscandidate(self, name, obj):
if self.classnamefilter(name) and \
if hasinit(obj):
return False
return True
def _genfunctions(self, name, funcobj):
module = self.getparent(Module).obj
clscol = self.getparent(Class)
cls = clscol and clscol.obj or None
metafunc = Metafunc(funcobj, config=self.config,
cls=cls, module=module)
gentesthook = self.config.hook.pytest_generate_tests
plugins = getplugins(self, withpy=True)
gentesthook.pcall(plugins, metafunc=metafunc)
if not metafunc._calls:
return Function(name, parent=self)
l = []
for callspec in metafunc._calls:
subname = "%s[%s]" %(name, callspec.id)
function = Function(name=subname, parent=self,
callspec=callspec, callobj=funcobj, keywords={callspec.id:True})
return l
class Module(pytest.File, PyCollectorMixin):
def _getobj(self):
return self._memoizedcall('_obj', self._importtestmodule)
def _importtestmodule(self):
# we assume we are only called once per module
mod = self.fspath.pyimport(ensuresyspath=True)
except SyntaxError:
excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
raise self.CollectError(excinfo.getrepr(style="short"))
except self.fspath.ImportMismatchError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
raise self.CollectError(
"import file mismatch:\n"
"imported module %r has this __file__ attribute:\n"
" %s\n"
"which is not the same as the test file we want to collect:\n"
" %s\n"
"HINT: use a unique basename for your test file modules"
% e.args
#print "imported test module", mod
return mod
def setup(self):
if hasattr(self.obj, 'setup_module'):
#XXX: nose compat hack, move to nose plugin
# if it takes a positional arg, its probably a pytest style one
# so we pass the current module object
if inspect.getargspec(self.obj.setup_module)[0]:
def teardown(self):
if hasattr(self.obj, 'teardown_module'):
#XXX: nose compat hack, move to nose plugin
# if it takes a positional arg, its probably a py.test style one
# so we pass the current module object
if inspect.getargspec(self.obj.teardown_module)[0]:
class Class(PyCollectorMixin, pytest.Collector):
def collect(self):
return [Instance(name="()", parent=self)]
def setup(self):
setup_class = getattr(self.obj, 'setup_class', None)
if setup_class is not None:
setup_class = getattr(setup_class, 'im_func', setup_class)
def teardown(self):
teardown_class = getattr(self.obj, 'teardown_class', None)
if teardown_class is not None:
teardown_class = getattr(teardown_class, 'im_func', teardown_class)
class Instance(PyCollectorMixin, pytest.Collector):
def _getobj(self):
return self.parent.obj()
def newinstance(self):
self.obj = self._getobj()
return self.obj
class FunctionMixin(PyobjMixin):
""" mixin for the code common to Function and Generator.
def setup(self):
""" perform setup for this test function. """
if inspect.ismethod(self.obj):
name = 'setup_method'
name = 'setup_function'
if isinstance(self.parent, Instance):
obj = self.parent.newinstance()
self.obj = self._getobj()
obj = self.parent.obj
setup_func_or_method = getattr(obj, name, None)
if setup_func_or_method is not None:
def teardown(self):
""" perform teardown for this test function. """
if inspect.ismethod(self.obj):
name = 'teardown_method'
name = 'teardown_function'
obj = self.parent.obj
teardown_func_or_meth = getattr(obj, name, None)
if teardown_func_or_meth is not None:
def _prunetraceback(self, excinfo):
if hasattr(self, '_obj') and not self.config.option.fulltrace:
code = py.code.Code(self.obj)
path, firstlineno = code.path, code.firstlineno
traceback = excinfo.traceback
ntraceback = traceback.cut(path=path, firstlineno=firstlineno)
if ntraceback == traceback:
ntraceback = ntraceback.cut(path=path)
if ntraceback == traceback:
ntraceback = ntraceback.cut(excludepath=cutdir)
excinfo.traceback = ntraceback.filter()
def _repr_failure_py(self, excinfo, style="long"):
if excinfo.errisinstance(FuncargRequest.LookupError):
fspath, lineno, msg = self.reportinfo()
lines, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(self.obj)
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.strip().startswith('def'):
return FuncargLookupErrorRepr(fspath, lineno,
lines[:i+1], str(excinfo.value))
return super(FunctionMixin, self)._repr_failure_py(excinfo,
def repr_failure(self, excinfo, outerr=None):
assert outerr is None, "XXX outerr usage is deprecated"
return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo,
class FuncargLookupErrorRepr(TerminalRepr):
def __init__(self, filename, firstlineno, deflines, errorstring):
self.deflines = deflines
self.errorstring = errorstring
self.filename = filename
self.firstlineno = firstlineno
def toterminal(self, tw):
for line in self.deflines:
tw.line(" " + line.strip())
for line in self.errorstring.split("\n"):
tw.line(" " + line.strip(), red=True)
tw.line("%s:%d" % (self.filename, self.firstlineno+1))
class Generator(FunctionMixin, PyCollectorMixin, pytest.Collector):
def collect(self):
# test generators are seen as collectors but they also
# invoke setup/teardown on popular request
# (induced by the common "test_*" naming shared with normal tests)
l = []
seen = {}
for i, x in enumerate(self.obj()):
name, call, args = self.getcallargs(x)
if not py.builtin.callable(call):
raise TypeError("%r yielded non callable test %r" %(self.obj, call,))
if name is None:
name = "[%d]" % i
name = "['%s']" % name
if name in seen:
raise ValueError("%r generated tests with non-unique name %r" %(self, name))
seen[name] = True
l.append(Function(name, self, args=args, callobj=call))
return l
def getcallargs(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
obj = (obj,)
# explict naming
if isinstance(obj[0], py.builtin._basestring):
name = obj[0]
obj = obj[1:]
name = None
call, args = obj[0], obj[1:]
return name, call, args
# Test Items
_dummy = object()
class Function(FunctionMixin, pytest.Item):
""" a Function Item is responsible for setting up
and executing a Python callable test object.
_genid = None
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, args=None, config=None,
callspec=None, callobj=_dummy, keywords=None, session=None):
super(Function, self).__init__(name, parent,
config=config, session=session)
self._args = args
if self._isyieldedfunction():
assert not callspec, (
"yielded functions (deprecated) cannot have funcargs")
if callspec is not None:
self.funcargs = callspec.funcargs or {}
self._genid = callspec.id
if hasattr(callspec, "param"):
self._requestparam = callspec.param
self.funcargs = {}
if callobj is not _dummy:
self._obj = callobj
self.function = getattr(self.obj, 'im_func', self.obj)
self.keywords.update(py.builtin._getfuncdict(self.obj) or {})
if keywords:
def _getobj(self):
name = self.name
i = name.find("[") # parametrization
if i != -1:
name = name[:i]
return getattr(self.parent.obj, name)
def _isyieldedfunction(self):
return self._args is not None
def runtest(self):
""" execute the underlying test function. """
def setup(self):
super(Function, self).setup()
if hasattr(self, 'funcargs'):
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.name == other.name and
self._args == other._args and
self.parent == other.parent and
self.obj == other.obj and
getattr(self, '_genid', None) ==
getattr(other, '_genid', None)
except AttributeError:
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.parent, self.name))
def hasinit(obj):
init = getattr(obj, '__init__', None)
if init:
if init != object.__init__:
return True
def getfuncargnames(function):
# XXX merge with main.py's varnames
argnames = py.std.inspect.getargs(py.code.getrawcode(function))[0]
startindex = py.std.inspect.ismethod(function) and 1 or 0
defaults = getattr(function, 'func_defaults',
getattr(function, '__defaults__', None)) or ()
numdefaults = len(defaults)
if numdefaults:
return argnames[startindex:-numdefaults]
return argnames[startindex:]
def fillfuncargs(function):
""" fill missing funcargs. """
request = FuncargRequest(pyfuncitem=function)
def getplugins(node, withpy=False): # might by any node
plugins = node.config._getmatchingplugins(node.fspath)
if withpy:
mod = node.getparent(pytest.Module)
if mod is not None:
inst = node.getparent(pytest.Instance)
if inst is not None:
return plugins
_notexists = object()
class CallSpec:
def __init__(self, funcargs, id, param):
self.funcargs = funcargs
self.id = id
if param is not _notexists:
self.param = param
def __repr__(self):
return "<CallSpec id=%r param=%r funcargs=%r>" %(
self.id, getattr(self, 'param', '?'), self.funcargs)
class Metafunc:
def __init__(self, function, config=None, cls=None, module=None):
self.config = config
self.module = module
self.function = function
self.funcargnames = getfuncargnames(function)
self.cls = cls
self.module = module
self._calls = []
self._ids = py.builtin.set()
def addcall(self, funcargs=None, id=_notexists, param=_notexists):
""" add a new call to the underlying test function during the
collection phase of a test run.
:arg funcargs: argument keyword dictionary used when invoking
the test function.
:arg id: used for reporting and identification purposes. If you
don't supply an `id` the length of the currently
list of calls to the test function will be used.
:arg param: will be exposed to a later funcarg factory invocation
through the ``request.param`` attribute. Setting it (instead of
directly providing a ``funcargs`` ditionary) is called
*indirect parametrization*. Indirect parametrization is
preferable if test values are expensive to setup or can
only be created after certain fixtures or test-run related
initialization code has been run.
assert funcargs is None or isinstance(funcargs, dict)
if id is None:
raise ValueError("id=None not allowed")
if id is _notexists:
id = len(self._calls)
id = str(id)
if id in self._ids:
raise ValueError("duplicate id %r" % id)
self._calls.append(CallSpec(funcargs, id, param))
class FuncargRequest:
""" A request for function arguments from a test function. """
_argprefix = "pytest_funcarg__"
_argname = None
class LookupError(LookupError):
""" error on performing funcarg request. """
def __init__(self, pyfuncitem):
self._pyfuncitem = pyfuncitem
if hasattr(pyfuncitem, '_requestparam'):
self.param = pyfuncitem._requestparam
self._plugins = getplugins(pyfuncitem, withpy=True)
self._funcargs = self._pyfuncitem.funcargs.copy()
self._name2factory = {}
self._currentarg = None
def function(self):
""" function object of the test invocation. """
return self._pyfuncitem.obj
def keywords(self):
""" keywords of the test function item.
.. versionadded:: 2.0
return self._pyfuncitem.keywords
def module(self):
""" module where the test function was collected. """
return self._pyfuncitem.getparent(pytest.Module).obj
def cls(self):
""" class (can be None) where the test function was collected. """
clscol = self._pyfuncitem.getparent(pytest.Class)
if clscol:
return clscol.obj
def instance(self):
""" instance (can be None) on which test function was collected. """
return py.builtin._getimself(self.function)
def config(self):
""" the pytest config object associated with this request. """
return self._pyfuncitem.config
def fspath(self):
""" the file system path of the test module which collected this test. """
return self._pyfuncitem.fspath
def _fillfuncargs(self):
argnames = getfuncargnames(self.function)
if argnames:
assert not getattr(self._pyfuncitem, '_args', None), (
"yielded functions cannot have funcargs")
for argname in argnames:
if argname not in self._pyfuncitem.funcargs:
self._pyfuncitem.funcargs[argname] = self.getfuncargvalue(argname)
def applymarker(self, marker):
""" apply a marker to a single test function invocation.
This method is useful if you don't want to have a keyword/marker
on all function invocations.
:arg marker: a :py:class:`_pytest.mark.MarkDecorator` object
created by a call to ``py.test.mark.NAME(...)``.
if not isinstance(marker, py.test.mark.XYZ.__class__):
raise ValueError("%r is not a py.test.mark.* object")
self._pyfuncitem.keywords[marker.markname] = marker
def cached_setup(self, setup, teardown=None, scope="module", extrakey=None):
""" return a testing resource managed by ``setup`` &
``teardown`` calls. ``scope`` and ``extrakey`` determine when the
``teardown`` function will be called so that subsequent calls to
``setup`` would recreate the resource.
:arg teardown: function receiving a previously setup resource.
:arg setup: a no-argument function creating a resource.
:arg scope: a string value out of ``function``, ``class``, ``module``
or ``session`` indicating the caching lifecycle of the resource.
:arg extrakey: added to internal caching key of (funcargname, scope).
if not hasattr(self.config, '_setupcache'):
self.config._setupcache = {} # XXX weakref?
cachekey = (self._currentarg, self._getscopeitem(scope), extrakey)
cache = self.config._setupcache
val = cache[cachekey]
except KeyError:
val = setup()
cache[cachekey] = val
if teardown is not None:
def finalizer():
del cache[cachekey]
self._addfinalizer(finalizer, scope=scope)
return val
def getfuncargvalue(self, argname):
""" Retrieve a function argument by name for this test
function invocation. This allows one function argument factory
to call another function argument factory. If there are two
funcarg factories for the same test function argument the first
factory may use ``getfuncargvalue`` to call the second one and
do something additional with the resource.
return self._funcargs[argname]
except KeyError:
if argname not in self._name2factory:
self._name2factory[argname] = self.config.pluginmanager.listattr(
attrname=self._argprefix + str(argname)
#else: we are called recursively
if not self._name2factory[argname]:
funcargfactory = self._name2factory[argname].pop()
oldarg = self._currentarg
self._currentarg = argname
self._funcargs[argname] = res = funcargfactory(request=self)
self._currentarg = oldarg
return res
def _getscopeitem(self, scope):
if scope == "function":
return self._pyfuncitem
elif scope == "session":
return None
elif scope == "class":
x = self._pyfuncitem.getparent(pytest.Class)
if x is not None:
return x
scope = "module"
if scope == "module":
return self._pyfuncitem.getparent(pytest.Module)
raise ValueError("unknown finalization scope %r" %(scope,))
def addfinalizer(self, finalizer):
"""add finalizer function to be called after test function
finished execution. """
self._addfinalizer(finalizer, scope="function")
def _addfinalizer(self, finalizer, scope):
colitem = self._getscopeitem(scope)
finalizer=finalizer, colitem=colitem)
def __repr__(self):
return "<FuncargRequest for %r>" %(self._pyfuncitem)
def _raiselookupfailed(self, argname):
available = []
for plugin in self._plugins:
for name in vars(plugin):
if name.startswith(self._argprefix):
name = name[len(self._argprefix):]
if name not in available:
fspath, lineno, msg = self._pyfuncitem.reportinfo()
msg = "LookupError: no factory found for function argument %r" % (argname,)
msg += "\n available funcargs: %s" %(", ".join(available),)
msg += "\n use 'py.test --funcargs [testpath]' for help on them."
raise self.LookupError(msg)
def showfuncargs(config):
from _pytest.session import Session
session = Session(config)
if session.items:
plugins = getplugins(session.items[0])
plugins = getplugins(session)
curdir = py.path.local()
tw = py.io.TerminalWriter()
verbose = config.getvalue("verbose")
for plugin in plugins:
available = []
for name, factory in vars(plugin).items():
if name.startswith(FuncargRequest._argprefix):
name = name[len(FuncargRequest._argprefix):]
if name not in available:
available.append([name, factory])
if available:
pluginname = plugin.__name__
for name, factory in available:
loc = getlocation(factory, curdir)
if verbose:
funcargspec = "%s -- %s" %(name, loc,)
funcargspec = name
tw.line(funcargspec, green=True)
doc = factory.__doc__ or ""
if doc:
for line in doc.split("\n"):
tw.line(" " + line.strip())
tw.line(" %s: no docstring available" %(loc,),
def getlocation(function, curdir):
import inspect
fn = py.path.local(inspect.getfile(function))
lineno = py.builtin._getcode(function).co_firstlineno
if fn.relto(curdir):
fn = fn.relto(curdir)
return "%s:%d" %(fn, lineno+1)
# builtin pytest.raises helper
def raises(ExpectedException, *args, **kwargs):
""" assert that a code block/function call raises an exception.
If using Python 2.5 or above, you may use this function as a
context manager::
>>> with raises(ZeroDivisionError):
... 1/0
Or you can specify a callable by passing a to-be-called lambda::
>>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: 1/0)
<ExceptionInfo ...>
or you can specify an arbitrary callable with arguments::
>>> def f(x): return 1/x
>>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, 0)
<ExceptionInfo ...>
>>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, f, x=0)
<ExceptionInfo ...>
A third possibility is to use a string which which will
be executed::
>>> raises(ZeroDivisionError, "f(0)")
<ExceptionInfo ...>
__tracebackhide__ = True
if not args:
return RaisesContext(ExpectedException)
elif isinstance(args[0], str):
code, = args
assert isinstance(code, str)
frame = sys._getframe(1)
loc = frame.f_locals.copy()
#print "raises frame scope: %r" % frame.f_locals
code = py.code.Source(code).compile()
py.builtin.exec_(code, frame.f_globals, loc)
# XXX didn'T mean f_globals == f_locals something special?
# this is destroyed here ...
except ExpectedException:
return py.code.ExceptionInfo()
func = args[0]
func(*args[1:], **kwargs)
except ExpectedException:
return py.code.ExceptionInfo()
k = ", ".join(["%s=%r" % x for x in kwargs.items()])
if k:
k = ', ' + k
expr = '%s(%r%s)' %(getattr(func, '__name__', func), args, k)
pytest.fail("DID NOT RAISE")
class RaisesContext(object):
def __init__(self, ExpectedException):
self.ExpectedException = ExpectedException
self.excinfo = None
def __enter__(self):
self.excinfo = object.__new__(py.code.ExceptionInfo)
return self.excinfo
def __exit__(self, *tp):
__tracebackhide__ = True
if tp[0] is None:
pytest.fail("DID NOT RAISE")
return issubclass(self.excinfo.type, self.ExpectedException)