635 lines
19 KiB
635 lines
19 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import textwrap
import _pytest.assertion as plugin
import _pytest._code
import py
import pytest
from _pytest.assertion import reinterpret
from _pytest.assertion import util
PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
def mock_config():
class Config(object):
verbose = False
def getoption(self, name):
if name == 'verbose':
return self.verbose
raise KeyError('Not mocked out: %s' % name)
return Config()
def interpret(expr):
return reinterpret.reinterpret(expr, _pytest._code.Frame(sys._getframe(1)))
class TestBinReprIntegration:
def test_pytest_assertrepr_compare_called(self, testdir):
l = []
def pytest_assertrepr_compare(op, left, right):
l.append((op, left, right))
def pytest_funcarg__l(request):
return l
def test_hello():
assert 0 == 1
def test_check(l):
assert l == [("==", 0, 1)]
result = testdir.runpytest("-v")
def callequal(left, right, verbose=False):
config = mock_config()
config.verbose = verbose
return plugin.pytest_assertrepr_compare(config, '==', left, right)
class TestAssert_reprcompare:
def test_different_types(self):
assert callequal([0, 1], 'foo') is None
def test_summary(self):
summary = callequal([0, 1], [0, 2])[0]
assert len(summary) < 65
def test_text_diff(self):
diff = callequal('spam', 'eggs')[1:]
assert '- spam' in diff
assert '+ eggs' in diff
def test_text_skipping(self):
lines = callequal('a'*50 + 'spam', 'a'*50 + 'eggs')
assert 'Skipping' in lines[1]
for line in lines:
assert 'a'*50 not in line
def test_text_skipping_verbose(self):
lines = callequal('a'*50 + 'spam', 'a'*50 + 'eggs', verbose=True)
assert '- ' + 'a'*50 + 'spam' in lines
assert '+ ' + 'a'*50 + 'eggs' in lines
def test_multiline_text_diff(self):
left = 'foo\nspam\nbar'
right = 'foo\neggs\nbar'
diff = callequal(left, right)
assert '- spam' in diff
assert '+ eggs' in diff
def test_list(self):
expl = callequal([0, 1], [0, 2])
assert len(expl) > 1
['left', 'right', 'expected'], [
([0, 1], [0, 2], """
Full diff:
- [0, 1]
? ^
+ [0, 2]
? ^
({0: 1}, {0: 2}, """
Full diff:
- {0: 1}
? ^
+ {0: 2}
? ^
(set([0, 1]), set([0, 2]), """
Full diff:
- set([0, 1])
? ^
+ set([0, 2])
? ^
""" if not PY3 else """
Full diff:
- {0, 1}
? ^
+ {0, 2}
? ^
def test_iterable_full_diff(self, left, right, expected):
"""Test the full diff assertion failure explanation.
When verbose is False, then just a -v notice to get the diff is rendered,
when verbose is True, then ndiff of the pprint is returned.
expl = callequal(left, right, verbose=False)
assert expl[-1] == 'Use -v to get the full diff'
expl = '\n'.join(callequal(left, right, verbose=True))
assert expl.endswith(textwrap.dedent(expected).strip())
def test_list_different_lenghts(self):
expl = callequal([0, 1], [0, 1, 2])
assert len(expl) > 1
expl = callequal([0, 1, 2], [0, 1])
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_dict(self):
expl = callequal({'a': 0}, {'a': 1})
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_dict_omitting(self):
lines = callequal({'a': 0, 'b': 1}, {'a': 1, 'b': 1})
assert lines[1].startswith('Omitting 1 identical item')
assert 'Common items' not in lines
for line in lines[1:]:
assert 'b' not in line
def test_dict_omitting_verbose(self):
lines = callequal({'a': 0, 'b': 1}, {'a': 1, 'b': 1}, verbose=True)
assert lines[1].startswith('Common items:')
assert 'Omitting' not in lines[1]
assert lines[2] == "{'b': 1}"
def test_set(self):
expl = callequal(set([0, 1]), set([0, 2]))
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_frozenzet(self):
expl = callequal(frozenset([0, 1]), set([0, 2]))
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_Sequence(self):
col = py.builtin._tryimport(
if not hasattr(col, "MutableSequence"):
pytest.skip("cannot import MutableSequence")
MutableSequence = col.MutableSequence
class TestSequence(MutableSequence): # works with a Sequence subclass
def __init__(self, iterable):
self.elements = list(iterable)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.elements[item]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.elements)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
def __delitem__(self, item):
def insert(self, item, index):
expl = callequal(TestSequence([0, 1]), list([0, 2]))
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_list_tuples(self):
expl = callequal([], [(1,2)])
assert len(expl) > 1
expl = callequal([(1,2)], [])
assert len(expl) > 1
def test_list_bad_repr(self):
class A:
def __repr__(self):
raise ValueError(42)
expl = callequal([], [A()])
assert 'ValueError' in "".join(expl)
expl = callequal({}, {'1': A()})
assert 'faulty' in "".join(expl)
def test_one_repr_empty(self):
the faulty empty string repr did trigger
a unbound local error in _diff_text
class A(str):
def __repr__(self):
return ''
expl = callequal(A(), '')
assert not expl
def test_repr_no_exc(self):
expl = ' '.join(callequal('foo', 'bar'))
assert 'raised in repr()' not in expl
def test_unicode(self):
left = py.builtin._totext('£€', 'utf-8')
right = py.builtin._totext('£', 'utf-8')
expl = callequal(left, right)
assert expl[0] == py.builtin._totext("'£€' == '£'", 'utf-8')
assert expl[1] == py.builtin._totext('- £€', 'utf-8')
assert expl[2] == py.builtin._totext('+ £', 'utf-8')
def test_nonascii_text(self):
:issue: 877
non ascii python2 str caused a UnicodeDecodeError
class A(str):
def __repr__(self):
return '\xff'
expl = callequal(A(), '1')
assert expl
def test_format_nonascii_explanation(self):
assert util.format_explanation('λ')
def test_mojibake(self):
# issue 429
left = 'e'
right = '\xc3\xa9'
if not isinstance(left, py.builtin.bytes):
left = py.builtin.bytes(left, 'utf-8')
right = py.builtin.bytes(right, 'utf-8')
expl = callequal(left, right)
for line in expl:
assert isinstance(line, py.builtin.text)
msg = py.builtin._totext('\n').join(expl)
assert msg
class TestFormatExplanation:
def test_special_chars_full(self, testdir):
# Issue 453, for the bug this would raise IndexError
def test_foo():
assert '\\n}' == ''
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert result.ret == 1
def test_fmt_simple(self):
expl = 'assert foo'
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == 'assert foo'
def test_fmt_where(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['assert 1',
'{1 = foo',
'} == 2'])
res = '\n'.join(['assert 1 == 2',
' + where 1 = foo'])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_and(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['assert 1',
'{1 = foo',
'} == 2',
'{2 = bar',
res = '\n'.join(['assert 1 == 2',
' + where 1 = foo',
' + and 2 = bar'])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_where_nested(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['assert 1',
'{1 = foo',
'{foo = bar',
'} == 2'])
res = '\n'.join(['assert 1 == 2',
' + where 1 = foo',
' + where foo = bar'])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_newline(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['assert "foo" == "bar"',
'~- foo',
'~+ bar'])
res = '\n'.join(['assert "foo" == "bar"',
' - foo',
' + bar'])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_newline_escaped(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['assert foo == bar',
res = 'assert foo == bar\\nbaz'
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_newline_before_where(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['the assertion message here',
'>assert 1',
'{1 = foo',
'} == 2',
'{2 = bar',
res = '\n'.join(['the assertion message here',
'assert 1 == 2',
' + where 1 = foo',
' + and 2 = bar'])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_fmt_multi_newline_before_where(self):
expl = '\n'.join(['the assertion',
'~message here',
'>assert 1',
'{1 = foo',
'} == 2',
'{2 = bar',
res = '\n'.join(['the assertion',
' message here',
'assert 1 == 2',
' + where 1 = foo',
' + and 2 = bar'])
assert util.format_explanation(expl) == res
def test_python25_compile_issue257(testdir):
def test_rewritten():
assert 1 == 2
# some comment
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert result.ret == 1
*E*assert 1 == 2*
*1 failed*
def test_rewritten(testdir):
def test_rewritten():
assert "@py_builtins" in globals()
assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0
def test_reprcompare_notin(mock_config):
detail = plugin.pytest_assertrepr_compare(
mock_config, 'not in', 'foo', 'aaafoobbb')[1:]
assert detail == ["'foo' is contained here:", ' aaafoobbb', '? +++']
def test_pytest_assertrepr_compare_integration(testdir):
def test_hello():
x = set(range(100))
y = x.copy()
assert x == y
result = testdir.runpytest()
"*def test_hello():*",
"*assert x == y*",
"*E*Extra items*left*",
def test_sequence_comparison_uses_repr(testdir):
def test_hello():
x = set("hello x")
y = set("hello y")
assert x == y
result = testdir.runpytest()
"*def test_hello():*",
"*assert x == y*",
"*E*Extra items*left*",
"*E*Extra items*right*",
def test_assert_compare_truncate_longmessage(monkeypatch, testdir):
def test_long():
a = list(range(200))
b = a[::2]
a = '\n'.join(map(str, a))
b = '\n'.join(map(str, b))
assert a == b
monkeypatch.delenv('CI', raising=False)
result = testdir.runpytest()
# without -vv, truncate the message showing a few diff lines only
"*- 1",
"*- 3",
"*- 5",
"*- 7",
"*truncated (193 more lines)*use*-vv*",
result = testdir.runpytest('-vv')
"*- 197",
monkeypatch.setenv('CI', '1')
result = testdir.runpytest()
"*- 197",
def test_assertrepr_loaded_per_dir(testdir):
testdir.makepyfile(test_base=['def test_base(): assert 1 == 2'])
a = testdir.mkdir('a')
a_test = a.join('test_a.py')
a_test.write('def test_a(): assert 1 == 2')
a_conftest = a.join('conftest.py')
a_conftest.write('def pytest_assertrepr_compare(): return ["summary a"]')
b = testdir.mkdir('b')
b_test = b.join('test_b.py')
b_test.write('def test_b(): assert 1 == 2')
b_conftest = b.join('conftest.py')
b_conftest.write('def pytest_assertrepr_compare(): return ["summary b"]')
result = testdir.runpytest()
'*def test_base():*',
'*E*assert 1 == 2*',
'*def test_a():*',
'*E*assert summary a*',
'*def test_b():*',
'*E*assert summary b*'])
def test_assertion_options(testdir):
def test_hello():
x = 3
assert x == 4
result = testdir.runpytest()
assert "3 == 4" in result.stdout.str()
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=plain")
assert "3 == 4" not in result.stdout.str()
def test_old_assert_mode(testdir):
def test_in_old_mode():
assert "@py_builtins" not in globals()
result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess("--assert=reinterp")
assert result.ret == 0
def test_triple_quoted_string_issue113(testdir):
def test_hello():
assert "" == '''
result = testdir.runpytest("--fulltrace")
"*1 failed*",
assert 'SyntaxError' not in result.stdout.str()
def test_traceback_failure(testdir):
p1 = testdir.makepyfile("""
def g():
return 2
def f(x):
assert x == g()
def test_onefails():
result = testdir.runpytest(p1, "--tb=long")
"*test_traceback_failure.py F",
"====* FAILURES *====",
" def test_onefails():",
"> f(3)",
"*test_*.py:6: ",
"_ _ _ *",
" def f(x):",
"> assert x == g()",
"E assert 3 == 2",
"E + where 2 = g()",
"*test_traceback_failure.py:4: AssertionError"
result = testdir.runpytest(p1) # "auto"
"*test_traceback_failure.py F",
"====* FAILURES *====",
" def test_onefails():",
"> f(3)",
"*test_*.py:6: ",
" def f(x):",
"> assert x == g()",
"E assert 3 == 2",
"E + where 2 = g()",
"*test_traceback_failure.py:4: AssertionError"
@pytest.mark.skipif("'__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names or sys.platform.startswith('java')" )
def test_warn_missing(testdir):
result = testdir.run(sys.executable, "-OO", "-m", "pytest", "-h")
"*WARNING*assert statements are not executed*",
result = testdir.run(sys.executable, "-OO", "-m", "pytest")
"*WARNING*assert statements are not executed*",
def test_recursion_source_decode(testdir):
def test_something():
python_files = *.py
result = testdir.runpytest("--collect-only")
def test_AssertionError_message(testdir):
def test_hello():
x,y = 1,2
assert 0, (x,y)
result = testdir.runpytest()
*def test_hello*
*assert 0, (x,y)*
*AssertionError: (1, 2)*
@pytest.mark.skipif(PY3, reason='This bug does not exist on PY3')
def test_set_with_unsortable_elements():
# issue #718
class UnsortableKey(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __lt__(self, other):
raise RuntimeError()
def __repr__(self):
return 'repr({0})'.format(self.name)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
left_set = set(UnsortableKey(str(i)) for i in range(1, 3))
right_set = set(UnsortableKey(str(i)) for i in range(2, 4))
expl = callequal(left_set, right_set, verbose=True)
# skip first line because it contains the "construction" of the set, which does not have a guaranteed order
expl = expl[1:]
dedent = textwrap.dedent("""
Extra items in the left set:
Extra items in the right set:
Full diff (fallback to calling repr on each item):
- repr(1)
+ repr(3)
assert '\n'.join(expl) == dedent
def test_diff_newline_at_end(monkeypatch, testdir):
def test_diff():
assert 'asdf' == 'asdf\n'
result = testdir.runpytest()
*assert 'asdf' == 'asdf\n'
* - asdf
* + asdf
* ? +