485 lines
18 KiB
485 lines
18 KiB
import py
class RestdocPlugin:
def pytest_addoption(self, parser):
group = parser.addgroup("ReST", "ReST documentation check options")
group.addoption('-R', '--urlcheck',
action="store_true", dest="urlcheck", default=False,
help="urlopen() remote links found in ReST text files.")
group.addoption('--urltimeout', action="store", metavar="secs",
type="int", dest="urlcheck_timeout", default=5,
help="timeout in seconds for remote urlchecks")
action="store_true", dest="forcegen", default=False,
help="force generation of html files.")
def pytest_collect_file(self, path, parent):
if path.ext == ".txt":
project = getproject(path)
if project is not None:
return ReSTFile(path, parent=parent, project=project)
def getproject(path):
for parent in path.parts(reverse=True):
confrest = parent.join("confrest.py")
if confrest.check():
Project = confrest.pyimport().Project
return Project(parent)
class ReSTFile(py.test.collect.File):
def __init__(self, fspath, parent, project=None):
super(ReSTFile, self).__init__(fspath=fspath, parent=parent)
if project is None:
project = getproject(fspath)
assert project is not None
self.project = project
def collect(self):
return [
ReSTSyntaxTest(self.project, "ReSTSyntax", parent=self),
LinkCheckerMaker("checklinks", parent=self),
DoctestText("doctest", parent=self),
def deindent(s, sep='\n'):
leastspaces = -1
lines = s.split(sep)
for line in lines:
if not line.strip():
spaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if leastspaces == -1 or spaces < leastspaces:
leastspaces = spaces
if leastspaces == -1:
return s
for i, line in py.builtin.enumerate(lines):
if not line.strip():
lines[i] = ''
lines[i] = line[leastspaces:]
return sep.join(lines)
class ReSTSyntaxTest(py.test.collect.Item):
def __init__(self, project, *args, **kwargs):
super(ReSTSyntaxTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.project = project
def metainfo(self):
return self.fspath, None, "syntax check"
def runtest(self):
def restcheck(self, path):
from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
self._checkskip(path, self.project.get_htmloutputpath(path))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except SystemMessage:
# we assume docutils printed info on stdout
py.test.fail("docutils processing failed, see captured stderr")
def register_linkrole(self):
from py.__.rest import directive
directive.register_linkrole('api', self.resolve_linkrole)
directive.register_linkrole('source', self.resolve_linkrole)
# XXX fake sphinx' "toctree" and refs
directive.register_linkrole('ref', self.resolve_linkrole)
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
def toctree_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
return []
toctree_directive.content = 1
toctree_directive.options = {'maxdepth': int, 'glob': directives.flag,
'hidden': directives.flag}
directives.register_directive('toctree', toctree_directive)
def register_pygments(self):
# taken from pygments-main/external/rst-directive.py
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
except ImportError:
def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
return []
# The default formatter
DEFAULT = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)
# Add name -> formatter pairs for every variant you want to use
# 'linenos': HtmlFormatter(noclasses=INLINESTYLES, linenos=True),
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, TextLexer
def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
except ValueError:
# no lexer found - use the text one instead of an exception
lexer = TextLexer()
# take an arbitrary option if more than one is given
formatter = options and VARIANTS[options.keys()[0]] or DEFAULT
parsed = highlight(u'\n'.join(content), lexer, formatter)
return [nodes.raw('', parsed, format='html')]
pygments_directive.arguments = (1, 0, 1)
pygments_directive.content = 1
pygments_directive.options = dict([(key, directives.flag) for key in VARIANTS])
directives.register_directive('sourcecode', pygments_directive)
def resolve_linkrole(self, name, text, check=True):
apigen_relpath = self.project.apigen_relpath
if name == 'api':
if text == 'py':
return ('py', apigen_relpath + 'api/index.html')
assert text.startswith('py.'), (
'api link "%s" does not point to the py package') % (text,)
dotted_name = text
if dotted_name.find('(') > -1:
dotted_name = dotted_name[:text.find('(')]
# remove pkg root
path = dotted_name.split('.')[1:]
dotted_name = '.'.join(path)
obj = py
if check:
for chunk in path:
obj = getattr(obj, chunk)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError(
'problem with linkrole :api:`%s`: can not resolve '
'dotted name %s' % (text, dotted_name,))
return (text, apigen_relpath + 'api/%s.html' % (dotted_name,))
elif name == 'source':
assert text.startswith('py/'), ('source link "%s" does not point '
'to the py package') % (text,)
relpath = '/'.join(text.split('/')[1:])
if check:
pkgroot = py.__pkg__.getpath()
abspath = pkgroot.join(relpath)
assert pkgroot.join(relpath).check(), (
'problem with linkrole :source:`%s`: '
'path %s does not exist' % (text, relpath))
if relpath.endswith('/') or not relpath:
relpath += 'index.html'
relpath += '.html'
return (text, apigen_relpath + 'source/%s' % (relpath,))
elif name == 'ref':
return ("", "")
def _checkskip(self, lpath, htmlpath=None):
if not self.config.getvalue("forcegen"):
lpath = py.path.local(lpath)
if htmlpath is not None:
htmlpath = py.path.local(htmlpath)
if lpath.ext == '.txt':
htmlpath = htmlpath or lpath.new(ext='.html')
if htmlpath.check(file=1) and htmlpath.mtime() >= lpath.mtime():
py.test.skip("html file is up to date, use --forcegen to regenerate")
#return [] # no need to rebuild
class DoctestText(py.test.collect.Item):
def metainfo(self):
return self.fspath, None, "doctest"
def runtest(self):
content = self._normalize_linesep()
newcontent = self.config.api.pytest_doctest_prepare_content(content=content)
if newcontent is not None:
content = newcontent
s = content
l = []
prefix = '.. >>> '
mod = py.std.types.ModuleType(self.fspath.purebasename)
skipchunk = False
for line in deindent(s).split('\n'):
stripped = line.strip()
if skipchunk and line.startswith(skipchunk):
print "skipping", line
skipchunk = False
if stripped.startswith(prefix):
exec py.code.Source(stripped[len(prefix):]).compile() in \
except ValueError, e:
if e.args and e.args[0] == "skipchunk":
skipchunk = " " * (len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
docstring = "\n".join(l)
mod.__doc__ = docstring
failed, tot = py.compat.doctest.testmod(mod, verbose=1)
if failed:
py.test.fail("doctest %s: %s failed out of %s" %(
self.fspath, failed, tot))
def _normalize_linesep(self):
# XXX quite nasty... but it works (fixes win32 issues)
s = self.fspath.read()
linesep = '\n'
if '\r' in s:
if '\n' not in s:
linesep = '\r'
linesep = '\r\n'
s = s.replace(linesep, '\n')
return s
class LinkCheckerMaker(py.test.collect.Collector):
def collect(self):
return list(self.genlinkchecks())
def genlinkchecks(self):
path = self.fspath
# generating functions + args as single tests
timeout = self.config.getvalue("urlcheck_timeout")
for lineno, line in py.builtin.enumerate(path.readlines()):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('.. _'):
if line.startswith('.. _`'):
delim = '`:'
delim = ':'
l = line.split(delim, 1)
if len(l) != 2:
tryfn = l[1].strip()
name = "%s:%d" %(tryfn, lineno)
if tryfn.startswith('http:') or tryfn.startswith('https'):
if self.config.getvalue("urlcheck"):
yield CheckLink(name, parent=self,
args=(tryfn, path, lineno, timeout), callobj=urlcheck)
elif tryfn.startswith('webcal:'):
i = tryfn.find('#')
if i != -1:
checkfn = tryfn[:i]
checkfn = tryfn
if checkfn.strip() and (1 or checkfn.endswith('.html')):
yield CheckLink(name, parent=self,
args=(tryfn, path, lineno), callobj=localrefcheck)
class CheckLink(py.test.collect.Function):
def metainfo(self, basedir=None):
return (self.fspath, self._args[2], "checklink: %s" % self._args[0])
def setup(self):
def teardown(self):
def urlcheck(tryfn, path, lineno, TIMEOUT_URLOPEN):
old = py.std.socket.getdefaulttimeout()
print "trying remote", tryfn
except (py.std.urllib2.URLError, py.std.urllib2.HTTPError), e:
if getattr(e, 'code', None) in (401, 403): # authorization required, forbidden
py.test.skip("%s: %s" %(tryfn, str(e)))
py.test.fail("remote reference error %r in %s:%d\n%s" %(
tryfn, path.basename, lineno+1, e))
def localrefcheck(tryfn, path, lineno):
# assume it should be a file
i = tryfn.find('#')
if tryfn.startswith('javascript:'):
return # don't check JS refs
if i != -1:
anchor = tryfn[i+1:]
tryfn = tryfn[:i]
anchor = ''
fn = path.dirpath(tryfn)
ishtml = fn.ext == '.html'
fn = ishtml and fn.new(ext='.txt') or fn
print "filename is", fn
if not fn.check(): # not ishtml or not fn.check():
if not py.path.local(tryfn).check(): # the html could be there
py.test.fail("reference error %r in %s:%d" %(
tryfn, path.basename, lineno+1))
if anchor:
source = unicode(fn.read(), 'latin1')
source = source.lower().replace('-', ' ') # aehem
anchor = anchor.replace('-', ' ')
match2 = ".. _`%s`:" % anchor
match3 = ".. _%s:" % anchor
candidates = (anchor, match2, match3)
print "candidates", repr(candidates)
for line in source.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if line in candidates:
py.test.fail("anchor reference error %s#%s in %s:%d" %(
tryfn, anchor, path.basename, lineno+1))
# PLUGIN tests
def test_generic(plugintester):
def test_deindent():
assert deindent('foo') == 'foo'
assert deindent('foo\n bar') == 'foo\n bar'
assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == 'foo\nbar\n'
assert deindent(' foo\n\n bar\n') == 'foo\n\nbar\n'
assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == 'foo\n bar\n'
assert deindent(' foo\n bar\n') == ' foo\nbar\n'
class TestApigenLinkRole:
disabled = True
# these tests are moved here from the former py/doc/conftest.py
def test_resolve_linkrole(self):
from py.__.doc.conftest import get_apigen_relpath
apigen_relpath = get_apigen_relpath()
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.foo.bar', False) == (
'py.foo.bar', apigen_relpath + 'api/foo.bar.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.foo.bar()', False) == (
'py.foo.bar()', apigen_relpath + 'api/foo.bar.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py', False) == (
'py', apigen_relpath + 'api/index.html')
py.test.raises(AssertionError, 'resolve_linkrole("api", "foo.bar")')
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/foo/bar.py', False) == (
'py/foo/bar.py', apigen_relpath + 'source/foo/bar.py.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/foo/', False) == (
'py/foo/', apigen_relpath + 'source/foo/index.html')
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/', False) == (
'py/', apigen_relpath + 'source/index.html')
py.test.raises(AssertionError, 'resolve_linkrole("source", "/foo/bar/")')
def test_resolve_linkrole_check_api(self):
assert resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.test.ensuretemp')
py.test.raises(AssertionError, "resolve_linkrole('api', 'py.foo.baz')")
def test_resolve_linkrole_check_source(self):
assert resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/path/common.py')
"resolve_linkrole('source', 'py/foo/bar.py')")
def pytest_funcarg__testdir(request):
testdir = request.call_next_provider()
testdir.makepyfile(confrest="from py.__.misc.rest import Project")
count = 0
for p in testdir.plugins:
if isinstance(p, RestdocPlugin):
count += 1
assert count < 2
return testdir
class TestDoctest:
def test_doctest_extra_exec(self, testdir):
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x="""
.. >>> raise ValueError
>>> None
sorter = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 1
def test_doctest_basic(self, testdir):
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x="""
>>> from os.path import abspath
hello world
>>> assert abspath
>>> i=3
>>> print i
yes yes
>>> i
sorter = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert passed + skipped == 2
def test_doctest_eol(self, testdir):
ytxt = testdir.maketxtfile(y=".. >>> 1 + 1\r\n 2\r\n\r\n")
sorter = testdir.inline_run(ytxt)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert passed + skipped == 2
def test_doctest_indentation(self, testdir):
footxt = testdir.maketxtfile(foo=
'..\n >>> print "foo\\n bar"\n foo\n bar\n')
sorter = testdir.inline_run(footxt)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert skipped + passed == 2
def test_js_ignore(self, testdir):
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(xtxt="""
.. _`blah`: javascript:some_function()
sorter = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 0
assert skipped + passed == 3
def test_pytest_doctest_prepare_content(self, testdir):
l = []
class MyPlugin:
def pytest_doctest_prepare_content(self, content):
return content.replace("False", "True")
xtxt = testdir.maketxtfile(x="""
>>> 2 == 2
sorter = testdir.inline_run(xtxt)
assert len(l) == 1
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert passed >= 1
assert not failed
assert skipped <= 1